I FOUND THE MISTAKE. Putting a div in the value for the hidden input tab worked as a hack to set the value but was unecessary and seems to have broken the code so the results div was not set. In lieu of a div, simply giving an id to the hidden input tab and setting its value in javascript works as follows:
htmlI FOUND THE MISTAKE. Putting a div in the value for the hidden input tab worked as a hack to set the value but was unecessary and seems to have broken the code so the results div was not set. In lieu of a div, simply giving an id to the hidden input tab and setting its value in javascript works as follows:
htmlI FOUND THE MISTAKE. Putting a div in the value for the hidden input tab worked as a hack to set the value but was unecessary and seems to have broken the code so the results div was not set. In lieu of a div, simply giving an id to the hidden input tab and setting its value in javascript works as follows:
I FOUND THE MISTAKE. Putting a div in the value for the hidden input tab worked as a hack to set the value but was unecessary and seems to have broken the code so the results div was not set. In lieu of a div, simply giving an id to the hidden input tab and setting its value in javascript works as follows:
htmlI FOUND THE MISTAKE. Putting a div in the value for the hidden input tab worked as a hack to set the value but was unecessary and seems to have broken the code so the results div was not set. In lieu of a div, simply giving an id to the hidden input tab and setting its value in javascript works as follows:
htmlI FOUND THE MISTAKE. Putting a div in the value for the hidden input tab worked as a hack to set the value but was unecessary and seems to have broken the code so the results div was not set. In lieu of a div, simply giving an id to the hidden input tab and setting its value in javascript works as follows:
I FOUND THE MISTAKE. Putting a div in the value for the hidden input tab worked as a hack to set the value but was unecessary and seems to have broken the code so the results div was not set. In lieu of a div, simply giving an id to the hidden input tab and setting its value in javascript works as follows:
htmlI FOUND THE MISTAKE. Putting a div in the value for the hidden input tab worked as a hack to set the value but was unecessary and seems to have broken the code so the results div was not set. In lieu of a div, simply giving an id to the hidden input tab and setting its value in javascript works as follows:
htmlI FOUND THE MISTAKE. Putting a div in the value for the hidden input tab worked as a hack to set the value but was unecessary and seems to have broken the code so the results div was not set. In lieu of a div, simply giving an id to the hidden input tab and setting its value in javascript works as follows: