Discussion Zone – 07 March 2017

Hello Aspirants This is a live quiz page. Discuss any of the topics below in the comment section:

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning
  • English
  • Banking Awareness
  • Current Awareness
  • Computer

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1,043 Thoughts to “Discussion Zone – 07 March 2017”

      1. ambika

        GE MAM 🙂

          1. ambika

            o teri :p ye to sir hain

      2. ambika

        sorry sir :))

    1. Gusto

      GE ambi 🙂
      aaj time par kaise ? 😛

      1. ambika

        ge gusto :)) bus ab achhe se padhna hai to time pe ana hi padega

        1. Gusto

          gud gud 😛

      1. ambika

        VGE MYRA :))

  1. Suraj

    Good Evening Everyone!!!!!

      1. Gusto

        Ge paakhi 🙂

        1. paakhi

          hi guest 😛

          1. paakhi

            na na 😀

    1. purvi

      ge sir 🙂

  2. paakhi

    where is mam?

    1. Suraj

      why cant i conduct?? 😛

      1. paakhi

        u also can 🙂
        may i ask a question sir?

          1. paakhi

            u also an aspirant ?

          2. Suraj

            not now 😀 got selected somewhere

          3. paakhi

            ur old disqus id name?

          4. Suraj

            same name.. photo of cricketer AB devilliers

          5. paakhi

            got u 😀

          6. ambika

            sir is with RBI :))

    2. ambika

      sir bhi achha hi karwayenge quiz :pp

  3. Suraj

    Q1. When something works well for us, we often __________.
    (a) keep it to ourselves
    (b) try to make it impossible
    (c) sound that we are Godly
    (d) want to share it with others
    (e) try to make it difficult.

      1. purvi

        ge dear 🙂

      2. Gusto

        Ge myra 🙂

        1. Myra

          ge gusto 🙂

        1. paakhi

          hi sis:) ge

        1. Gusto

          Ge purvi 🙂

      1. purvi

        ge dear 🙂

        1. ambika

          GE PURVI :))

        1. Pheonix

          v ge 🙂

    1. Suraj

      (d) want to share it with others

  4. Suraj

    Q2. Action is the glorious principle of life and the only one that saves man from __________.
    (a) the use of faculties, physical or mental
    (b) stagnation and unhappiness
    (c) the sorrow of fellow-beings
    (d) the prerequisites of happiness
    (e) the use of his intellectual capacity

    1. Destiny : ultimate


    2. Suraj

      (b) stagnation and unhappiness

  5. Destiny : ultimate

    gudeveg all :))

  6. Suraj

    Almost all commentators today argue in the same breath about the issues of governance and liberalisation. …………………………………………In other words, liberalisation may or may not be accompanied by good governance. This per se is not surprising as liberalisation implies giving greater importance to market forces while governance involves the working of institutions and provision of public goods. A casual perusal of some statistics for the Indian economy indicates that while liberalisation may be working, good governance has been sadly lacking.
    A) The two are completely dependent on each other
    B) When we talk of liberalization we must ensure that we know what governance means.
    C) Good governance can be obtained by liberalisation
    D) It is difficult to understand the two concepts.
    E) Yet the two are not necessarily related.

    1. Destiny : ultimate


    2. Suraj


      By reading the next statement after the blank In other words, ” liberalisation may or may not be accompanied by good governance. ” it is clear that both may or may not be related hence option E suits the best.

    3. Pheonix

      may or may not… so not necessarily related..

  7. Gusto

    yha kisi ka nicl AO me selection hua ??

  8. Suraj

    . Some of the banned substances for which Indian sports persons have been tested positive are so highly priced that __________.
    (a) no ordinary sportsperson would be able to buy them on his own
    (b) any ordinary sportsperson would have bought them on his own
    (c) many sportspersons were made the guinea pigs
    (d) the coaches encouraged their students to take them in the hope of a Dronacharya Award
    (e) sportsperson and the coaches unhesitatingly use them in search of glory

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. Suraj

      (a) no ordinary sportsperson would be able to buy them on his own

  9. Suraj

    A. West Indies is one of the few cricketing nations which was able to __________ genuine fast bowlers.
    B. The farmer made a lot of profit by selling his __________ at the market.
    C. Apart from all his other talents, he could also __________ a few documentaries pertaining to Indian Culture.
    D. The traffic Police asked him to __________ his driving license.
    (a) yield
    (b) produce
    (c) make
    (d) procure
    (e) show

    1. Destiny : ultimate


  10. Suraj


    A) Therefore solar power can’t help in catering to the requirement of electric power during evening hours, when the power demand peaks.
    B) A distinctive characteristic of solar power is that it can be generated only during the mid-day hours when the sun is up in the sky.
    C) Sun has been assumed to be perfectly sphere of hot plasma and energy is produced by nuclear fusion in the core region.
    D) In fact, solar capacity should not be counted when working out the generating capacity requirement for meeting the projected peak demand.
    E) As we move towards ‘electricity for all’, the power demand during evening hours would keep on rising, and conventional generating capacity would require continued enhancement, irrespective of the installation of the solar capacity.

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. Suraj


      All except C talks about solar power and electricity demand.

