English : Cloze Test for SBI PO, NIACL, NICL – Set 35

How to solve new pattern cloze test. Practise Set for SBI PO, NIACL Assistant, NICl AO.

In the passage given below there are 5 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has four alternative words given in options (A),(B),(C) and (D). You have to tell which word will best suit the respective blank. Mark (E) as your answer if the work given in bold after the blank is your answer i.e “No change required”.

THE future looks increasingly (1)_________ [optimistic] for the human worker. New robots are no longer flummoxed by staircases and doorknobs; clever software is capable of driving cars and carrying on (rudimentary) conversations. While a workless world remains a distant (2)_______ [risk] , a period of automation-driven disruption seems to (3)_______ [expose] ahead. Many futurists (4)______ [account] that as machines replace people, governments will need to find ways to redistribute income from the machines (and the people who own them) to displaced workers, to ensure that the benefits of automation-driven growth are (5)________ [excluded] widely. In a recent interview Bill Gates proposed one method for doing this: a tax on robots, the money from which could be used to retrain workers and expand employment in health care and education. But is this the right response?

  1. A) impute
    B) perilous
    C) furore
    D) entice
    E) No Correction Required
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    Option B
    : perilous – full of danger or risk.
  2. A) occasion
    B) safety
    C) liability
    D) possibility
    E) No Correction Required
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    Option D 
  3. A) derive
    B) loom
    C) challenge
    D) remit
    E) No Correction Required
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    Option B
    : loom- seem about to happen.
  4. A) abandon
    B) figure
    C) reckon
    D) credit
    E) No Correction Required
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    Option C
    : reckon – establish by calculation.
  5. A) displaced
    B) changed
    C) tricked
    D) shared
    E) No Correction Required
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    Option D 

In the passage given below there are 5 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has four alternative words given in options (A),(B),(C) and (D). You have to tell which word will best suit the respective blank. Mark (E) as your answer if the work given in bold after the blank is your answer i.e “No change required”.

Using the nation’s resources (6)_______[regularly] ought to be of supreme national interest. Thus, the Government’s proposal to use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), popularly called as drones, in the mining sector should be studiously (7)________[sheltered] . Nations that know how to use resources and deploy them for citizens’ welfare have social and economic (8)_______[restriction] over those that do not know how to put the natural resources bestowed on them efficiently, albeit, also justly, for industrial advancement and citizens’ welfare. The Government’s decision to use drones for plan preparation, area inspection and for the significant purpose of mineral exploration is (9)______ [evidentially] solid and rests on firm empirical ground. Although, India is not the first nation to use drones for mining purposes. Advanced economies such as Australia and the United States have used drones for purposes as (10)_______ [simply] as mining and agriculture.

  1. A) quickly
    B) calmly
    C) efficiently
    D) insufficiently
    E) No Correction Required
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    Option C
  2. A) feasted
    B) welcomed
    C) cherished
    D) supplied
    E) No Correction Required
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    Option B
  3. A) advantage
    B) adjustment

    C) reduction
    D) mastery
    E) No Correction Required
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    Option A 
  4. A) hypothetically
    B) invalidly
    C) kindly
    D) augural
    E) No Correction Required
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    Option E
    : evidentially – of or providing evidence.
  5. A) identical
    B) alike
    C) diverse
    D) altered
    E) No Correction Required
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    Option C


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15 Thoughts to “English : Cloze Test for SBI PO, NIACL, NICL – Set 35”

  1. jaga


    thank u sir

  2. sachin shukla@ my turn 2017

    5/10 thanks

  3. priya

    from which magazine they took this passages sir

    1. Suraj

      these sets are from the economist

      1. priya

        so all the rc and cloze passages are taken form the economists magazine or not sir?

        1. Suraj

          in officer level exams, more than 90% times rc and cloze test are from it… and we also frame cloze test from there only

          1. priya

            thank u sir which topics from the economists i can prepare for my exam on 7th may sir pls help me

          2. Suraj

            there are lots of article available in that magazine and that too is available for paid subscribers.. so dont waste ur time in reading all the articles there,, read all our cloze test : http://aspirantszone.com/cloze-test/

            they are frame from most likely topics to be asked

          3. priya

            k sir thank u, i will go through for sure

  4. ahtesham ahmed


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