Discussion Zone – 10 June 2017

Hello Aspirants
This is a live quiz page. Discuss any of the topics below in the comment section:

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning
  • English
  • Banking Awareness
  • Current Awareness
  • Computer

Share the page with your friends too to take the full advantage. Group study will help you retain things in mind. Happy learning. ?

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926 Thoughts to “Discussion Zone – 10 June 2017”

  1. PRADEEP $K$

    hello every111111…gud+ nyc+ evng 2 all;))

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


      1. PRADEEP $K$

        / sster

    2. Ambika

      ge bro 🙂

      1. PRADEEP $K$

        ge sster…:)

    3. purvi

      ge bro 🙂

    4. !!! m@umit@ !!!

      aapka BOB pe hua hain??

      1. PRADEEP $K$

        dia hi nhi sster…:))

        1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


  2. Suraj

    Good Evening!!!!! Will start in 5 minutes!!!!!

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!

      GE sir..:-))

    2. Ambika

      ge mam 🙂

      1. purvi

        hey sis

          1. Ambika


            hello swadha

          2. ~~~S~~~

            check ur mail plz

          3. ~~~S~~~

            ok thank u

    3. purvi

      ge sir 🙂

    4. Ambika

      ge sir 🙂

    5. PRADEEP $K$

      ge sir..:)

    6. Destiny : Ultimate

      Good evening sir 🙂

  3. Suraj

    Replace the bold word

    India has set its path on digitization as more digital technologies are being used to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities.

    No improvement

      1. PRADEEP $K$

        hiii modi sir…..kaam chod k quizz mn shaaamil gud modi sir…;)))

        1. DhOkLu

          aap sb hi to desh ka bhavisya ho ….to socha thoda tym aapke sath nikal lu

          1. PRADEEP $K$

            but sir hmra bhavishya to aap se juda h……;)))

          2. DhOkLu

            hum jaroor kuch krenge aap sb k liye………

          3. PRADEEP $K$

            haaa sir O_O

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. Suraj


      The word ‘digitization’ means ‘the process of changing from analog to digital form’ and digitalization means ‘the process of moving to a digital business’. Since the given sentence is talking about digital technologies, option 3 is the best fit answer.

  4. Suraj

    The Indian banking sector has seen unpreceding growth along with remarkable improvement in its quality of assets and efficiency since economic liberalisation began in the early 1990s.
    • Preceding
    • Unprecedented
    • Ascendancy
    • Bungle
    • No improvement

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. Suraj

      The word ‘unpreceding’ needs to be replaced as there is no such word. The correct word here would be ‘unprecedented’ which means ‘unparralleled’ or ‘unequalled’.

      Preceding => coming before in order or position.
      Ascendancy => dominance or superiority
      Bungle => doing something hastily

      None of these words can replace the phrase but option 2.

    3. Destiny : Ultimate


  5. Suraj

    Due to the new steps of the Government for some companies, the domestic market will unfold substantial opportunities to experiment and succeed.
    • Substantive
    • Substandard
    • Substrate
    • Subsequent
    • No improvement

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. PRADEEP $K$


    3. Suraj

      The word ‘substantial’ means ‘very important and necessary’ which can be easily replaced with other words mentioned here.

      The word ‘substantive’ means ‘having a firm basis in reality’ or ‘meaningful’ which can replace the highlighted word and convey a better meaning.

      The word ‘substandard’ means ‘below the standard’ thus cannot be used here. The word ‘substrate’ means ‘an underlying substance or layer’ and ‘subsequent’ means ‘coming after something in time’. Thus they are rejected.

    4. Destiny : Ultimate


  6. Suraj

    To have such a curmudgeon insurance advisor feels disturbed to explain the same policy twice, is a difficult thing to handle.
    • Currmugeon
    • Curmudgeon
    • Curmegeon
    • Curmudgion
    • No improvement

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!

      aa ??

    2. Saurav Maji

      no impr

    3. PRADEEP $K$


      1. PRADEEP $K$

        but 2?????

    4. Suraj


      The word ‘curmudgeon’ which means ‘an ill tempered person’ has been spelt here incorrectly. Thus option 2 carries the correct answer.

  7. Suraj

    The speeding man tried to decelerate his car as he saw the policeman standing on the road but was fined.
    • Decelarate
    • Deccalarate
    • Decelerate
    • Decellerate
    • No improvement

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. Destiny : Ultimate


    3. Suraj

      E/C The word ‘decelerate’ which means to slow down or reduce the speed of something’ has been incorrectly spelt here. Thus option 3 is the correct answer.

    4. PRADEEP $K$


  8. Suraj

    Does not Sheela scored a (1)/ first class in her degree of (2)/ digital marketing then how did (3)/ she get rejected in the interview?(4)/ No error (5)

    1. Me -->PO-->Janu™ (2017)


    2. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    3. PRADEEP $K$


    4. Destiny : Ultimate


    5. Suraj

      The error lies in part 1 of the sentence as the verb ‘does not’ is used but the sentence is in past tense. So the correct statement will be ‘Didn’t Sheela score a first class..’

  9. Suraj

    Currently under the leadership of Kim Il Sung, North Korea is the most (1)/ isolated and less globalized country in (2)/ the world, also famous for its absolute rejection (3)/ of foreign investment and discouragement of foreign visits.(4)/ No error (5)

    1. PRADEEP $K$


    2. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    3. Saurav Maji

      least globalized

    4. Destiny : Ultimate


    5. Suraj


      The error lies in part 2 wherein the two adjectives used ‘isolated’ and ‘globalized’ must be in the same degree of comparison. SO we need to change ‘less’ to ‘least’. The correct sentence will be ‘North Korea is the most isolated and least globalized country…’.

  10. Suraj


    Putting more focus on children’s learning,(1)/ the company wants to publish a 6-part lesson (2)/ plan for 4-6 grade teachers, which would be available (3)/ for download as a pdf from the game’s website. (4)

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. M@nish...


    3. Destiny : Ultimate


    4. Suraj

      Putting=> To put
      The error lies in part 1 of the sentence as the participle form of the verb ‘put’ is incorrect here and it needs to be replaced with ‘to put’ to make the sentence grammatically correct

      1. Player

        sir parallalism rule will not follow ??

  11. Suraj

    Scarcely had they (1)/ stepped out into the (2)/ garden than it (3)/ began to rain. (4)/ No error (5)

        1. PRADEEP $K$

          before also

    1. PRADEEP $K$


    2. Destiny : Ultimate


    3. kumkum ahuja


    4. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    5. Suraj

      The error lies in part 3 of the sentence as with ‘scarcely’ the correct word to be used is ‘when’ and not ‘than’. The sentence should read as : ’…garden when it began to rain.’