  11. Suraj


    A. The mango tree did not __________ any fruit this year.
    B. The students were asked to __________ in mind the instructions given by the examiner.
    C. The two sisters, do not __________ any resemblance to each other.
    D. Unable to __________ the stress and strain involved in his profession, he decided to take a long holiday.
    (a) endure
    (b) keep
    (c) yield
    (d) bear
    (e) withstand

    1. Destiny : ultimate


    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


  12. Suraj


    It is unfortunate that our legislature is incapable of handling economic legislation……………………………, there is now a wide debate on the modalities of implementing the SEZs, something that should have been done before the Act was finalised. As a consequence, as the issue has taken political overtones, there are a lot of arguments for and against SEZs floating around. Yet there is little analytical clarity in many of these arguments.

    A) and legislation does not deserves to have the privilege of passing such a law
    B) We cannot imagine a country where SEZ are unorganized and no Act or law and order is not maintained.
    C) It must learn to do so because Economic zone forms an integral part of business
    D) This is why even after the Model Act enabling states to set up SEZs was passed by Parliament about four years ago
    E) But nothing much can be done in this regard as framing a law regarding economic zone can be bit tricky.

    1. gomathy priya


    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    3. Destiny : ultimate


    4. Suraj

      Answer: D

      After reading the next statement after the blank i.e “there is now a wide debate on the modalities of implementing the SEZs, something that should have been done before the Act was finalised” it is clear that the law has already been passed. Hence D is best suited

  13. Suraj

    Some of the banned substances for which Indian sports persons have been tested positive are so highly priced that __________.
    (a) no ordinary sportsperson would be able to buy them on his own
    (b) any ordinary sportsperson would have bought them on his own
    (c) many sportspersons were made the guinea pigs
    (d) the coaches encouraged their students to take them in the hope of a Dronacharya Award
    (e) sportsperson and the coaches unhesitatingly use them in search of glory

    1. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    3. Gusto

      repeated qn

      1. CUtesIA ❤ ♡

        gud evn

    4. gomathy priya


    5. Destiny : ultimate

      aa repeated

    6. Suraj

      ok sorry 😀

  14. Suraj


    A. Hunting of __________ animals is prohibited by the forest department.
    B. The participating teams were asked to abide by the rules of the __________.
    C. The trickster felt snubbed when he was beaten at his own __________.
    D. All the actors who enacted the __________ were felicitated by the chief guest.
    (a) game
    (b) play
    (c) wild
    (d) performance
    (e) trick

    1. gomathy priya


    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    5. Kaira Taneja


  15. Suraj

    __________ is one way of ensuring that the public knows you are there.
    (a) Advocating for the blissfulness of ignorance
    (b) Stirring up controversies and making news
    (c) Flooding the people with too much of inaccurate information
    (d) Taking maximum benefit from a deal
    (e) giving up you wealth

    1. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    3. gomathy priya


    4. Suraj

      (b) Stirring up controversies and making news

    5. Destiny : ultimate


    6. Kaira Taneja


  16. Suraj


    A) Further, banks maintaining currency chests have been asked to make necessary arrangements to facilitate the deposit of SBNs received through linked branches or other branches of banks and post offices.
    B) Demonetization has created chaos in the system and many economist think demonetization a unnecessary step.
    C) RBI has asked banks to report details of deposits of old Rs 500/1,000 notes .
    D) All lenders, including public, private, rural and cooperative banks, have been asked to make arrangements to gather information on deposits of the Specified Bank Notes (SBNs).
    E) With the closure of the facility of exchange of SBNs (defunct notes) as at the close of business on December 30, 2016, all banks should report information on collection of SBNs on December 30, 2016, itself at e-mail

    1. gomathy priya


    2. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. Destiny : ultimate


    5. Suraj

      Sentence B talks about demonetization while all other sentence are about how the Central bank is arranging for the collection of data about the demonetized currency.

  17. paakhi

    thnku sir..
    i hv to go
    see u all in ga quiz

    1. purvi

      bye dear 🙂

    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....

      bye bye

  18. Suraj

    On his first day in office, President Donald Trump withdrew America from a mega-free trade agreement called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). India must work double hard to strengthen the World Trade Organization and its multilateral framework, which is also likely to come under attack from new protectionism in the US. India should also pursue other trade deals, like the Asean plus six Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). (……………………………………………………………………………)
    A) Now as the helm is in the hands of Trump, it is now more important to keep a distance from WTO.
    B) TPP has been a major success with the coming of Trump.
    C) However, such trade deals are no substitute for a strong, rule-based multilateral framework, which the WTO represents.
    D) Leaving Asean and RCEP, India can avoid relation with other organization as they are of very little importance.
    E) President Donald Trump has acquired an image of a strict President by ruling out any option of foreign trade.

    1. gomathy priya


    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


  19. Suraj

    A. He built a palatial house with his __________ gotten wealth.
    B. Many children were taken __________ after consuming adulterated sweets.
    C. The __________ feeling, which developed over the years, between the couple, culminated in a divorce.
    D. The superstitious villagers considered the poor widow as a/an __________ omen.
    (a) bad
    (b) sick
    (c) ill
    (d) evil
    (e) negative

    1. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


        1. ^^^Jaga^^^....

          typo kese ?

