English: One Word Substitution Set 61

Important One Word Substitution Questions for SSC CGL, CPO, SSC CHSL, RRB NTPC, High Court and other exams. Study of population A) demography B) ecology C) pedagogy D) genealogy Written statement to give information A) addendum B) memorandum C) inscription D) signature Thing to be corrected in a printed book A) addendum B) corrigendum C) quorum D) memorandum Easy to…

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English: One Word Substitution Set 59

Important One Word Substitution Questions for SSC CGL, CPO, SSC CHSL, RRB NTPC, High Court and other exams. Science of origin of universe A) astronomy B) astrology C) cosmology D) numerology Handing over person accused or convicted of a crime to another country A) immigrate B) emigrate C) extradite D) intradite To remove all objectionable matter A) expurgate B) censure…

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English: One Word Substitution Set 56

Important One Word Substitution Questions for SSC CGL, CPO, SSC CHSL, RRB NTPC, High Court and other exams. The study of ancient civilisations A) history B) anthropology C) ethnology D) archeology To be dogmatic in one’s opinions A) plaintive B) opinionated C) secular D) pathetic Unfair advantages for members of one’s own family A) optimism B) plagiarism C) nepotism D)…

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English: One Word Substitution Set 55

Important One Word Substitution Questions for SSC CGL, CPO, SSC CHSL, RRB NTPC, High Court and other exams.  Forcing out(blood etc) from the vessel A) vestiary B) extravaganza C) extravasate D) extraction Elderly woman in charge of a girl on social occasions A) hood B) chaperon C) sepulchral D) bier Deviation or departure from common rule of standard A) anomaly…

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English: One Word Substitution Set 54

Important One Word Substitution Questions for SSC CGL, CPO, SSC CHSL, RRB NTPC, High Court and other exams.  An unconventional style of living A) matin B) debonair C) bohemian D) dilettante A person who leads an immoral life A) bohemian B) regalia C) libertine D) dilettante A boastful fellow A) dissembler B) swashbuckler C) adventurer D) hypocrite One who is…

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English: One Word Substitution Set 53

Important One Word Substitution Questions for SSC CGL, CPO, SSC CHSL, RRB NTPC, High Court and other exams.  Not happening regularly or continuously A) intermittent B) inhibition C) jitter D) lechery Something necessary as a duty A) incessant B) incongruous C) incumbent D) incision One who is filled with narrow and prejudiced opinions A) bigot B) heresy C) fanatic D)…

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English: One Word Substitution Set 52

Important One Word Substitution Questions for SSC CGL, CPO, SSC CHSL, RRB NTPC, High Court and other exams.  One who is honourably discharged from the service A) eligible B) emeritus C) emissary D) erudite Adjective added to a person’s name A) epitaph B) epithet C) euphemism D) erudite A strong feeling of happiness A) euphoria B) euphonious C) explicate D)…

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