Discussion Zone – 2 January 2018

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379 Thoughts to “Discussion Zone – 2 January 2018”

  1. GE Everyone:)

    We will start Quiz at 8:15 PM

    1. Tiger

      Good Evening 🙂

    2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

      ge mam 🙂


      one min remaning mam

        1. JASSI GILL


          1. JASSI GILL


  2. raghul raj

    Questions and Answers CA PDF – December 2017 will uploaded by today mam?

    1. This time we have given Weekly Quiz Questions PDF

      1. raghul raj

        kudos for that mam but monthly Q&A will be covering the most questions handy notes for clerk please mam provide just for december

        1. Ok. Cannot say. But will try to provide.

          1. raghul raj

            I adjure you 🙁

          2. Ok, I will surely try it for December

  3. Each blank is followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.

    A high-level Indian delegation is visiting the US __________ with America’s food processing sector to bring the best practices of the world into India’s food value chain.
    i.) To forge partnership
    ii.) In developing relationship
    iii.) To collaborate
    A) Both i and ii
    B) Both i and iii
    C) Both ii and iii
    D) Only i
    E) Only ii

    1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    2. B) Both i and iii

      collaborate = work jointly on an activity or project; synonym: partnership

      1. Divaker

        Hello bhai

      2. Divaker

        How are you

        1. Vikash

          very bad still here struggling

          1. Divaker

            Than what you need to be strong enough to become successful

          2. Vikash

            buss to word hard than yesterday
            u say , how are u??

          3. Divaker

            Bs bhai umeed pe ji rahe ki is bar to ho ho jayega

          4. Divaker

            Bhai we both on same boat just practice krte raho

          5. Divaker

            Mujhe bhi guide krna Bhai Kahan se belong krte ho

  4. Each blank is followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.

    When read with the requirement of “unequivocal voluntary agreement”, it mandates that sexual acts are not performed in __________ of the woman’s desire.
    i.) Sensitive disregard
    ii.) Cruel disregard
    iii.) Callous disregard
    A) Only i
    B) All except ii
    C) All except iii
    D) Only iii
    E) Both ii and iii

    1. E

      callous = showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.

  5. Each blank is followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.

    In 2013, significant amendments were made to the rape law provisions in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC), including the introduction of the definition of consent in rape cases __________ of feminists.
    i) For the desire
    ii) At the command
    iii) at the behest
    A) Both i and ii
    B) Both ii and iii
    C) All of these
    D) Only i
    E) Only iii

    1. gomathy priya


      1. Divaker

        Hello Ma’am

        1. gomathy priya

          hi:) how r u?

          1. Divaker

            Good ma’am belated happy new year

          2. gomathy priya

            fine:)happy new year divaker:))

          3. Divaker

            Po result ???

          4. gomathy priya

            i didnt give divaker

          5. gomathy priya

            because failed in prelims itself

      2. gomathy priya

        ooops bbb

    2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    3. B

      behest = a person’s orders or command; desire is also a synonym but not appropriate with the context.

      1. JASSI GILL

        at the command of feminists. >?

  6. gomathy priya

    gud eve@@Shubhra_AspirantsZone:disqus mam:))

      1. gomathy priya

        mam:)when will u give dec ca pdf?

        1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

          given already 🙂

          1. gomathy priya

            oh, thank u, i saw in home page, nov ca is going, so only i asked

          2. Yes, will update there after Quiz

    1. Vikash

      gd evng dear
      happy new year

      1. gomathy priya

        ge:)) happy new year vikash:)how r u?

        1. Vikash

          ur result??

          1. gomathy priya

            which result?

          2. gomathy priya

            didnt give

          3. Vikash

            prep. well for mains,
            may i ask a doubt??

          4. gomathy priya

            s, ask vikash

          5. Vikash

            Whether I feel munipal form or not?

          6. gomathy priya

            feel munipal?

          7. Vikash

            yes or no??

          8. gomathy priya

            yes, u r asking for which bank ?i cleared icici po manipal ,if i am no having options, i will join there, we cant say next year there will be ibps exams.

          9. gomathy priya

            u r asking for which bank?i mean syndicate?

          10. Vikash

            Why don’t you no hindi,

          11. gomathy priya

            because i am from tamilnadu, y i want to know hindi?

          12. Vikash

            No issue

          13. gomathy priya

            manipal form r u asking vikash?

