Discussion Zone – 05 May 2017

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This is a live quiz page. Discuss any of the topics below in the comment section:

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning
  • English
  • Banking Awareness
  • Current Awareness
  • Computer

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1,672 Thoughts to “Discussion Zone – 05 May 2017”

  1. ravi

    good evening:)

    1. ravi

      good evening mam:))

    2. Myra

      Gud eve mam 🙂

    3. ammu

      gud evg mam result out

        1. ammu

          which exam mam

          1. ravi

            NIACL result

      1. Myra

        sbi exam vundi kadha meku, All the best 🙂
        niacl gurinci feel avvakandi

        1. ammu

          sbi exam over dear

          1. Myra

            ohh ok :))

          2. ammu

            wht about ur niacl result

          3. Myra

            not applied

  2. the sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

    A) The police station marks the boundary between the two localities.
    B) Virat pushed the ball inside the boundary rope while being in the air and took a stunning catch to dismiss the batsman.
    C) The boundary formed when two old friends meet after a long time is worth watching.
    D) We try to explain things across cultures; in spite of boundaries.
    E) All are correct

    1. C) The boundary formed when two old friends meet after a long time is worth watching.

  3. ravi

    1. Act Up-
    Misbehave (For People); Not Work Properly (For Machines). दुर्व्यवहार
    2. Act Like
    Behave In A Way That’s Like की तरह व्यवहारकरना
    3. Add Up
    Logically Fit Together. जोड़ना
    4. Add Up
    Find The Total. जोड़ना
    5. Add Up
    To To Total. योगकरना
    6. Ask Out
    Ask For A Date. मुलाकात के लिए पूछना
    7. Back Down
    Not Follow A Threat. संधि न मानना, दावा, छोड़ देना
    8. Back Off
    Not Follow A Threat. संधि न मानना, दावा, छोड़ देना
    9. Back Up
    Move Backward; Move In Reverse. पीछेजाना
    10. Back Up
    Confirm A Story Facts Or Information. पुष्टिकरना
    11. Back Up
    Make A “Protection” Copy To Use If There Are Problems With The Original. बैक अप बनाना, एक प्रति सुरक्षित रखना
    12. Beg Off
    Decline An Invitation; Ask To Be Excused From Doing Something. मना कर देना
    13. Blow Up
    Inflate. हवा भरना
    14. Blow Up
    Explode; Destroy By Exploding. विस्फोटहोना, बर्बादहोना
    15. Blow Up
    Suddenly Become Very Angry. अचानक क्रोधित हो जाना
    16. Bone Up
    On Review / Study Thoroughly For A Short Time. पुनर्निरीक्षण
    17. Break Down
    Separate Something Into Component Parts. अलग-अलग करना
    18. Break Down
    Stop Working / Functioning. काम रोकना
    19. Break In
    Enter By Using Force (And Breaking A Lock Window Etc.) जबर्दस्ती घरमें घुसना

