Discussion Zone – 10 May 2017

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This is a live quiz page. Discuss any of the topics below in the comment section:

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning
  • English
  • Banking Awareness
  • Current Awareness
  • Computer

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970 Thoughts to “Discussion Zone – 10 May 2017”

  1. Pulkit

    ge to all;)

  2. Pradeep Narayan

    hello…every1…..gud evng to all……:)))

    1. Pradeep Narayan

      hiii…mam gud evng…:))))

    2. KING KONG

      Good evening mam

    3. MiMi

      ge mam 🙂

  3. Anshuman Jha

    Quiz kb hogi ?

  4. Choose the best alternative among the five.

    Carbon-14 dating reveals that the artifacts recovered at Mesopotamia are nearly 2,000 years as old as any of their supposed European predecessors.
    (a) supposed older than any of their
    (b) as old as their supposedly
    (c) as old as their supposed
    (d) older than any of their supposed
    (e) None of the above

    1. Anshuman Jha


    2. Pradeep Narayan


    3. (d) older than any of their supposed

      In the question sentence, the comparison is shown. Hence option D is correct in the given context.

  5. Choose the best alternative among the five.

    Unlike a typical automobile loan, which requires a fifteen to twenty-percent down payment, the easy drive loan customer is not required to make an initial deposit on the new vehicle.
    (a) with easy drive loan buying there is no requirement of
    (b) easy drive loan customers are not required to make
    (c) for the easy drive loan customer there is no requirement of
    (d) an easy drive loan does not require the buyer to make
    (e) None of the above

    1. Anshuman Jha


    2. Pradeep Narayan


      1. KING KONG

        Ans Given mam

    3. Namita singh


    4. (d) an easy drive loan does not require the buyer to make

      this is correct word order according to the given context and express the idea completely and correctly. Other options have faulty word structures.

  6. Namita singh


    1. Anshuman Jha

      All the best, siso..

      1. Namita singh

        hihi ty bhai

  7. Choose the best alternative among the five.

    In addition to having more protein than wheat does, the protein in rice is higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essentials to the human diet.
    (a) the protein in rice is higher quality than that in
    (b) rice has protein of higher quality than that in
    (c) the protein in rice is higher in quality than it is in rice
    (d) rice protein is higher in quality than it is in
    (e) None of the above

    1. Anshuman Jha


    2. Pradeep Narayan


    3. (b) rice has protein of higher quality than that in

      1. KING KONG

        Y not c mam

        1. Pradeep Narayan

          rice ko wheat se compare krna h na wha to rice se rice ko compare kia h ..:)

          1. KING KONG

            Hmm pura ni pada

  8. So a blue-ribbon panel has made clear suggestions, and two respected senators have proposed them as law-this seems nitpicking (A)/straightforward (B) enough.

    But the suggestions involve an intensive (A)/extensive (B) shake-up that will be far from easy to make reality. Most notably, the 9/11 commission proposed two new entities.

    The first is a National Counterterrorism center, building (A)/countering (B) on the Terrorist Threat Integration Center that was established after the September 11th attacks.

    Whereas the current center amounts to a clearing house for terrorism-related information, the proposed one would set operational (A)/functional (B) priorities for fighting terrorism and be responsible for the results.

    (a) ABBA
    (b) BBAA
    (c) BAAA
    (d) BAAB
    (e) BBBB

    1. Anshuman Jha


      1. Namita singh

        delete kro wha apna comment block kr dege

        1. Anshuman Jha

          Baba re,,, bacha lii,,, u meko…

          1. Namita singh

            wha allow nhi hai dusra site ka link dalna

          2. Anshuman Jha

            Achaaa,,,, siso. Thanx..

          3. Namita singh


      1. Player

        smjh ni aya mam…explanation ?

        1. nitpicking – pointing out small mistakes

        2. Player

          C )countering …kyu ni aya ?

          1. talking about some centre here

            so that will be a building na

    2. Pradeep Narayan


  9. Pradeep Narayan

    i was waiting for this question mam…hhhehe..;))

    1. Pradeep Narayan

      sabi typ k english k questions ho chuke the yeh missing tha mam aaj yeh b dek liye….thanks mam..:)))

  10. Pointless regulations foster (A)/abet (B) graft.

    The more meddlesome (A)/irksome (B) the rule, the greater the incentive to bribe officials not to enforce it.

    An excellent new study by the World Bank, “Doing Business in 2005”, shows that red tape is one of the chief obstacles (A)/stepping stones (B) to growth in almost all poor countries.

    The World Bank estimates that if a country in the worst-regulated quartile were to join the best quartile, it would promote (A)/boost (B) its annual growth rate by 2.2 percentage points.

    (a) BAAA
    (b) ABBA
    (c) BABA
    (d) ABAB
    (e) AAAA

    1. Pradeep Narayan


    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. SHREE :D......


    4. (d) ABAB

      foster -encourage the development of (something, especially something desirable).
      irksome -irritating; annoying.

    5. ? Lovely (star) ???


  11. The change in personnel-rarely a good sign-seemed to presage (A)/prequel (B) a change in strategy.

    Mr. Kerry made two phone calls soliciting (A)/seeking (B) advice from Mr Clinton, who was lying in a hospital’s bed awaiting quadruple bypass surgery.

    Mr Clinton apparently (A)/probably (B) told Mr Kerry to concentrate more on the economy and to step up his attacks on Mr Bush.
    That has not stopped John Edwards being warned (A)/praised (B) on the campaign trail by loyalists “They’re going to run you right over and make you look like idiots.

    (a) ABAB
    (b) BBAA
    (c) AAAA
    (d) AABA
    (e) BBBB

    1. SHREE :D......


    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. S.Niharika ??????????


    4. PHOENIX


    5. Divaker

      Ma’am ye smj nhi aaya kya karna hai ge

      1. choose the right word from A and B in each sentence
        and then mark answer

    6. ? Lovely (star) ???


    7. Pradeep Narayan


    8. (c) AAAA

      presage-be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one).
      solicit-ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.

  12. In other words, there is probably much more to gain from promoting (A)/slashing (B) red tape than from begging for more aid.

    Especially since donors, unlike air travelers in Angola, are not exactly queuing up (A)/ freewheeling (B) to open their wallets.

    Mr. Putin said after Beslan that “we showed ourselves to be weak, and the weak get beaten.” The implication (B)/ indication (B) is that he will now be even tougher in Chechnya.

    Not only is that likely to entertain (A)/stir up (B) more terrorism; it also ignores one of the conflict’s main drivers, which is cast.

    (a) AABA
    (b) AABB
    (c) BABA
    (d) BAAB
    (e) BBBB

    1. RiStY Ritesh


    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. Pradeep Narayan


    4. S.Niharika ??????????


        1. Namita singh

          gud eveng

    5. ? Lovely (star) ???


    6. (d) BAAB

      slashing -vigorously incisive or effective.
      implication- the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.


    embed link pls

  14. Cheap oil also hurts demand in more important ways. When crude was over $100 a barrel it made sense to spend on exploration in out-of-the-way provinces, such as the Arctic, west Africa and deep below the saline rock off the coast of Brazil.(………………………………………………………….). Projects worth $380 billion have been put on hold. In America spending on fixed assets in the oil industry has fallen by half from its peak.

