New pattern English Questions: Sentence Fillers & Word Usage
This set contains important New Pattern English Questions for SBI PO, IBPS PO Clerk, NIACL and other upcoming exams. New Pattern English Questions on Sentence Fillers and Word Usage. English New Pattern Sentence Fillers Word Usage.
Direction (1-5): In each of the following questions a short passage is given with one of the lines in the passage missing and represented by a blank. Select the best out of the five answer choices given, to make the passage complete and coherent.
- Innovation and new product development, in its essence, is an information processing activity where teams ‘obtain information about markets, technologies, competitors and resources and translate this information in to product design and strategy’. (_______________________________). Traditional research on this topic has taken a largely local and intra-company view, focusing on the cross-functional nature of the information processing activity within the firm. But today, the world is the business arena and this calls for firms to take on a much broader perspective: one that recognizes the value and importance of acquiring and applying information that is essential for developing new products that respond to global markets, a setting that is often widely dispersed, functionally, geo-graphically and culturally
A) Increasingly, both product innovation and globalization are the factors that drive organizational success.
B) Creating a new product is extremely hard. There are dozens of barriers and pitfalls along the way. Success requires fanatical execution and a bit of luck.
C) Thus, success in new product development (NPD) is the result of organizational data processing that transforms information into products that are superior, that respond to customer needs and that achieve a competitive edge in the marketplace.
D) We all know how important innovation is to drive growth in consumer products companies. However, less than 0.5% of all new products launched achieve enduring breakthrough performance.
E) Dynamic market change, disruptive technologies, shifting customer expectations – now, more than ever, businesses must adjust their product and innovation strategy to stay competitive and deliver winning products and services to the marketplace.
- Storytelling has always been a powerful form of teaching and continues to be a com-pelling way to build and communicate theory. Storytelling brings learning to life, helping students grasp the intricacies and nuances of today’s challenging decision-making environment. One form of classroom storytelling involves the use of guest speakers. Carefully selected guest speakers bring a unique credibility to the classroom. However, integrating guest speakers into the curriculum is not without challenges. For example, although they possess valuable experience, not all guest speakers are (1) engaging, (2) familiar with the course content and learning objectives, and (3) versed in effective pedagogy. (_______________________________). Bringing greater structure to the guest speaker’s visit can help mitigate these challenges and make the most out of precious class time and guest speaker experience.
A) Long before written histories were kept, storytelling was the primary vehicle through which families, tribes, and nations assured their histories, lineages, and traditions were preserved
B) Today, effective storytelling remains an important teaching and theory-building tool—despite the proliferation of written texts and new technologies(especially the Internet) that make facts more accessible than ever.
C) Everyone is a storyteller, but some people choose to develop their storytelling skills to become a professional or community storyteller.
D) Storytelling is now reaching out to all age groups and sections of our society in new ways to celebrate our common humanity.
E) According to student feedback, poorly planned guest speaker interactions can actually diminish the learning experience.
- Teams with geographically dispersed members often rely on computer-supported tools in order to conduct cooperative work meetings. Many of the Web tools on the market, such as WebEx or Microsoft Office Live Meeting, allow meeting participants to work concurrently on projects. For example, teams may use an interactive blackboard to produce task work while using text typed in a chat pane to communicate. The purpose of these technologies is to facilitate teamwork. (___________________________) . Computer-mediated teams, in particular, may have difficulties communicating the information required for the development of successful processes. Specifically, computer-mediated interactions are expected to hinder process development because of the effort required to type information otherwise easily transmitted via nonverbal and para-verbal nuances during face-to-face interactions .
A) Media richness theory suggests that lean communication, such as that used by computer-mediated teams, may impinge on the team’s ability to pass information
B) The way in which computer-mediated team processes unfold in the beginning may create persistent deficiencies as the team matures.
C) Research has shown, however, that the interaction medium, whether computer-mediated or face to face, influences how successfully team processes develop.
D) To determine the benefit of setting the stage with an initial face-to-face session before holding computer-mediated sessions, we study processes and outputs of three types of teams.