    20. Break loose
    To make free बंधन विमुक्त करना
    21. Break In
    Train; Get Someone / Something Accustomed To A New Routine. प्रशिक्षण देना
    22. Break Up
    Disperse; Scatter. बिखरना
    23. Break Up
    End A Personal Relationship. संबंध विच्छेद
    24. Bring / Take Back
    Return Something. पुनःलाना
    25. Bring Off
    Accomplish Something Difficult; Accomplish Something People Had Considered Impossible Or Unlikely. किसी असंभव कार्य को करना
    26. Bring Up
    Mention (As A Topic Of Discussion). उल्लेख करना
    27. Bring Up
    Raise; Rear. पालन-पोशणकरना
    28. Brush Up
    On Review / Study Thoroughly For A Short Time. पुनर्निरीक्षण
    29. Burn Down
    Become Destroyed / Consumed By Fire. जलकर बर्बाद होना
    30. Burn Up
    Become Destroyed / Consumed By Fire. जलकर बर्बाद होना
    31. Burn Up
    Cause Someone To Become Very Angry. क्रोधित करना
    32. Butt In
    Impolitely Interrupt (A Conversation An Action). हस्तक्षेप करना
    33. Butter Up
    Praise Someone Excessively With The Hope Of Getting Some Benefit. चापलूसी करना
    34. Call Off
    Cancel Something That Has Been Scheduled. समाप्तकरना
    35. Call On
    Ask Someone For An Answer In Class. प्रश्नपूछना
    36. Calm Down
    Become Calm / Less Agitated Or Upset; Help Someone Become Calm / Less Agitated Or Upset. शांत होना या कराना
    38. Care For
    Take Care Of; Supply Care To; Attend / Watch… देखभालकरना
    39. Catch On
    Develop Understanding Or Knowledge Of Something. समझ विकसित करना
    40. Catch Up (With)
    Stop Being Behind. आगेनिकलना
    41. Check In (To)
    Register For / At A Hotel Conference Etc.; Let Someone Know Officially That You Have Arrived. पंजीयन
    42. Check Off
    Make A Mark To Indicate That Something On A List Has Been Completed. सूची चैक करना
    43. Check Out (Of)
    Follow Procedures For Leaving (A Hotel Etc.) छोड़ने की प्रक्रिया का अनुसरण
    44. Check Out
    Follow Procedures For Borrowing Something (Usually For A Limited Period Of Time). किसी चीज को उधार मांगने की प्रक्रिया
    45. Cheer Up
    Help Someone Feel Less Worried / Depressed / Sad. ढाढस बंधाना, बढ़ावादेना
    46. Chew Out
    Scold Someone Severely; Berate. धमकाना
    47. Chicken Out
    Lose The Courage Or Confidence To Do Something–Often At The Last Minute. हिम्मत हारना
    48. Chip In
    Contribute / Donate (Often Money) To Something Done By A Group. योगदानदेना
    49. Clam Up
    Suddenly Become Quiet / Refuse To Talk About Something. बातचीतसेइंकारकरना, अचानक शांत होना
    50. Come Across
    Find (Unexpectedly). अचानक मिल जाना
    51. Come Down
    With Become Ill With अस्वस्थहोना
    52. Come To
    Total. निश्कर्शपरआना
    53. Come To
    Regain Consciousness. होषमेंआना
    54. Count On
    Depend On; Trust That Something Will Happen Or That Someone Will Do As Expected भरोसाकरना
    55. Cross Out
    Show That Something Written Is Wrong Or Unnecessary By Making An X Across It. सूची में से काटना
    56. Do In
    Cause To Become Very Tired. थकना
    57. Do In
    To Kill; To Murder. मारना, हत्याकरना
    58. Do Over
    Do Something Again. दोहराना
    59. Drag On
    Last Much Longer Than Expected Or Is Necessary. लंबा खींचना
    60. Draw Up
    Create A Formal Document. औपचारिकदस्तावेजकानिर्माण
    61. Drop Off
    Deliver Something; Deliver Someone (By Giving Him/Her A Ride). छोड़ना
    62. Drop In (On)
    Visit Informally (And Usually Without Scheduling A Specific Time). किसी के यहाँ अकस्मात जाना
    63. Drop By
    Visit Informally (And Usually Without Scheduling A Specific Time). अनौपचारिकमुलाकात
    64. Drop Out (Of)
    Stop Attending / Leave School Or An Organization. अलगहोजाना
    65. Draw Out
    Prolong Something (Usually Far Beyond The Normal Limits). विस्तारितकरना
    66. Eat Out
    Have A Meal In A Restaurant. रेस्तरांमें खाना खाना
    67. Egg On
    Urge / Encourage Greatly Toward Doing Something (Usually Something Negative). उकसाना
    68. End Up
    Finally Arrive At; Arrive At An Unexpected Place. अप्रत्याशित स्थान पर पहुँचना
    69. End Up
    Arrive Somewhere As A Result Or Consequence. परिणाम स्वरूप पहुँचना
    70. Face Up
    To Admit To; Take Responsibility For. जिम्मेदारी लेना
    71. Fall Through
    Not Happen. असफलहोना
    72. Feel Up
    To Feel Strong Enough Or Comfortable Enough To Do Something. किसी कार्य में सहजता महसूस करना
    73. Figure Out
    Logically Find The Answer To A Problem; Solve A Problem By Thinking About It Carefully. समाधान निकालना
    74. Figure Out
    Understand Why Someone Behaves The Way She/He Does. पता लगाना
    75. Fill In
    Add Information To A Form. फॉर्ममेंसूचनाएँ भरना
    76. Fill In (On)
    Supply Information That Someone Doesn’t Know. सूचनाएँ प्रशितकरना
    77. Fill In
    For Temporarily Do Someone Else’s Work; Temporarily Substitute For Another Person. अस्थाई रूप सेदूसरेकाकार्यकरना
    78. Fill Out
    Complete A Form By Adding Required Information. फॉर्मभरना
    79. Fill Out
    Become Less Thin; Gain Weight. फूलजाना
    80. Find Out (About)
    Learn / Get Information (About). खोजनिकालना
    81. Get Across
    Make Something Understood; Communicate Something Understandably. समझाना
    82. Get Along (With)
    Have A Friendly Relationship (With); Be Friendly (Toward). मैत्रीपूर्णसंबंध होना
    83. Get Around
    Avoid Having To Do Something. किसीकार्यसेबचना
    84. Get Around
    Move From Place To Place. स्थानान्तरण
    85. Get By
    Survive Financially In A Difficult Situation. जिन्दारहना
    86. Get In
    Arrive. पहुँचना
    87. Get On
    Progress आगे बढ़ना
    88. Get Off
    Depart प्रस्थानकरना
    89. Get Off
    Be Excused (For A Period Of Time) From Work Class Or Other Regularly Scheduled Activities. बाहरजाना
    90. Get Out Of
    Escape Having To Do Something. भागजाना
    91. Get Over
    Finish. समाप्त
    92. Get Over
    Recover From An Illness Or Painful Experience. ठीकहोना
    93. Get Rid Of
    Dispose Of; Give Away Or Throw Away. छुटकारापाना
    94. Get Rid Of
    Dismiss Someone; Fire Someone From A Job; Cause Someone To Leave. बाहरनिकालना
    95. Get Up
    Leave Bed After Sleeping And Begin Your Daily Activities. उठना
    96. Give Up
    Stop Doing Something (Usually A Habit). छोड़ना, त्यागना
    97. Give Up
    Decide Not To Try (Unsuccessfully) Solving A Problem. त्यागदेना
    98. Go Out
    With Have A Date With. साथमेंबाहरजाना
    99. Go With
    Look Pleasing Together. साथमेंअच्छादिखना
    100. Goof Off
    Be Lazy; Do Nothing In Particular. आलसीहोना
    101. Grow Up
    Spend The Years Between Being A Child And Being An Adult. परिपक्वहोना
    102. Grow Up
    Behave Responsibly; Behave As An Adult Not A Child. जिम्मेदारानाव्यवहार
    103. Hand In
    Submit Homework An Assignment Etc. गृहकार्यजमाकरना
    104. Hand Out
    Distribute. विभाजन
    105. Hang Up
    End A Phone Conversation By Replacing The Receiver. बातचीत समाप्त करना
    106. Have To Do With
    Be About. के विषय में
    107. Hold Up
    Raise; Lift To A Higher-Than-Normal Position. स्तर से ऊपर उठना
    108. Hold Up
    Delay. देरीहोना
    109. Hold Up
    Rob; Threaten Someone With Harm Unless She/He Gives Her/His Money Or Other Valuable Things. रोक कर लूटना
    110. Iron Out
    Mutually Reach An Agreement; Mutually Resolve Difficulties सहयोगसेमतभेदमिटाना
    111. Jack Up
    Raise / Life By Using A Jack. ऊपरउठाना
    112. Jack Up
    Raise (Used For Prices). कीमतें बढ़ाना
    113. Keep On
    Continue जारी रखना
    114. Keep On
    Continue To Remind Someone To Do Something Until She/He Does It (Even If This Irritates Her/Him). याद दिलाते रहना
    115. Kick Out
    Expel; Force Someone To Leave Because Of His/Her Poor Performance Or Unacceptable Behavior. निष्कासित करना
    116. Knock Out
    Make Unconscious. मारकरअचेत कर देना
    117. Knock One Out
    Work Much Harder Than Normal Or Than What Is Expected. मेहनत से कार्य करना
    118. Lay Off
    Dismiss Someone From A Job Because Of Lack Of Work Or Money (Not Because Of Poor Performance) अस्थाई तौर पर निकाल देना
    119. Leave Out
    Forget; Omit. हटादेना, भूलजाना
    120. Let Down
    Disappoint. निराश करना
    121. Let Up
    Become Less Intense Or Slower. प्रभाव कम करना
    122. Look Back
    On Remember; Reflect On / Consider Something In The Past. यादकरना
    123. Make Fun
    Of Make Jokes About (Usually Unkindly). मजाकबनाना
    124. Make Up
    Invent / Create (Imaginary) Information. काल्पनिक सूचना तैयार करना
    125. Make Up
    Compensate For Something Missed Or Not Done By Doing Extra Or Equivalent Work. क्षतिपूर्ति
    126. Make Up
    (With) Re-Establish A Friendly Relationship By Admitting Guilt. गलतीस्वीकारकरकेपुनः दोस्तीकरना
    127. Make Out
    See / Hear Something Well Enough To Understand What It Means. पता लगाना
    128. Make For
    Result In; Cause. उत्पन्नकरना, कारणहोना
    129. Mark Up
    Increase The Price (For Resale). मूल्य बढ़ना
    130. Mark Down
    Reduce The Price (As An Incentive To Buy). मूल्य घटाना
    131. Mix Up
    Cause To Become Confused. भ्रमितहोना
    132. Nod Off
    Fall Sleep (Usually Unintentionally). झपकीलगना
    133. Pan Out
    Succeed; Happen As Expected (For Plans). योजनाअनुसार
    134. Pass Away
    Die. मरजाना, गुजरजाना
    135. Pass Out
    Faint; Lose Consciousness. बेहोष, होष खोदेना
    136. Pass Out
    Distribute. विभाजन
    137. Pick Out
    Choose; Select. छांटलेना
    138. Pick Up
    Lift; Take Up. पकड़करउठालेना
    139. Pick Up
    Arrange To Meet Someone And Give Her/Him A Ride. साथलेजाना
    140. Pick Up
    Get; Buy. खरीदना, प्राप्तकरना
    141. Pick Up
    Refresh; Revitalize. नयाकरना, ताजाकरना
    142. Pick On
    Bully; Intentionally Try To Make Someone Upset. किसीकोदुखीकरना
    143. Pitch In
    Help; Join Together To Accomplish Something. सहायता
    144. Pull Over
    Drive A Vehicle To The Side Of The Rode. सड़क के किनारेवाहनचलाना
    145. Put Away
    Return Something To The Proper Place. वापससहीस्थानपर रखना
    146. Put Off
    Postpone; Delay; Avoid स्थगितकरना
    147. Put On
    Begin To Wear; Don. पहनना
    148. Put On
    Try To Make Someone Believe Something That Is Ridiculous Or Untrue. असत्य बात पर विश्वास दिलाने का प्रयास करना
    149. Put Out
    Inconvenience Someone. असहजकरना
    150. Put Up
    Return Something To The Proper Place. पीछेहटाना
    151. Put Up
    Provide Someone With A Place To Sleep. सोने के लिए जगहदेना
    152. Put Up
    With Tolerate. सहनकरना
    153. Put Back
    Return Something To The Proper Place. पीछेहटाना
    154. Rip Off
    Cheat; Take Advantage Of; Charge Too Much. धोखादेना
    155. Round Off
    Change From A Fraction To The Nearest Whole Number. पूर्णअंकमेंलिखना
    156. Run Into
    Meet By Chance. टकराजाना
    157. Run Out
    Of Use The Last Of. संभारसमाप्तहोना
    158. Set Up
    Make Arrangements For Something. स्थापितकरना
    159. Set Back
    Cause A Delay In Scheduling. देरीकाकारण
    160. Set Back
    Cost. कीमत, लागत
    161. Slip Up
    Make A Mistake. गलतीकरना
    162. Stand Out
    Be Noticeably Better Than Other Similar People Or Things. स्पश्टदिखाईदेना, श्रेश्ठहोना
    163. Stand Up
    Rise To A Standing Position. खडे़ होना
    164. Show Up
    Arrive; Appear. दिखना
    165. Show Up
    Do A Noticeably Better Job (Often Unexpectedly) Than Someone Else. दूसरों से अच्छा कार्य करना
    166. Stand For
    Represent. उम्मीदवार
    167. Stand For
    Tolerate; Permit (Usually Negative). सहनकरना
    168. Take After
    Resemble; Favor (In Appearance). समानहोना
    169. Take / Bring Back
    Return. वापसलेलेना
    170. Take Care
    Of Provide Care For; Watch One’s Health. देखभालकरना
    171. Take Care
    Of Make Arrangements (For Something To Happen); Take Responsibility For. प्रबंध करना
    172. Take Off
    Remove (Something You’re Wearing). उतारना
    173. Take Off
    Leave the ground (जहाज का) उड़ान भरना
    174. Take Up
    Lift up, raise उठाना
    175. Tell Off
    Speak To Someone Bluntly And Negatively Saying Exactly What She/He Did Wrong. डांटना, फटकारना
    176. Tick Off
    Irritate Someone; Make Someone Upset Or Angry. किसी को क्रोधित करना
    177. Tick Off
    Show That Something Has Been Completed By Putting A Tick (Check) Beside It. सूची चैक करना
    178. Throw Away
    Discard; Put In The Garbage. खोदेना, कचरे में फेंक देना
    179. Throw Out
    Discard; Put In The Garbage. खोदेना, कचरे में फेंक देना
    180. Throw Out
    Forcibly Make Someone Leave (Usually Because Of Bad Behavior). फेंकना
    181. Throw Up
    Vomit. छोड़ना
    182. Try On
    Wear Something Briefly To Check It’s Fit How It Looks Etc. किसीवस्त्र, आदिको, आजमाकर देखना
    183. Try Out
    Use A Machine Briefly To Determine How Well It Works. प्रयोगकरके देखना
    184. Try Out (For)
    Try To Win A Place On A Team Or Other Organization. प्रयास करना(जीतने या जगह बनाने के लिए)
    185. Turn Around
    Move So That You Are Facing The Opposite Direction. दूसरीतरफ घूमना
    186. Turn Around
    Make Changes So That Something That Was Unprofitable Is Profitable. किसी अलाभकारी चीज को लाभ में बदलना
    187. Turn Down
    Decrease The Volume. कम करना(मात्रा में)
    188. Turn Down
    Refuse. अस्वीकारकरना
    189. Turn In
    Give / Deliver / Submit To Someone. देना
    190. Turn In
    Go To Bed. सोजाना
    191. Turn In
    Report Or Deliver Wrongdoers To The Authorities. सूचितकरना
    192. Turn Off
    Stop By Turning A Handle Or Switch. बंद करना
    193. Turn Off
    Bore; Repel (Very Informal). नीरसकरना
    194. Turn On
    Start By Turning A Handle Or Switch. चालूकरना
    195. Turn On
    Interest Very Much; Excite (Very Informal). उत्सुक
    196. Turn Up
    Increase The Volume. बढ़ाना (मात्रा में)
    197. Turn Up
    Appear Unexpectedly. अप्रत्याषित रूप सेदिखना
    198. Wait On
    Serve (Usually Customers In A Restaurant Shop Etc.) नौकर के रूप मेंसेवाकरना
    199. Wait For
    Wait Until Someone / Something Arrives Or Is Finished With Something Else. प्रतीक्षाकरना
    200. Wake Up
    Stop Sleeping. उठना, जागना
    201. Wake Up
    Rouse Someone; Cause Someone To Stop Sleeping. किसीकोउठाना
    202. Watch Out
    For Be Careful Of; Beware Of. सावधानरहना, सतर्करहना
    203. Wear Out
    Wear Something / Use Something Until It Can No Longer Be Worn / Be Used. कपड़े को पहनने योग्य न छोड़ना
    204. Wear Out
    Cause To Become Exhausted; Cause To Become Very Tired. थकना
    205. Work Out
    Exercise (Usually In A Gym Etc.) To Build Muscles Body Tone Etc. अभ्यास
    206. Work Out
    Solve A Problem / Resolve A Difficult Situation (Usually By Working Together). समस्या का हल निकालना
    207. Wrap Up
    Wear Enough Clothes To Keep Warm. अधिक कपड़े पहनना(गर्म रहने के लिए)
    208. Wrap Up
    Finish Something; Bring Something To A Conclusion. निश्कर्शनिकालना
    209. Write Down
    Record Something In Writing. लिखितमें रखना
    210. Write Up Record;
    Report In Writing. लिखितमें
    211. Zonk Out
    Fall Asleep Quickly Because Of Exhaustion. सो जाना(थकान के कारण)