    A) With the increase in price an increase in investment has been seen.
    B) As prices have tumbled, so has investment
    C) This fall in price is in some way beneficial as it has resulted into increased investment.
    D) As oil collapses against the backdrop of a fragile world economy, it could trigger development
    E) The possible financial spillovers are hard to assess.

    1. PHOENIX


    2. Pradeep Narayan


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


    4. S.Niharika ??????????


    5. B) As prices have tumbled, so has investment

      The passage with the sentence that oil has become cheap. The sentence after the blank says that projects have been put on hold while in America spending in oil industry has also reduced, so Option B fits the blank.

    1. Anshuman Jha

      Start bro,, haha…

    2. RiStY Ritesh

      gd eve mate 🙂

      1. optimistic

        Hw is our sister?

        1. RiStY Ritesh

          now fine mate .. 🙂

  15. Namita singh

    sab galat ho rhe:(

    1. Divaker

      Dhyaan de kro sahi honge panic na ho

    2. Pulkit

      keep trying sabke hote hai u are not alone 🙂

    3. Anshuman Jha

      Koi na try krti raho…
      Jaha ho wahi rahogi , ya aage badhogi…
      Attempt ni krogi,, peeche reh jaogi…
      Try karo….

    4. S.Niharika ??????????

      Mera bhi ???

      1. Namita singh

        try krte hai fir v

        1. S.Niharika ??????????

          Yoiii ??

      2. Pradeep Narayan

        just take ur own tym….misss…:))

        1. S.Niharika ??????????


          1. Pradeep Narayan

            aaram se pure sentence ko padiya ans apne aapko options mn match krte hue mil jayegas but usk phle aapko smjna hoga ki para kya smjane ki koshish kr rha h..:))

  16. Divaker

    Shubhra Ma’am please increase speed if possible

    1. S.Niharika ??????????

      Ye padne me time lagta h
      Speed sahi h

      1. ?? Dravidian ??

        I agree with you mam
        The more you analize the more u understand

        1. S.Niharika ??????????

          I am doing these questions after a long time ???
          Please understand

      2. Divaker

        Ok ma’am

    2. Question posted
      U did not answer last one

      and yes these questions take time.

      1. Divaker

        I answered all I think there is some problem at my end

    3. Anshuman Jha

      Sahi h speed bro..

        1. Anshuman Jha

          Aao continue karein 🙂

  17. ?? Dravidian ??

    Good evening
    Quiz in this page ?

    1. Pradeep Narayan


  18. (…………………………………………………..). The draft bill will make explicit how the electronic-intelligence agency, GCHQ, may (with a warrant) plant bugs on computers and other devices, collect and analyse bulk information (such as mobile-phone activity and web-browsing records) and read private messages. Get the details right, and Britain can provide a model of how to balance security and freedom; get them wrong, and centuries of freedom might shrivel.

    A) Few balances are harder to strike than those involved in running a spy agency.
    B) The bill’s biggest success is its self-restraint.
    C) A lot is riding on Britain’s attempt to update the law governing the domestic activities of its spy agencies
    D) The proposed system merely requires the commissioners to check that a warrant has been issued lawfully and reasonably

    1. Anshuman Jha


    2. ?? Dravidian ??


    3. PHOENIX


    4. Pradeep Narayan


    5. ? Lovely (star) ???


    6. S.Niharika ??????????


    7. C) A lot is riding on Britain’s attempt to update the law governing the domestic activities of its spy agencies

      The passage says that there is a draft bill related to intelligence agency. Also at the end, Britain has been mentioned. So something about change in the legal structure related to intelligence agency in Britain is being talked about. So C) is correct as it introduces the passage.

  19. Around the world, young people gripe that it is too hard to find a job and a place to live, and that the path to adulthood has grown longer and more complicated. (………………………………………………………). Consider employment. In many countries, labour laws require firms to offer copious benefits and make it hard to lay workers off. That suits those with jobs, who tend to be older, but it makes firms reluctant to hire new staff. The losers are the young. In most regions they are at least twice as likely as their elders to be unemployed.

    A) The early years of any career are the worst time to be idle, because these are when the work habits of a lifetime become ingrained.
    B) Those unemployed in their 20s typically still feel the “scarring” effects of lower income, as well as unhappiness, in their 50s.
    C) For the first time in history, the world’s youngsters form a common culture, so they also share the same youthful grievances.
    D) Many of their woes can be blamed on policies favouring the old over the young

    1. Anshuman Jha


    2. Pradeep Narayan


    3. RiStY Ritesh


    4. ?? Dravidian ??


    5. ? Lovely (star) ???


    6. Namita singh


      1. Anshuman Jha

        Grt. U r correct..

    7. S.Niharika ??????????


    8. D) Many of their woes can be blamed on policies favouring the old over the young

      The next statement talks about labour laws. Option D) talks about policies.Hence D) is correct

  20. At Facebook, content encouraging or celebrating violence is prohibited, yet the company is less than rigorous in monitoring what gets posted on its site. (…………………………………………). That means users are the first line of defense; when a video is flagged as offensive, then Facebook’s team takes a look to decide if it should be removed. Yet by that point, countless people have probably already watched and saved it.

    A)Facebook is reviewing how users flag videos.
    B)At present, Facebook allows its 1.86 billion active monthly users to police the site’s content
    C)Yes, there are millions of innocuous videos posted and streamed daily, and Facebook is not responsible for crimes its users commit.
    D)Still, like other social media sites but with the greatest reach, Facebook gives criminals an instant platform to craft a personal folklore to explain motives

    1. ?? Dravidian ??


    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. PHOENIX


    5. S.Niharika ??????????


      1. RiStY Ritesh


    6. Pradeep Narayan

      not getting point mam of this para..:((((

      1. See answer, u will get now

        1. Pradeep Narayan

          i had the same ans mam but little bit confused wht the para actually meant to say…..:((((

        2. Pradeep Narayan

          becoz starting line its says monitorng and last it yet to decide so in between i got stuck…:((((

    7. B) At present, Facebook allows its 1.86 billion active monthly users to police the site’s content

      Users are first line of defense. It means that users are the first to act on such cases of video that have violent content. Hence Option B is appropriate.

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        i thaught same mam but i was confusedd….:((((

  21. (……………………………………………………………………………………..) But the economics of the influx still matters, not least because it colours perceptions of the new arrivals. One fear is that immigrants will compete for work and drag down wages. Another is that they will pinch the public purse.

    A) THE welcome accorded the 1.1m refugees arriving in Germany in 2015 is cooling fast.
    B) The experience of past immigrants may not be much use in assessing the impact of the new lot.
    C) There are also differences between refugees and other legal migrants.
    D) Humanity dictates that the rich world admit refugees, irrespective of the economic impact.

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. Pradeep Narayan


    4. Namita singh


    5. RiStY Ritesh


    6. PHOENIX


    7. D) Humanity dictates that the rich world admit refugees, irrespective of the economic impact.

      The sentence after the blank starts with BUT, it means the previous sentence and this sentence must be contradictory. So Option D is the answer.