      1. PRADEEP $K$

        before also sir??

  12. Suraj


    Since the late nineteenth century during the regime of President Porfirio Díaz, USA (1)/ and Mexico had close diplomatic and economic ties and during Díaz’s long (2)/ presidency, Mexico was opened to foreign investment and U.S. (3) entrepreneurs invested in ranching and agricultural enterprises and mining.(4)/ No error (5)

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. Destiny : Ultimate


    3. Suraj


      The error lies in part 2 of the sentence as the verb ‘had’ is incorrect and needs to be replaced with ‘have had’ to make the sentence correct and convey the correct sense of time. It should read as:’..Mexico have had close diplomatic..’

  13. Suraj

    will do a cloze test now.. wait for 2 minutes

  14. Suraj

    __ (A) __ caged trials to demonstrate the efficiency of genetically __ (B) __ mosquitoes to suppress wild female Aedes aegypti mosquito populations that transmit dengue, chikungunya and Zika were launched in Dawalwadi, Badnapur, in Maharashtra’s Jalna district. The __ (C) __ in lab trials to kill offspring was over 99% and male mosquitoes imported from the U.K were able to mate with locally available wild female mosquitoes and the __ (D) __ of imported mosquitoes was the same as the wild ones. The technology uses genetically modified male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry a __ (E) __ lethal gene. When male GM mosquitoes mate with wild female mosquitoes the lethal gene is passed on to __ (F) __. The lethal gene in the offspring kills the larvae before they reach adulthood. Since male mosquitoes do not bite humans, the release of GM males will not __ (G) __ the risk of dengue, chikungunya and Zika.

    Which of the following words most appropriately fits the blank labeled (A)?

    1. Destiny : Ultimate


    2. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    3. Suraj

      A) Outdoor

      The word here would demonstrate the place where the experiment was carried out and not the degree of any experiment. Thus option 1 is the correct answer. The details of the method is not mentioned, so option 2 is irrelevant. Option 3 and 4 express the degree of something which is not required here. The word ‘genetically’ mentioned in the sentence gives us a hint that option 5 cannot be the word. It does not mean anything logically as well.

  15. Suraj

    __ (A) __ caged trials to demonstrate the efficiency of genetically __ (B) __ mosquitoes to suppress wild female Aedes aegypti mosquito populations that transmit dengue, chikungunya and Zika were launched in Dawalwadi, Badnapur, in Maharashtra’s Jalna district. The __ (C) __ in lab trials to kill offspring was over 99% and male mosquitoes imported from the U.K were able to mate with locally available wild female mosquitoes and the __ (D) __ of imported mosquitoes was the same as the wild ones. The technology uses genetically modified male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry a __ (E) __ lethal gene. When male GM mosquitoes mate with wild female mosquitoes the lethal gene is passed on to __ (F) __. The lethal gene in the offspring kills the larvae before they reach adulthood. Since male mosquitoes do not bite humans, the release of GM males will not __ (G) __ the risk of dengue, chikungunya and Zika.

    Which of the following words most appropriately fits the blank labeled (B)?

    1. Destiny : Ultimate


    2. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    3. Suraj

      B) Modified

      Option 4 and 5 are incorrect here as can be easily understood. The sentence should convey the meaning that the genes of the female mosquitoes were advanced/ altered. We need to select the correct word among option 1,2 and 3. There was no disease to be cured so option 3 is eliminated as the word ‘treated’ means ‘behaved towards or tended to’. The entire gene cannot be altered so option 1 is rejected. The word ‘modified’ fits the best.

  16. Suraj

    __ (A) __ caged trials to demonstrate the efficiency of genetically __ (B) __ mosquitoes to suppress wild female Aedes aegypti mosquito populations that transmit dengue, chikungunya and Zika were launched in Dawalwadi, Badnapur, in Maharashtra’s Jalna district. The __ (C) __ in lab trials to kill offspring was over 99% and male mosquitoes imported from the U.K were able to mate with locally available wild female mosquitoes and the __ (D) __ of imported mosquitoes was the same as the wild ones. The technology uses genetically modified male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry a __ (E) __ lethal gene. When male GM mosquitoes mate with wild female mosquitoes the lethal gene is passed on to __ (F) __. The lethal gene in the offspring kills the larvae before they reach adulthood. Since male mosquitoes do not bite humans, the release of GM males will not __ (G) __ the risk of dengue, chikungunya and Zika.

    Which of the following words most appropriately fits the blank labeled (C)?

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. Destiny : Ultimate


    3. Suraj

      D) Efficiency

      The sentence talks about the trials of the labs, so options 2 and 3 are incorrect here. The word ‘suppression’ means ‘subduing’ and ‘submission’ means ‘the action of accepting or yielding’. Only the word ‘rate’ is vague here. It cannot be ‘modification’ and ‘efficiency’ fits here the best. The efficiency rate has been mentioned in the passage.

  17. Suraj

    __ (A) __ caged trials to demonstrate the efficiency of genetically __ (B) __ mosquitoes to suppress wild female Aedes aegypti mosquito populations that transmit dengue, chikungunya and Zika were launched in Dawalwadi, Badnapur, in Maharashtra’s Jalna district. The __ (C) __ in lab trials to kill offspring was over 99% and male mosquitoes imported from the U.K were able to mate with locally available wild female mosquitoes and the __ (D) __ of imported mosquitoes was the same as the wild ones. The technology uses genetically modified male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry a __ (E) __ lethal gene. When male GM mosquitoes mate with wild female mosquitoes the lethal gene is passed on to __ (F) __. The lethal gene in the offspring kills the larvae before they reach adulthood. Since male mosquitoes do not bite humans, the release of GM males will not __ (G) __ the risk of dengue, chikungunya and Zika.

    Which of the following words most appropriately fits the blank labeled (D)?

    1. Destiny : Ultimate


    2. ~~~S~~~


    3. Saurav Maji


    4. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    5. Suraj

      C) Longetivity

      In this sentence a comparison is being made between the normal mosquitoes and the genetically treated ones. Option 1 and 2 do not convey any meaning. There is nothing mentioned in the passage where ‘strength’ is a factor so option 4 is eliminated. Since it is a comparison made, so ‘adaptation’ has nothing to do with the normal mosquitoes. Option 5 is rejected. The word ‘longetivity’ means ‘long existence or service’. It perfectly fits the blank space.

