English: One Word Substitution Set 28

Important One Word Substitution Questions for SSC CGL, CPO, SSC CHSL, RRB NTPC, High Court and other exams. One Word Substitution SSC CGL 2017 Exam Person who loves everybody A) humanist B) egoist C) fatalist D) altruist A person leading a life of strict self discipline A) sadist B) hedonist C) disciplinarian D) agnostic One who does something for the…

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English: One Word Substitution Set 27

Important One Word Substitution Questions for SSC CGL, CPO, SSC CHSL, RRB NTPC, High Court and other exams. One Word Substitution SSC CGL 2017 Exam Burial of a corpse A) interpose B) interment C) internment D) interrogate That which cannot be effaced A) indelible B) affable C) illegible D) invincible One who is skillful A) ambidextrous B) dexterous C) talented…

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