          1. ambika

            galti se type ho gya :))

          2. ^^^Jaga^^^....

            jhoot..ok ok 🙂

    2. gomathy priya


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. Destiny : ultimate


  20. Suraj

    Through poetry, __________ can be drawn towards the imperishable beauties of the universe, with no cost and consternation.
    (a) the attention of the lethargic and the inert
    (b) the entire gamut of human passions and pathos
    (c) all types of real or imaginative literature
    (d) the latent talent of writing
    (e) that section of society which thinks in a negative way

    1. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    3. gomathy priya


    4. Destiny : ultimate


  21. Suraj


    A) The Union government has found that an estimated Rs. 3-4 lakh crore of tax evaded income were deposited during the 50-day window provided to get rid of the junked Rs. 1,000 and old Rs. 500 notes.

    B) More than Rs. 10,700 crore in cash was deposited in different accounts in the Northeastern States since November 9.

    C) It had come to light that Rs. 25,000 crore in cash was deposited in dormant bank accounts while nearly Rs. 80,000 crore of repayment of loans was done in cash since November 8

    D) Starting from November 8, 2016, various reports were called for from the banks based on different threshold of cash deposits made by different categories of persons. The reports were collated and analysed based on intelligence, which has been available in the Government data bases.

    E) But many politicians have opposed demonetization and termed it as the biggest scam of Indian history. They even want the government to take back the step of demonetization of High denomination currency notes.

    1. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    2. gomathy priya


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. Destiny : ultimate


    5. Suraj

      Answer: E) All other options present some facts and data for post demonetization.

  22. Suraj

    A. The rich miser had never any money to __________ for the poor.
    B. I like to play badminton during my __________ time.
    C. The government has decided to __________ the physically handicapped people from paying tax.
    D. You should __________ no effort, in order to achieve your target.
    (a) free
    (b) offer
    (c) exempt
    (d) spare
    (e) leave

    1. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    2. gomathy priya


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. Destiny : ultimate


  23. Suraj

    The death of the eminent leader __________ to all the citizens of the country.
    (a) stands out in the memories
    (b) caused enormous sadness and grief
    (c) who put the country’s interests first
    (d) made the people admire his popularity
    (e) made the people recall his sacrifice

    1. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    2. gomathy priya


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. Destiny : ultimate


    5. Suraj

      (b) caused enormous sadness and grief

  24. Suraj


    A) In the mid-1990s Japan had a smaller proportion of over-65s than Britain or Germany.
    B) Between 2010 and 2040 the number of people aged 65 or over in metropolitan Tokyo, of which Tama is part, is expected to rise from 2.7m to 4.1m
    C) Tama is a beautiful metropolitan city in Japan where the famous tama hill is located.
    D) By 2025, officials in Tama predict, almost one in four elderly residents will be bedridden and one in seven will suffer from dementia.
    E) For Tama, though, the most worrying effects of ageing are fiscal. Two-thirds of the city’s budget goes on social welfare, which old people require lots of.

    1. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    2. gomathy priya


    3. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    4. Destiny : ultimate


    5. Kaira Taneja


    6. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    7. Suraj

      Answer: C) All other statement talks about the ageing and 65+ aged citizeb living in Japan

  25. Suraj


    (…………………………………………………………..). Everyone can get a handle to any amount of information. Social Media, Video streaming channels have become new factories of idea generation. All are living in a virtual world. Lot of comments, blogs, articles, plans and business models floating around whenever you hit some random websites on the internet
    A) Internet has become a headache.
    B) Handling data has become an issue these days.
    C) Internet has changed the world.
    D) It is important to plan a business in advance.
    E) The answer to this questions lies in the fact that websites cannot handle such a huge amount of data.

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    2. gomathy priya


    3. Kaira Taneja


    4. Destiny : ultimate


  26. Suraj

    A. The __________ of interest on Public Provident Fund has been lowered in the recent budget.
    B. We can __________ him as a good orator.
    C. The __________ of every commodity at the Super Market, is fixed.
    D. He had to pay a heavy __________ for his mistake.
    (a) price
    (b) rate
    (c) rank
    (d) sum
    (e) fine

    1. gomathy priya


    2. Kaira Taneja


    3. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    4. Destiny : ultimate


    5. ^^^Jaga^^^....


  27. Suraj

    The tendency to avoid problems and the emotional suffering inherent in them is the __________.
    (a) outstanding agony in life
    (b) major reason for calamity
    (c) only solution left with humanity
    (d) primary basis of failures in life
    (e) best way of leading a life

    1. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    3. gomathy priya


    4. Destiny : ultimate


    5. Suraj

      (e) best way of leading a life

      Problem ko avoid krna is the best way of leading a life

  28. Divaker

    Good evening aaj Main late ho gya

      1. Divaker

        GE Ma’am

      1. Divaker

        GE Suraj ji

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....

      no worry bro..ge

    2. Destiny : ultimate

      gdeve !

      1. Divaker

        GE destiny

      2. Divaker

        So distiny is yours name
        Is it my distiny or yours ????

        1. Destiny : ultimate

          didnt get u?