  4. the sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

    A) The team approved with his proposal.
    B) My parents don’t approve of me staying out after midnight.
    C) I don’t approve of what Vineet has done.
    D) The new drug is awaiting approval by the government agency before it can be prescribed.
    E) All are correct

    1. A) The team approved with his proposal.

      The team approved his proposal.

  5. the sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

    A) Everest was not confirmed as the highest mountain peak on earth until 1863.
    B) A biopsy is needed to confirming whether she actually has cancer or not.
    C) I’d like to confirm our reservations.
    D) The report has yet to be confirmed.
    E) All are correct

    1. B) A biopsy is needed to confirming whether she actually has cancer or not.

      Correct usage is ” A biopsy is needed to confirm whether she actually has cancer or not.”

  6. the sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

    A) He served as a chairman for three years.
    B) This box will serve with a table.
    C) It serves you right.
    D) Rohit loves coming here since he thinks this place serves the only fast food worth eating.
    E) All are correct

    1. PHOENIX


    2. B) This box will serve with a table.

      The statement should be “This box will serve as/like a table.”

  7. the sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

    A) I must speak to you in private.
    B) Vivek used to be a private investigator in Mumbai.
    C) Astha couldn’t afford to pay for a private room at the hospital.
    D) Amit went private along with his business so as to make it a big success.
    E) All are correct

    1. Namita singh


    2. destiny Casimiro


    3. D) Amit went private along with his business so as to make it a big success.

      The sentence makes no sense.

  8. On his first day in office, President Donald Trump withdrew America from a mega-free trade agreement called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). India must work double hard to strengthen the World Trade Organization and its multilateral framework, which is also likely to come under attack from new protectionism in the US. India should also pursue other trade deals, like the Asean plus six Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). (……………………………………………………………………………)

    A) Now as the helm is in the hands of Trump, it is now more important to keep a distance from WTO.
    B) TPP has been a major success with the coming of Trump.
    C) However, such trade deals are no substitute for a strong, rule-based multilateral framework, which the WTO represents.
    D) Leaving Asean and RCEP, India can avoid relation with other organization as they are of very little importance.

    1. Namita singh


    2. destiny Casimiro


    3. C) However, such trade deals are no substitute for a strong, rule-based multilateral framework, which the WTO represents.

      Option C is the only option that fits the blank. Option A is vague as there is no reason for keeping distance from WTO, whoever be the President of The US. Option B is also vague. Option D is wrong as it says an illogical thing. Option E is not related to the passage as it talks about the image of Trump and foreign trade.

  9. With the taxman putting out a request for private sector entities to help analyse the reams of data collected as part of the demonetisation exercise, there is the fear that confidential tax data can now get leaked and be used illegally. The government will obviously have to ensure there are no data leaks. (…………………………………………………………………………………) Despite this, the data doesn’t leak for two important reasons. One, just as the taxman who handles data is bound by secrecy rules and a code of conduct, private sector vendors and their employees are bound by confidentiality clauses and the law of the land for breaching this. Two, the processor does not necessarily know the identity of the person/organisation whose information is being processed.

    A) The government has always ensured that the data doesn’t leaks and is always in safe hand.
    B) The government’s move to include private players in data analysis has been highly criticized by the opposition.
    C) It has to be kept in mind that, even today, there are several private sector players who assist the taxman in both analysing and processing tax data.
    D) But to improve the quality of data analysis of tax, it is important to include private sector.

