English: Phrase Replacement/Sentence Corrections — Set 81

Directions(1-10): Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C), (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) ie ‘No correction required’ as the answer.

  1. As it was a dark and stormy night, Lata was too scared to go home alone.
    very scary to
    much scared to
    as scared to
    to scared too
    No correction required
    Option E


  2. Since it was her engagement party, Riya was dress to kill.
    dresses to kill
    dressed to kill
    dressed to killings
    dressing to killed
    No correction required
    Option B


  3. Ramesh worries endlessly about his son’s future as he was so poor in studies.
    worry endless
    worried endless
    worried endlessly
    worries endless
    No correction required
    Option C


  4. Now that the actual criminal had been caught, Kunal was happy that he was finally let of the hook.
    off the hook
    of the hookings
    off the hooks
    of the hooks
    No correction required
    Option A


  5. The little boy appeared all of a sudden out of nowhere and take everyone by surprise.
    took everyone as surprised
    take everyone with surprised
    took everyone by surprises
    took everyone by surprise
    No correction required
    Option D


  6. In order to forget his worries Rahul take to smoke day and night.
    took to smoke
    taking to smoking
    take to smoking
    took to smoking
    No correction required
    Option A


  7. Prema was very please with the gift she had received from her best friend on her birthday.
    was very pleased
    was very pleasing
    is very pleased
    is very pleasing
    No correction required
    Option A


  8. She was so scared on seeing the lion that she shooked like a leaf.
    shaked like a leaf
    shook like a leaf
    shook like a leaves
    shake like a leaf
    No correction required
    Option B


  9. Meena had the presence of mind to get out of the way as the bus sped out of control past her.
    present of mind
    present mind
    presence in mind
    presence to mind
    No correction required
    Option E


  10. Finally Suhas had gather the courage to speak against his father’s atrocities.
    gathering the courage
    gathers courage
    gathered the courage
    gather the couraged
    No correction required
    Option C


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