          1. Divaker

            I am asking ABT your name

          2. Divaker

            Just is it your distiny na

          3. Destiny : ultimate

            filhaal to yes

          4. Divaker

            after that mine ha ha hs

          5. Divaker

            dont stuck with enigma

          6. Destiny : ultimate


  29. Suraj


    A) Mark sheets and graduation certificates issued by Mumbai University this academic term will be equipped with QR code.
    B) Last year, the university had initiated digital mark sheets that could be directly downloaded from the MU website.
    C) This code prevents the certificates from being faked, tampered with or distorted in any manner.
    D) The knowledge of coding has become very important in today’s technologically advanced world
    E) It could help future employers or other universities to verify certificates presented online by students

    1. gomathy priya


    2. CUtesIA ❤ ♡


    3. Kaira Taneja


    4. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    5. Destiny : ultimate


    6. Suraj

      Answer: D – All other sentences are related to how QR code will affect the system.

  30. Suraj

    A. If the company has made a project, it is entirely __________ to the sincere efforts of the recovery team.
    B. The train is __________ to arrive early in the morning.
    C. Based on his appraisal, he is __________ for a promotion shortly.
    D. The advance, which was __________ to me, was paid well on time.
    (a) expected
    (b) due
    (c) credited
    (d) scheduled
    (e) offered

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    2. Kaira Taneja


    3. Destiny : ultimate


      1. Divaker

        Is use of due is appropriate in sentence B and c

    4. gomathy priya


  31. Suraj

    The benefits of the technology will be limited by the fact that any technology used in a business will give returns __________.
    (a) only when applied to an inefficient organisation
    (b) only when applied to an efficient organisation
    (c) when connected to humanity
    (d) only when it is laborious and intricate
    (e) when pursued selflessly

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. Kaira Taneja


    4. gomathy priya


  32. Pheonix

    due…… explain this ans..

    1. Divaker

      Pls explain ???

      1. Pheonix

        wy credited is wrong?/

    2. Gusto

      mujhe bhi confusion hai
      due ke sath for use nhi hota ..option C wrong hua

      1. Suraj

        hota hai use

    3. Suraj

      in which statement??

      1. Divaker

        In b also

      2. Pheonix

        A. If the company has made a project, it is entirely __________ to the sincere efforts of the recovery team.
        B. The train is __________ to arrive early in the morning.
        C. Based on his appraisal, he is __________ for a promotion shortly.
        D. The advance, which was __________ to me, was paid well on time.
        (a) expected
        (b) due
        (c) credited
        (d) scheduled
        (e) offered

      3. Suraj

        what is owed to one.

  33. Divaker

    Next aaya kya koi

    1. Destiny : ultimate


      1. Divaker

        Ultimate which one

  34. Suraj


    A) The successful test-firing of the long-range ballistic missile Agni-V for the fourth time is a significant step towards building a credible nuclear deterrence.
    B) Nuclear test in the field of power generation have gained widespread popularity and every country is looking forward to make some contribution to it.
    C) With this test and the recent commissioning of the indigenously built nuclear submarine INS Arihant, India is inching towards creating a robust and world-class second-strike capability.
    D) For a nation sworn to no-first-use of nuclear weapons, a reliable second-strike capability is an absolute necessity.
    E) In the worst-case scenario, the country should have the ability to withstand an enemy nuclear strike on its key locations and launch a successful second strike.

    1. Kaira Taneja


    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    3. Suraj

      B) All other points are related to nuclear weapons and missile system

      1. Gusto

        ans show nhi hua

  35. Suraj

    Will reply to all the doubts just after the quiz

  36. Gusto

    Often, ‘because’ or ‘because of’ should be used instead. If you could substitute ‘attributable to’, ’caused by’ or ‘resulting from’ for ‘due to’ in your sentence, then you have probably used ‘due to’ correctly. It modifies nouns and is usually preceded by the verb ‘to be’ in one form or another

  37. Suraj

    A. In the scuffle, the innocent man received a hard __________.
    B. It is immodest for a man to __________ his own trumped.
    C. His sudden death came as a hard __________ to his family.
    D. The garden was in full __________ during spring
    (a) bloom
    (b) shock
    (c) blow
    (d) jolt
    (e) time

    1. Destiny : ultimate


    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


  38. Suraj

    A. The little girl has a __________ face.
    B. It is __________ obvious that he was lying.
    C. He was sitting __________ on his illegal earnings, while his colleagues were struggling to make both ends meet.
    D. He did not have a __________ idea about the matter.
    (a) lovely
    (b) clear
    (c) fair
    (d) faint
    (e) pretty

      1. Divaker

        GE fake it

    1. Kaira Taneja


      1. Divaker

        New here Ma’am????

        1. Kaira Taneja


          1. Divaker

            Ok welcome taneja Ma’am

    2. Destiny : ultimate


  39. Suraj

    Is Question me Kisko Kisko ,, kya kya Doubt hai???
    In these types of question u have to select that option which either fits all the blank or fits the maximum

    A. If the company has made a project, it is entirely __________ to the sincere efforts of the recovery team.
    B. The train is __________ to arrive early in the morning.
    C. Based on his appraisal, he is __________ for a promotion shortly.
    D. The advance, which was __________ to me, was paid well on time.
    (a) expected
    (b) due
    (c) credited
    (d) scheduled
    (e) offered

      1. Suraj

        credited B and C me nahi fit hoga

        1. Divaker

          I m asking by sentence
          Why we can’t use expected in b &c

          1. Suraj

            expected to B and C me aa raha hai,, lekin DUE to sabme fit ho raha hai na.. to Due answer hoga
            expected bas 2 sentence me aarha fit

    1. Pheonix

      sir y expected is not suitable…???