    8. S.Niharika ??????????


  22. (i) We live in an age of fast-paced changes where organisations must strive [A]/ spite [B] for evolution and innovation.
    (ii) Revenue, profits, sales are necessary for a company’s growth, but what is criteria [A]/ crucial [B]for it to stay relevant and in competition is the spirit of innovation.
    (iii) Geniuses like Steve Jobs took the world by storm [A]/ Strike [B] using his innovative skills.
    (iv) Innovative companies attract creative employees who set in motion [A]/ move [B] an environment of innovation.

    A) ABBB
    B) BAAA
    C) ABAA

      1. KING KONG

        soorry c

    1. Anshuman Jha


    2. PHOENIX


    3. KING KONG

      soory 2nd me crucial=important?

    4. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    5. S.Niharika ??????????


    6. Pradeep Narayan


    7. Myra

      gud eve mam 🙂

    8. C) ABAA

      strive: make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.

  23. S.Niharika ??????????

    Niacl me ye English aa sakti h kya?
    Ya old pattern

    1. Yes it can
      After SBI PO Mains last year, sab exam me yhi sab aa rha hai
      Even it came in NIACL AO previous this year

      1. S.Niharika ??????????

        Fir to padna padega

  24. (i) Long-term innovation models require dedicated inputs, support, and engagement from the employees and all stakeholders involved [A]/ inspired [B].

    (ii) It is becoming increasingly clear that innovation backed by adequate in-house R&D is the way forward for organisations to succeed and for employees to except [A]/ excel [B].

    (iii) The digital age we live in allows a more open and collaborative environment where everyone works to brainstorm [A]/ brain drain [B]on ideas.

    (iv) Instead of chasing profits for shareholders, we must focus on innovation which creates value for all stake holders and is therefore a loftier [A]/ logical [B] ideal for companies to follow.

    B) BAAB
    C) BAAA

    1. M@st@n!

      kya krna h isme?

      1. two words are given – A and B

        choose the correct from two, and answer

        1. M@st@n!

          ok maam ye wala pattern kaunse exam me aata h?

          1. Pradeep Narayan

            alll ibps and sbi po and clrks

          2. Ye last time SBI me to nhi aaya tha
            but abi RBI and IPPB me aya tha

          3. M@st@n!

            OKAY MAAM 🙂

    2. S.Niharika ??????????


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. Pradeep Narayan


    5. Namita singh


    6. Anshuman Jha


    7. Divaker

      These questions based on cat pattern

      1. yes these are

        these all questions are on CAT based patterns

      2. M@nish...

        bank exam is becoming same as cat and ias

    8. D)ABAA

      loftier: worthy

      1. Anshuman Jha


        1. M@st@n!

          hmm but wrong ho gaya

          1. Anshuman Jha

            Koi nii… Keep trying…

  25. (i)The dog food is made from the offer [A]/ offal [B] that remains after the chicken is cut and processed.

    (ii)The student’s exegesis [A]/ emergence [B]of the novel was one of the best summaries the professor had ever read.

    (iii)If the business partners can’t seal the rupture [A]/ bond [B] in their relationship, their store will probably close.

    (iv)As my daughter walked down the aisle [A]/ air [B] to get married, I became sentimental and started to cry.

    A) BABB
    B) BAAA
    C) ABAA

    1. Anshuman Jha


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. S.Niharika ??????????


    4. Pradeep Narayan


    5. B) BAAA

      offal: the discarded elements of a procedure; in particularly, the leftover animal parts from processed meat
      Exegesis : detailed explanation of a written passage
      aisle: a passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theatre, an aircraft, or train.

      1. Anshuman Jha

        U r correct…

  26. (i)With a sharper than usual transition [A]/ transmission [B] to summer, several parts of west, central and north India are experiencing heat wave conditions and record seasonal temperatures.

    (ii)Managing the summer in drought-hit rural Tamil Nadu would entail a separate set of challenges as compared to issuing [A]/ addressing [B] the heat wave in urban Gujarat.

    (iii)Wastage of water must be discouraged [A]/ dismantled [B].

    (iv)Setting up heat shelters and preparing neighbourhood clinics and sub-district hospitals for summer ailments are essential [A]/ essence [B].

    A) AABB
    B) ABBA
    C) ABAA

    1. Anshuman Jha


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. Pradeep Narayan

        bro..liquide ko kbhi dismantile nhi krte solid cheezo ko dismantle kia jata h…:))

        1. KING KONG

          muje lga yaha kaam karne ki sense me h bus tbhi a bola:(

    3. Pradeep Narayan


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. Namita singh


    5. S.Niharika ??????????


  27. (i)Although the warning signs have been billowing [A] /bestowing [B]in the polluted air of urban India policymakers remain strangely apathetic.

    (ii)Managing [A]/ Mastering [B] blazing mountains of garbage requires modern waste management practices.

    (iii)Centre and states must cooperate and strategise to forward [A]/deliver [B] change on a comprehensive, nationwide scale.

    (iv)Governments are beginning to realize [A]/ regret [B] that yesterday’s system can be re-engineered to work for today and tomorrow.

    A) AAAB
    B) AABA
    C) BABA

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. KING KONG

      c nd d ba bki ka nai pata

    3. Namita singh


    4. Pradeep Narayan


    5. Anshuman Jha


    6. S.Niharika ??????????


  28. Choose the sentence in which the given word is used inappropriately

    A. The throne passed to the king’s son.
    B. The court passed on the legality of the wiretapping.
    C. My experience of the Himalayas passed all expectations.
    D. He is not the one to pass an opportunity for promotion.
    E. None is correct

    1. Anshuman Jha


    2. Pradeep Narayan


    3. PHOENIX


    4. COLD BLOOD ;)


    5. Namita singh


    6. S.Niharika ??????????


    7. D. He is not the one to pass an opportunity for promotion.

      D can be corrected by – “pass up” means – let go

  29. S.Niharika ??????????

    Exegesis = explanation
    Offal = remaining waste

  30. Choose the sentence in which the given word is used inappropriately

    A. She gave birth last Thursday.
    B. The students gave the SBI PO Exam last Sunday.
    C. The professor freely gave of his time to the students.
    D. As the time passed, optimism gave place to worry.
    E. None is correct usage

    1. Anshuman Jha


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. Pradeep Narayan


      1. KING KONG

        public ke sath

    4. B. The students gave the SBI PO Exam last Sunday.

      Students always take the exam
      and teachers give the exam

  31. Choose the sentence in which the given word is used inappropriately

    A. The sight affected her to tears.
    B. Our beliefs are affected by our upbringing.
    C. Drops of water affect roundness.
    D. He issued a statement to the affect that he would resign
    E. None is correct

    1. KING KONG

      d effect

      1. KING KONG

        pata ni

        1. KING KONG


    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. wont rest until i get success

      C. Drops of water affect roundness.

    5. Namita singh


    6. Pradeep Narayan


    7. KING KONG

      mam eski practice kaise hogi mam? mean how to attempt

      1. isme simple words hi aate hai exam me
        mostly jinka meaning pta ho

        so bas ye dekho ki koi double meaning to nhi hai, ya spelling of word – like here
        ya us word se contradict to nhi ho rha sentence

        1. KING KONG

          ok mam ty:)

    8. D. He issued a statement to the affect that he would resign

      affect – effect

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        exactly mamm…:))))

  32. Remember this thing:

    Students always take the exam
    and teachers give the exam

    Students take exam (paper) from teachers
    and teachers give exam (paper) to students
    so that is the correct usage

    1. Anshuman Jha

      Ok Miss..