E) Thus, the pace of communication will be different than that of face-to-face teams because it takes longer to communicate by reading and writing than it does via speaking and listening.
- Team-oriented processes are generally defined as processes that impact relationships among team members. Team conflict is the awareness, on the part of the team members involved, of discrepancies, incompatible wishes, or irreconcilable desires. During initial face-to-face sessions, team members can see each other and be at ease communicating details about their personal attitude toward the task and the other team members. They are able to use facial expressions and verbal cues to establish mutual understanding, and also attract attention to specific important details in the messages they are communicating. Such rich cues make establishing and resolving possible discrepancies quite fast and easy. Alternatively, computer-mediated teams collaborating via technology routinely use e-mail and chat. Typed communication is more laborious, has response latencies, and lacks some of the obvious nonverbal cues available in face-to-face communication. (______________________________). Unresolved conflict may, therefore, result in perceptions of higher conflict being reported at the end of the first session.
A) In other words, meeting face to face initially may facilitate teamwork in subsequent sessions.
B) After the initial session, teams may make gains in process development by virtue of team maturation.
C) Over longer periods of time computer-mediated teams are shown to be able to learn how to coordinate their work without seeing each other
D) Thus, conflict tends to go unnoticed longer mainly because of the communication medium.
E) Team maturation may not bring immediate resolution to the discrepancy be-tween computer-mediated and face-to-face teams’ process development.
- Defined broadly as ‘a commitment to improve[societal] well-being through discretionary business practices and contributions of corporate resources’, corporate social responsibility (CSR) occupies a prominent place on the global corporate agenda in today’s socially conscious market environment. (_________________________________). To give but two examples: Target contributed 5% of its income, amounting to more than $150 million in 2007, to programs which inspire education, increase access to the arts, and promote community safety; and similarly, as part of its Healthymagination initiative, General Electric is investing billions of dollars in healthcare technologies to reduce medical errors and improve patients’ lives.
A) These unprecedented CSR efforts are driven not just by ideological thinking that corporations can be a powerful and positive force for social change, but more by the multi-faceted business returns that corporations can potentially reap from their CSR endeavors.
B) But although many companies embrace this broad vision of CSR, they are hampered by poor coordination and a lack of logic connecting their various programs.
C) To maximize their positive impact on the social and environmental systems in which they operate, companies must develop coherent CSR strategies.
D) More than ever, companies are devoting substantial resources to various social initiatives, ranging from community outreach and environmental protection, to socially responsible business practices.
E) Indeed, findings from both market place polls and academic research suggest that key stake-holders such as consumers, employees and investors are increasingly likely to take actions to reward good corporate citizens and punish bad ones.
Direction (6-10) : In each of the following questions, a word has been used in sentences in four different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.
- Diminish
A) Diminishing enrollment has led to a reduction in staff at the college.
B) Diminishing gas prices augur a high amount of road travel on the upcoming holiday.
C) By some diminished accident, I was placed in first class instead of my third class seat.
D) The medicine caused my headache to diminish.
E) All are correct
- Discover
A) She at last discovered herself to me.
B) With what agility did these military men discover their skill in feats of war.
C) The more you study, the more you discover your ignorance.
D) The judge discovered the requested continuance so that both the defense and prosecution would have more time to prepare.
E) All are correct
- Domain
A) The report was very significant in the arts education domain.
B) Teaching in elementary school remains largely the domain of women in our society.
C) The domain name for my favorite search engine is
D) Good domain combined with adequate rest will help the ailing woman return to her once vibrant self
E) All are correct
- Draft
A) Until it is determined whether or not the dog has rabies, it will be placed in draft.
B) My grandfather wasn’t drafted into the Indian Army for the war – he volunteered.
C) Close the window; the draft is blowing my papers around.
D) We have drafted a proposal for the development of a new marketing campaign.
E) All are correct
- Drip
A) He had been on a drip for several days.
B) I hope that drip isn’t still pursuing you.
C) The snow was melting, and water dripped from the trees.
D) The candles are dripping wax on the carpet.
E) All are correct
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