      1. ambika

        expected last ke saath nhi jayega

      2. Suraj

        expected kis kis sentence me fit ho raha hai??

        1. ambika

          only b and c

        2. Pheonix

          okk sir.. now got it.. it is fit with b and c only…

          1. Pheonix

            thank u sir..:)

  40. Suraj

    OK Now we will meet at 10 Pm with static and CA

    If any one wants to conduct any quiz, then tell us, we will decide a timing for that too

    1. ambika

      sir i want for quants

    2. Pheonix

      thank u sir… gn 🙂

    3. Divaker

      Sir if possible please start reasoning and quantitative aptitude quiz for SBI po

    4. Gusto

      thanks for the quiz !!!

    5. Suraj

      I mean if any aspirant wants to conduct a quiz

          1. ambika

            kyun matlb hume to khud padhna hai quiz to koi free person hi karwa sakta hai na

      1. Divaker

        Sir answer me

        1. Suraj

          expected wala ques??

          1. Divaker

            Sir if possible please start reasoning and quantitative aptitude quiz for SBI po—–

          2. Divaker

            Live session

          3. Suraj

            acha.. abhi to possible nhi dikha raha..
            if u all can manage among urself it would be good

        2. gomathy priya

          i think u missed sbi clerk by few marks, i talk to u on ba,

    6. gomathy priya

      thank u sir

  41. Kaira Taneja

    . The little girl has a __________ face.
    B. It is __________ obvious that he was lying.
    C. He was sitting __________ on his illegal earnings, while his colleagues were struggling to make both ends meet.
    D. He did not have a __________ idea about the matter.
    (a) lovely
    (b) clear
    (c) fair
    (d) faint
    (e) pretty
    I have a doubt in this question .can anybody explain to me that why (clear) cannot be the correct option ?

    1. ambika

      clear obvious ??? wrong

    2. Pheonix

      clear and obvious .. both same.. so nt suitable

    3. Divaker

      Clear face Suna h kbhi pretty hota h

      1. ambika

        clear face bhi hota hai

        1. Divaker

          Tumhe BDA PTA h fake it

          1. ambika

            :)) fake it till u make it

      2. Kaira Taneja

        Clear face hota hai..

        1. Divaker

          Clear ka mean kya hota than

    4. Gusto

      bb me clear use nhi hoga

    5. Kaira Taneja

      Okay thanks every one

  42. ambika

    koi free person ho idhar :pp jo quiz conduct kar ske daily

      1. ambika

        main free nhi hun boht costly hun :pp

        1. Divaker

          Koi nhi kharid lunga bolo apni keemat

          1. ambika

            :|| i am not for sale

          2. Divaker

            Who said you are for sale kisi ar tarike se bhi kahrid sakte hai

          3. ambika

            time pass mat kro yaar :)) how is going prep

          4. Divaker

            Bs ap ki kripa hai Ma’am chal Rahi hai I m trying as my best

          5. Divaker

            Mujhe bhi guide krna

          6. ambika

            hmm daily quiz attend kro idhar AC ka to pack up ho gya ab jamke practice krenge yhan

          7. Divaker

            Yup mujhe bhi bula Liya karo jab bhi karna

          8. ambika

            hmm sure :))

          9. Divaker

            Shukriya kudiye

    1. K!nG Iz B!nG

      Divaker ambika • a few seconds ago

      1. ambika

        hey bro :)) how r u

        1. K!nG Iz B!nG

          not well,,,aj cold ho gya:(

          1. ambika

            ohhh 🙁 medicine

          2. K!nG Iz B!nG

            nops,,,,m nhi leta,,,:p

          3. ambika

            u filled form for sbi bro ??

          4. K!nG Iz B!nG


          5. ambika

            maths ko kese prepare kren bro u r good in quants mera to dimag khali hai :pp

          6. K!nG Iz B!nG

            practice as much as u can,,,follow AC,BE ,BM ,AZ sites,,,,

          7. ambika

            okk 🙂 but sbi main to jyada maths nhi ata na DI hota hai mostly right???

          8. K!nG Iz B!nG

            inequality ka pattern change ho gya h,,,
            see latest que on AZ,,,

          9. ambika

            achha mene nhi dekha abhi dekhti hun

  43. Suraj

    Good Evening!!!!!
    Will start with today’s topic in few minutes!!!!!

  44. Suraj

    Chad- capital currency??

    1. ambika


    2. Suraj

      CFA Franc

    3. Myra



  45. Suraj

    Laureus Sportsman of the Year????

    1. ambika

      usain bolt

    2. K!nG Iz B!nG


      1. K!nG Iz B!nG


        1. rs


  46. Suraj

    Cambodia – capital , currency???

    1. Myra

      phnom pehn

    2. ambika

      phnom phneh

    3. K!nG Iz B!nG

      pnom pneh

    4. purvi

      phnom pehn

    5. Suraj

      Phnom Penh


  47. Suraj

    WHich cricketer got the Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE)

    1. ambika

      alaistar cook

    2. rs

      frm england ?