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      1. congrats for NIACL 🙂
        prepare hard for Mains
        Remember competition is tough

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          thnksssss mam :))

      2. Myra

        congrats 🙂

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          thnkuu myra

          1. Myra

            not applied

          2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            ohh okk 🙂

      3. Namita singh

        mujhe lga aaj nhi aayega

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          aaj last day sayad
          tu thik hai na

          1. Namita singh

            haan me thik tu tension mt le focus kr main pr haan bt anna ba pr 1st slot ke bad

          2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            yupppppppp jrur
            me bataunga kal

          3. Namita singh


    2. Namita singh


    3. destiny Casimiro


    4. C) It has to be kept in mind that, even today, there are several private sector players who assist the taxman in both analysing and processing tax data.

      As the next statement states that “Despite this the data doesn’t leaks” hence the blank statement should be related to something that there are already private players in this field. Hence Option C is best.

  10. The recent announcement by Guy Standing, that India would soon endorse a universal basic income (UBI) comes as a big shocker. The Independent, further reports that Standing who has worked on several UBI pilot projects in India is very confident of its success, especially since, Finland has already started the experiment with 2,000 unemployed people, each receiving 560 euros (or $480) each month for two years with little or no pre-conditions. (………………………………………………………………)However, UBI as a concept has been barely researched, and such drastic step, with little proof of concept, may likely prove disastrous in emerging markets such as India.

    A) Even though UBI is not well researched it should be studied thoroughly before it is implemented.
    B) The Finnish government believes that this step would improve the quality of life, reduce employment, and, create more jobs.
    C) Whenever a project is implemented in one country, should be implemented in other countries too.
    D) The government of Finland has already completed this project and now its time for India to implement it.

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. Namita singh


    3. destiny Casimiro


    4. B) The Finnish government believes that this step would improve the quality of life, reduce employment, and, create more jobs.

  11. A public servant who is guilty will not ________ punishment and no________ person will be punished.

    (a) be, sincere
    (b) flee, guilty
    (c) defend, common
    (d) escape, innocent
    (e) refused, dangerous

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. destiny Casimiro


    3. Namita singh


    4. PHOENIX


    5. (d) escape, innocent

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

        mam cc bhi ho sakta na?

        1. no

          common person is not apt

  12. Unpredictable_______ of the child could not lead the consultants to any __________.
    (a) performance, setting
    (b) belief, judgment
    (c) operation, purpose
    (d) behaviour, conclusion
    (e) assume, went

    1. destiny Casimiro


      1. destiny Casimiro


    2. Namita singh


    3. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    4. (d) behaviour, conclusion

  13. Skeptics would not _______ that the earth actually moves, let alone that it __________ around the sun.

    (a) permit, orbits
    (b) accept, revolves
    (c) experience, circles
    (d) assume, went
    (e) explained, force

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. Namita singh


    3. destiny Casimiro


    4. Nazriya @ SBI PO


    5. (b) accept, revolves

  14. Many teachers__________ the lack _______ for leaving the job.

    (a) cited, reason
    (b) explained, force
    (c) claimed, understanding
    (d) argued, culprit
    (e) assume, went

    1. HOPE_2017™


        1. HOPE_2017™


    2. Pradeep Narayan


        1. Pradeep Narayan

          not gud mam…:(

          1. ammu

            mam asking result wht happend?????

          2. Myra

            u did well in sbi na, don’t worry

          3. Pradeep Narayan


          4. Pradeep Narayan

            actually seats in mp was less that i came to know after fillng the form so already chance was less but i did god eneough but may b cut off might b high…..:)

          5. Myra

            yes, due to less vacanices, cut-off may be high

    3. Nazriya @ SBI PO


  15. He __________ a wrong act because it was _______ him to do so due to circumstantial forces.
    (a) compelled, necessary
    (b) refused, dangerous
    (c) did, avoidable
    (d) committed, inevitable
    (e) defend, common

    1. destiny Casimiro


    2. Nazriya @ SBI PO


    3. M@nish...


    4. destiny Casimiro


    5. (d) committed, inevitable

  16. The Union government has announced that this year onwards it is discontinuing the practice of providing printed copies of the annual Economic Survey and the Budget to the media and the public. As such, only the 788 members of Parliament will receive copies of these documents. (……………………………………………………………………………………………………)At one level, it is true that both the Economic Survey as well as the Budget are fairly technical documents and experts can easily access them from the government website for analysis.

    A) Budget is an important document and should be presented fairly every time.
    B) Economic Survey should continue as it gives a chance for fair and proper development.
    C) Rest of the members cannot take part in budget presentation function.
    D) The trigger for the government is its attempt to go green and, to that extent, it is a welcome move.

    1. destiny Casimiro


    2. D) The trigger for the government is its attempt to go green and, to that extent, it is a welcome move.

      Option D suits the best as it gives the impact of the new announcement. Option A and B are vague. Option C is not a feasible measure.

  17. Sincere Baccha

    @Shubhra_AspirantsZone:disqus mam….

      1. Sincere Baccha

        nthing ..wo mere sare cmmnt hold ho rhe the 2 din se yha..to bs check kr rha tha..

        1. yes
          I saw today only
          So I approved the comments. I replied you also that I have apprpved

          1. Sincere Baccha

            thnxz mam… 🙂

  18. In a big relief to people and small businesses, RBI announced lifting of restrictions on daily withdrawal of money from ATMs. However the weekly limit of Rs 24,000 on savings bank accounts will continue . (………………………………………………………………………………………).RBI has also removed all limits on cash withdrawals from current accounts/ cash credit accounts/ overdraft accounts with immediate effect. Government and RBI had imposed limits on withdrawal of money from ATMs and bank branches in view of currency shortage following demonetisation.

    A) Reserve Bank had earlier put a ban on notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000
    B) Government of India plans to ease the process.
    C) The Reserve Bank also promised to review the weekly limit in the near future depending on the pace of remonetisation.
    D) It must be ensured that no bank can bypass this limit.

    1. HOPE_2017™


      1. PHOENIX

        why r u upvoting my answers..:)my answers not always correct..

        1. HOPE_2017™

          heheee.. u r gvng right all 🙂

          1. ammu

            upvoting antaiii entii

          2. HOPE_2017™

            akkada neku num apdindhi chudu 1 ani…. akkada click cheyyatamy upvote (up arrow)

    2. Nazriya @ SBI PO


      1. HOPE_2017™

        me rslt?

        1. Nazriya @ SBI PO

          poindhi :(((((((

          1. HOPE_2017™

            Hmm :((


    3. destiny Casimiro


    4. Pradeep Narayan


    5. Sincere Baccha


    6. C) The Reserve Bank also promised to review the weekly limit in the near future depending on the pace of remonetisation.

      By seeing the next line after the blank, i.e RBI has also removed all limits on cash, we get a hint that the last statement talks about removing of certain restriction. Hence Option C suits the best.

  19. Pradeep Narayan

    mam kya krna h questions mein iam not getting…:)

    1. Myra

      continuation line

      1. Pradeep Narayan


    2. just para completion

      the option which will fit in the blank to make it a meaningful paragraph

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        10ks mam..:)

  20. Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

    All the fuel cell vehicles are being recalled by Toyota. These cars have software glitches that can shut off the engine.
    (i) Toyota is recalling ………
    (ii) Software glitches that can………
    (iii) Recalling all the fuel cell……..
    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Only (iii)
    D) None
    E) Both (i) and (iii)

    1. HOPE_2017™


      1. ammu

        elantivi naaku chaiyatam ravatlaidhu ans practice link annayaa

        1. HOPE_2017™

          ans practice link annayaa??

          edhi ardham kaaledu ra

          1. ammu

            any practice link annayaa these type of ques undaivi

          2. HOPE_2017™

            sare chusi istanu ra 🙂

          3. ammu

            kk annayaa

    2. Pradeep Narayan

      a/e dono lg rhe h…..

    3. Nazriya @ SBI PO


    4. Sincere Baccha

      Only (ii)

    5. A) Only (i)

      From (i) Toyota is recalling all the fuel cell vehicles due to the software glitches that can shut off the engine of the car.