  18. Suraj

    __ (A) __ caged trials to demonstrate the efficiency of genetically __ (B) __ mosquitoes to suppress wild female Aedes aegypti mosquito populations that transmit dengue, chikungunya and Zika were launched in Dawalwadi, Badnapur, in Maharashtra’s Jalna district. The __ (C) __ in lab trials to kill offspring was over 99% and male mosquitoes imported from the U.K were able to mate with locally available wild female mosquitoes and the __ (D) __ of imported mosquitoes was the same as the wild ones. The technology uses genetically modified male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry a __ (E) __ lethal gene. When male GM mosquitoes mate with wild female mosquitoes the lethal gene is passed on to __ (F) __. The lethal gene in the offspring kills the larvae before they reach adulthood. Since male mosquitoes do not bite humans, the release of GM males will not __ (G) __ the risk of dengue, chikungunya and Zika.

    Which of the following words most appropriately fits the blank labeled (E)?

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. Destiny : Ultimate


    3. Suraj

      A) Dominant

      Since the gene is transferred and it plays a major role, so the word has to be ‘dominant’ which means ‘having power and influence over others’. Genes cannot be ‘regional’ or ‘selected’. The word ‘functional’ does not convey any meaning here. Similarly, ‘responsive’ is quite irrelevant here. Thus option 1 is the correct answer.

  19. Suraj

    __ (A) __ caged trials to demonstrate the efficiency of genetically __ (B) __ mosquitoes to suppress wild female Aedes aegypti mosquito populations that transmit dengue, chikungunya and Zika were launched in Dawalwadi, Badnapur, in Maharashtra’s Jalna district. The __ (C) __ in lab trials to kill offspring was over 99% and male mosquitoes imported from the U.K were able to mate with locally available wild female mosquitoes and the __ (D) __ of imported mosquitoes was the same as the wild ones. The technology uses genetically modified male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry a __ (E) __ lethal gene. When male GM mosquitoes mate with wild female mosquitoes the lethal gene is passed on to __ (F) __. The lethal gene in the offspring kills the larvae before they reach adulthood. Since male mosquitoes do not bite humans, the release of GM males will not __ (G) __ the risk of dengue, chikungunya and Zika.

    Which of the following words most appropriately fits the blank labeled (F)?
    Human being



    2. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    3. Destiny : Ultimate


    4. Suraj

      B) Offspring

      It can be well understood that genes of parents are transferred to the ‘offspring’ means ‘progeny or young ones’. The rest of the options are incorrect here as gene cannot transfer to ‘gene’ itself. ‘Human beings’ cannot get it from both the parent mosquitoes. So options 3 and 5 are irrelevant.

  20. Suraj

    __ (A) __ caged trials to demonstrate the efficiency of genetically __ (B) __ mosquitoes to suppress wild female Aedes aegypti mosquito populations that transmit dengue, chikungunya and Zika were launched in Dawalwadi, Badnapur, in Maharashtra’s Jalna district. The __ (C) __ in lab trials to kill offspring was over 99% and male mosquitoes imported from the U.K were able to mate with locally available wild female mosquitoes and the __ (D) __ of imported mosquitoes was the same as the wild ones. The technology uses genetically modified male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry a __ (E) __ lethal gene. When male GM mosquitoes mate with wild female mosquitoes the lethal gene is passed on to __ (F) __. The lethal gene in the offspring kills the larvae before they reach adulthood. Since male mosquitoes do not bite humans, the release of GM males will not __ (G) __ the risk of dengue, chikungunya and Zika.

    Which of the following words most appropriately fits the blank labeled (G)?

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. Destiny : Ultimate


    3. Suraj

      E) Increase

      Since the whole passage is on prevention of dengue so the word ‘increase’ fits the best here. It indicates that male mosquitoes do not bite so the danger is not increased. There is nothing to alter or change in a danger so option 1 and 2 can be eliminated. The word ‘deter’ means ‘to discourage’ which does not convey any meaning here. Nothing is here to be formed so option 4 is rejected.

  21. Suraj


    Twitter has rolled out a “data friendly” version of the (1)/ platform called Twitter Lite in India. The product used up to 70% less data (2)/ while loading 30% faster,(3)/ according to the company. (4)/ No error (5)

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!




    3. Destiny : Ultimate


    4. Suraj


      The product has just been launched => its usage will be judged by the consumers. Therefore, there is an error in 2). It should be: product uses upto or will use upto. Hence, Option 2) is the correct answer

  22. Suraj


    AT&T, Verizon and several other major advertisers are suspending their marketing campaigns (1)/ on Google’s YouTube website and the spreading (2)/ boycott confronts Google with a challenge (3)/ that threatens to cost it hundreds of millions dollars. (4)/ No error (5)

    1. Destiny : Ultimate




    3. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    4. Suraj


      The error is in 4). Hundreds of millions dollars is grammatically incorrect. It should be either hundreds of millions of dollars or several hundred million dollars. Hence, Option 4) is the correct answer.

  23. Suraj


    The growth recuperation of the economy visible in (1)/ high frequency indicators confirms that currency exchange-induced disruption was at best short lived; (2)/ with a swift pace (3)/ of remonetisation restoring economic normalcy faster then earlier anticipated. (4)/ No error (5)

    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. Destiny : Ultimate


      1. ~~~S~~~

        the best?

    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


    4. Suraj


    5. ~~~S~~~

      the best kyu nahi?

  24. Suraj


    The world’s largest democracy, India, and (1)/ the biggest country of area, Russia, are (2)/ celebrating the 70th anniversary of establishment of (3)/ diplomatic relations between them. (4)/ No error (5)

      1. Saurav Maji

        by area

    1. Destiny : Ultimate




    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


    4. Suraj

      Russia is the biggest country in terms of area or by area. Therefore, there is an error in 2) and it should be: the biggest country by area. Hence, Option 2) is the correct answer.

  25. Suraj


    Paytm’s e-marketplace, Paytm Mall,(1)/ is rolling out a new feature that (2)/ will allow consumers to place (3)/ online orders at physical stores using QR Code. (4)/ No error (5)

      1. Saurav Maji

        by using

    1. _/_

      rolling out=>rolled out


      order to

    3. Destiny : Ultimate


    4. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    5. ? Lovely (star) ???


      1. Saurav Maji

        sir by kiu nehi hoga???

      2. Player

        Paytm’s e-marketplace, Paytm Mall…..sir “are” ayega na ..in place of “is”

  26. Suraj

    FIll with same word
    I. The Headmistress was impressed that the overall result of the class under the new teacher was ______.
    II. In sub -Saharan Africa, the living conditions of a majority of the population are less than ______.


    1. Destiny : Ultimate


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    4. Suraj

      C) Satisfactory

      It is clear that the word which is required here should be an adjective that can be used to define the result of the class and also in a comparative sense in the second sentence. The second sentence requires a word in a negative context. Thus,‘excellent’ cannot be the right word. Among the remaining options, ‘satisfactory’ is more appropriate.

