Directions: The following series follow some pattern. Find the number in each series which does not follow that pattern and is unfit in the seies.
- 96…, 46…, 72…, 180…, 630.., 2835..
964672180630Option B
96 * 0.5 = 48 (not 46)
48 * 1.5 = 72
72 * 2.5 = 180
180 * 3.5 = 630
630 * 4.5 = 2835 - 42…, 86…, 348…, 2094…, 16758
Option D
- 48.., 1764…, 1632..,. 2622…, 2530
481764163226222530Option E
-12^3-12,-11^2-11….. - 1582…, 1602…, 1634…, 1690…, 1782…, 1920
15821602163416901920Option E
1582 1602 1634 1690 1782 1922
20 32 56 92 140
12 24 36 48 - 124…, 63…, 64…, 130…, 524…, 4200…, 67214
124636413067214Option E
124 * 0.5 + 1 =63
63 * 1 + 1 = 64
64 * 2 + 2 = 130
130 * 4 + 4 = 524
524 * 8 + 8 = 4200
4200 * 16 + 16 = 67216 (not 67214) - 11…, 19…, 65…, 259…, 1161…, ?
43215421602111612121Option C
11 x 1 + 23 = 19
19 x 2 + 33 = 65
65 x 3 + 43 = 259
259 x 4 + 53 = 1161
1161 x 5 + 63 = 6021 - 8.., 50…, 295.., ? …, 5881…, 17641
14715348214561231Option A
8 x 7 – 6 = 50
50 x 6 – 5 = 295
295 x 5 – 4 = 1471
1471 x 4 – 3 = 5881
5881 x 3 – 2 = 17641 - 10.., 15.., 35.., 82.5.., ?.., 562.5
200205450230320Option B
10 x 0.5 + 10 = 15
15 x 1 + 20 = 35
35 x 1.5 + 30 = 82.5
82.5 x 2 + 40 = 205
205 x 2.5 + 50 = 562.5 - 1000.., 501…, 170.., 47.5.., ?
12.714.616.51211Option C
1000 ÷ 2 + 1 = 501
501 ÷ 3 + 3 = 170
170 ÷ 4 + 5 = 47.5
47.5 ÷ 5 + 7 = 16.5 - 11.., 28.., 39.., 104.., ?.. , 276..
3412752215Option C
10 + 12 = 11
20 + 23 = 28
30 + 32 = 39
40 + 43 = 104
50 + 52 = 75
60 + 63 = 276
Directions: The following series follow some pattern. Based on the same pattern find the number in place of (?) in each series.