  21. Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

    Touching its 52 week low, the shares of Company X fell by 12%. This comes after investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwla sold more than 42 lakh shares in the company through bulk deal.
    (i) After Rakesh Jhunjhunwala an investor…….
    (ii) Shares of Company X ……..
    (iii) This comes after……

    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Only (iii)
    D) Both (i) and (ii)
    E) Both (ii) and (iii)

    1. Sincere Baccha


    2. Pradeep Narayan


    3. D) Both (i) and (ii)

      From (i) After Rakesh Jhunjhunwala an investor in company X sold more than 42 lakh shares in the company through bulk deal the shares of the company fell by 12% touching its 52 week low.
      From (ii) Shares of company X fell by 12% touching its 52 weeks low after investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala sold more than 42 lakh shares in the company through bulk deals.

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        mam low hne k bd beecha ya bechne k bad low hua…:)…????

        1. bechne k bad low hua

          shares ki bat ho rahi hai na
          vo hamare hands me nhi hai up jana, low hona

          to becha, then low hua

  22. Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

    By launching 104 satellites together on Wednesday ISRO created history. The satellite included India’s weather observation Cartosat-2 series.
    (i) Weather observation Cartosat-2………..
    (ii) ISRO on Wednesday……..
    (iii) ISRO created history………..

    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Only (iii)
    D) All
    E) Both (ii) and (iii)

      1. HOPE_2017™

        xm rayaledu ga?

        1. Myra

          ledhu, thousands meeda vacancies vuntene qualify avvataledhu, inka 12 posts ante assalu avvadu, ani apply cheyaledhu

          1. HOPE_2017™

            Yes chepparu… gurthundi,endukina manchidi ani adiganu malli….. stay happy 🙂

          2. HOPE_2017™

            As usual… failed again :))

          3. Myra

            don’t feel, adigithe feel avutharu ani ippativaraku adagaledhu, sry

          4. HOPE_2017™

            hahaaa… dear,adagakapotany feel avutamu ga…. k,dnt worry,i can understand….. prep well :))

          5. HOPE_2017™

            No srys :))

    1. HOPE_2017™


    2. Pradeep Narayan


    3. E) Both (ii) and (iii)

      From (ii) ISRO on Wednesday created history by launching 104 satellite including Indias weather observation Cartosat-2 series.
      From (iii) ISRO created history by launching 104 satellites together on Wednesday including India’s weather observation Cartosat-2 series.

  23. Zaria

    Good Evening AZ 🙂

    1. Pradeep Narayan


  24. Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

    A decline of 8.66% in the net profit was reported by Nestle India. The loss is caused largely because of the demonetisation drive of November.
    (i) Reporting a loss of…….
    (ii) Nestle India reported 8.66%………
    (iii) Declining at 8.66%…..

    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Only (iii)
    D) None
    E) Both (ii) and (iii)

    1. Zaria

      Only (ii)

    2. Pradeep Narayan


    3. PHOENIX


    4. destiny Casimiro


    5. B) Only (ii)

      From (ii) Nestle India reported 8.66% decline in its net profit caused largely because of the demonetisation drive of November.

      1. Player

        Declining at 8.66% in the net profit was reported by Nestle India ,caused largely because of the demonetisation drive of November ??

        1. Declining at 8.66% in the net profit was reported by

          this does not make any sense, grammatically is not correct

          read again

  25. Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

    The government seeks to create a global sized bank. For this the government on Monday approved the merger of SBI and its five associate banks.
    (i) The government on Monday…..
    (ii) Merger of SBI and…..
    (iii) Seeking to create…….

    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Only (iii)
    D) All
    E) Both (i) and (iii)

    1. destiny Casimiro


    2. HOPE_2017™


    3. Pradeep Narayan


    4. PHOENIX


    5. D) All

      From (i) The government on Monday approved the merger of SBI and its five associate banks as it seeks to create a global sized bank.
      From (ii) Merger of SBI and its five associates has been approved by the government as it seeks to create a global sized bank
      From (iii) Seeking to create a global sized bank, the government on Monday approved the merger of SBI and its five associates.

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        mam lag rha tha all hi hoga……:)

  26. The sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE

    A) The argument can only be settled fairly if an uninvolved person is called in to mediate the quarrel.
    B) If the council cannot mediate the crisis between the two countries, there may be an international war.
    C) A good mediator can make a deal go pathetic.
    D) My father is the one who usually has to mediate the disagreements between our sons.
    E) All are correct

    1. destiny Casimiro


    2. HOPE_2017™


      1. PHOENIX

        simple, how can a good mediator make the deal go pathetic?

        1. HOPE_2017™

          Hmmm :/
          i didnt catch that point…

    3. Pradeep Narayan


    4. C) A good mediator can make a deal go pathetic.

      Mediate – intervene in a dispute in order to bring about an agreement or reconciliation.

      1. Anni :)

        Ma’am ,,C k fir correct form kya hoga ,agr bnana chahye

        1. it can be that – a bad mediator … deal go pathetic.

          1. Anni :)


        2. destiny Casimiro

          mediator==== like jo do dono me agrement karwata ho
          like un mediator between russia and usa and
          pathetic negtive word hai so wrong h yeh

          1. Anni :)

            Hmm got it,,thanks)

  27. The sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE

    A) There was an enormous traffic jam in New Delhi.
    B) Distributed computing makes enormous computational problems affordable to solve.
    C) As we sat on a bench near the elephant’s cage at the zoo, it let out an enormous sneeze which made us jump.
    D) Compiling a book demands an enormous amount of time.
    E) All are correct

    1. Zaria

      All are correct

    2. destiny Casimiro


    3. HOPE_2017™


    4. E) All are correct

      Enormous – very large in size, quantity, or extent

    5. Pradeep Narayan


  28. The sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE

    A) Extrinsic motivators such as money, benefits, rewards and accolades are things that all of us value.
    B) In the religious sect, extrinsic is one of the factors that prevents women from pursuing college degrees.
    C) Extrinsic growth drivers are the economic influences which contribute to the growth of an area, but which originate outside of that area as a result of influences occurring elsewhere.
    D) Our teacher said that she would not allow questions that are extrinsic to the subject matter under discussion.
    E) All are correct

    1. Pradeep Narayan


    2. destiny Casimiro


    3. PHOENIX


    4. B) In the religious sect, extrinsic is one of the factors that prevents women from pursuing college degrees.

      Extrinsic – not belonging to, outside of

      1. Player

        mam option C smjh ni aya

      2. Anni :)

        C option ki meaning ma’am?

  29. Pradeep Narayan

    questions posted further…::)

  30. The sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE

    A) Continued adversity had soured Vivek’s temper.
    B) Although my teenage years were filled with adversity, they helped me become the strong man I am today.
    C) He was so satisfied with his adversity that he bought a new car for himself.
    D) Mark’s unbreakable resolve helped him overcome adversity when he lost his job.
    E) All are correct

    1. HOPE_2017™


    2. Pradeep Narayan


    3. destiny Casimiro


    4. C) He was so satisfied with his adversity that he bought a new car for himself.

      Adversity – a difficult or unpleasant situation

  31. The sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE

    A) Every year I spend an inordinate amount of time selecting Diwali presents for my family.
    B) When Sindhu won the silver medal, she received inordinate praise.
    C) He inordinate the work so that someone else completed it.
    D) It did not surprise anyone when Vivek joined the police academy because even as a child he had an inordinate interest in law enforcement.

    1. Pradeep Narayan

      all correct

    2. M@nish...


    3. destiny Casimiro


    4. C) He inordinate the work so that someone else completed it.

      Inordinate – unusually or disproportionately large; excessive

      1. Pradeep Narayan


  32. HOPE_2017™

    I wish u many congratualtions to u,who have qlfd in ur NIACL ASST exm :)) ATB for mains 🙂

    Ty so much MAM 🙂

    Gud n8 🙂

      1. HOPE_2017™


        1. Pradeep Narayan

          gud nt bro hv swt drmz…;)

          1. HOPE_2017™

            GN 🙂

      1. HOPE_2017™


      1. HOPE_2017™

        Ty 🙂

        I will check it latter 🙂

      2. ammu

        wht is this ???