  27. Suraj

    Same Words

    I. The revolution gathered ________ after the civilians felt for the cause.

    II. The great ______ of his fall took both of them down and they were injured severely.


    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


      1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. Destiny : Ultimate


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


    4. Suraj

      B) Momentum
      The words ‘imperative’, ‘rapport’ , ‘following’ are clearly misfits in both the sentences. Among the remaining options, ‘momentum’ is the better fit as the word ‘strength’ cannot be used in the second sentence.

  28. M@nish...

    gn 🙂

  29. Suraj

    Same Word

    I. I want to take this business and make it a _______ firm in the market.

    II. The Chinese _____ is scheduled to arrive shortly for the meeting.


    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!




    3. Destiny : Ultimate


    4. ? Lovely (star) ???


    5. Suraj

      D) Premier

      The word ‘premier’ is the most appropriate option for both the blanks. It can be a noun denoting a prime minister of any country (as implied in the second sentence) as well as an adjective implying the first in status as implied in the first sentence.

  30. ? Lovely (star) ???

    itani jldi?

  31. Suraj

    Same Word

    I. Their parents decided not to wait and get them ______ as soon as possible.
    II. Whenever I try calling him, I get an _____ tone.




    2. Destiny : Ultimate


    3. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    4. ? Lovely (star) ???


    5. Suraj

      E) Engaged

      Among the given options, ‘engaged’ would refer to the ceremony of engagement preceding a wedding in the first sentence and would refer to the lines being busy in the second sentence. Hence, it is the most apt option amongst those given. ‘Busy’ can be used for the second sentence but not in the first one as you cannot decide to get busy.

  32. Suraj

    Same Word

    I. The ______ of the mission was to rescue the hostages.
    II. You need to take an _____ approach to study for this exam.


    1. !!! m@umit@ !!!


    2. Destiny : Ultimate


      1. Destiny : Ultimate


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


      1. Saurav Maji

        sir by QR code nehi hoga???

        1. Suraj

          using QR code bhi sahi hai.. by bhi sahi rahega to using ko error nhi keh sakte

      2. Player

        e-marketplace ,& mall alg alg h na

        1. Player

          accha ab acche se smjh aa gya.:p

        2. Player

          TQ for not upvoting me

          1. Player

            tum jyada pdfs mat diya karo….nhi to m becoming a lazy person :

          2. Player

            nhu abhi pending h mere pass bht jyada…unko bhi to krna h

      3. Suraj

        Subject kya hai aisme wo dekho: Subject is PAYTM MALL. Singular
        Paytm’s e-marketplace ka use hua hai to show that apytm mall is an entity of Paytm..

    4. Suraj

      D) Objective

      ‘Target’ and ‘conclusion’ fit in the first sentence, but not in the second. On the other hand, the word ‘logical’ fits in the second sentence but not the first one. ‘Litany’ is totally out of context. Hence, the correct answer would be the ‘objective’ since it is used to refer to the aim of the mission in the first sentence and refers to an unbiased way of study in the second sentence.

  33. Suraj

    Last Question – Sentence Rearrangement – Arrange and tell the Order

    (A) PwC Leader (indirect tax) Pratik Jain said the arrest provisions according to the revised model GST law may lead to undue harassment for traders.

    B) “In case of offences where the amount does not exceed Rs. 2 crore, the person arrested for violation of GST laws will be entitled to bail,” an official statement said, adding that the penal provisions in the GST will be less onerous than the provision in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for the same type of offences.

    C) To make the GST regime less onerous, the Centre and states have decided to water down the penal provisions to ensure a trader gets immediate bail if the alleged tax evasion is up to Rs. 2 crore.

    (D) “To start with, there should be a lighter penal provision for offences for at least two years as GST is a new tax regime and traders would need time to understand the law,” he said, concluding the press conference.

    E) The GST Council, at its last meeting, has decided that the provision of arrest will be restricted to forgery and non-deposit of collected taxes with the exchequer within the stipulated timeframe.

    F) Under the IPC 1860, forgery and cheating are non-bailable offences, which means that bail can only be granted by a court.

    1. Suraj

      The correct sequence is CEBFAD.

      C) is the first sentence as it introduces the topic of the new penal provisions for tax evasion. E) is the second sentence as it elaborates on the changes made in the provisions by the GST council. B) follows as it gives a tweak and sort of a relaxation in the law for people who break the law but at a small level. F) gives the explanation behind the bail clause mentioned in B) and therefore, comes after B). A) gives the take or the comments of a political leader and is the fifth sentence. D) concludes his comments and is the last sentence.

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      e b f

  34. Suraj

    Good Night !!!!! Keep learning !!!!!
    Improve yourself every day

    Practice Sets for upcoming exams

    Memory Based SBI PO 2017 Questions in PDF Format: http://aspirantszone.com/sbi-po-mains-exam-2017-memory-based-paper-pdf/

    Static GK Quiz for Upcoming Exams Set 71: http://aspirantszone.com/static-gk-questions-ibps-rrb-po-clerk/

    Quantitative Aptitude: Mixture and Alligation Questions Set 5: http://aspirantszone.com/mixture-and-alligation-concept-aptitude-question-shortcut-tricks/

    Current Affairs Quiz: June 10, 2017: http://aspirantszone.com/current-affairs-quiz-10-june-2017/

    Quantitative Aptitude: Permutations and Combinations Set 1 (From Basics): http://aspirantszone.com/permutations-combinations-basic-questions-explained/

    English: Sentence Fillers/Para Completion for SBI PO Set 4: http://aspirantszone.com/paragraph-completion-ibps-po-2017-exam/

    English: One Word Substitution Set 13: http://aspirantszone.com/one-word-substitution-for-ssc-cgl-tier-i-exam/

    Quantitative Aptitude: Data Interpretation Questions Set 37 (Missing DI): http://aspirantszone.com/data-interpretation-missing-di-ibps-po-2017-clerk/

    English Vocabulary Quiz- Set 52: http://aspirantszone.com/vocabulary-words-synonym-antonym-quiz-ibps-po/

    1. ~~~S~~~

      thank u sir 🙂

    2. Army.

      gud nyt sir..tomorrow timing?

      1. Army.

        nhi..ynha eng ki timing kya h?

    3. M@nish...

      thanks sir



    5. Destiny : Ultimate

      thanku sir
      good night :))

    6. Player

      thankuu sir 🙂

    7. ? Lovely (star) ???

      thanks gudnyt 🙂

    8. !!! m@umit@ !!!