    2. PHOENIX

      okay mam:)

    3. KING KONG

      yes mind me nai aya

  33. Trade
    A. The shop stocked novelties for the tourist trade.
    B. The brothers found it beneficial to trade places in their business.
    C. At this dealer, one can trade the old car on a new one.
    D. This magazine has limited circulation as it is a trade publication
    E. None is correct

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. S.Niharika ??????????


    4. C. At this dealer, one can trade the old car on a new one.

      The idiom ‘trade in’ means to ‘turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase or bill.’ Hence sentence C can be corrected as …. Trade the old car in on a new one. Or’ .. trade for a new one “in which case it will mean exchange. Option A uses the word to mean market. Option B uses it to mean exchange. Option D uses it as an adjective meaning ‘meant for industry’.

  34. Show
    A. The excavation showed a staggering number of artefacts.
    B. When they arrived a waiter showed them to the table.
    C. She didn’t show up for her appointment.
    D. The general meeting of the opposition party turned out to be a show of strength.
    E. None is correct

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. S.Niharika ??????????


    4. Namita singh


    5. Pradeep Narayan


    6. A. The excavation showed a staggering number of artefacts.

      If ‘showed’ is replaced by ‘exposed’, the sentence would be correct.

      in B – show is to conduct; guide

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        but showed is also ryt na mam showed here means presented and exposed means revealed which one is more suitable presented or revealed?????

        1. excavation – uncovering

          to that will expose na
          not present

          1. Pradeep Narayan

            okkkzzzzzz…mam got it…:))))

  35. Scientists, working to save the earth, have __________ dry water that soaks carbon three times better than water, and hence, helps __________ global warming.

    (a) aided, cut
    (b) created, combat
    (c) built, stop
    (d) produced, increase
    (e) requested, wishful

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. PHOENIX


    3. Namita singh


    4. S.Niharika ??????????


    5. ...........


    6. Anshuman Jha


  36. It is very important to ___________ that when the swine flu virus enters a human body. It takes a minimum of one day to a maximum of eight days for the disease to develop __________.

    (a) gauge, extensively
    (b) ascertain, further
    (c) understand, fully
    (d) verify, remarkably
    (e) noticed, peculiar

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. PHOENIX


    3. Anshuman Jha


    4. Pradeep Narayan


    5. (c) understand, fully

    6. Namita singh


    7. S.Niharika ??????????


  37. Thats all for today

    GN 🙂

    1. Namita singh

      thanx mam gud nyt:))

      1. Anshuman Jha

        Good night , siso… :))

        1. Namita singh

          gud nyt 🙂

    2. ...........

      thanks mam gn

    3. S.Niharika ??????????

      Good night.

    4. M@nish...

      thanks mam good night :))

    5. Myra

      Thanku Mam, Gn 🙂

    6. COLD BLOOD ;)

      Thanks mam :)gn!!

    7. Anshuman Jha

      Thankeww , miss….

    8. KING KONG

      ty mam:)) good night

    9. M@st@n!

      GN MAM SD TC SW TY 🙂

    10. Pradeep Narayan

      hav a swt drmz gud nyt mam..:)))

  38. S.Niharika ??????????

    Next quiz?

    1. Pradeep Narayan

      Thats all for today

      GN 🙂
      mam’s signning off msg..:)

      1. S.Niharika ??????????

        Good night.

  39. S.Niharika ??????????


    1. Namita singh

      yo sis

      1. S.Niharika ??????????

        Chalo kahi or quiz hoti ho to

        1. Namita singh

          9:30 se bm pr

          1. PHOENIX

            which sub?

          2. Namita singh


          3. PHOENIX

            gr8……ty for informing:)

          4. S.Niharika ??????????

            Okay dear
            I ll be there if awake.

  40. rao

    quiz ipoindi

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. rao

        no quiz khatam

        1. COLD BLOOD ;)


          1. COLD BLOOD ;)

            ipoindi= finished?

          2. COLD BLOOD ;)

            thanks, i’ll note it down:)

      2. Pradeep Narayan


        1. COLD BLOOD ;)

          i want to learn this lang man!

          1. Pradeep Narayan

            then yu hav to keep a close eye on the conversation of rao,myra,hope and ammu…then u will b able to undestand and learn some words and ther associated meaningsd brooo……:))))

          2. COLD BLOOD ;)

            aye! i’ll do that and in the interim if you get to know more of these words, phrases, paraphrases,idioms anything…plz don’t mind sharing them with me..:) and i’m serious!

          3. Pradeep Narayan

            okkk bro…no not a problem at all in sharing…:))))

          4. COLD BLOOD ;)

            i owe you a big time then!

          5. Pradeep Narayan

            yaaa….:)) of course bro…when i will get some of that words i definately share with u…:)))

          6. Myra

            u know some words ??

          7. Pradeep Narayan

            some of them not all…like anneya…means bro..lyk that..:))

          8. COLD BLOOD ;)

            it’s annaya, if i’m not erroneous?

          9. COLD BLOOD ;)

            baga chaduvukondi?

          10. COLD BLOOD ;)


          11. Pradeep Narayan

            yes bro u r ryt some typing msk itna chlta h naaa heheheh..:)))

          12. COLD BLOOD ;)


          13. Myra

            ok 🙂
            baga chaduvukondi 🙂

  41. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

    hello guys !! how r u all ??

    1. Pradeep Narayan

      ooooooo…recharge ho gyi aap..:)))

      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        haaan :))

    2. Myra

      fine :)). how r u ??

      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        good :)) u r not doing quiz today ??

    3. PHOENIX

      dear, i gave u 2 no series… u solved dose ?????

      1. wont rest until i get success


        1. PHOENIX

          13 23 36 81 146 ??
          options 179 299 199 329
          59 16 25 9 ??
          options 16 64 49 81…pls solve

          1. wont rest until i get success

            sorry i could not solve

      2. Pradeep Narayan

        unko ga mn intrest h koi b ga k question dedo logic crk krlengi…..so give her intersed topics…:))))

        1. PHOENIX

          13 23 36 81 146 ??
          options 179 299 199 329
          59 16 25 9 ??
          options 16 64 49 81 pls solve..

  42. Pradeep Narayan

    okkzzz…buddies…..hav a swt drmzzzz gud nyt….:))))

    1. cActi

      bye buddy 🙂

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        bye buddy….new commer..???

          1. Pradeep Narayan

            n2o sir????