        1. destiny Casimiro


      1. HOPE_2017™

        GN 🙂

  33. That’s all for today

    GN :))

    1. destiny Casimiro

      tq mam

    2. M@nish...

      thanks alot mam ..gn

    3. Myra

      Thanku mam, Gn 🙂

    4. killer

      thanks GN

    5. STAR NEWS

      TY GN :)) TC __/__

    6. Pradeep Narayan

      gud nyt swt drmz mam..:)

    7. Sincere Baccha

      thnxz mam

    8. Pradeep Narayan

      mam ek quants ka question h ans bta skti h aap…:)

        1. Pradeep Narayan

          okkk…mam 1 minute…:)

          1. destiny Casimiro

            2/3===1 hrs
            3/2 hrs means 1 hrs 30 min
            150*60/30=====300 km ??

          2. destiny Casimiro


          3. Pradeep Narayan

            no 100 km/hr is the ans misss.:)

          4. destiny Casimiro


          5. Pradeep Narayan


          6. destiny Casimiro

            where is mistake in my sol plz tell

          7. Pradeep Narayan

            u hav taken 1 hrs 1 hours early and 1 hours late will combine to make 2 hrs…mis..:)

          8. u want only the answer or complete solution??
            Similar type of question is in our one of the quiz too

          9. destiny Casimiro

            mam is my ans and is right ???

          10. Pradeep Narayan

            mam i want the euation which will b generated as i am geting 50km/hr as ans..:) if ame question is there then tell mee mam which set it is am i havent checked anything for past 1 day as i am not feeling well mam..:)

          11. Anni :)

            Mera bhi 50k/h aaya h

          12. destiny Casimiro

            see where is my mistake in sol
            2/3===1 hrs
            3/2 hrs means 1 hrs 30 min
            150*60/30=====300 km ??

          13. Anni :)

            Mene aise nhi Kiya h ,,,,aapka mth smjh aaya to bta dege ,,vaise Mene aise solve Kiya h
            150/3x -150/5x==2

          14. destiny Casimiro

            can u pllz wait a sec

          15. destiny Casimiro

            see above ??

          16. Anni :)

            hmm ??….vaise ques m accident further 150 hota h to bhi time jyada lgna chahiye pr yha 1 hr earlier bola h vo thora confusing lga h,,,bki aapka method ni aata mujhe ,,m try kiya tha(

          17. destiny Casimiro

            No prob bt early kesse speed kam hogi so time jayda lagega h may be pehlr jha 1’30 late ho rha tha ab 30 min ho tq mam

          18. Pradeep Narayan

            thanks for trying miss…finally got the ans…:))

          19. destiny Casimiro

            Wats ans

          20. Pradeep Narayan

            100 km/hr…:)

          21. destiny Casimiro

            dnt think so

          22. Pradeep Narayan

            see abv misss…:)

          23. destiny Casimiro


          24. Pradeep Narayan

            2/3 =2 hrs miss

          25. destiny Casimiro

            how see
            speed inverse of time right
            speed decrese 3/5 so time will increase 5/3
            2/3 extra time
            2/3===1 hrs
            means rest distance he will travel in 1.5 hrs
            now if accidenct occurs afte 150 km he will late by 30 min ( as 1 hrs earlier )
            means he travel 150 km in 30 min
            so 300 km/h ????

          26. Pradeep Narayan

            but 1 hours early and 1 hours late is given in the que so totl tym will be 1-(-1) =2 hrs…..:)

          27. destiny Casimiro

            sir actualy
            supose if speed changes at decreses at 3/5 at any stage the train cant be early at any cost
            the statement mearly means that pehle it was 1.30 min late and low its 30.min i.e one hrs earlier than usual

          28. Pradeep Narayan

            aapne questions ko achhe se nhi pada pura padiye miss……fr aapko explain krta hu …:)

          29. destiny Casimiro

            sir one sec tell me that
            if train travel at 3/5 hrs train will late by 1 hrs find actual time taken by train

          30. Pradeep Narayan

            spd 1——————-3/5————-(1hr late) and beyond 150 km —1 hr early
            time 1—————–5/3
            now (5/3-1) =1-(-1)
            2/3 =2 =>1 =3
            now 150 =180 mins
            ‘=> 50 =60 mins =>50km/hr i am getting but ans is 100km/ hr….mis….:)

          31. Pradeep Narayan

            mam aap chle gye kya…:))

          32. Pradeep Narayan

            okkzz mam..;)

          33. ye que to confuse kar rha hai
            jab accident 150 km bad hua to b late phauchna chaiye tha, par yahn to earlier hi phaunch gya

            I guess que is wrong

          34. Pradeep Narayan

            mam thre is a huge logic behind that question……..:)

          35. Pradeep Narayan

            actually the question is saying that when it gets accident after certain distance then it gets late by 1 hour now when 2nd line is saying that after 150 km frm that certain point if accident occurs then 1 hours early so ve hv to substract the 1 form the 1 added previously for late…:)

          36. yes yes, vo to pta chla

            like t hours it reaches
            ab agar 1 hour late hai to (t+1) me ??
            ab agar 1 hour earlier hai to (t+1 – 1) na ??

          37. Pradeep Narayan

            yesss mam exactly…:)

          38. see yahn wrong ho gya na
            ab agar 1 hour earlier hai to (t+1 – 1) = t

            but t se to jada aana chaiye tha na
            t to actual time tha

            ab speed dec hui hai, to t se jada time ana chaiye

          39. Pradeep Narayan

            mam this is the equation generated
            (150+x)/s+(750-x)/3/5s =t
            from here v get s =100km/hr mam…;)

          40. destiny Casimiro

            i still confused

          41. Pradeep Narayan

            confusion is in the question dear…….:)

          42. destiny Casimiro

            no its simple
            if speed decrease as any time in between the time required will be more
            means train canot be early there for it sedhule time or time taken by orignal speed at any how

          43. the question is somewhere wrong or the language of que is not proper

          44. destiny Casimiro

            kk tq mam

          45. equations are correct according to the question
            but que is not write na

            time t hi kese a jaega speed decrease karke b ??

          46. Pradeep Narayan

            but i still think 50km/hr is the ans mam but if this logic is used then only 100 km/hr is coming..:)

          47. Pradeep Narayan

            options mam

          48. Pradeep Narayan

            mam aapko yeh equation smj aaye to mjhe b btyega…isi question ka ans h……:)

          49. Pradeep Narayan

            i agreed with u 100% mam but by this logic only ans is coming..:)

          50. yes jisme que bnaya hai, usne isi logic se solve kiya hga na
            to jo answer usne diya ahi vo to aaega hi

          51. Pradeep Narayan

            but i chose an another method
            5/3-1 =1h
            now 1 =150km
            =>150km =1.5h
            =>1h =100km=>100km/hr

          52. destiny Casimiro

            mam mine sol me kya galti dekhna

        2. Pradeep Narayan

          mam qustins posted below in cmmnt box hav a look at it mam..:)

    9. purvi

      mam ek topic hai closed economy or enclosed people
      closed eco to samaj a gaya but enclosed people ke baare me kya likh sakte hain and isko kese closed eco ke sath compair kare

      1. I will read n tell u

        1. purvi

          ok mam 🙂

  34. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

    Ujjivan small finance bank – HQ ???

    1. destiny Casimiro


    2. Sincere Baccha

      small bank committee head…?

      1. destiny Casimiro

        usha thort

      2. Zaria

        Usha Thorat – small bank
        Nachiket Mor -payment bank

    3. PHOENIX


      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        hellllo dear

    4. Sincere Baccha

      hii Ambi

      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    5. STAR NEWS

      Bengaluru, Karnataka

      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        wo south region ka hai overall HQ kyaa hai

        1. STAR NEWS

          but hamee essa kuch nahi yaha south west likha hua nahi dikh raha hai

          1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            mene iski site se dekha hai abhi whan ese hi diya hai south ka bengaluru north ka delhi

    6. Pradeep Narayan

      sis aaj pure din ga hi pad rhi thi kyaaaa….lolzzz.:)

      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        jiii mujhe yhi samjh ata hai :p

        1. Pradeep Narayan

          hhehehheehehheheheheheheheh..mis ga ka cutt off mt bdyiye..mein kisi tarh se pass hone ki sch rha hu aur aap full marks lane pe tuli hui h…hehehehehehehe

          1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            lolzzz hehe

    7. Sincere Baccha

      small bank- usha thorat
      payment bank- nachiket mor

      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        headquarters ???