      Thank u sir … GN..:))

  35. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ca quiz in 5 mints



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      1 hr karungi

  36. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Renu Satti will take over as the chief executive officer of _________Payments Bank

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  37. ? Lovely (star) ???

    the country’s first smart grid project, which will generate power from renewable sources of energy.
    Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
    Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology
    Indian Institutes of Management
    Indian Institutes of Technology



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  38. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ___________and Ahmedabad- based Space Application Centre (SAC) have inked a pact on data sharing and scientific cooperation in the field of meteorology and oceanology
    Indian Air force
    Indian Army
    Indian Navy



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      field of meteorology and oceanology navy keliye hote h na

  39. ? Lovely (star) ???

    NASA and ISRO to come together to inspect ‘oldest civilisation’ site in ____________
    Tamil Nadu



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  40. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . The Union Cabinet has given ex-post facto approval to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and ___________on Cooperation in Combating International Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  41. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The Union Cabinet has given its approval for signing and ratifying, an Agreement between India and ___________on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  42. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved the setting up of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) in _________
    Madya Pradesh



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  43. ? Lovely (star) ???

    On February, Which foreign bank has opened three completely automated branches in the US which do not employ any human?
    Deutsche Bank
    American Express
    Bank of America
    HSBC Bank



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  44. ? Lovely (star) ???

    2. India ranked ____ out of 45 nations in international Intellectual Property (IP) index





    3. ? Lovely (star) ???

      d)India remains near the bottom in an international Intellectual Property (IP) index by being ranked 43rd out of 45 countries, according to a report by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Intellectual Property Centre (GIPC). The report said it includes 90% of global gross domestic product, and grades countries on patents, trademarks, copyright, trade secrets, enforcement, and international treaties. Only two countries were ranked below India – Pakistan (44th) and Venezuela (45th).

  45. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Union Minister of State for Labour and Employment Bandaru Dattatraya participated in the two-day G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ meet held in __________
    South Africa



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  46. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The 2017 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) was observed on?
    May 15
    May 16
    May 17
    May 18



    2. _/_

      hypertension day also

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        oh ty 🙂

    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  47. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . HDFC Life has entered into a banc assurance tie-up with _____________to distribute its individual life insurance products to the private lender’s customers
    Federal Bank
    South Indian Bank
    Yes Bank
    Catholic Syrian Bank



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  48. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Rana Kapoor is the MD and CEO of _______________
    Yes Bank
    HDFC Bank
    Federal Bank
    Karnataka Bank



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  49. _/_

    which month ga?

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???

      may im posting banking awereness too

      1. Eku

        TIME IS UP TO?

        1. ? Lovely (star) ???

          10 pm

        2. PRADEEP $K$

          10 15

  50. ? Lovely (star) ???

    “The Changing Face of prosperity” is the tagline of ___________
    Karur Vysya Bank
    Lakshmi Vilas Bank
    Karnataka Bank
    South Indian Bank


      aaa/cc tukkka

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        dono tukka wrong 😛

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. PRADEEP $K$


      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        O_0 u in ca quiz

        1. PRADEEP $K$

          yes came to watch whts goin on here O_O hhehehe

  51. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . The Union Cabinet has cleared a proposal to build _____ indigenous Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      a)The Union Cabinet has cleared a proposal to build 10 indigenous Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors. Each reactor will have the capacity to produce 700 MW of electricity. A total of 7000 MW capacity will be added. It will help produce clean energy.

  52. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Expand CVVC?
    Current Verification Value Code
    Consumer Verification Value Code
    Card Verification Value Code
    Contact Verification Value Code



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      atm ke piche hota h vo code

      1. PRADEEP $K$

        yaaa mam


      ccc not sure

    4. ? Lovely (star) ???

      c)The CVV Number (“Card Verification Value”) on your credit card or debit card is a 3 digit number on VISA, MasterCard® and Discover branded credit and debit cards. On your American Express branded credit or debit card it is a 4 digit numeric code.

  53. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ICICI Bank headquarters located in ___________
    New Delhi


        hello ambuuu

        1. Ambika

          hi mayank 🙂

      2. PRADEEP $K$

        ooooo mod…



    2. PRADEEP $K$


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  54. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which state received orange alert – a warning for severe heat wave, across the state for next two days by India Meteorological Department?
    Tamil Nadu
    West Bengal

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        sory cc

      1. PRADEEP $K$

        ccc hai mod

        1. Ambika

          hmm 🙂

          1. PRADEEP $K$

            mn b kuch typical wale ydd h..:)

        2. Ambika

          or ques mujhe ata tha par mene dekha hi ni :p

  55. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . _______has been set up for exchange of credit information among its members
    EXIM Bank

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  56. ? Lovely (star) ???

    A worldwide financial messaging network which exchanges messages between banks and financial institutions is known as _________
    None of these

      1. Eku

        HI AMBE
        sbi clk will come?

        1. PRADEEP $K$

          nhi sr pkka nhi h

          1. Eku

            rt but are u live from sbi hq?

          2. PRADEEP $K$

            means??? sir

          3. PRADEEP $K$

            perhaps i wish i could

        2. Ambika

          not sure now ..will have to wait

    1. PRADEEP $K$


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  57. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which airport is set to become south India’s first airport to go 100% LED-lit?
    Chennai International Airport
    Cochin International Airport
    Bengaluru International Airport
    Rajiv Gandhi International Airport

    1. PRADEEP $K$


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      ddddThe Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA) in Hyderabad is set to become south India’s first airport to go 100% LED-lit. With the entire Taxiway Edge Lights converted from halogen lamps to energy efficient LEDs, the authorities claimed that 75% work on the project has been completed. Of the 26,000 conventional lamps at RGIA, over 19,500 have been converted into LED.

  58. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ____________foils piracy attempt on MV Lord Mountbatten in Gulf of Aden
    INS Sujata
    INS Sharda
    INS Sumitra
    INS Subhadra

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  59. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Who was conferred with the first Bhairon Singh Shekhawat Lifetime Achievement Honour in Public Service by President Pranab Mukherjee?
    Nithish Kumar
    Pinarayi Vijayan
    Chandrababu Naidu
    Pawan Kumar Chamling

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???



      ddd sikkim don

  60. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Forbes magazine has named ___________as the topmost among its “Global Game Changers” who are transforming their industries and changing the lives of billions around the world
    Ratan Tata
    Azim Premji
    Mukesh Ambani
    Dilip Shanghvi


      ccccc simple

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  61. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Which railway station in Andhra Pradesh is the cleanest among the country’s 75 busiest stations, according to a survey report released by Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu?
    Visakhapatnam railway station
    Mumbai railway station
    Delhi railway station
    Chennai railway station



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  62. ? Lovely (star) ???

    FICCI predicted India’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth will be around _____ for fiscal 2017-18



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  63. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which country is considering the use of India-manufactured Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) with the voter verifiable paper audit trail for its 2019 general elections?