    2. COLD BLOOD ;)

      gn bro have a sound siesta:)

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        same to u bro but not gud nyt as aap logo ki class 3 bje tak rhti h tb tk to gud morning ka tym ho jta h……..:))))))

        1. COLD BLOOD ;)

          haha…meri nahi mam ji ki..

  43. cActi

    hello guys !!

  44. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ca quiz hogaya?

  45. ? Lovely (star) ???

    koe h ?

  46. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Which country won the “Most Popular Tourism Destination Award” at the Guangzhou International Travel Fair (GITF) in China?
    a) Malaysia
    b) Singapore
    c) India
    d) Sri Lanka

    1. Anshuman Jha

      Malaysia ?

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


  47. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Vice President Hamid Ansari attended the Summit of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) held in ____________
    a) Nepal
    b) Indonesia
    c) Bangladesh
    d) Ukraine

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  48. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which city will be hosting a three-day long Destination North East 2017 event aimed at showcasing North East as a potential destination for investment?
    a) Chandigarh
    b) New Delhi
    c) Mumbai
    d) Bangalore

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      Answer a) Chandigarh. Chandigarh will be hosting a three-day long Destination North East 2017 event aimed at showcasing North East as a potential destination for investment. The event is being organised by the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), government of India and an industry body PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    3. Anshuman Jha

      New delhi

  49. ? Lovely (star) ???

    India’s tallest national flag, measuring ____ feet, was hoisted at the Attari-Wagah joint check post in Punjab
    a) 110
    b) 250
    c) 360
    d) 440

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  50. ? Lovely (star) ???

    First smart tribal village inaugurated in ________________
    a) Bihar
    b) Jammu and Kashmir
    c) Maharashtra
    d) Manipur

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  51. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ____________launched a new initiative ‘SheLeadsTech’, to support women-founded or co-founded startups
    a) Google
    b) Microsoft
    c) Hike
    d) Facebook

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  52. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which state has agreed to supply an additional 60 MW to Bangladesh over the 100 MW of power the north-eastern state is supplying to the neighbouring country?
    a) Mizoram
    b) Tripura
    c) Nagaland
    d) Arunachal Pradesh

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  53. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which state government has announced Tirtha Darshan Scheme under which senior citizens above 60 years of age in the state will be able to go on a pilgrimage within the country at government expense?
    a) Gujarat
    b) Punjab
    c) Haryana
    d) Kerala

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  54. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which state government has given an official status to ‘Kurukh’ language in the state?
    a) Rajasthan
    b) Madya Pradesh
    c) Meghalaya
    d) West Bengal

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      Answer d) West Bengal . Kurukh, an endangered tribal language of the Dravidian family, is set to get a new lease of life in West Bengal. It is spoken by the Oraon tribal community. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata has given official status for the language. Most of the tribal languages in the State have their origins in the Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Barman families, Kurukh is an exception.

  55. ? Lovely (star) ???

    _____________which holds a Guinness world record for being the oldest surviving aircraft carrier in the world, retired from service
    a) INS Arihant
    b) INS Viraat
    c) INS Chakra
    d) INS Vikrant

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)

        always get confused b/w these two..shoots!

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      Answer b) INS Viraat. INS Viraat, which holds a Guinness world record for being the oldest surviving aircraft carrier in the world, retired from service. INS Viraat was first commissioned in the Indian Navy on May 12, 1987, after the Indian government bought it for ₹433 crore. Before 1987, the aircraft carrier had served the United Kingdom’s Royal Navy for 27 years.

  56. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . A new bill named Clinical Establishment Bill has been passed in __________________
    a) West Bengal State Assembly
    b) Maharashtra State Assembly
    c) Tamil Nadu State Assembly
    d) Bihar State Assembly

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  57. ? Lovely (star) ???

    World’s oldest microfossils discovered in ___________
    a) USA
    b) Germany
    c) Canada
    d) China

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  58. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . South Indian singer _________________ has set a world record by playing 67 songs on Gayathri Veena non-stop for five hours
    a) Shreya Ghoshal
    b) Vaikkom Vijayalakshmi
    c) K.S. Chitra
    d) Anuradha Sriram

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      Answer b) Vaikkom Vijayalakshmi. South Indian singer Vaikkom Vijayalakshmi has set a world record by playing 67 songs on Gayathri Veena non-stop for five hours at a concert in Kochi. The visually-impaired musician bettered the previous record of 51 songs in a single sitting. The organisers of the concert said they would inform the Guinness Book of World Records about the achievement.

  59. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Bharti Airtel and Millicom International Cellular have entered into an agreement to merge their respective units in __________
    a) South Africa
    b) Mali
    c) Nigeria
    d) Ghana

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  60. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Over _____ of India’s youth aged between 15-29 years are not in employment, education or training, according to (OECD) report
    a) 25%
    b) 30%
    c) 40%
    d) 50%

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  61. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Who won the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships title 2017 in men’s doubles category?
    a) Rohan Bopanna and Marcin Matkowski
    b) Mahesh Bhupathi and Rohan Bopanna
    c) Jean-Julien Rojer and Horia Tecău
    d) Rohan Bopanna Daniel Nestor

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      ccAnswer c) Jean-Julien Rojer and Horia Tecău. India’s Rohan Bopanna and his Polish partner Marcin Matkowski produced a stiff fight before going down in the men’s doubles final of the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships. This was the second final for Bopanna this season. He had started the season by winning the Chennai Open with compatriot Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan.

      1. COLD BLOOD ;)

        oh yes

        1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  62. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Which team have won a record total of 19 titles in UEFA competitions?
    a) Real Madrid
    b) Barcelona
    c) Liverpool
    d) Atlético Madrid

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)

      bb barcalona

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???

      Answer a) Real Madrid. Spanish side Real Madrid have won a record total of 19 titles in UEFA competitions, two more than Milan (Italy) and five more than Barcelona (Spain). The only team to have won every UEFA club competition is Juventus (Italy). The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) is the governing body for association football in Europe. It organizes three club competitions: the UEFA Champions League (formerly European Cup), the UEFA Europa League (formerly UEFA Cup) and the UEFA Super Cup.

  63. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Who won the ATP Mexico Open hard court tennis tournament?
    a) Nicolas Mahut
    b) Steve Johnson
    c) Sam Querrey
    d) John Isner

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  64. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Who won the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships title 2017?
    a) Roger Federer
    b) Andy Murray
    c) Rafael Nadal
    d) Novak Djokovic

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  65. ? Lovely (star) ???

    India ranked _______ with five medals at shooting World Cup
    a) First
    b) Second
    c) Third
    d) Fifth

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  66. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ______________ was presented the 30th Moortidevi award by Bharatiya Jnanpith organisation
    a) Prabhu Chawla
    b) M P Veerendra Kumar
    c) Kuldip Nayar
    d) Aroon Purie

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  67. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has announced appointment of Prof Dr K Srinath Reddy as the adviser to the ______________
    a) Odisha Government
    b) Manipur Government
    c) Punjab Government
    d) Uttarakhand Governmen

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  68. ? Lovely (star) ???

