English Test for IBPS Clerk 2018 Prelim Exam Set – 16

Directions(1-5): In each of the following questions there are sentences. There is error in one of the parts. Mark the option which contains error parts as your answer. If no part contains error mark option E as your answer.

  1. (A) Certainly, whenever I have spent time in leave-voting areas, I have always felt deeply ambivalent: /(B) sick and tired of the delusions that sit at Brexit’s heart, but also keenly aware that in some /(C) of the most neglected parts of England and Wales, a huge chunk of the people who voted for it did so because they had not been listened for decades. As the whole saga groaned on, if I had a position, it was that Brexit probably had to happen – but that in its inevitably awful consequences might lie some eventual realignment of our politics, /(D) and the final death of an exceptionalist English fantasy with no place in the 21st century.
    Option C
    listened = listened to


  2. (A) In an awful instance of irony, the misery and resentment sown by the deindustralisation the Tories accelerated /(B) in the 1980s and the austerity they pushed on the country 30 years later were big reasons why so many people decided to vote leave. /(C) What also helped was a surreal campaign of lies and disinformation, /(D) both during and after the referendum campaign, waged by entitled people with their eyes only on the main chance.
    Option E


  3. (A) Is there some kind of awful equivalence between the rightwing Brexiteers, /(B) who see national crisis as the ideal seedbed for a free-market utopia, /(C) and leftwingers who think socialism is similarly best assisted by disaster? Whatever the explanation, and whatever the levels of support for leave among Labour voters, a supposed party of opposition – and a leftwing one on that – /(D) accepting a project birthed and then sustained in the worst kind of rightwing political circles is a very odd spectacle indeed. This, surely, will also be the verdict of history.
    Option C
    on = at


  4. (A) Today is International Men’s Day – and I’m celebrating it for the first time. /(B) I have to admit I’ve taken myself to surprise on this one. If you’d told me I would be doing this a year ago I would have laughed in your face. /(C) Or assumed “celebrate” was code for “take the piss out of some arrogant dudes on Twitter”. /(D) Because feminists don’t celebrate International Men’s Day, right?
    Option B
    to = by


  5. (A) The handful of men I am lucky to count in my close friends have made this year bearable. /(B) One of them is a new dad, but when I told him I was having a tough time he immediately arranged to take me /(C) for a drink after work, even though it meant missing his son’s bedtime. My male friends who don’t live in the same city as me stayed up late into the night WhatsApping me about my feelings. They listened /(D) patiently to me explain how hard I was finding life, without any judgment. My younger brother has been my rock.
    Option A
    in = among


  6. Directions(6-10): Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C), (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) ie ‘No correction required’ as the answer.

  7. I am glad to hear that you narrowly escaped being run over by a speeding car yesterday.
    by being run over by
    to run over by
    run over down by
    being over run by
    No correction required
    Option E


  8. It is with a heavy heart that I pen these few lines to condole for you on the death of your beloved mother.
    condole with you in
    condole upon you on
    condole with you on
    condole for you with
    No correction required
    Option C


  9. You should visit France when you had been to England.
    had gone to England
    go to England
    were going to England
    should have gone to England
    No correction required
    Option B


  10. He is one of the best players that has ever lived.
    that would have ever lived
    that have ever lived
    that would have been ever lived
    that would ever live
    No correction required
    Option B


  11. He asked me if he did shut the window.
    will shut the window
    can shut the window
    may shut the window
    should shut the window
    No correction required
    Option D


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