    3. Suraj

      Alastair Cook
      Cricketer- England

  48. Suraj

    Croatia – capital, currency???

    1. ambika


    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    3. Suraj



  49. Suraj

    Which bank won the IBA Banking Technology Award[Best financial inclusion initiatives (small bank) ]

    1. Myra

      karnataka bank

    2. ambika

      karnatka bank

    3. purvi

      karnataka bank

    4. K!nG Iz B!nG


    5. ^^^Jaga^^^....

      karnataka bank

    6. Suraj

      Karnataka Bank

    7. Destiny : ultimate

      karnataka bank

  50. Suraj

    Comoros – capital currency???

    1. ambika


    2. Myra


    3. purvi


    4. Destiny : ultimate


    5. Suraj



  51. Suraj

    Who has won the Dr B C Roy national award???

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....

      raghuram ?

    2. K!nG Iz B!nG

      raghu ram

    3. Destiny : ultimate

      dr p raghu ram

    4. Suraj

      Dr P Raghu Ram
      (for outstanding service in the field of socio medical relief for 2016.)

  52. Suraj

    Cuba – capital, currency???

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    2. K!nG Iz B!nG


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. ambika


    5. Destiny : ultimate


    6. Suraj

      Cuban Peso

  53. Suraj

    Which bank has won the 2017 National MSME Excellence Award???

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....

      corporation bank

    2. ambika

      corporation bank

    3. Destiny : ultimate

      corptn bank

    4. K!nG Iz B!nG


    5. rs

      public – copr
      pvt – karnataka ?

      1. K!nG Iz B!nG


    6. Suraj

      Corporation Bank

  54. Suraj

    Chile – capital, currency???

    1. ambika


    2. Myra


    3. K!nG Iz B!nG


    4. Destiny : ultimate

      santiago peso

    5. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    6. rs


    7. Suraj


  55. Suraj

    Who has become the first female cricketer who will recieve the BCCI Lifetime Achievement Award.????

    1. paakhi

      option to do 😛

      1. ambika

        no options here :))

          1. ambika

            ye to acha hi hai jyada achhe se learn hoga sab

    2. Myra

      shanta rangaswamy

    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. K!nG Iz B!nG


    5. Suraj

      Shantha Rangaswamy

  56. Suraj

    Canada – capital, currency???

    1. Myra


    2. ambika


    3. paakhi

      otawa dollr

    4. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    5. K!nG Iz B!nG


    6. purvi


    7. Destiny : ultimate

      ottawa dollar

    8. Suraj


  57. Suraj

    World’s most valuable brand by Brand Finance

    World’s most powerful brand by Brand Finance

      1. paakhi

        yes lego 🙂

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    2. paakhi

      google and ??

    3. Destiny : ultimate


      1. ambika

        na google hai

      2. paakhi

        no apple grapes 😛

    4. K!nG Iz B!nG


    5. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    6. Nishi

      Apple and lego

    7. Suraj



  58. Suraj

    Czech Republic – capital and currency???

    1. Myra


    2. ambika


    3. purvi


    4. Destiny : ultimate

      czech republic koruna

      1. Destiny : ultimate


    5. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    6. Suraj


  59. Suraj

    CSI -Nihilent eGovernance Awards. to which two state???

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....

      telengana and ap

      1. ^^^Jaga^^^....

        ap ya assam

        1. Destiny : ultimate


    2. paakhi

      telngana and rajstan

    3. Destiny : ultimate

      rajasthan and telangana

    4. Suraj

      Rajasthan and Telangana

  60. Suraj

    Cameroon- capital and currency????

    1. ambika


    2. Myra


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. Destiny : ultimate

      yuoando franc

    5. paakhi


    6. Suraj

      CFA Franc

  61. Suraj

    Which airport corporation has won the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA) Chairman’s Order of Merit???

    1. Myra

      hyd international

    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    3. K!nG Iz B!nG

      Rajiv Gandhi air,hyd

    4. Suraj

      GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd

    5. Destiny : ultimate

      hyderabad international airport

  62. Suraj

    Cote d’Ivoire – capital, currency????

    1. ambika


    2. paakhi

      capital yaad ni hui:(

    3. Suraj


      CFA Franc

    4. Destiny : ultimate

      yamusukro franc

  63. Suraj

    2016 Vyas Samman???

    1. paakhi

      sandeep vrma?

    2. ambika

      sunita jain

    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....

      surendrra shamrma

    4. Destiny : ultimate

      surendra verma

      1. paakhi

        haa surendr tha shayad

        1. Destiny : ultimate


    5. Suraj

      Surendra Verma

      For his novel : Kaatna Shami Ka Vriksha Padma Pankhuri Ki Dhar

  64. Suraj

    Cape Verde – capital , currency???

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    2. ambika


    3. Destiny : ultimate


    4. Suraj


  65. Suraj

    2017 Legendary Award by Brand Laureate – ???
    hint- singer

    1. Myra

      lata mangeshkar

    2. K!nG Iz B!nG

      lata mam

    3. purvi

      lata mangeshkar mam

    4. Destiny : ultimate

      lata mangeshkar

    5. Suraj

      Lata Mangeshkar

  66. ^^^Jaga^^^....

    good night..