    India’s longest cable-bridge inaugurated in _____________
    a) Karnataka
    b) Gujarat
    c) Maharashtra
    d) Rajasthan

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  69. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which university has become the first Indian educational institution to make it to the top 10 of a global ranking for universities?
    a) Jawaharlal Nehru University
    b) Manipal University
    c) Indian Institute of Science
    d) VIT University

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  70. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Which airport has secured first position in the world in the prestigious Airports Council International (ACI)-Airport Service Quality (ASQ) survey?
    a) Bengaluru International Airport
    b) Indira Gandhi International Airport
    c) Chennai International Airport
    d) Rajiv Gandhi International Airport

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      dd hyderabad

  71. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Who won the Best Actress award for her role in ‘Sarbjit’ at the International Film Festival and Awards of Australia?
    a) Priyanka Chopra
    b) Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
    c) Vidya Balan
    d) Deepika Padukone

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)

      she’s abhishek bachhan’s wife:P

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        lol i just came to know 😛

        1. COLD BLOOD ;)

          i’ts equally important for exam:P

          1. ? Lovely (star) ???

            oh 😛

  72. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation has organized a national conference on Jal Kranti Abhiyan in _____________
    a) Gujarat
    b) Haryana
    c) Assam
    d) New Delhi

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  73. ? Lovely (star) ???

    A 14-day joint defence exercise Al-Nagah-II between the armies of _____________ began in Himachal Pradesh
    a) India and Oman
    b) India and Indonesia
    c) India and Sri Lanka
    d) India and Turkey

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)

      aa hp

        1. COLD BLOOD ;)

          ye ni pta tha thnx:)

    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  74. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . ____________ has emerged as the city with the most number of billionaires in India
    a) Bangalore
    b) New Delhi
    c) Mumbai
    d) Hyderabad

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      Answer c) Mumbai . Mumbai has emerged as the city with the most number of billionaires in India at 42, followed by New Delhi, according to Hurun Global Rich List 2017 released on Tuesday. India reported a total of 100 billionaires with a combined net worth of $304 billion, according to the list. Further, Mukesh Ambani retained his spot as India’s richest person.

    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


  75. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The Indian cabinet has given post facto approval to the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on renewable energy between India and ____________
    a) Poland
    b) Germany
    c) Switzerland
    d) Portugal

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  76. ? Lovely (star) ???

    India ranked _______ among nations with the most number of billionaires on Hurun’s Global Rich List
    a) Third
    b) Fourth
    c) Seventh
    d) Tenth

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  77. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which bank announced the launch of an electronic virtual assistant (EVA), an artificial intelligence-driven chatbot, for customer services?
    a) HDFC Bank
    b) ICICI Bank
    c) Kotak Mahindra Bank
    d) Axis Bank

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  78. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has announced that _________will be the new team sponsor of the Indian cricket team from April 1, 2017 for a period of five years
    a) Samsung
    b) Oppo
    c) Micromax
    d) Vivo

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  79. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Kalikaprasad Bhattacharya who passed away recently was a/an
    a) Actor
    b) Author
    c) Singer
    d) Politician

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)

        ROad accident:(

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      cc west bengal singer

  80. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Rabi Ray who passed away recently, he was a former _____________
    a) Former Speaker of Lok Sabha
    b) Eminent socialist leader
    c) Former Union Minister
    d) All of the above

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)

      ddd al

    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  81. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Who has been appointed as U.S. ambassador to Russia?
    a) Rick Santorum
    b) Herman Cain
    c) Jon Huntsman
    d) Mitt Romney

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  82. ? Lovely (star) ???

    CBSE launched the app, named ______________ which will help students to quickly know the exam centre on the basis of their roll number.
    a) Exam Locator
    b) Centre Locator
    c) Place Locator
    d) None of these

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???

      aaaAnswer a) Exam Locator. CBSE has come up with a mobile application to help students locate their examination centre. The app, named ‘Exam Locator’, will help students to quickly know the exam centre on the basis of their roll number. A student can easily find the address, images and geo location of the designated exam centre on the map and get to know how to reach there.

  83. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which state government has launched a housing scheme estimated at Rs 1,580 crore recently?
    a) West Bengal
    b) Karnataka
    c) Odisha
    d) Tamil Nadu

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. Ganesh

      d) My Tamil Nadu

  84. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ____________ is the first bank launched the biometric-based Aadhaar Pay payment system in India
    a) State Bank of India
    b) Canara Bank
    c) IDFC Bank
    d) Axis Bank

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  85. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which Ministry has decided to constitute a high-level committee to resolve the grievances and complaints of women sports persons in India?
    a) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
    b) Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
    c) Ministry of Women and Child Development
    d) Ministry of Home Affairs

    1. Ganesh

      b) Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. GujjU PoOH_N!T


  86. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . __________ had the highest rate of bribery among the 16 Asia Pacific countries, According to the latest findings of Transparency International
    a) India
    b) China
    c) Canada
    d) Indonesia

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      mera bharat mahan

    2. cActi

      konse month ka h ??

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        msrch i started

      2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


          1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


          2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            name kyu change kia

    3. ? Lovely (star) ???

      Answer a) India. Over 900 million people–one in four–across the 16 nations in the Asia Pacific region paid a bribe in the past year when trying to access basic services like education or healthcare. Among them India has the highest bribery rate of 69%, said a survey released by anti-graft Transparency International (TI). China topped this list with 73% saying they perceived an increase in corruption

  87. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Which state government has launched Prati Bimba, a website to highlight the achievements and progress of various government projects in the state?
    a) Assam
    b) Haryana
    c) Bihar
    d) Karnataka

    1. Ganesh

      d) Karnataka

    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    3. RiStY Ritesh

      optimistic ? Lovely (star) ??? • a few seconds ago

    4. ? Lovely (star) ???


  88. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Which bank has launched a new facility to enable its employees to work from home?
    a) Bank of Baroda
    b) ICICI Bank
    c) State Bank of India
    d) Corporation Bank

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)

        shortform SBI:p

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


          1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Ganesh

      c) State Bank of India

    3. RiStY Ritesh

      DEEP ? Lovely (star) ??? • a few seconds ago

        1. RiStY Ritesh

          malik apko call kr rha tha pr laga nahi :/

          1. DEEP

            Krta hu quiz ke baad bro !

          2. RiStY Ritesh


    4. ? Lovely (star) ???


  89. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The Centre has made Aadhaar mandatory for availing crop insurance policies from ____________
    a) April 1
    b) May 1
    c) June 1
    d) July 1

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. Ganesh

      a) April 1

    3. RiStY Ritesh


    4. ? Lovely (star) ???


  90. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ___________ will organise its first mobile congress exhibition in September with a special focus on reaching out to the South East Asian markets
    a) Thailand
    b) Malaysia
    c) Indonesia
    d) India

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  91. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ___________ government plans to restrict groundwater use by soft drink major PepsiCo
    a) Andra Pradesh
    b) Kerala
    c) Rajasthan
    d) Telangana

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  92. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The Reserve Bank of India has decided to issue a new note of Rs. ____ denomination with enhanced security features for circulation
    a) 10
    b) 20
    c) 50
    d) 100

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  93. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The government has made having an ______________ must for poor women to avail of free cooking gas (LPG) connection under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana
    a) Voter ID
    b) Aadhar Card
    c) Ration Card
    d) Bank Passbook

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. cActi

      Adhhaar Nodhaar

    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  94. ? Lovely (star) ???

