Reasoning: Coding/Decoding Questions for RRB Prelims Set 26

Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO, IBPS PO, NIACL, NICL, BoB PGCBF, Dena Bank PO, RBI Grade B, and other competitive exams.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions.

‘to make search down’ is written as ‘es vst re pt’
‘normal in city make’ is written as ‘ch dsr mo vst’
‘normal to head on’ is written as ‘re dqv ch gi’  and
‘head refer to make’ is written as ‘re gi vst wey’

  1. What is the code for ‘city’ in the given code language?
    A) mo
    B) wey
    C) ch
    D) Either ‘dsr’ or ‘mo’
    E) Other than those given as options
    View Answer
    Option D
  2. In the given code language, what does the code ‘pt’ stand for?
    A) head
    B) Either ‘search’ or ‘down’
    C) city
    D) make
    E) Either ‘city’ or ‘in’
    View Answer
    Option B
  3. What may be the code for ‘Make us’ in the given code language?
    A) dqv iq
    B) iq gi
    C) iq vst
    D) gi es
    E) vst dqv
    View Answer
    Option C
  4. What is the code for ‘to’ in the given code language?
    A) mo
    B) vst
    C) gi
    D) dqv
    E) re
    View Answer
    Option E
  5. If ‘head on wheels’ is coded as ‘dqv wz gi’ in the given code language, then what is the code for ‘Refer on wheels’?
    A) wz ch es
    B) dqv wz wey
    C) wey mo wz
    D) vst es wz
    E) ch wey vst
    View Answer
    Option B

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions

In a certain code language,
‘format head for footer’ is written as ‘kop mi bo ge’,
‘refer for style footer’ is written as ‘seo li ge mi’
‘footer space to give’ is written as ‘ge frw wr ct’
‘give and refer head’ is written as ‘bo seo ct lko’

  1. What is the code for ‘give’ in the given code language?
    A) seo
    B) ge
    C) ct
    D) mu
    E) None of the Above
    View Answer
    Option C
  2. In the given code language, what does ‘and’ stands for?
    A) seo
    B) ge
    C) ct
    D) mu
    E) lko
    View Answer
    Option E
  3. What is the code for ‘footer’ in the given code language?
    A) seo
    B) ge
    C) ct
    D) mu
    E) lko
    View Answer
    Option B
  4. What is the code for ‘space’ in the given code language?
    A) Either seo or ct
    B) ge
    C) Either frw or wr
    D) mu
    E) other than those given as options
    View Answer
    Option C
  5. What may be the possible code for ‘Refer heading’ in the given code language?
    A) seo frw
    B) ge seo
    C) ct bo
    D) seo mu
    E) None of the Above
    View Answer
    Option D

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8 Thoughts to “Reasoning: Coding/Decoding Questions for RRB Prelims Set 26”

  1. M@nish...

    explain 5th

    1. Head is gi
      On – dqv
      So wheels – wz

      Refer is wey

      So refer on wheels is wey dqv wz

  2. deepali

    thnkyou az 🙂

  3. Wikki Waran

    thank you

  4. jjhumu86ajp3FZAW7UuyUrmBmvddqm3bhwE

  5. uZnTVCi2s2N7ma2RhazgdVCXlLDqvhoASj8GJbkAo0rrJGNTzAdKkFy6c8ZEJb03KmWt2YRuAgEwH4HXpgcIhnDwzF4KcKqTWWmUn8VfAta9hh1dNNCRMVqApXOPa03ikI4ZT2GeVFllibRGsXBnLe

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