  7. Each blank is followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.

    The appeal on behalf of a caste association to a constitutional court that Prof. Ilaiah must be arrested or an FIR registered for engaging in social critique cannot stand constitutional _________.
    i.) Observation
    ii.) Scrutiny
    iii.) Foresee
    A) Only i
    B) Only ii
    C) Only iii
    D) Both i and ii
    E) Both i and iii

    1. gomathy priya


    2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    3. D

      scrutiny= critical observation or examination.
      Foresee = predict

  8. Each blank is followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.

    There must be a clear debate on what ails our social systems and how we might reckon with our past; how might we rise above __________ that make us complicit in histories of oppression perpetrated by dominant castes and classes before our time.
    i.) parochial assertions
    ii.) Limited edition
    iii.) Narrow-minded proclamations
    A) Both i and ii
    B) Both ii and iii
    C) Both i and iii
    D) Only i
    E) Only ii

    1. gomathy priya


    2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


      1. Vikash


    3. C

      parochial assertions = narrow-minded declarations; having a limited or narrow outlook or scope.

  9. Each blank is followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.

    The Indian Constitution is built on the words, ideas and struggles of those who led entire movements for _________ of caste, with the figure of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar calling into memory the countless others who marched with him and before him.
    i.) The destruction
    ii.) The obliteration
    iii.) The annihilation
    A) Both i and iii
    B) Both ii and iii
    C) All except ii
    D) All of these
    E) None of these

    1. gomathy priya


    2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    3. D

      annihilation= complete destruction or obliteration.

      1. JASSI GILL

        for the destruction of cast ?

        1. yes damage, or demolition

  10. Vikash

    please @@Shubhra_AspirantsZone:disqus mam thora time do reply ke liye

      1. JASSI GILL

        mam thek speed hai 😛 wese

    1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

      ise slow hoga to mei sojayungi 😛

      1. Divaker

        Ma’am great h AP

        1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


          1. JASSI GILL

            ek ankh badi ek choti

          2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

            O_O ab thik h 😛

          3. JASSI GILL

            ji 😛

          4. JASSI GILL

            gnt 🙂

          5. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

            gn 🙂

        1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


  11. Each blank is followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.

    According to the RBI survey, respondents’ pessimism on the price level _________ in the recent period.
    i.) Has also more noticeable
    ii.) Has also accentuated
    iii.) Has also played down
    A) Only i
    B) Only ii
    C) Both i and ii
    D) Both ii and iii
    E) Both i and iii

    1. gomathy priya


    2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    3. Vikash


    4. C

      accentuated= make more noticeable or prominent.

      1. Divaker

        I have doubt why can’t be 1 when both Cary same meaning???

        1. Has also more noticeable is not giving sense

      2. Oser

        mam, why more here ?

          1. Oser

            more noticeable

  12. Each blank is followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.

    The domestic markets will likely _________ by earnings of IT bellwether Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) as well as the key inflation and IIP data.
    i.) To be steered
    ii.) To be controlled
    iii.) To be canalized
    A) Both i and ii
    B) Both ii and iii
    C) Both i and iii
    D) All of these
    E) None of these

    1. gomathy priya


    2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

      dd all

    3. D

      steered = guide or control the movement of (a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft), for example by turning a wheel or operating a rudder; Synonym: canalize

      1. JASSI GILL

        mam how domestic maket will be controled by tcs

        1. Yes, its give and take types

          like Indian Economy se World Ki Economy par bhi farak padta hai

  13. TAURUS

    ek question ke liye 5 min!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Vikash

      please yaar , going on track
      plz join dont do like this

  14. Political __________ has erupted after former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha targetted the PM Narendra Modi government over the alleged economic slowdown
    i.) Slugfest
    ii.) Lambasting
    iii.) Disputes
    A) Only i
    B) Both i and ii
    C) All except ii
    D) All of these
    E) None of these

      1. Vikash


    1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    2. Vikash

      but dont know the meaning of second?

      1. Divaker

        It’s same as other one have

    3. D) All of these

      lambast = criticize (someone or something) harshly.