    5. Which bank sanctioned loans to 1,000 women entrepreneurs for various income generating economic activities across the country on the eve of International Women’s Day?
    a) State Bank of India
    b) Axis Bank
    c) Bharatiya Mahila Bank
    d) ICICI Bank

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      bmb nw sbi

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  95. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The fifth edition of the mega cultural festival ‘India by the Nile’ began in __________
    a) Japan
    b) Egypt
    c) Singapore
    d) Germany

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      1. cActi

        kaise pehchana ?

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          noon me bat ki thi na tumne
          to dekha vha name changed ho gya :PPPPPPPP

    2. COLD BLOOD ;)

      mummies tomb

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  96. ? Lovely (star) ???

    International Women’s Day is observed on?
    a) March 08
    b) March 09
    c) March 10
    d) March 11

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???

      aa my birthday :p

      1. COLD BLOOD ;)

        happy birthday 😛

        1. ? Lovely (star) ???

          thanks 🙂

      2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

        happy birthday to u

        1. ? Lovely (star) ???

          thanks 🙂

  97. ? Lovely (star) ???

    The International Cricket Council (ICC) appointed ________________ as the UNICEF and Cricket for Good Ambassador for the ICC Women’s World Cup 2017
    a) Anil Kumble
    b) Sachin Tendulkar
    c) Mahendra Singh Dhoni
    d) Rahul Dravid

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. COLD BLOOD ;)


  98. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . Who won the Brasil Open tennis title 2017?
    a) Gilles Müller
    b) Albert Ramos-Vinolas
    c) Pablo Cuevas
    d) Nicolas Mahut

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. cActi

      2day is ur bday ??

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        no on march 8th womens day

        1. cActi

          blated happy bday dear :))
          god bless u ..

          1. ? Lovely (star) ???

            ty 🙂

  99. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Arvind Padmanabhan who passed away recently, was a/an
    a) Journalist
    b) Actor
    c) Politician
    d) Author

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  100. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Who has been honoured with the Saraswati Samman 2016 for his novel Hawthan?
    a) Vikram Seth
    b) Kiran Desai
    c) Mahabaleshwar Sail
    d) Chetan Bhagat

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  101. ? Lovely (star) ???

    Who has been appointed to a second term as president of the European Council?
    a) Bronisław Komorowski
    b) Beata Szydło
    c) Andrzej Duda
    d) Donald Tusk

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  102. ? Lovely (star) ???

    . State-run power giant NTPC has commissioned 45 MW capacity for solar project in ___________
    a) Maharashtra
    b) Gujarat
    c) Rajasthan
    d) Haryana

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  103. ? Lovely (star) ???


    1. cActi

      ty dear 🙂

    2. Player

      thanks :))

    3. COLD BLOOD ;)

      connection lost…
      thanks anyway..:)

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        wat connection?

        1. COLD BLOOD ;)

          no no i meant mera connection lost ho gya tha bich m..

          1. ? Lovely (star) ???

            acha ur net connection ? ok got it



      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        lol u absent for quiz 😛


          Yes mam aproxi laga dete ap
          Age se apko leave ki application pe singh krwa ke chuti maruga

          1. Pradeep Narayan

            hhehehehehehehehehehehhehhe sir….aap ko bta dena chaiye h na ki aap visible hoke b invisible quantity bnne hue rhte h……:))))



          3. Pradeep Narayan


          4. ? Lovely (star) ???


  104. ? Lovely (star) ???

    time not specific may be at 9 or 10 after mam quiz plz do check

    1. ammu

      thank u ravi …u provided very much useful information thank u so much

    2. ammu

      u have mixture and aligation chapter pdf plzzzz provideme i am weak in tht sec thank u

  105. ravi

    Quantitative Aptitude for CAT Arun Sharma
    Paramount Maths
    How To Prepare For Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning By Arun Sharma

    1. Pradeep Narayan

      bro..showing error…:))))

      1. ravi

        open ho raha hai check karo

        1. Pradeep Narayan

          not found error 404 show ho rha h bro…:)))

      2. ravi

        give me ur mail id if possible…..

          1. ravi

            raat ma mail chek karna

          2. Pradeep Narayan

            10KS BRO…:))))

          3. Pradeep Narayan

            bro…aapka mail nhi aaya….:)))

          4. ravi

            bhai avi check kar aur bolo mila ka nahi

          5. Pradeep Narayan

            okzzz bhai chek krte h…:))))) 10ks brother…:)))

          6. Pradeep Narayan

            brother kuch mn request maag rha h……:)) goggle drive ki…;)))

          7. ravi

            google drive ma open karo

          8. ravi

            sab file opne hoga drive me

          9. Pradeep Narayan

            OKZZ BRO…:))))))

  106. ? Lovely (star) ???

    gn all bye 🙂

    1. ravi

      good night:))

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???

        gn 🙂

  107. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

    CA quiz ho gyi or mujhe khabr bhi nhi hui :(((((((((((

  108. Divaker

    koi hai ???

  109. Ravi kiran

    Will u provide capsule for niacl exam

  110. Myra

    Expected Essay Topics for SBI PO Descriptive Paper 2017
    ?Does providing educational loans help in empowering employment to youth?
    ?How useful is aadhar card?
    ?Impact of unearthing of black money on indian economy
    ?Importance of education in vernacular languages
    ?Pros & cons of winning lotteries
    ?Do brokers deserve the cut that they make on deals?
    ?Security of women in workspace, an increasing cause of concern
    ?Entrance exams – a necessary evil
    ?Pros & cons of Inflation
    Expected Letter Writing Topics for SBI PO Descriptive Paper 2017
    ?Write a letter to the manager of a firm to increase credit amount of loan taken.
    ?Letter to the bank manager apologizing for the delay in EMI payment.
    ?Letter to your brother indicating him on why you want to choose career in banking.
    ?As a manager, write a letter to your colleagues to conduct a meeting on PR strategy.
    ?Write a letter to your younger sibling explaining the importance of saving money
    ?Letter to the bank manager for extension of joining date.

    1. Pradeep Narayan


        1. Player

          myra koi link jahan se letters & essay ka pattern bhi mil jaye

          1. Player

            thanku very much :))




      Thank you.
      Helpful Article

  111. golden girl


      1. golden girl

        chalo start karte hain

      2. golden girl

        aaj me ek nayi pdf se start karungi isme apporx 100 ques hain and hum logo ki 8 days me complete karni hai

        1. MiMi

          okk done..chalo phir start karo

  112. golden girl

    Seven person A, B, C, D, E, F and G visit a restaurant on four days – Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday – in a week.
    At least one person but not more than two person visits the restaurants on each of these days. Each of them is working in
    different professions – Lawyer, Doctor, Engineer, Hotelier, Professor, Pilot and Businessman.
    D visit the restaurant on Saturday with pilot. The Engineer does not visit on Sunday and neither does he visit the restaurant
    along with E and G. The businessman F visits alone on Wednesday. B visits on Friday and he is not engineer. C visits on
    Friday. G is not Pilot. The Engineer visits with lawyer. The Hotelier visits on Saturday. A is neither professor nor pilot.

