- Study the following information carefully and answer the questions:
Six friends i.e. Priyank, QUeen, Akansha, Banya, Caryl and Diksha are sitting around a triangular table with three of them are sitting around the corner of the table and are facing away from the centre of table while rest are sitting around the middle side of the table and are facing towards the centre of table. There is equal distance between each person. Diksha sits second to the left of Priyank. Two persons sits between Diksha and Akansha. More than one person sits between Caryl and Priyank from either side. Banya sits next to Caryl. Caryl does not sits at any of the corner of table.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
Akansha and CarylBanya and PriyankAkansha and QueenPriyank and DikshaDiksha and BanyaOption C - Who among the following sits immediate right of Diksha?
QueenAkanshaCarylEither a or bNone of theseOption A
- The number of persons sits between Banya and Queen, is same as the number of persons sits between Akansha and ___?
DikshaCarylDikshaPriyankNone of theseOption A
- Who among the following sits at the corner of table?
DikshaAkanshaCarylQueenNone of theseOption A
- Who among the following sits 3rd to the right of Banya?
AkanshaQueenCarylPriyankNone of theseOption B
- Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered a and b given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statement are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and Give answer:
Six persons Akash, Brijesh, Caryl, Dinesh, Elvish and Farooq which are of different length. Which of the following is the longest among all?
a)Caryl is longer than Elvish but shorter than Farooq. Brijesh is taller than Elvish but shorter than Caryl, which is shorter than Akash.
b). Brijesh is just longer than Akash, but shorter than Dinesh. Farooq is taller than Caryl but shorter than Akash.If the data in statement a alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement b alone are not sufficient to answer the question.If the data in statement b alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement a alone are not sufficient to answer the question.If the data either in statement a alone or in statement b alone are sufficient to answer the question.If the data even in both statements a and b together are not sufficient to answer the question.If the data in both statements a and b together are necessary to answer the question.Option D - Six friends Akash, Brijesh, Caryl, Dinesh, Elvish and Farooq shops on different days of week from Monday to Saturday. Who among the following shops on Wednesday?
a) Only three persons shop between Akash and Caryl. No one shop between Dinesh and Brijesh. Akash shop on one of the days before Caryl. Only three persons shop between Brijesh and Elvish.
b) Brijesh shops on Thursday. Only one person shops between Brijesh and Caryl. Akash shops immediately before Caryl. Only one person shops between Dinesh and Akash.If the data in statement a alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement b alone are not sufficient to answer the question.If the data in statement b alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement a alone are not sufficient to answer the question.If the data either in statement a alone or in statement b alone are sufficient to answer the question.If the data even in both statements a and b together are not sufficient to answer the question.If the data in both statements a and b together are necessary to answer the question.Option B - Study the following informatioN and answer the given questions:
There are eight boxes i.e. Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx, Ex, Fx, Gx and Hx which are kept one above the other but not necessarily in the same order. Three boxes are placed between box Fx and box Cx. Box Fx is placed above box Cx. Box Bx is placed at second position from the top. Box Ex is placed just above the box Fx. Only one box is placed between box Hx and box Ax. Box Dx is placed just above box Ax.
Which of the following boxes is placed at the bottommost position?
CxAxDxCannot be determinedNone of theseOption A - How many boxes are placed between box Dx and box Gx?
0123More than 3Option E
- Which of the following box is placed just above the box Dx?
BxHxFxEither b or cNone of theseOption B