  15. Each blank is followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.

    Prof. Ilaiah has previously written about __________ granted to Brahmins by the Hindu caste order.
    i.) The special right and exemption
    ii.) The privileges and impunities
    iii.) The prestige and enlightenment
    A) Only i
    B) Only ii
    C) Only iii
    D) Both i and ii
    E) Both ii and iii

    1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    2. gomathy priya


  16. Choose the word meaning SIMILAR to the word:PRIVY
    A) Unconcealed
    B) Confidential
    C) Public
    D) Known

    1. gomathy priya



      ac kha gya ? typo mam

      1. Oser


    3. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    4. B

      Privy (adjective) – sharing in the knowledge of (something secret or private).


    (i) This set of books has been specially prepared for rural students.
    (ii) In case you apologize for having broke your promise I shall forgive you.
    A) Only (i) contains error
    B) Only (ii) contains error
    C) Both (i) and (ii) contain error
    D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free

    1. gomathy priya


    2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


      1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟



    (i) He said that he was not liable to his wife’s debts.
    (ii) He was very angry when he had to pay again.
    A) Only (i) contains error
    B) Only (ii) contains error
    C) Both (i) and (ii) contain error
    D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free

    1. gomathy priya


    2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟



      for his wife

    4. A

      (i) liable to=> liable for
      liable means responsible

      So responsible for something

    5. cAct¡

      @Shubhra_AspirantsZone:disqus mam iska answer ??

      1. A

        (i) liable to=> liable for
        liable means responsible

        So responsible for something

        1. cAct¡

          ty mam 🙂 😀

      2. JASSI GILL

        u r blocked sorry silent reader


    (i) He became so infatuated of her charm that he was ready to do anything for her sake.
    (ii) Vivek was puzzled when he discovered the print of a foot on the sand.
    A) Only (i) contains error
    B) Only (ii) contains error
    C) Both (i) and (ii) contain error
    D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free

    1. gomathy priya


    2. Divaker

      Remove a 2nd one or both are error free


      for her sake.

    4. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


      1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    5. A

      (i) infatuated of=> infatuated with

      infatuate = be inspired with


    (i) When she could not answer his question, he called her as a fool.
    (ii) A good boy will always do as he is commanded by his superiors.
    A) Only (i) contains error
    B) Only (ii) contains error
    C) Both (i) and (ii) contain error
    D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free

    1. gomathy priya


    2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟



      called her a fool
      what he is commanded

      1. ‘as’ bhi yahan ‘what’ ka kaam kar rha hai so ‘as’ is correct in (ii)

    4. A

      (i) remove as; he called her a fool


    (i) When Caesar saw Brutus among the assassins, he covered his face with his gown.
    (ii) Please specify in your letter what kind of a camera you want.
    A) Only (i) contains error
    B) Only (ii) contains error
    C) Both (i) and (ii) contain error
    D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free

    1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    2. gomathy priya



      gown is female dress so she will be used 😛

        1. JASSI GILL

          😛 i wish u check my ibps exam 😛

    4. B

      (ii) remove a before camera; Article is not used before a noun followed by kind/type/sort of.


    (i) The question is so complicated that it cannot be settled immediately.
    (ii) You have earned his gratitude, so you shall not go unrewarded.
    A) Only (i) contains error
    B) Only (ii) contains error
    C) Both (i) and (ii) contain error
    D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free

    1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟



      question ——–solved

    3. D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free

      1. JASSI GILL

        question ……………settled ?

          1. JASSI GILL

            kk 🙂

    4. raghul raj

      D error free

  23. gomathy priya

    thank u@@Shubhra_AspirantsZone:disqus mam:)gnt:))

      1. gomathy priya

        hey bublu here?muskaan is calling u there

        1. Bubli

          I don’t want to go there yr

          1. Bubli

            Will tell you later

          2. gomathy priya

            hmm ok

      1. gomathy priya

        gnt mam:)

    1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

      gn dear 🙂

      1. gomathy priya

        gnt lovely:)

    2. Divaker

      Gn ma’am

      1. gomathy priya

        gnt divaker:)atb for ur future exams:))

        1. Divaker

          Ha ha ha thanks I will appear in SBI exam

          1. gomathy priya

            y laughing?

          2. Divaker

            On my faliures buddy

          3. gomathy priya

            dont think about failures,just move on, its very tough, but just move on

          4. Divaker

            Yes following you

          5. Divaker

            Hey u here??

