Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code language,
‘labour of Sensual money’ is written as `ag omg lit us’
‘haste fun labour prey on’, is written as ‘lik oz omg ey an’
‘money fun premier erst’ is written as `oz ar lit ad’
‘premier common of prey’ is written as `ad ag cin lik’.
- What is the code for ‘on’?
cinadageyEither ey or anOption E
- What does `us’ stand for?
laboursensualpreypremiererstOption B
- What is the code for ‘erst labour common’?
cin ey litcin ar omgad ar cinCannot be determinedNone of theseOption B
- Which of the following does `lik lit an’ stand for?
money prey hastemoney prey onmoney fun sensualEither b or cEither a or bOption E
- Which of the following may represent ‘bounce left of labour’?
ag ab omg eenag oz lit adag ab cin likCannot be determinedNone of theseOption A
a)All sh are la.
b)No la is in.
c)All in are ti.
a)Some la are sh.
b)All la are sh.
c)Some ti are la.
d)All ti are in.Only b and d followsEither a or b followsEither c or d followsAll followsNone of theseOption E
a)Some p are s.
b)All s are c.
c)Some c are not p.
a)Some c are p.
b)All p are c.
c)All s are p.
d)All c are p.Only b and c followsOnly c followsEither a or b followsOnly a followsNone of theseOption D
a)Some bu are tr.
b)All tr are ts.
c)Some ts are ca.
a)Some ts are bu.
b)Some ca are bu.
c)Some ca are tr.
d)Some tr are bu.Only a and b followsOnly b and c followsEither a or b followsBoth a and d followsNone of theseOption D
a)All p are r.
b)Some s are r.
c)All e are s.
a)Some s are p.
b)Some e are r.
c)Some r are p.
d)No e is r.Either a or b and c followsEither b or d and c followsOnly a and b followsAll followsNone of theseOption B
a)All d are b.
b)No b is a f.
c)All f are r.
a)No d is a f.
b)Some r are f.
c)Some b are d.
d)Some d are f.Either a or d and b followsEither a or d and both b and c followsEither a or b and both c and d followsAll followsNone of theseOption E
Directions (6-10): In each question below are given three statements followed by four conclusions numbered a,b ,c and d. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts: