Quantitative Aptitude: Data Interpretation Questions for RRB Clerk – Set 74

Directions (1-5): Study the following table to answer the questions given below it. Table shows the percentage of appeared and qualified candidates in a competitive examination from different institutes.

  1. What is the ratio of the qualified candidates from institutes A, B and C together to the appeared candidates from institutes D, E and F?
    A) 250:829
    B) 260:987
    C) 129:652
    D) 221:458
    E) None
    View Answer
    Option B

    (16+18+18) 52% of 10000 : (10+12+25) 47% of 42000
    52 * 100 :47 * 420
  2. What per cent of the candidates from institute ‘E’ has been declared qualified out of the total candidates appeared from this institute? (approximately)
    A) 36
    B) 40
    C) 39
    D) 38
    E) None
    View Answer
    Option C

    12% of 42000 100
    20% of 10000 ?
    ==> 126 100
    50 ?
    5000/126=39 (approx.)
  3. What is the approximate percentage of students qualified with respect to those appeared from the institutes B and C together?
    A) 23
    B) 22
    C) 20
    D) 21
    E) None
    View Answer
    Option A

    38% (20+18) of 42000 100
    36% (18+18) of 10000 ?
    133 100
    30 ?==> 3000/133=23
  4. Which institute has the highest percentage of candidates qualified with respect to those appeared?
    A) F
    B) D
    C) E
    D) A
    E) None
    View Answer
    Option C

    A: 15% of 42000 100
    16% of 10000 ? == 25.3%
    B: 20% of 42000 100
    18% of 10000 ? ==21.4%
    C: 18% of 42000 100
    18% of 10000 ? ==23.8%
    D: 10% of 42000 100
    12% of 10000 ? ==28.5%
    E: 12% of 42000 100
    20% of 10000 ? ==39.6%
    F: 25% of 42000 100
    16% of 10000 ? ==15.2%
  5. What is the average number of appeared candidates from the institutes A, B and F together?
    A) 7820
    B) 7600
    C) 8325
    D) 8400
    E) None
    View Answer
    Option D

    [(15+20+25)% of 42000]/3
    (60% of 42000) /3

Directions (6 – 10): Study the following table carefully to answer the questions that follow:

  1. What is the total marks obtained by A in all the subjects?
    A) 448
    B) 580
    C) 470
    D) 360
    E) None
    View Answer
    Option A

    100% of 60 + 80% of 40 +50% of 130 + 90% of 150 + 90% of 120 + 60% of 80
  2. What is the average marks obtained by these seven students in history ? (rounded off)
    A) 28.25
    B) 32
    C) 29.14
    D) 26
    E) None
    View Answer
    Option C

    Total % ge 700
    Then (510/700)*40
  3. How many students have got 60% or more marks in all the subjects?
    A) 1
    B) 2
    C) 3
    D) Cannot be determined
    E) None
    View Answer
    Option B

    2. (In His and Maths)
  4. What is the overall Percentage of C?
    A) 75
    B) 64
    C) 80
    D) 68
    E) None
    View Answer
    Option A

    C’s Percentage
    90% of 60+70%of 40+60%of 130+90%of 150+70%of 120+70%of 80
    Max mark= 580
    (435/580 )*100=75.
  5. In which subject is the overall percentage the best?
    A) History
    B) Social
    C) Maths
    D) Science
    E) None
    View Answer
    Option C

    Eng =[500(Total%ge) /580(Max mark)]*100 =86.2
    His =(510/580)*100=87.9
    The overall %ge of Maths subject is the best.

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4 Thoughts to “Quantitative Aptitude: Data Interpretation Questions for RRB Clerk – Set 74”

  1. Navya velpuri

    Dear sir/mam,
    For 5th question the answer should be 8400(25200/3 = 84000)

    1. Premashanthi

      S it is 8400.

  2. AmRITa @ bank po

    someone explain q.no8 plz

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