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  64. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The 17th session of BIMSTEC senior officials’ meeting held at ________
    New Delhi, India
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    Kathmandu, Nepal
    Bangkok, Thailand



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. PRADEEP $K$


  65. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Finance Commission is included in of Indian Constitution ___________
    Article 280
    Article 360
    Article 220
    Article 150

    1. Eku


      1. ? Lovely (star) ???


          1. ? Lovely (star) ???

            np cool


        kis baat ki kushi beee

        1. Eku

          baap bn gaya haha

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  66. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Rakesh Sharma is the MD and CEO of _______________
    Syndicate Bank
    Oriental Bank of Commerce
    Canara Bank
    IDBI Bank

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  67. PRADEEP $K$

    kya hua??

  68. ? Lovely (star) ???

    “Good people to bank with “is the tagline of ___________
    Corporation Bank
    Union Bank of India
    Vijaya Bank
    IDBI Bank

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???



    वो दरिया ही नहीं जिसमे नहीं रवानी जब जोश ही नहीं तो फिर किस काम की है जवानी
    सिकंदर हालात के आगे नहीं झुकता, तारा टूट भी जाए जमीन पर नहीं गिरता अरे गिरते है हजारो दरिया समुंदर मे पर कभी कोई समुंदर किसी दरिया मे नहीं गिरता
    नाम ही खो दोगे तो किधर जाओगे और पहचान ही खो दोगे तो बिखर जाओगे
    बीज बो दो फूल खिलकर चमन को बहार देंगे और दिशा दे दो ये नौजवान मिलकर राष्ट्र को सवार देंगे
    उसूलों पे आंच आए तो टकराना ज़रूरी है और ज़िंदा हो तो ज़िंदा नज़र आना जरूरी है
    सभी को सभी कुछ हासिल नहीं मिलता नदी की हर लहर को साहिल नहीं मिलता ये दिल वालों की दुनिया है अजब है दास्तान इसकी किसी से दिल नहीं मिलता ओर कोई दिल से नहीं मिलता
    बुलबुलों के पंखो मे बंधे हुए कभी बाज़ नहीं रहते,
    बुझदिलो और कायरो के हाथ कभी राज़ नहीं रहते

  70. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Expand UPI?
    Uniform Payments Interface
    Unified Payments Internet
    Unified Payments Interface
    Union Payments Interface



      1. _/_

        soch smjh ke bro ans kiya kro

        1. MAYANK BHARADWAJ100%

          today i feel very depressed and hestant

          1. MAYANK BHARADWAJ100%

            inspire kar na mitra

          2. PRADEEP $K$

            be +ve
            think +ve
            live +ve
            but dont test +ve

          3. MAYANK BHARADWAJ100%

            in mock test only 52 marks

          4. MAYANK BHARADWAJ100%

            sorry yaar ajj bolane ka mood nahi busssssss

          5. PRADEEP $K$

            bhai aap st mn 52 mark aaye isye udaas ho ????

          6. MAYANK BHARADWAJ100%


          7. MAYANK BHARADWAJ100%

            topper 179 comparatively very low na thts why

          8. PRADEEP $K$

            bhai mere hisab se mock test srf practice k liye hna chaiye bs agr usme udaas hok baite ho then u r wasting ur tym…. bro…:)))

          9. PRADEEP $K$

            usse srf seekna h bs aur kuch nhi usme top krne ki schoge then real exam mn knocked out ho jaaoge bro,…;))

          10. MAYANK BHARADWAJ100%

            ys u right



    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  71. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Bank of India headquarters located in ___________

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  72. ? Lovely (star) ???

    On February, Gaurav Kapur has been appointed as the chief economist of the ___________ bank

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  73. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Aravind Kumar Rengan has been awarded the prestigious Indian National Science Academy (INSA) award in the Young Scientist category for 2017, he is a professor in__________________
    Indian Institute of Technology – Madras
    Indian Institute of Technology – Delhi
    Indian Institute of Technology – Hyderabad
    Indian Institute of Technology – Kanpur

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  74. ? Lovely (star) ???

    RBI has asked banks to follow the instructions of government organisation CERT-In to prevent the attack by ransomware, Expand CERT-In?
    Control Emergency Response Team – India
    Computer Emergency Response Team – India
    Computer Emergency Recovery Team – India
    Computer Effect Response Team – India



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  75. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Minister for Information & Broadcasting Shri M.Venkaiah Naidu has announced a separate 24×7 DD channel for the state of _______________ recently

    1. Eku


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  76. Eku

    ty lovely ggg
    i hv to go

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???

      ok gn 🙂

  77. ? Lovely (star) ???

    _____________________has collaborated with the British Geological Survey to turn Varanasi into a smart city
    Indian Institute of Technology – Kharagpur
    Indian Institute of Technology – Hyderabad
    Indian Institute of Technology – Guwahati

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  78. ? Lovely (star) ???

    India has been placed in the _______spot in the renewable energy country attractiveness index by EY

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  79. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which country plans to launch its most powerful rocket that is capable of transporting a heavier 4-tonne communications satellite and described as a “game-changer”?



    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  80. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Rifath Sharook, an 18-year-old student from____________, has developed what he claims is the world’s smallest and lightest satellite, whose satellite will be launched by NASA in June
    Andra Pradesh
    Tamil Nadu

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???



    sorry ajj mood nahi
    लोगों ने मुझमें
    इतनी ‘कमियां’ निकाल दी,
    कि अब ‘खूबियों’ के सिवाय
    मेरे पास कुछ बचा ही नहीं:p..Gn all:))??☺☺

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???

      gn bye

  82. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Which country declares state of emergency over cholera outbreak?

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  83. ? Lovely (star) ???

    @R@disqus_mfz67me62G:disqus WHAT TO DO ? OR SHAL I STOP?

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  84. ? Lovely (star) ???

    _________has launched a communications satellite for Inmarsat, marking its first launch for the London-based mobile broadband company

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  85. _/_


    1. ? Lovely (star) ???

      no my mouse got strucked sorry

  86. ? Lovely (star) ???

    India ended the Asian Wrestling Championship with _____ medals

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  87. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . The 112-feet tall bust of ‘Adiyogi’ Lord Shiva at the Isha Yoga Foundation in ___________ has been declared the world’s largest bust by the Guinness Book of World Records
    Uttar Pradesh
    Tamil Nadu
    Andra pradesh

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  88. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which city is set to become the country’s first city to get a fleet of electric cabs?

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  89. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Minister for Health and Family Welfare J P Nadda has launched new Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine, PCV, for Pneumonia in _____________
    Himachal Pradesh

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  90. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The Central Statistics Office (CSO), under Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, revised the base year of the all-India Index of Industrial Production (IIP) from 2004-05 to _________

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  91. ? Lovely (star) ???

