Directions: What value should come in place of the x in the following questions? 492 × 79 ÷ 3433 = 7x A) 3 B) 5 C) 8 D) 7 E) 4 58.09% of 449.9 – x% of 249.98 = 181.003  (Use Approximations) A) 24 B) 46 C) 32 D) 23 E) 39 6 3/8 – 3 1/16 + 5 1/8…
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Quantitative Aptitude: Simplification Questions Set 18
Directions: What value should come in place of the x in the following questions? 392 – 36% of 650 – 12 × 43 = x A) 728 B) 771 C) 739 D) 767 E) 784 √2809 × 13 – 38% of 485 – 27 × 14.1 = x A) 124 B) 176 C) 135 D) 183 E) 159 18% of 1500 – 34% of…
Read MoreQuantitative Aptitude: Simplification Questions Set 17
Directions: What value should come in place of the x in the following questions? (Use Approximations) 54.02% of 649.98 + 45.09 × 31.909 – 22.03% of 750.009 = x A) 1684 B) 1540 C) 1736 D) 1796 E) 1626 √(36.01 × 40.98 – 24% of 750.09) = x A) 34 B) 36 C) 26 D) 44 E) 46 27.95% of…
Read MoreQuantitative Aptitude: Simplification Questions Set 16
Directions: What value should come in place of the x in the following questions? 48 × 27 + 5088 ÷ 53 – 65% of 560 = 2x + 4 A) 7 B) 11 C) 8 D) 10 E) 9 √4761 + 85 × 26 – 272 – 35% of 760 = x A) 1642 B) 1284 C) 1526 D) 1374…
Read MoreQuantitative Aptitude: Simplification Questions Set 15
Directions: What value should come in place of the x in the following questions? 65% of 380 + 5376 ÷ 96 – 64% of 350 = x A) 61 B) 59 C) 79 D) 92 E) 74 48 × 23 + 1248 ÷ 24 + 12 × 19 = x A) 1083 B) 1384 C) 1129 D) 1263 E) 1298…
Read MoreQuantitative Aptitude: Simplification Questions Set 14
Quantitative Aptitude Questions for IBPS RRB/PO/Clerk, SBI PO, NIACL, NICL, RBI Grade B/Assistant, BOI, Bank of Baroda and other competitive exams. Directions(1-10): What will come in the place of question mark (?) in the following questions? 23% of 8040 + 42% of 545 = ?% of 3000 A)Â 55.55 B)Â 69.27 C) 42.56 D) 60.15 E) None of these 12(1/3)…
Read MoreQuantitative Aptitude: Simplification Questions Set 13
Directions: What value should come in place of the x in the following questions? 75% of 640 + 462 – 21918 ÷ 39 = x A) 2231 B) 2139 C) 2046 D) 2932 E) 2034 3036 ÷ 23 ÷ 6 × 59 + 23 × 13 – 18 × 26 = x A) 1083 B) 1125 C) 1129 D) 1263 E)…
Read MoreQuantitative Aptitude: Simplification Questions Set 12
Directions: What value should come in place of the x in the following questions? 24 × 35 + 34% of 250 – 35% of 240  = x2 A) 31 B) 39 C) 46 D) 29 E) 21 √2304 ÷ 3 × 18 + 173160 ÷ 8 ÷ 5 ÷ 9 ÷ 13 = x A) 303 B) 325 C) 362 D) 263…
Read MoreQuantitative Aptitude: Simplification Questions Set 11
Directions: What approximate value should come in place of the x in the following questions? (Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value.) 22.02% of 449.89 + 34.99% of 240.01 = x A) 139 B) 182 C) 146 D) 183 E) 116 223.29 + 6234.06 – 2969.89 = x + 450.09 A) 3037 B) 3569 C) 3623 D)…
Read MoreQuantitative Aptitude: Simplification Questions Set 10
Directions: What value should come in place of the x in the following questions? 22% of 150 + 29 × 36 + 24% of 750 = x A) 1328 B) 1194 C) 1059 D) 1146 E) 1257 65% of 540 + 868 ÷ 14 – 12 × 39 = x A) -56 B) -68 C) -46 D) -51 E) -55…
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