Discussion Zone – 09 March 2017

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  • Banking Awareness
  • Current Awareness
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1,104 Thoughts to “Discussion Zone – 09 March 2017”

  1. Destiny : ultimate

    gdeveg :)))

    1. purvi

      ge dear 🙂

  2. gomathy priya


      1. gomathy priya

        mam,i applied sci junior assistant, in percentage column, it says after decimal point , the number shoud not exceed zero, so wat i have to do?

      2. gomathy priya

        my percentage is 84.90, whether i have to round up this to 85.00?

      3. gomathy priya

        gud eve mam.

      4. gomathy priya

        its saying the number of digits should not exceed zero after decimal

      1. gomathy priya

        ge myra

    1. Destiny : ultimate

      gd eveg mam :))

    2. ambika

      ge mam :))

    3. Phoenix

      ge ma’am

      1. ambika

        hehe mam pc nhi hain :))

          1. ambika

            :)) dp changed

  3. purvi


  4. ambika

    ge guys :))

    1. Destiny : ultimate

      ge dear 🙂

      1. ambika

        🙂 vge mam

      1. ambika

        vge :))))))))

  5. 1. Wheat productions in the region (1)/ will fall drastically (2)/ unless we do nothing (3)/ to stop climate change. (4)/ No error. (5)

    1. gomathy priya


    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. 3

      nothing => something

  6. ambika

    mam aj site open ni ho rhi

      1. ambika

        open ni hui site says something wrong disqus se open kiya hai embeeded link

        1. nhi its opening here

          1. ambika

            okk then it may be problem on my side

  7. gomathy priya

    mam,pls reply to my query

      1. gomathy priya

        see below mam

        1. Divaker

          Consider them 84.90 only not 85

          1. gomathy priya

            but its not accepting, its sying after decimal they didnt asked to mention the number

          2. Divaker

            Put up 84 there

          3. gomathy priya


        2. yes u cant round off

          1. gomathy priya

            but its not accepting, its sying after decimal they didnt asked to mention the number,its only ask to mention me 84 or 85 mam

          2. ok ok
            then better to put 84

            gone through instructions for this??

          3. gomathy priya

            ok mam.ty

          4. Divaker

            Btw kis mein apply kr Rahi ho

          5. gomathy priya

            can u tell me in eng?

          6. Myra

            u applied sib for which state???

          7. gomathy priya

            for clerk tamilnadu, for po, all india wise

          8. gomathy priya


          9. Myra

            i thought u r from ap

          10. gomathy priya

            no.y ?

          11. gomathy priya

            u r from?

          12. gomathy priya


          13. Divaker

            I am asking about recruitment in which you are going to apply

          14. gomathy priya

            supreme court of india

          15. Divaker

            What is the age and education cretiria

          16. gomathy priya

            graduation and 18-27 years

  8. Divaker

    Quiz start karo Ma’am good evening

    1. Phoenix

      quiz started ..:)

      1. Divaker

        Nhi Abhi to nhi dikha koi question

        1. Phoenix

          1. Wheat productions in the region (1)/ will fall drastically (2)/ unless we do nothing (3)/ to stop climate change. (4)/ No error. (5)

          1. Divaker


    2. Destiny : ultimate

      ge :))

      1. Divaker

        GE my destiny

  9. That information is already / implicit in the service tax e-tailers / pay from the fee they have collected / for the fulfilment service./

    1. ambika

      on the fee

    2. gomathy priya


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. Destiny : ultimate


  10. Forcing young children to enrol themselves for Aadhaar // to get their free meal at school should make any kind of // sense only if the idea was to transfer money // to the beneficiaries, instead of serving them a wholesome meal.//

    1. ambika

      would make


        gd evng :))


      ddd/// it

      1. them is used for children

        1. KALYAN ADHYA

          children ke liye kavhi kavhi it bhi use hote dekhe hain

        2. KALYAN ADHYA

          ge maam 🙂

    3. gomathy priya


    4. ^^^Jaga^^^....


  11. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council has reduced the tax that e-commerce firms are mandated to collect at source (TCS) from the sales on their platforms all the way down to 1%. The proposal is still flawed and must be scrapped. For one, Amazon, Flipkart, etc, are barred by policy from selling their own stuff and work as a marketplace, where sellers meet buyers, providing what is called the service of fulfilment. __________________________But why elevate them to the status of an arm of the government, collecting tax from others on its behalf?