    India’s first contactless business credit card has been launched by __________in association with Jet Airways, India premier international airline
    Yes Bank
    Axis Bank
    HDFC Bank
    d) ICICI Bank

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  92. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Who has bagged the prestigious Florence Nightingale award 2017?
    Krishna Kumari
    Priya Kumari
    Brindha Kumari
    Divya Kumari

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  93. ? Lovely (star) ???

    World Health Organization (WHO) has declared an Ebola outbreak in ___________
    Czech Republic
    Republic of the Congo
    South Africa

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  94. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated the two-day second meeting of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) in ____________
    New Delhi

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  95. ? Lovely (star) ???

    India’s first ‘Roti Bank’ to feed the destitute is set to come up in __________

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  96. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Who is the new Prime Minister of France?
    Benoist Apparu
    Bruno Le Maire
    Gilles Boyer
    Edouard Philippe

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  97. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The International Day of Families was observed on?
    May 13
    May 14
    May 15
    May 16

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  98. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Who won the Spanish Grand Prix title 2017?
    Sebastian Vettel
    Daniel Ricciardo
    Lewis Hamilton
    Nico Rosberg

    1. _/_


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  99. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Indian dairy cooperative Amul will sponsor the ___________cricket team for the upcoming Champions Trophy in England
    New Zealand
    Sri Lanka

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


      1. ? Lovely (star) ???


    2. PRADEEP $K$

      aaaaaa h

  100. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Who become the first ever Indian to win a race in the GP3 Series?
    Arjun Maini
    Prakash Kumar
    c) Anand Krsihnan
    d) Adiyta Gowtham

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  101. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which team became the first team in history to win 100 T20 matches?
    Kolkata Knight Riders
    Mumbai Indians
    Bangalore Royal Challengers
    Hyderabad Sunrisers

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  102. ? Lovely (star) ???

    thats all for today tommorow may 13 to 10 th and banking

    1. _/_

      today which date u done?

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        17th to 14th

    2. PRADEEP $K$

      / mam

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        lol 😛

        1. PRADEEP $K$

          means thanks…;)))

          1. ? Lovely (star) ???

            ha ok but y mam ?

          2. PRADEEP $K$

            for quizzzzz

    3. _/_

      kl 9 pm hogi quizzzzzzzzzzzzzz????????///

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        ha englisg quiz ke baad

    4. K!nG Iz B!nG

      Ty ty mam???

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???


        1. K!nG Iz B!nG

          Abi pda nhi h ga so dekh rha tha bs….??

          1. ? Lovely (star) ???

            ok ok

    5. ↩⬆↪EKLAVYA ↩⬆↪

      Mai aaya abhi
      Lovely g tmrw ka bata do

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        diya h na may 10th to 13th ka karuni after eng quiz

        1. ↩⬆↪EKLAVYA ↩⬆↪

          Eng kbseeeeeeeeee
          Abhi mai LAPY se tha
          Chala gya thori der k liye
          Aapne quiz end krdi
          Apne 10 15 bola hme
          Uffff lovely gg

          1. ? Lovely (star) ???

            arey nahi mei tho yehi time pe karti hu vo tho mayak ka banking quiz tha

          2. ↩⬆↪EKLAVYA ↩⬆↪

            But tyyyyyy ggg
            Gd nt again :-))

          3. ? Lovely (star) ???

            ok gn 🙂

  103. ? Lovely (star) ???

    kal sunday h na i forgot 😛 kal nae hogato on monday ok
    mostly i will do

    1. K!nG Iz B!nG

      Thn kl kya hoga

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        nae ghar mei sab hote h na papa bhai kam hota h evening mei so

        1. K!nG Iz B!nG


    2. ↩⬆↪EKLAVYA ↩⬆↪

      Sunday for unemployed

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        ya but mere papa aur bhai ka holiday hota h 😛

        1. ↩⬆↪EKLAVYA ↩⬆↪

          Uffff bhaiya g ko boliye
          Bhabhiji ko lane ??

          1. ? Lovely (star) ???

            haha 😛

          2. ↩⬆↪EKLAVYA ↩⬆↪


      2. PRADEEP $K$

        sster ne commitment de di h…;)) day after tommomorw means day after tommorow…:)))

        1. ↩⬆↪EKLAVYA ↩⬆↪

          Gggggg guru DEV
          Gd nt

          1. PRADEEP $K$

            naaa ther jaao kuch tym shayd koi aur quiz kre bht hai yha pe quiz krane wale…:)))

          2. ↩⬆↪EKLAVYA ↩⬆↪

            Guru g I m gonna to cook for papi pat something 😐

          3. PRADEEP $K$

            oooo hhehehehehhe ok okk bro…have it…:))

      3. PRADEEP $K$

        brother yha sb unemployed hi h srf ek do ko chod krrr…:)))

    3. Ambika

      Okk mam 🙂

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        dear wow u mod now 🙂

        1. K!nG Iz B!nG

          Kb se….btaya bi nhi…

          1. ? Lovely (star) ???

            aaj se sayad

      2. K!nG Iz B!nG

        Congo ji

        1. Ambika

          how was exam bro ??

          1. K!nG Iz B!nG

            Mera knsa tha..?

          2. K!nG Iz B!nG

            Pre out by 2.5….
            U ka kaisa hua…?

          3. Ambika

            pre to achha tha infact kafi achha 😀
            mains ka to bhagwaan hi bhlaa kre

          4. K!nG Iz B!nG

            U ka toh ho jyga ..m sure dnt wry bs party k liye prep rho??

          5. Ambika

            :)) thankyou bro

          6. K!nG Iz B!nG

            Quant kb se krwao gi…??

          7. Ambika

            abhi to koi schedule nhi hai iska
            jab hoga i ll let u know 🙂

          8. K!nG Iz B!nG

            Ty dear??
            Bt jldi decide kr lo….bcz ab time nhi h

      3. ? Lovely (star) ???

        congo 🙂

        1. Ambika

          dhanyawaad didiji :)))

          1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  104. K!nG Iz B!nG


    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


      1. K!nG Iz B!nG

        Quant bi krwa do ??

        1. ? Lovely (star) ???

          sab mei hi karvadu kya 😛

          1. PRADEEP $K$


          2. K!nG Iz B!nG

            Ohh ap toh guccha ho gai…cholly??

