GA PDF Capsule For SBI PO Exam & Other Upcoming Exams Current Affairs Section is very important for your exams. In this section you can score very high and that too in less time. It is sometimes not possible to read the Newspaper each day or not possible to gather each and every important news. So we have come…
Read MoreDay: July 8, 2019
GA Revision for SBI PO/Clerk, IDBI, CWC, FCI and ESIC – 517
GA Revision Questions for SBI PO/Clerk Mains, IDBI, CWC, FCI, ESIC and other exams. Who is the author of the book “A Prime Minister to Remember-Memories of a Military Chief”? A)Sunil Lamba B)Sushil Kumar C)Abhinav Ghosh D)Karambir Singh E)Suresh Chandra The 14th Summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation held in Which city? A)Beijing B)Mecca C)London D)Bishkek E)Brussels The 2019…
Read MoreMixed Quantitative Aptitude Questions Set 142
Directions(1-5): Find the missing term ‘?’ of the following series. 4, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 1, ? 5 7 2 4 6 Option D Series is ×0.25, ×0.5, ×1, ×2, ×4? = 4 6, 9, 18, 45, 126, ? 330 345 314 369 378 Option D Series is +3 ^1 , +3^ 2 , +3^ 3 , +3^ 4 ,…
Read MoreMixed English Questions for Mains Exam— Set 165
Directions (1-5):Read each of the sentences to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/error in it. The error, if any , will be in TWO PARTS of the sentence. The combination of those parts is the answer. If no part in the sentence has an error, then select ‘No error’ as your answer. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if…
Read MoreDaily Current Affairs 5th July, 2019
Daily Current Affairs 5 July 2019 for Banking/Insurance/SSC and other related exams. NATIONAL NEWS India’s first Design Development Centre ‘Fashionova’ launched in Surat, Gujarat India’s first Design Development Center ‘Fashionova’ was launched in the Textile city Surat recently to promote the city in the field of the fashion design sector. The main objective of this studio is to provide a…
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