Directions (1-6): In the given question, four words are printed in bold and are numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. Of these, the positions of the two words may be incorrect and need to be exchanged to make the sentence correct. Find the two words which need to be exchanged. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E) i.e. ‘No correction
Nuclear disarmers are right in trying (1) that a test ban (2) would stop weapons builders saying (3) out new and fancier designs (4).
1-42-31-32-4No correction requiredOption C - The wounds(1) on the prisoner’s arm beaten(2) colour to his story that he was lend(3) by his fellow criminals(4).
1-22-31-32-4No correction requiredOption B
- Such folk attempted(1) to ascend(2) by constructing their field and form(3) much like a patchwork quilt off the ascension(4) of others.
1-22-31-41-3No correction requiredOption E
- Our results treatment(1) with those of several previous studies(2) in which early surgical treatment was recommended(3) for the concur(4) of symptomatic phalangeal osteochondromas.
1-22-31-42-4No correction requiredOption C
- Sudden occurring(1) of these creatures have been plagues(2) over recent years which settle(3) upon living reefs and devour(4) the coral polyps.
1-22-31-31-4No exchange requiredOption A
- The tape prove(A) provided prosecutors with the smoking(B) gun they involved(C) to recordings(D) he’d been needed(E) in the conspiracy.
A-CC-D and B-CC-EA-D and C-ENo exchange requiredOption D
Column I :
A) Now the US, home to some of the biggest multinational pharma firms, and Europe, too, are sounding the alarm
B) The study, which focuses on top-selling prescription drugs in the US, says unequivocally that patent abuse
C) The patent office has of late been ignoring the strict rules against evergreening in India’s laws and
Column II :
D) are a leading cause of high drug prices today.
E) under the unethical patent practices of drug giants which are helping them to rake in humongous profits.
F) has even approved patents that have been rejected by the European Patent Office.B-D and C-FA-E, B-F and C-DC-FB-FA-E and C-FOption C - Column I :
A) This month would mark the beginning of the year-long celebration
B) Gandhi lives on primarily because of the sheer force of his ideas;
C) Both capitalism and communism have failed us in terms of finding a
Column II :
D) not because we have put them into practice.
E) for the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
F) answer to unemployment and environmental threats.B-D and C-FA-E, B-F and C-DA-F and C-DB-FB-DOption E - Column I :
A) This raises alarms for two reasons: poverty is concentrated in a few countries and
B) There are other reasons for economic underdevelopment, but
C) That means all our development efforts must focus
Column II :
D) on environmental regeneration, because poverty is ecological by origin.
E) ecological degradation is at the core of economic well-being.
F) but invariably the poor live in very ecologically fragile areas.B-D and C-FA-E, B-F and C-DB-E and C-DB-FA-E and C-FOption C - Column I :
A) Deforestation and growing population are resulting in land degradation even in Nagaland,
B) He sold the timber in the market and set fire to the undergrowth in the patch and a few weeks
C) The vicious cycle has not only put burden on farmers
Column II :
D) that is known for good monsoons.
E) later, he sowed maize, cucumber and beans on the patch and harvested a bumper crop.
F) but also on soil quality.A-D and C-FA-E, B-F and C-DA-F and C-DB-FB-E and C-FOption E
Directions(7-10): In this question, two Columns I and II, and three sentences are given, which are divided into two parts. Column I (A, B, and C) consists of the first half of each sentence and Column II (D, E, and F) consists of the second half of each sentence. Match column I with column II, so that the sentences formed are both meaningful and grammatically correct. Choose the option as your answer.