    1. Suraj

      good night :))

    2. K!nG Iz B!nG

      good night..

    3. Destiny : ultimate

      gn !!!

  67. Suraj

    China- capital, currency..
    easy one 😀

    1. ambika


    2. paakhi


    3. Myra


    4. K!nG Iz B!nG


    5. ambika

      also renmimbi

      1. K!nG Iz B!nG


    6. purvi


    7. Suraj



    8. Destiny : ultimate

      beijing yua/renminbi

  68. Suraj

    FIH Player of the Year awards (Male)?? and his country???

    1. paakhi

      option pls 😛

      1. Suraj

        options banaye hi nahi 😀
        kal k topic yaad kar k aana 😛

        1. paakhi

          konsa topic hoga sir

          1. Suraj

            last me bataynge

      2. Destiny : ultimate

        ye homework tha 🙂

    2. Destiny : ultimate

      john dohmen

      1. Destiny : ultimate


    3. Suraj

      John-John Dohmen


  69. Suraj

    Central African Republic – capital currency???

    1. Myra


    2. ambika


    3. Suraj


      CFA Franc

  70. K!nG Iz B!nG


    1. ambika

      gn bro :))

  71. Suraj

    FIH Player of the Year awards (Female)????

    1. purvi


    2. Destiny : ultimate

      naomi van

    3. Suraj

      Naomi van As


  72. Suraj

    Cyprus – capital currency???

    1. Myra


      1. Destiny : ultimate

        combodia ka hota h

        1. paakhi

          rial currncy

          1. Destiny : ultimate

            haa riel

      2. paakhi

        no paakhi wrong 😛

    2. Destiny : ultimate

      nicosa pound

    3. purvi


    4. Suraj



  73. Suraj

    Dr Stya Paul Memorial Award?????

    1. Myra

      virendra sharma

    2. Destiny : ultimate

      virendra sharma

    3. Suraj

      Virendra Sharma

  74. Suraj

    Costa Rica – capital, currency???

    1. Myra


    2. paakhi

      san jone–colon

    3. ambika

      san jose

    4. Destiny : ultimate

      san jose colon

    5. Suraj

      San Jose


  75. Suraj

    EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2016????

    1. paakhi

      sehgal chand

    2. Destiny : ultimate

      vivek chand

    3. Myra

      vivek sehgal

    4. ambika

      vivek chand sehgal

    5. Suraj

      Vivek Chaand Sehgal

  76. Suraj

    Congo – capital, currency???

    1. ambika


    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. Suraj


      CFA Franc

  77. Suraj

    ‘Captain of the Year‘ at ESPNcricinfo Awards.???

    1. Destiny : ultimate

      virat koli

    2. Suraj

      Virat Kohli

  78. Suraj

    Colombia – capital, currency???

    1. purvi


    2. paakhi

      bogota peso

    3. Destiny : ultimate

      bogota peso

    4. Suraj



  79. ambika

    Democratic Republic
    Of the Congo…………………. Kinshasa
    Republic of the Congo………………… Brazzaville

  80. Suraj

    Who has has become the first Indian female singer to collaborate with UN for women empowerment.

    1. ambika

      neeti mohan

    2. purvi


    3. Suraj

      Neeti Mohan

    4. Destiny : ultimate

      neeti mohan

  81. Suraj

    Best ‘Institution for Promoting Industry-academia Interface’ at 10th ASSOCHAM Higher Education Summit 2017????

    1. Destiny : ultimate

      niit university

    2. Suraj

      NIIT University (NU)

    1. Destiny : ultimate

      gn dear 🙂

  82. Suraj

    Topic For Tomorrow: Capital and Currency of Countries with name Starting with Alphabet D,E,F + Dam

    Good Night!!!!! Keep Learning!!!!!

    Practise Sets for Upcoming Exams

    Mixed Quantitative Aptitude Questions Set 12: http://aspirantszone.com/mixed-quantitative-aptitude-questions-set-12/

    Reasoning: Machine Input-Output Set 8: http://aspirantszone.com/reasoning-machine-input-output-set-8/

    Mixed English Questions Set 29 (New Pattern): http://aspirantszone.com/new-pattern-english-sbi-po-connectors-29/

    English : Error Spotting for SBI PO Set 20: http://aspirantszone.com/english-error-detection-bank-po-20/

    Static GK Quiz for Upcoming Exams Set 24: http://aspirantszone.com/static-gk-quiz-upcoming-exams-set-24/

    Banking Awareness for Upcoming Exams Set 19: http://aspirantszone.com/banking-awareness-upcoming-exams-set-19/

    Current Affairs Quiz: March 7, 2017: http://aspirantszone.com/current-affairs-quiz-march-7-2017/

    1. Myra

      Thanku sir, Gn 🙂

    2. paakhi

      dam me river bhi??

      1. ambika


    3. ambika

      THANKU SIR :))

    4. Destiny : ultimate

      thank u sir
      good night :)))))

    1. Destiny : ultimate

      gn !!

    2. K!nG Iz B!nG


  83. K!nG Iz B!nG

    The post you are trying to reply to has been removed by a moderator.