    1. golden girl


    2. MiMi

      satrdy d(hotelir) e(pilot)
      wed f (business)
      fri b(law) c (engi)
      sun g (professr) a (doct)

  113. golden girl

    Six students P, Q, R, S, T & U is sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre of the table in a public library.
    They read different books -History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English and Hindi. They carry different colours of bags –
    Black, Red, Blue, Green, violet and Brown, but not necessarily in the same order. The students who read History, Chemistry
    and English books are having neither black nor red bag. The students who have blue and violet bag do not read History or
    Chemistry books. P do not have black bag and he is not on the immediate left of the student who read Biology. The only
    student who is between T and U reads physics. The student, who is on the left side of the student, who has black bag, does
    not read Hindi book. S reads biology book and the colour of his bag is blue also he is facing the student who reads physics
    book. One who reads history book is seated opposite to the student having Brown bag. The student whose bag is of blue
    colour is on the left of the student who reads English book. One who reads Hindi book is on the immediate right of the
    student, who has black bag but on the immediate left of the student, who reads Chemistry. R does not read chemistry and U
    does not read History book.

    1. golden girl


      1. MiMi

        oh great…mujse nhi banraha itna tough ..kaise start karte ho tm ki easily ban jata hai/

        1. golden girl

          dear isme vo data search karo jiska use jada baad hua hai bas usse aage apne aap he sol ho jayega

          1. MiMi

            ok sis wait karo thoda

          2. golden girl

            ok 🙂

    2. MiMi

      bohat tough yaar..nhi baan raha hai..is type ka shortcut kya hai ?

      1. golden girl

        dear isme T ,U and phy ko fil karo phir S wali detali apne aap set ho jayegi then aahe sol ho jayega

      1. golden girl


        1. MiMi

          nhi ban raha hai :(((

          1. golden girl

            t history , peng vilolet, s bio blue, q chembrown, u hindi red, r phy black

  114. golden girl

    Five friends Angelina Jolie, Emma Stone, Kristen Stewart, Jessica Jones and Julia Roberts are Musician,
    Architect, Doctor, Engineer and Artist by profession and like White, Blue, Red, Yellow and Green colour but
    not necessarily in that order.
    • The person whose hobby is dancing preferred lemonade over cola while others preferred cola over
    lemonade in beverages
    • The four friends who took cola were Angelina Jolie, the one who is an engineer, the person whose favourite
    colour is Green and the one whose hobby is net surfing.
    • Jessica Jones did not take lemonade and her favourite colour is white.
    • Emma Stone’s favourite colour is Blue. She did not like lemonade.
    • Julia Roberts’s hobby is not painting, reading or gardening.
    • The person whose favourite colour is Red likes painting and the person who is artist likes gardening.
    • Jessica Jones is not a doctor. The person who is a doctor takes cola. The person who is an engineer likes
    Blue colour. The person whose favourite colour is yellow is a Architect.
    • The musician’s favourite colour is not yellow. Kristen Stewart’s favourite colour is Green. Kristen Stewart
    is a artist and Jessica Jones is a musician.

    1. golden girl


    2. golden girl

      cola- angel – red – painting – dr
      cola-kristen-green-gardining- artist
      cola- jessi-white-net-
      lemon-julic-yellow-dancing- arch

  115. golden girl


    1. MiMi

      yaar kya hogaya mera ek bhi solve nhi ho raha :((

      1. golden girl

        chalo phir easy wali karte hain

        1. MiMi

          bt esy wala to nhi ayega na sis..

          1. golden girl

            to kya hua its just for warm up

  116. golden girl

    There are six juices – Mango, Grape, Lychee, Orange, Sweet lime and Pomegranate – kept in six bottles Pony, Magnum,
    Imperial, Sovereign, Split and Jeroboam but not necessarily in same order. These bottles are arranged from left to right.
    Mango juice has been kept in bottle Magnum. Orange juice has not been kept in bottle Split but has been placed on the
    immediate left of Pony. Pomegranate juice has been kept in bottle Jeroboam and has been placed exactly between the bottles
    which contain orange juice and Mango juice. Sovereign has been placed at the extreme left end. The bottle containing Grape
    juice has not been placed at the extreme ends. Bottle Split has been placed at the extreme right end. Sweet lime juice has not
    been kept near bottle Magnum.

    1. MiMi

      agar ek solve nhi hota to phir acha nhi lagta..ur ansr bhi post karo

    2. golden girl

      sover, mango- mene, pomeg-jero, orange- imperial, graps-pony, split- sweet lime

    3. MiMi

      done..bohat esy

  117. golden girl

    sis ab over karte hain aaj yahi

    1. MiMi

      haa yaar mood nhi hai…thoda tough nhi ban raha hai mujse

      1. golden girl

        koi na dear
        aaj apan 4 days baad kar rhe hain isliye
        kal se phir se banne lagega

        1. MiMi

          hmmm..sis suva se apna routine batao agar free ho abhi to….

          1. golden girl

            dear abhi to koi routine nhi hai mera, kabhi bhi kuch bhi padh rhe kabhi bhi so rhe and all but monday tak ban jayega

          2. MiMi

            he he okk share karna

          3. golden girl

            ok sis
            now bye

    2. MiMi

      di bhi practice karna parega…imp chaptr hai

      1. golden girl

        mam ne kuch new pattern ki di post ki hai unko jarur dekh lena same as sbi mains

        1. MiMi

          oh kuch din se sites visit nhi kiya me ok i will check

    1. purvi

      yes dear
      just 1 min

      1. purvi

        we will talk there

  118. purvi

    Seven friends Jack, Simon, Tom, Matt, Drone, Smith and Chris are sitting in a straight line facing south. All of them study
    in a different school, viz St Francis, Bal Bhavan, DAV, Bal Vidya, Saint Mary, Gyan Niketan and Gurukul but not
    necessarily in the same order. Simon sits fourth to the right of the person who studies in Gyan Niketan. Only one person sits
    between Simon and Chris. Chris studies in DAV. Either Simon or the one who studies in Gyan Niketan sits at the extreme
    end of the row. The person who studies in St Francis school in third to the left of Matt, who is not an immediate neighbour of
    Chris. only one person sits between Drone and the one who studies in Bal Bhavan. Jack and Tom are immediate neighbours.
    Jack does not study in Gyan Niketan. The person who studies in Saint Mary sits third to the left of the one who studies in

      1. MiMi

        The person who studies in St Francis school in third to the left of Matt, who is not an immediate neighbour of

        1. MiMi

          iss line ka meaning kya hai maat cris ke pass nhi baithega?

    1. MiMi

      sis post ur ansr

    2. purvi

      matt (val), smit, simon(guru),drone(st), dav (chris), jack(saint), tom(gyan)

      1. purvi

        matt – bal vidhya

      2. MiMi

        ok post next

    1. MiMi