          1. gomathy priya



    (i) He adored his proud wife, but he was in mortal fear of her fierce temper.
    (ii) Each of the students have done well in the internal examination.
    A) Only (i) contains error
    B) Only (ii) contains error
    C) Both (i) and (ii) contain error
    D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free

    1. Divaker

      Both contain error

    2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


      1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    3. Libra

      have>>has in b

    4. B

      (ii) have=> has
      each takes singular verb

      1. JASSI GILL

        he adored because he was in fear ?
        this might be also true ?

        1. No
          Vo apni wife ko adore (love) karta tha, par vo dara hua bhi rhta tha uske temper ki vjah se

          1. JASSI GILL

            adore or flattery synoym nhi hai ??
            dar ki vajah se love krta 😛

          2. nhi vajah se nhi na tabhi to ‘becuase’ nhi aya ‘but’ aaya hai
            2 different aspects btae hai ki wife ko adore bhi karta hai, par uske gusse se darta bhi hai

            and adore and flattery – synonyms not exactly, but kisi sentence me same usage ho sakta hai

          3. JASSI GILL

            kk mam tq 🙂

    5. Sonam

      B) Only (ii) contains error


    (i) The programme is being telecasted from one of the government offices.
    (ii) A person who has risen by his own exertions is always respected.
    A) Only (i) contains error
    B) Only (ii) contains error
    C) Both (i) and (ii) contain error
    D) Both (i) and (ii) are error free

    1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟


    2. A

      (i) telecast has the same form in V1, V2, V3
      ‘telecasted’ to ‘telecast’

    3. Sonam

      A) Only (i) contains error

  26. That s all for today


    1. Libra

      ty mam
      Gn 🙂


      tq mam
      gnt 🙂

    3. Divaker

      Thanks dear

    4. TAURUS

      thank you mam

    5. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

      thanks mam gudnyt 🙂

        1. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

          hi vinnu happy new year 🙂

          1. VINNU

            HAPPY NEW YEAR

          2. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

            po out h bolta use din bhul gaye 😛
            clerk in hu

          3. VINNU


          4. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

            ha diya

          5. 🌟 Lovely (star) 🎸🎼🌟

            ha acha hua vinnu 🙂

          6. 【Happy New Year】

            Happy new year..:))))))

    6. Tiger

      Thank you mam 🙂


  27. !SAY MY NAME!

    Anybody interested to conduct GA quiz? 😀

      1. !SAY MY NAME!

        Happy new year 🙂

        1. Libra

          Thankyou 🙂
          Happy new Year to you too :))

          1. !SAY MY NAME!

            Ajkal koi quiz nahi karata GA ka

          2. Libra

            sab log ki selection ho gyii lgta haii 😀 😀 😀

          3. !SAY MY NAME!

            ha saab samajhdar ho gaye hai ajkal..bakra milna mushkil hai abhi :p

  28. TAURUS


    1. Libra

      Happy new year Das 🙂

    2. !SAY MY NAME!

      happy new year 🙂

  29. VINNU


    1. Libra

      quiz timing is 8-9 pm ..thatswhy :))

      1. Pulkit

        Why u do this with me plz reply?

        1. Libra

          tumko yhin pe baat krnii hai ???

          1. Pulkit

            Waha pe Tumne kuch nahi bola Esliye Socha yahi puch lu

          2. Libra

            boht achha haii

          3. Pulkit

            OK waha aao

          4. Pulkit

            Re gudu majak Kar rha tha tum to dar gayi :))

          5. Pulkit

            Solly waha aao

  30. Pulkit

    Now OK be patient and listen to me friends

  31. Arush Sharma

    Will you upload the CA Q/A Current affair PDF for december month ?

    1. Oser

      already mam has has uploaded, check.

      1. Arush Sharma

        Thats current affairs pdf…i was asking for question answers pdf for december. Like they did for november month. It was amazing

        1. Oser

          in a few days…wait.

  32. Gusto

    welcome the new year with new hopes and do have a wonderful year ahead. learn from your mistakes in the past so that you can avoid them in the new year.
    Happy New Year!!!

    1. Paladin

      Happy New year Bro…

    2. king kong

      happy new year bro;)

  33. 747069 924935Hey there guys, newbie here. Ive lurked about here for a little while and thought Id take part in! Looks like youve got quite a good spot here 113217

  34. 728954 743107Youre the most effective, It is posts like this that keep me coming back and checking this internet site regularly, thanks for the info! 741959

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