    1. Destiny : ultimate

      hmm same

  84. K!nG Iz B!nG

    Finally gN:p

    1. Destiny : ultimate

      gn 🙂

  85. Myra

    First smart tribal village named ‘Hubbi’ in ‘Rajouri’ district of Jammu and Kashmir…

  86. Myra

    First bike taxi service ‘ Baxi ‘ to be introduced in Noida…

  87. Myra

    Destination North East 2017 to be host by Chandigar…

  88. Myra

    Bangladesh to receive additional 60MW of power from India

  89. Myra

    Netlix partners with Airtel, Videocon, Vodafone

  90. Myra

    Srinath Reddy made Advisor to Odisha Govt.

  91. Myra

    Cairn India ropes in Melody Meyer, Atul Gupta as executive advisors

  92. Myra

    TRAI looking to provide high-speed internet at 2 paise per MB by easing access to Wi-Fi

  93. Myra

    Tech Mahindra to buy US healthcare IT firm CJS for $110 million

    1. Gusto

      akele padhai ho rhi hai 😛

          1. Gusto

            ga ke liye koi tips do .. mere se ga yaad nhi hoti … yha par to sabko currency/capital/days yaad hai

          2. Myra

            attend daily live quizzes for ca, static in sites

          3. Gusto

            okk try karta hun …ty

    2. Hemant ahuja?

      Akele padh rhi kya

  94. Myra

    Nokia, BSNL to develop 5G ecosystem in India

  95. Hemant ahuja?

    1 mn equals to hw many rs

      1. Gusto

        aap bhi yahi hai

  96. Hemant ahuja?

    Can never ho to wo kya possiblty mani jati kya

    1. ambika

      can never means wrong totally

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Can means possible hta

  97. Hemant ahuja?

    1 bn??

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        1 cr

        1. ambika

          1 crore nhi 100 crore

          1. Hemant ahuja?

            1 Arab ho gya

      2. Myra

        typo 100 crores

        1. Hemant ahuja?

          1 arab

  98. Hemant ahuja?

    History politics padh ke mind hi Hill gya

  99. Gusto

    koi gs ki quiz karao
    ambi mam ?

    1. Hemant ahuja?

      Tu kra

      1. Gusto

        material nhi hai … tum start karo

        1. Hemant ahuja?

          Main mob se Hu.

        2. Hemant ahuja?

          Ambika ko bol

  100. Hemant ahuja?

    Pradip port

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Langer khane sare aa jate hai

        1. ambika

          are yaar tum bolte boht ho

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Waise akele kra rhi thi. Ab kra de gs

      2. ambika

        don’t mind he is mad :pp

          1. Hemant ahuja?

            Don’t mind she is kabuter of Priyanka chopra

  101. Hemant ahuja?

    Kandla port

  102. Hemant ahuja?

    President appoints how many rajyasabha members

    1. Myra

      u r conducting quiz for ssc

      1. Gusto

        2 lock sabha

  103. Hemant ahuja?

    First attorney general

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Jo yaad hai whi kra rha. Option Kaise du

  104. Hemant ahuja?

    First chief justice of ind

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Hj kania

      2. Myra

        he is present

        1. Gusto

          gs me sab yaad thori na rahta hai 😛

  105. Hemant ahuja?

    First person to space

    1. ambika

      yuri gaggrin

  106. Hemant ahuja?

    First ips women

    1. ambika

      kiran bedi

  107. Hemant ahuja?

    Second person to reach moon

    1. ambika

      buzz aldrin

    2. Gusto

      koi buzz naam hai

  108. Hemant ahuja?

    Myra tu bhi kra kuch.

  109. Hemant ahuja?

    India first miss world

    1. ambika

      yukti mukhi

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Rita faria

    2. ambika

      na na rita faria

    3. Gusto

      reita faria

      1. ambika

        gn dear or isse bachke rehna katta hai ye :pp

      2. Hemant ahuja?

        Ye khuzli Wali ladki hai

        1. Myra

          means what??

          1. ambika

            stupid :||

        2. ambika

          🙂 jalte ho tum mujhse

          1. Hemant ahuja?

            Myra khumbi hai

          2. Myra

            say in english

          3. ambika

            he is saying u r mushroom

          4. Hemant ahuja?

            Kabuter Ka bolna jarruri tha

          5. ambika

            GO TO HELLLLLL :||

          6. Hemant ahuja?

            Go to bhagwant mann

          7. Hemant ahuja?

            Tu bus fyt kr mere se

          8. ambika

            han han tum to phool barsa rhe ho mere pe khujli wali ladki bolte ho :||

          9. Hemant ahuja?

            Pehle tune start kiya niche

          10. Hemant ahuja?

            Khujl Wali ladk????

          11. ambika

            ab tum invisible ho mere liye :||

          12. Hemant ahuja?

            OK Majak sehna bhi Sikh na ki krna

          13. Hemant ahuja?

            U also invisible for me

          14. Hemant ahuja?


    1. Gusto

      gs nhi karni ?

      1. ambika

        feb ki ca karni hai mujhe

  110. Hemant ahuja?

    Kabuter kabuter hi rehte hai kuch girls

  111. Hemant ahuja?

    First women cm of ind which state

    1. Gusto