    8. Sincere Baccha

      Koramangala, Bengaluru

      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        wo south ka hai

  35. purvi

    let start

  36. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

    @Shubhra_AspirantsZone:disqus mam

      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        Ujjivan small finance bank – HQ ???

          1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            par iski site pe kuch nhi diyaa hai

        1. STAR NEWS

          phone number doo CEO ka phone heee ker leta hu mai 😛

          1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    1. Ten selected applicants include Au Financiers (Jaipur), Capital Local Area Bank (Jalandhar), Disha Microfin (Ahmedabad), Equitas Holdings (Chennai), ESAF Microfinance and Investments (Chennai), Janalakshmi Financial Services (Bengaluru), RGVN (Northeast) Microfinance (Guwahati), Suryoday Micro Finance (Navi Mumbai), Ujjivan Financial Services (Bengaluru) and Utkarsh Micro Finance (Varanasi).

      So it says Bengaluru

  37. purvi

    The Union government has approved setting up of Rail Development Authority (RDA) to recommend passenger and freight fares and set service level benchmarks. RDA will be set up in ________

    New Delhi

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


      corpus -50 cr

    2. optimistic

      Cc ge

  38. purvi

    Mega-conference of world parliamentarians has been started in which country?


    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    3. optimistic

      BB by namo

  39. purvi

    The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has raised the capital requirement for asset reconstruction companies (ARCs) from Rs 2 crore to

    Rs 10 crore
    Rs 100 crore
    Rs 50 crore
    Rs 75 crore

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. Khal Drogo


    3. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      ye april ka news hai

      1. purvi

        hmm dear
        sab april ka bol rhe the to april start kar diya

        1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

          oohhh feb ka nhi tha ??

          1. purvi

            feb he tha but aaj mrng me april ho gaya tha

          2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            :(( main feb ko rttaa marti rhi

    4. STAR NEWS


  40. purvi

    James Rosenquist who passed away recently was related to?

    Pop Art
    Story Writing

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


      1. Khal Drogo

        Gd evng :-)) mujhe toh aap yaad nai karte :p

        1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

          vge dear :))) aajkal main disqus pe jyada ati nhi dear.

          1. Khal Drogo

            Akele akele studying ? Gud… Ok. carry on ☺

          2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. STAR NEWS


  41. purvi

    Jhargram has been declared as the _____ district of West Bengal

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. DEEP

      21- kalimpong

    3. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      21st kalimpong

      23rd bardhaman

  42. optimistic

    Microfinance firm Ujjivan Financial Services Ltd announced its official transformation into Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Ltd on Monday. The Bengaluru-based bank, which was operating in pilot mode at five of its microfinance branches in the city, will extend banking services to all of its existing branches over the next six to eight months.

  43. purvi

    The mascot of the Kanha Tiger Reserve is _______

    Spinni the Giant Squirrel
    Bhoorsingh the Barasingha
    Supreme Bhola the Elephant
    Sherkhan the Tiger

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


      1. Ten selected applicants include Au Financiers (Jaipur), Capital Local Area Bank (Jalandhar), Disha Microfin (Ahmedabad), Equitas Holdings (Chennai), ESAF Microfinance and Investments (Chennai), Janalakshmi Financial Services (Bengaluru), RGVN (Northeast) Microfinance (Guwahati), Suryoday Micro Finance (Navi Mumbai), Ujjivan Financial Services (Bengaluru) and Utkarsh Micro Finance (Varanasi).

        So it says Bengaluru.

        1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

          okk mam :)) wese mene iski site pe check kiyaa whan pe sab regions ka diff mentioned tha

          1. ok
            yhi hai

            See below posted by optimistic
            it also says: The Bengaluru-based bank,

          2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            okk mam :)) thankyou

  44. purvi

    Ajey Jhankar who passed away recently was a/an ____


    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


  45. purvi

    South Indian Bank has entered into an agreement with Flyworld Money Exchange to facilitate remittances by Indian expatriates from which country?


    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


  46. purvi

    Which of the following university has been ranked as the top university in the country as per HRD ministry?

    Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
    Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
    Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
    Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. DEEP

      College – Miranda house

      1. purvi

        me next yahi ques post karne wali thi

  47. purvi

    Who among the following is not a Deputy Governor of RBI?

    Viral Acharya
    Deepak Mohanty
    N.S. Vishwanathan
    B.P. Kanungo

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


  48. purvi

    The Government of Odisha collaborated with which university to advance its commitments for new research, knowledge, and capacity-building partnerships?

    1. DEEP

      Invest India

      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        univ dear

        1. DEEP

          Ques nee dekha Pura
          Yeah mistake

          1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    3. purvi

      University of Chicago

  49. purvi

    To enhance efficiency of the NEFT payment system, RBI has decided to change the settlement cycle from hourly batches to __________

    quarterly batches
    half hourly batches
    10 minutes batches
    20 minutes batches

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      26 total

    3. Sincere Baccha


    4. Sincere Baccha

      nepal k liye kitna NEFT ho skta h..?

      1. Khal Drogo


      2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        upto 50000

  50. purvi

    Asian Development Bank (ADB) has extended a loan of what amount to the Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.?

    $125 million
    $150 million
    $175 million
    $200 million

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. Sincere Baccha


    3. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      ADB – HQ manila

      1. Sincere Baccha

        takehiko nakao – chairman

  51. purvi

    19th commonwealth forestry conference has been organized in which place?

    1. DEEP


    2. optimistic


    3. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    4. STAR NEWS


      1. purvi


    5. COLD BLOOD ;)


    6. Sincere Baccha


    7. Khal Drogo



    Ujjivan Small Finance Bank MD and CEO========== Samit Ghosh,

    hq=============== Bangluru , Kernataka https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cd76d4d65fbbe202cfd427d6e4d3c6b7835e86cd01273abe03ec725d81649cbf.jpg

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      well done my star frnd !!!

      1. STAR NEWS

        :)) bolla tujo pehley 😛

        CEO bachh gaya nahi to phone ker deta mai usko aj 😛

        1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


  53. purvi

    Which state government won the most supportive government award-2017 at the International Awards ceremony organized by WEConnect International?

    Tamil Nadu

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. DEEP



      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        vajubhai wala

    3. Sincere Baccha

      siddarmaiya- cong

  54. purvi

    Which country has become the first in the world to ban metals mining nationwide?

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      el salvador

    2. DEEP

      El Salvador

    3. COLD BLOOD ;)

      el savador

    4. Khal Drogo

      Al salvador

    5. Sincere Baccha

      el salvador

    6. purvi

      el salvador

    7. STAR NEWS

      el salvador

  55. purvi

    Which of he following Chief Minister has been selected for the award of ‘Transformative Chief Minister’ by The US India Business Council?

    Devendra Fadnavis
    Mamata Banerjee
    Manohar Lal Khattar
    N Chandrababu Naidu

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. Sincere Baccha


    4. optimistic

      Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu

  56. purvi

    Central Government has notified the constitution of NBEM board. What is the full form of NBEM?

    National Board of Electronic Media
    National Board of Electric Mobility
    National Board of Electricity Maintenance
    National Board of Environment Maintenance

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


      1. purvi

        ge dear
        bahut dino baad

        1. MiMi

          hmm sis.how r u?

          1. purvi

            im good
            u say

          2. MiMi

            me thik hu…preparation kaisa chl raha hai?

          3. purvi

            theek theek chal rhi hai tum batao

          4. MiMi

            Avg sis not so good

          5. MiMi

            Sis ca quiz ka timing batao

      2. STAR NEWS

        Kaisii Ho NiNi

    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


  57. purvi

    Ouarzazate Solar Power Station is located in which country?


    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. Sincere Baccha


      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        result ???

        1. Khal Drogo

          Wats UA reslt ???