          3. ? Lovely (star) ???

            arey nae gussa nae hua koe karvado such mei di

          4. K!nG Iz B!nG

            Ambu se bolo …

          5. ? Lovely (star) ???

            ha sisi hi karvayegi

          6. K!nG Iz B!nG

            Yesss…yhi kr lenge …ya fir 1 channel bna lo

          7. ? Lovely (star) ???

            kahi bhi karado np

          8. PRADEEP $K$

            haaa ab to mod b bn gyi…:))))

  105. PRADEEP $K$

    mods gone????

    1. K!nG Iz B!nG


      1. PRADEEP $K$


  106. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ok mera bhi gn tata 🙂

    1. K!nG Iz B!nG

      Gn rhega__/__
      Sleep well

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        bye 🙂

    2. PRADEEP $K$

      tata babyee take care gud nyt sd…;)))

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        gn bro 🙂

    3. ? Lovely (star) ???

      gn 🙂

      1. PRADEEP $K$

        dekiye ab aap kitni famous ho gyi khud modi sir chl k aaye hai aapko gud nyt khne..lolzzz..:))

        1. ? Lovely (star) ???

          haha 😛

  107. PRADEEP $K$

    haa modi sir kaarwayi kijiye aap…;)))

    1. Ambika

      aap bhi dijiye laalch sir

      1. K!nG Iz B!nG

        Ap gussa na ho ..sir mzk k mood m h aj??

      2. PHOENIX

        Wah!!!!!new promotion:):)

  108. K!nG Iz B!nG

    Shi pkde h??

  109. DhOkLu

    janta ko jawab chahiye

    1. PRADEEP $K$


  110. K!nG Iz B!nG

    Mod quant ka btao kb se krna h…

    1. Jenny

      After rbi i can conduct

      1. K!nG Iz B!nG

        U kon…??

          1. K!nG Iz B!nG


  111. PRADEEP $K$


    1. K!nG Iz B!nG

      Gn ??

  112. PRADEEP $K$

    chek kr rha tha ki khi mn to blocked nhi ho gya….hehe

    1. K!nG Iz B!nG


  113. PRADEEP $K$

    gud nyt swt drmzzzz frnzzz tata ba bye…:)))

    1. K!nG Iz B!nG

      S2u bro??

      1. PRADEEP $K$

        yess bro shubraatri……..:)

  114. Eng m AweSomE

    ambi mod

    1. K!nG Iz B!nG

      Wish him bro

      1. Eng m AweSomE

        paata tha pehel se
        nt surprising at all

    2. Jenny

      Congo to sis from my side 🙂

  115. nalini aspirant...

    |Banking/ SSC/ Related Exams Preparation Platform
    SBI PO Mains 2017-
    Memory based Questions with Solution
    What is the distance between points Z and X?
    A) 19 m
    B) 18 m
    C) 15 m
    D) 16 m
    E) 17 m
    What is the position of Car M with respect to the last car in the row?
    A) South-West
    B) North-West
    C) North-East
    D) South-East
    E) Cannot be determined
    What is the maximum distance between any two cars?
    A) 171 m
    B) 165 m
    C) 162 m
    D) 159 m
    E) 149 m
    Directions (26-
    Symbols represent time in a clock as:

    Either the hour or minute hand of clock on 3

    Either the hour or minute hand of clock on 12

    Either the hour or minute hand of clock on 4

    Either the hour or minute hand of clock on 8

    Either the hour or minute hand of clock on 5
    Example: Time
    represents 5 hours 20 minutes. All the times are in PM.
    The first symbol represents hours and second symbol represents minutes.
    (3 questions)
    A train reaches station at time
    . If it gets late by 8 hours 15 minutes, then what is the time at which it reaches the
    A) +#
    B) @+
    C) @#
    D) @@
    E) +$
    A person has to catch a train that is scheduled to depart at
    . It takes the person 4 hours and 15 minutes to reach
    the railway station from his home. At what time should he leave from his home for the railway s
    tation to arrive at
    the station at least 25 minutes before the departure of the train?
    A) %@
    B) #@
    C) %+
    D) +@
    E) None of these
    A train is scheduled to leave the station at
    . A person has reached the station 20 minutes before the train
    scheduled time. AT what time the person has reached the station?
    A) #@
    B) +#
    C) %+
    D) +%
    E) None of these

    1. nalini aspirant...

      how to do this mam… plzzz help me…

      1. First symbol for hour, second for minutes
        #% means – 3 and 4
        it means 3 hours and when minutes hand is on 4 , we say it 20 minutes na
        so 3 hours 20 mins means 3:20 PM

        1. Jenny

          Hello mam :))))))

        2. nalini aspirant...

          ohh kk thank u mam..

        3. nalini aspirant...


          1. Ambika

            hii ammu :))
            how r u

          2. nalini aspirant...

            fine k

          3. Khal Drogo

            Sbi kaisa gaya… ???

          4. Ambika

            fine 🙂
            u say how was it ??

          5. Khal Drogo

            Not fine ???

          6. Ambika

            🙂 hehe
            sabka yhi hai

          7. Khal Drogo

            Apka knowledge achcha hai…apka hojayega.. Bt MRA sectional clear hoga ki nhi doubt hai… So m expecting less… ?

          8. Ambika

            we can’t say anything ..just have to wait for result
            anyways all the best and prep well for next exam 🙂


    koi ha

  117. T R E N D Y

    as i am seeing mains level is rocket science ,suggest me best plan to tackle ibps po mains.

    1. nalini aspirant...

      mam how to do this..

    2. nalini aspirant...

      ya mam got it thank u..

  118. nalini aspirant...


  119. nalini aspirant...

    any one done 30 th ques in sbi po pdf ..


      iska explanation you tube pe dekho==

      1. nalini aspirant...

        link plzz

        1. MAYANK BHARADWAJ100%

          bhai wait 13 hour ==maths explanation nahi diya sorry
          by the way mahendra guru u tube channel visit karo


    only for those who pay income tax not for student


    only for those who pay income tax not for student


      nahi kisko depression ka prey hona hai


        u say PREY means?????

        1. MAYANK BHARADWAJ100%

          i said after giving st i feel demoralised thats why i have no interest in giving
          in these day i focus on BASIC only


        sunday quiz hoga


      RAM KO dekhi ho




      sirf newspaper aur quiz
      kha ho

  122. GujjU PoOH_N!T

    koiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hai???????????????



    1. _/_

      yes bro m here
      r u ok ?
      kl st ka depression bhaga ki ni?

  124. PRADEEP $K$

    use alligation…:)


      baby quest

      1. PRADEEP $K$


  125. _/_


    1. Player

      aree paras sir meri mailID btana…pls

      1. Player

        open ho gya but password bhi chg msg chng & hangout pr apke msg bhi nhi …sb gayab ho gya

        1. Player

          aa gya vo dusri ID thi..islye msg alg the……yaad aa gyi vo ab

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