Reasoning: Puzzles and Arrangements for upcoming Exams – Set 115

Directions (1-5): Study the information given carefully and answer the question given below.
Eight friends – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H were born on in January, April, June and July on either 8th or 10th (all born on different dates). The ones who were born in a month having 30 days like different subjects – Hindi, English, Punjabi and Science not necessarily in the same order. The ones who were born in a month having 31 days like different cities – Delhi, Mumbai, Nagpur, Punjab not necessarily in the same order.

D was born in April. 1 person was born between D and E. E does not like any city. A likes Delhi. Same number of people were born before B as after E. No person was born between the ones who like Mumbai and Punjabi. The one who likes Mumbai was not born on 10th of any month. No person was born between D and one who likes Science. One person was born between A and one who likes Hindi. B does not like Hindi. The ones who like English and Hindi were born either on same date or in same month. One person was born between B and H. F does not like any subject. No person was born between C and one who likes Nagpur. H does not like subject. Same number of persons were born between the ones who like Punjab and English and who like Nagpur and Punjabi.

  1. Who likes Punjab?

    Option C
    1) D was born in April. 1 person was born between D and E. E does not like any city.
    So, E was born in the month having 30 days.

    2) Same number of people were born before B as after E. One person was born between B and H. H does not like subject.
    No person was born between the ones who like Mumbai and Punjabi. The one who likes Mumbai was not born on 10th of any month.
    So, the person who likes Mumbai born on 8th of July.
    A likes Delhi. One person was born between A and one who likes Hindi.

    3) No person was born between D and one who likes Science. The ones who likes English and Hindi were born either on same date or in same month.
    This condition is not satisfied in case 1. So, case 2 is correct.
    No person was born between C and one who likes Nagpur. F does not like any subject.
    So, C likes Mumbai and F likes Nagpur.

    Hence, H likes Punjab.


  2. Who was born on 8th June?
    The one who likes Mumbai
    The one who likes Hindi
    Option E
    G was born on 8th June.


  3. How many people were born between A and the one who likes Nagpur?
    Option E
    Hence, 5 people were born between A and the person who likes Nagpur.


  4. Who among the following likes Punjabi?

    The one who was born on 10th April
    The one who was born in the month of June
    Option D
    Hence, The one who was born in the month of June likes Punjabi.


  5. Four of the following are alike in a certain way and form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?

    Option D
    Hence, except B rest all are born in the month having 31 days.


  6. Directions (6-10): Study the information given carefully and answer the question given below.
    Five friends – Rekha, Neha, Latika, Usha and Sarita each has different classes among Singing, Dancing, Writing, Reading and Drawing one day a week, Monday through Friday.

    Sarita does not have class of reading and does not have class on Tuesday. Neha have class of drawing, and does have on Monday or Friday. The class of singing is done on Thursday. Latika does her class, which is not reading, on Wednesday. The class of writing is done on Monday, and not by Usha. Rekha does her class on Monday.

  7. On which day Sarita has her class?

    Option D
    1) The class of singing is done on Thursday. Latika does her class, which is not reading, on Wednesday. The class of writing is done on Monday, and not by Usha. Rekha does her class on Monday.
    Neha has class of drawing, and does have on Monday or Friday.
    So, Neha has class on Friday.

    2) Sarita does not have class of reading and does not have class on Tuesday.
    So, Sarita has class on Thursday.
    Latika does her class, which is not reading, on Wednesday.
    So, Latika has class of Dancing.

    Hence, Sarita has class on Thursday.


  8. Which class does Latika has?

    Option D
    Hence, Latika has class on Dancing.


  9. How many persons have class after Usha?

    Option D
    Hence, three persons have class after Usha.


  10. How many persons have classes between Usha and the person who has class of Drawing?

    Cannot be determined
    Option C
    Hence, there are two persons between Usha and the person who has class of Drawing.


  11. Who among the following has class on Friday?

    The one who has class of Reading
    The one who has class of Dancing
    Option E
    Hence, Neha has class on Friday.


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