Directions(1-5): In each of the following questions there are sentences. There is error in one of the parts. Mark the option which contains error parts as your answer. If no part contains error mark option E as your answer.
- (A) I think something profound, unsettling but still underexplored, underpins this scale of priorities: /(B) a fundamental change that need to be understood /(C) outside the day-to-day disasters of this useless /(D) government and even of the Brexit process itself.
need = needs - (A) There is still a plenty that does say racism on the sticker, of course. In my book, I recall going into a high-end shop on my local high street, /(B) for example, only to be told I wasn’t welcome because “the black girls steal”. /(C) And the moment I realised my partner refused point-blank to enter /(D) shops of that nature in the first place, exhausted by the inevitable suspicion and hostility.
a plenty = plenty - (A) On our way back to the hotel, Angélica and I could not contain our insane glee at depriving Bush of our room. /(B) For once, we chortled, we had bested one of the big fishes who are used to seeing their every wish granted. /(C) Our antipathy towards this particular big fish ran deep: those deplorable years as Reagan’s vice-president, his racist campaign against Michael Dukakis, his invasion of Panama, his appointment of Clarence Thomas to the supreme court, /(D) his sabotage of global initiatives to reverse catastrophic climate change, the disastrous Nafta treaty, the vetoing of civil rights legislation, the presidential pardon of the neo-con Elliott Abrams, and, of course, Bush’s mawkish “thousand points of light”.
fishes = fish - (A) Poor Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I mean that literally, by the way, as it appears the 29-year-old US politician is embarrassingly impecunious. /(B) Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, /(C) reportedly has less than $7,000 (£5,500) in savings. Shocking, right? Obviously I am aware that poor people exist, /(D) but I had no idea they were allowed to become politicians.
- (A) After an investigative podcaster revealed that the “vicar” was called Marina, is appeared in various BBC dramas /(B) and that her ordination appeared to be the sort you buy from the internet, /(C) the BBC tweeted that Lynn “is a pastor and was a genuine participant of our Brexit debate. She carries out work as an extra using her middle /(D) name but this is not relevant to the capacity in which she appeared. #VicarGate”. The W1A scriptwriters could surely have done a better job on that one.
is = had - I asked a few cinephiles to name some popular movies that had raised public awareness about an important issue. Before we come to their suggestions, some context. The stories of journalism and of democracy are ____________. Agitation for universal suffrage, pressure for better representation, coverage of campaigns, scrutiny of vote counts and a chronicle of the action and inaction of those who win elections – all are threads in the development of journalism, just as the details form the ____________ of democratic governance itself, in every country where it survives.
absolute, burrowentwined, fabricliberal, deracinatedetached, capriceAll are CorrectOption B
- As the lies that ____________ Brexit unravel under the spotlight of actual fact, so the reasons ____________ Leave voters gave for supporting it seem increasingly tragic. My relative who wanted to get rid of Pakistanis and Indians, and other people from the far south-eastern region of the EU, finds they are still here, curing him, presenting the news and cooking delicious baltis.
swarm, audibledrive, enlighteneddrove, bewildereddriven, methodicalAll are CorrectOption C
- But Dunham is spoken of, by many, as an embarrassment. She is ____________ and mocked. When she appears in the news – there was an interview with Dunham in New York magazine last week – there is a flurry of moral fury and mock ____________. Here are some of the Twitter comments in the days after the article was published: “If herpes was a physical human being it would be Lena Dunham”; “For a while, I forgot that Lena Dunham even existed.
scolded, strengthhenpecked, vitalityadmonished, vigorberated, exhaustionAll are CorrectOption D
- The recent World Chess Championship set a new record, but it was not one likely to give the game more mass appeal. There were 12 slow matches, ____________ in a soundproof glass box, between the reigning champion and his challenger – and every one ended in a draw. The contest was finally ____________ only by quickening the pace with a deciding run of games in which the players had to think and move much more rapidly.
conducted, resolvedacted, vacillantbehaved, confusedcommanded, mootAll are CorrectOption A
- The number of Tory MPs who are declared opponents of Mrs May’s deal is 100 and rising. Even if we halve that, to allow for rebels ____________ under pressure from the whips, it is still impossible to see how she can prevail without the assistance of a substantial number of opposition MPs, help that won’t be forthcoming. There are Labour MPs who would prefer her deal, awful as many of them think it is, to any of the alternatives, but to support her would be to risk ____________ by their party leadership and deselection by their local activists.
slivering, condemnationflaking, denunciationdetaching, indictmentcoking, fulminationAll are CorrectOption B
Direction (6-10): In each question below a sentence is given with two blanks in each. Each question is followed by four options with two words in each. You have to select that option as your answer which can fill both the blanks of the sentence.
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