English Test for IBPS Clerk 2018 Prelim Exam Set – 27

Directions(1-5): In each question, a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.

  1. We Europeans like to see ourselves as modern citizens of our own country and at the same time citizens of the EU who can seamlessly ___________ allegiances at ease. But scratch the surface and you’ll discover an old-fashioned, enduring doubt that lurks within every immigrant: do I really belong to this country? Do I truly belong to my own country?
    a. peter up
    b. pile up
    c. heap up

    Both a & b
    Both b & c
    Both c & a
    Only b
    All are Correct
    Option B


  2. I ___________ admiring the UK – its freedom, its ambition, its diversity. When I came to live in London, more than a dozen years ago, I saw for myself that most of what I used to admire from a distance was actually true: that the UK is a place that lets individuals thrive, that it’s a country with a sense of possibility difficult to match elsewhere.
    a. spring up
    b. man up
    c. grew up

    Both a & b
    Both b & c
    Both c & a
    Only c
    All are Correct
    Option D


  3. We need to look at amending the Children’s Act 1989 and related directions to ensure that convicted rapists do not have a role in the child’s future, including removing their right to be notified of decisions being made about the victim’s child and to apply through the courts for access. We are ___________ the government to work with us to bring about a definitive change in the law so that it is crystal clear – the rights of victims supersede those of convicted rapists.
    a. calling on
    b. calling upon
    c. concede upon

    Both a & b
    Both b & c
    Both c & a
    Only a
    All are Correct
    Option A


  4. You can’t doubt the dedication of the crowd packing out this London concert hall on a Tuesday night. For an audience with John McDonnell, they have braved all the muck that a November evening can throw at them. They ___________ at the end for selfies and book signings.
    a. set up
    b. line up
    c. queue up

    Both a & b
    Both b & c
    Both c & a
    Only a
    All are Correct
    Option E


  5. Paul Johnson doesn’t ___________ to a reversal of the cuts we’ve seen since 2010. Then Labour proposes re‑engineering the financial system so that it does much more than simply lend money to homebuyers. The biggest and toughest job of all is changing the rules by which markets and businesses are run, such as putting workers on company boards and changing how executive pay is set.
    a. tote up
    b. come up
    c. add up

    Both a & b
    Both b & c
    Both c & a
    Only a
    All are Correct
    Option C


  6. Directions(6-10): Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C), (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) ie ‘No correction required’ as the answer.

  7. He claims that his proposal is preferable than that of any other employee.
    preferable than for
    preferable for than
    preferably more than that of
    preferable to that of
    No correction required
    Option D


  8. The social worker has championed the cause from the weak and oppressed for the last four decades.
    has been championing the cause of
    had championed the cause for
    has been championing the cause for
    had been championed the cause for
    No correction required
    Option A


  9. Initially the hijackers seemed determined not to submit but ultimately they were given in.
    were given up
    gave in
    had been given up
    had been given in
    No correction required
    Option B


  10. Every one of us must have experienced how people have to put up with a good deal of discomfort while travelling.
    have to be put with a good deal of
    have been putting up a good deal with
    have to put up a good deal with
    are putting up with a good deal with
    No correction required
    Option E


  11. Disputes are mainly maintained by those who are nothing else to do.
    have nothing else to do
    are nothing to do else where
    had nothing to be done
    do not have nothing else to do
    No correction required
    Option A


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