          1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            NIACL ka

          2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            mene ni diya

          3. Khal Drogo

            mene v nai diya …

        2. Sincere Baccha

          out nd u

          1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            not given

  58. purvi

    Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant is a joint project between India and ________


    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. optimistic

      C TN

  59. purvi

    LazyPay payment facility has been launched by ____ ?

    PayU India

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. Sincere Baccha


  60. purvi

    Exercise Nomadic Elephant – XII is a military exercise between India and ____.

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. Khal Drogo


    4. STAR NEWS


    5. Sincere Baccha


  61. purvi

    Which country is the Partner country at The Global R&D Summit 2017?


    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


      1. M@st@n!

        sbi attempt?

        1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

          71 dear …what about u ???

          1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


          2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            how was urs

          3. M@st@n!

            only 55 🙁

          4. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            itss good 🙂 cut off will not go so high and normalization for first day ns

          5. M@st@n!

            okay ambi.

          6. M@st@n!

            how can u do dat?

          7. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


          8. M@st@n!

            dnt laugh plz

          9. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            ok ok

          10. M@st@n!


          11. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            may be 2-3 in eng reas maths correct

    2. Sincere Baccha


    3. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      state partner – karnatka

    4. COLD BLOOD ;)


  62. purvi

    The e-visa facility that will be implemented from April 1, 2017 is available for how many country?


    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. destiny Casimiro


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. Sincere Baccha


  63. destiny Casimiro

    @Shubhra_AspirantsZone:disqus mam

    speed inverse of time right
    speed decrese 3/5 so time will increase 5/3
    2/3 extra time
    2/3===1 hrs
    means rest distance he will travel in 1.5 hrs
    now if accidenct occurs afte 150 km he will late by 30 min ( as 1 hrs earlier )
    means he travel 150 km in 30 min

  64. purvi

    Who has been appointed as India’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations Offices in Geneva

    Rajiv Kumar Chander
    Suresh Kapoor
    Praveen Kumar Sinha
    Ashutosh Agnitohr

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. Sincere Baccha


  65. purvi

    2018 Winter Olympics will be held in _____.


    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. Sincere Baccha


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. Khal Drogo


  66. purvi

    Deendayal Rasoi Yojana has been launched in which state?

    Madhya Pradesh

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


  67. purvi

    Who is the author of the book titled “The Entrepreneur’s Guidebook “?

    Piyush Goya
    Subramanian Swamy
    Ratan Tata
    Suresh Bharwani

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. STAR NEWS


  68. purvi

    Who has been elected as the President of Serbia?

    Sasa Jankovic
    Ljubisa Preletacevic
    Aleksandar Vucic
    James Thompson

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


  69. purvi

    1st NIMCARE World Health Day Summit 2017 was held in which place?


    1. Sincere Baccha


    2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. Sincere Baccha


  70. purvi

    Central Government has cleared the proposal to set up independent rail regulator that will be responsible for recommending passenger fares named Rail Development Authority (RDA). The initial corpus of RDA will be ___?

    Rs 50 crore
    Rs 100 crore
    Rs 150 crore
    Rs 200 crore

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. Sincere Baccha


    3. Khal Drogo


    4. COLD BLOOD ;)


  71. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

    site :|||||||||

    1. HOPE_2017™

      hii.. rslt??

      1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

        didn’t apply :)) urs

        1. HOPE_2017™

          Hmm gud.. as usual out 🙂

          1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

            ohhh :((

          2. HOPE_2017™

            Its k,no problem… :))

  72. purvi

    Which of the following country has become the 7th member of the South Asia Sub-regional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) partnership?


    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. M@st@n!


    3. Sincere Baccha


    4. COLD BLOOD ;)


    5. Sincere Baccha


  73. purvi

    As per the survey by Randstad, which industry has emerged as the highest paying industry in India?

    Power Sector
    IT Sector
    FMCG industry
    Pharma and healthcare industry

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. Sincere Baccha


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


  74. purvi

    India and UK will launch a ______ joint fund for green energy.

    250 mn pound
    240 mn pound
    260 mn pound
    220 mn pound

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      UK – 120
      india – 120

    3. Sincere Baccha

      240 mn

    4. STAR NEWS


  75. purvi

    Sachin Tendulkar has launched his own social media app named ________

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      100 MB

    2. Sincere Baccha


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)

      AAILA :p

    4. Sincere Baccha

      100 mb

    5. COLD BLOOD ;)


    6. STAR NEWS


  76. purvi

    Who has been named as the Leading Woman Cricketer in the World’ for 2016 by this year’s edition of Wisden Cricketers’ Almanack.

    Suzie Bates
    Ellyse Perry
    Meg Lanning
    Mithali Raj

    1. Khal Drogo


    2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      BB/AA always confused in this

    3. Sincere Baccha


    4. MiMi

      i think bb

    5. COLD BLOOD ;)


  77. purvi

    Government aims to introduce Bharat Stage-VI compliant fuel in India by _______


    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. STAR NEWS


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


  78. purvi

    he deadline for Non Resident Indians (NRIs) to deposit demonetized currency notes is ______

    April 30, 2017
    May 1, 2017
    June 30, 2017
    July 1, 2017

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. Sincere Baccha


    4. STAR NEWS


  79. purvi

    Which bank has become the first bank to cross business worth over $1 billion at the GIFT City?

    Axis bank
    ICICI Bank
    HDFC Bank
    Yes Bank

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. Sincere Baccha

      yes = gift

    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. Sunshine ✨


    5. STAR NEWS


  80. purvi

    Who has won the Miami Open Tennis Women’s Single title?

    Caroline Wozniacki
    Johanna Konta
    Serena Williams
    Venus Williams

    1. Khal Drogo


    2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    3. Sunshine ✨


    4. Sincere Baccha


    5. COLD BLOOD ;)


  81. purvi

    Who has been choosen for the 2016 Asian Squash Federation Coach-of-the-Year award?

    Zainal Abidin
    Anthony Chua
    Vineet Sharma
    Cyrus Poncha

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. Sincere Baccha


    3. Sunshine ✨


    4. Sincere Baccha

      Asian Squash Federation Coach- CYrus pahuch gya

    5. COLD BLOOD ;)


    6. STAR NEWS


  82. purvi

    Name the scheme launched for the development of Powerloom sector in India?

    Textile Dev India Scheme
    Textile Power India Scheme
    Power Dev India Scheme
    Power Tex India Scheme

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. STAR NEWS


    3. Khal Drogo


    4. Sunshine ✨


    5. Sincere Baccha


    6. COLD BLOOD ;)


  83. purvi

    Who won the Miami Open 2017 men’s single title?

    Roger Federer
    Rafael Nadal
    Stan Wawrinka
    Milos Raonic

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      sry aa

    3. Sincere Baccha


    4. Sunshine ✨


    5. COLD BLOOD ;)


  84. purvi

    How much amount will Indian government spend for setting up 100 more incubators under the National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI) programme?

    Rs 100 crore
    Rs 200 crore
    Rs 300 crore
    Rs 500 crore

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. Sunshine ✨


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. Khal Drogo


  85. purvi

    Who has been appointed as the Chairman of NASSCOM?

    Rishad Premji
    JS Deepak
    Raman Roy
    Nand Kumar Sai

      1. Khal Drogo

        sry ccc

    1. Sunshine ✨


    2. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    3. Sincere Baccha


    4. STAR NEWS


    5. COLD BLOOD ;)


  86. purvi

    Which country has officially recognised Bitcoin as currency?

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. Khal Drogo


    3. Sunshine ✨


    4. COLD BLOOD ;)


    5. STAR NEWS


  87. purvi

    London-headquartered professional services firm EY is set to open its first artificial intelligence centre in which Indian city?

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. Khal Drogo


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. STAR NEWS


  88. purvi

    Military training exercise between India and Mongolia named ‘Exercise Nomadic Elephant – XII has started at which place?

    Arunachal Pradesh

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•


    2. Sunshine ✨


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


  89. optimistic

    Dishtv+ICICI tie up gn all

    1. •?((¯°·._.• ค๓๒เкค •._.·°¯))؟•

      gn bro :))

    2. Sunshine ✨

      Gud nght :))