English Vocabulary Words with Meanings for various Exams: SBI PO, NIACL, NICL, IBPS PO/Clerk, RRB, RBI, IPPB, UICL, OICL. We are providing vocabulary words from the Articles of Newspapers like The Hindu, The Economist, The Indian Express, etc. which are important for the upcoming exams. Add some more words to your English vocabulary words list.
1. Acquiesce (verb) – To accept or agree to something, often unwillingly but without protest.
- Synonyms: agree, assent, comply, concur, consent, submit, approve.
- Antonyms: deny, differ, oppose, refuse, reject, decline, disagree
- Usage: While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, her begging eventually caused me to acquiesce.
2. Mendacity (noun) – Untruthfulness , a statement known by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceive.
- Synonyms: deceit , fable, dishonesty, prevarication , untruth, fraud
- Antonyms: openness , truth, sincerity, truthfulness
- Usage: We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press.
3. Dicey (adjective) – Unpredictable and potentially dangerous.
- Synonyms: risky, uncertain, unpredictable, precarious, unsafe, dangerous
- Antonyms: easy, unchanging, certain, safe, sure
- Usage: The herd moves into a market, driving up asset prices to absurd levels, then leaves when things look dicey.
4. Nugatory (adjective) – Of no value or importance , having no legal or binding force
- Synonyms: inadequate, worthless, insignificant , trifling , useless, bad
- Antonyms: binding, good, valid, important , significant, impactful
- Usage: Since Janice does not have a vehicle, she knows car insurance is a nugatory investment.
5. Abet (verb) – Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong.
- Synonyms: provoke , incite, assist , support, instigate
- Antonyms: deter, discourage , hinder, resist, impede , oppose
- Usage: His wife was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting him.
6. Banausic (adjective) – Ordinary and not refined , relating to jobs or workers that require technical skills rather than higher education.
- Synonyms: monotonous , object-oriented , redundant , tedious
- Antonyms: extraordinary , ungreedy, materialistic, ordinary, thrifty
- Usage: My parents wanted me to go to college, but I would rather get a banausic job where I can use my technical skills.
7. Disdain (noun) – Lack of respect with a feeling of dislike , the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one’s consideration or respect
- Synonyms: contempt, disregard, disrespect, disparagement, dislike, hatred, arrogance
- Antonyms: respect, praise, admiration , sympathy, admire , scrutinize
- Usage: Mr. Robin spoke of his tenants with disdain , blaming them for the poor condition of the apartment.
8. Impecunious (adjective) – Having little or no money, lacking money, not having enough money to pay for necessities.
- Synonyms: penniless, penurious, poor, impoverished, indigent, insolvent, poverty-stricken, needy
- Antonyms: rich, affluent, wealthy, prosperous, abundant, plentiful
- Usage: Impecunious students commonly find themselves in debt after overindulging in the use of credit cards.
9. Stoic (noun) – A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining , seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain.
- Synonyms: impassive, apathetic, unemotional, unflappable, patient, calm
- Antonyms: responsive, emotional, sentimental, fervid, enthusiastic, sensitive
- Usage: His discomfort was extreme and obvious, but he did his best to ignore the pain in his usual stoic manner.
10. Malice (noun) – The desire to harm someone; feeling a need to see others suffer
- Synonyms: antipathy, enimity, hostility, hatred, bitterness, revenge, dislike, malignance, grudge.
- Antonyms: friendliness, kindness, benevolence , sympathy, generosity, goodness
- Usage: Since I bare no malice towards you, I do not understand why we cannot be friends.