    Levying a service tax on the fee they charge for providing this service is rational.

    Asking e-retailers to collect 1% tax at source is meant to gather information, it might be argued.

    If the government wants e-tailers to collect and pay GST, the solution is simple.

    1. gomathy priya


    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. Levying a service tax on the fee they charge for providing this service is rational.

  12. Hemant ahuja?

    Flawed means

    1. ambika

      jisme kuch galti ho

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Means purvi

        1. Divaker

          Ha ha ha GE bhai

        2. ambika

          :)) nhi tum

          1. Hemant ahuja?

            Dard bahar yaad gya behan ke liye.

          2. ambika

            :)) haan meri behn hai wo

          3. Hemant ahuja?

            Mujhe aapka ye baat bilkul pasand nhi aayi. Ha thuu

  13. Requiring schoolchildren turning up for their midday meal to flash their Aadhaar cards is absurd. Aadhaar makes sense in many subsidy schemes, because by transferring cash to the intended beneficiary’s bank account, much fraud and waste can be eliminated. But this would not work with the midday meal scheme implemented nationwide in 2008.
    If the aim is simply to make sure that more and more people enrol in Aadhaar, this would be the wrong way to go about it. ____________________________Forcing young children to enrol themselves for Aadhaar to get their free meal at school would make any kind of sense only if the idea was to transfer money to the beneficiaries, instead of serving them a wholesome meal. But cash will not do in this case.

    A) Without coercion, more than a billion Indians have already obtained their Aadhaar numbers.

    B) If Aadhaar and cash transfers, in place of midday meals, are inflicted on poor and very young Indians, it would mean backtracking from two other goals.

    C) Midday meal is a way to break down barriers of caste and religion differences that infest society today.

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    2. gomathy priya


    3. A) Without coercion, more than a billion Indians have already obtained their Aadhaar numbers.

      in B – from two other goals.
      if this sentence fits here
      then the two goals should also follow this sentence

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Main yhi soch rha tha

    4. ^^^Jaga^^^....

      coercion MEANS?

      1. bina kuch faltu ka kiye – ya without force

        senetnce says ki bina force kiye b people have obtained their Aadhaar numbers.

  14. Find ODD sentence

    It needs to take serious measures to improve sanitation and address air and water pollution that contribute to aggravate non-infectious diseases.

    These, once regarded as the diseases of the rich, call for new thinking and an innovative response.

    The findings of the National Family Health Survey-4 bring good news: infant mortality has fallen, the sex ratio has improved and vaccine coverage has spread.

    These chronic diseases, left medically unmanaged, increase the possibility of infectious diseases.

    It also brings bad news: non-communicable diseases are gaining ground — the incidence of diabetes is 20.3 per cent and that of hypertension, 22.2 per cent.

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


      1. Divaker

        Bhai namskaar

        1. ^^^Jaga^^^....

          HN BHAI..KESE HO?

          1. Divaker

            Bs ap ki kripa hai bhai ap batao study kaise chal Rahi h

          2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


          3. Divaker

            Kyun kya ho gya

          4. ^^^Jaga^^^....




    3. Hemant ahuja?


    4. gomathy priya


    5. Destiny : ultimate


    6. Hemant ahuja?

      Sabka shi hga

    7. how can C be ????

      C tell good news

      and E tells bad news

    8. Destiny : ultimate


      1. Divaker

        Sabse last tumara hi answer aaya h Ma’am

        1. Destiny : ultimate

          niche v h

          1. Divaker

            Ok serious ho gayi tum to

          2. Destiny : ultimate


    9. It needs to take serious measures to improve sanitation and address air and water pollution that contribute to aggravate non-infectious diseases.

      It needs to take serious measures??? Who needs to take these measures?? No where mentioned

      1. gomathy priya

        ok mam. i thought it was national family health survey

        1. survey is a report or something

          how can it take measures??

          living beings can take measures, survey cant na

          1. gomathy priya

            ya mam, i didnt see it.

  15. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council has reportedly approved the draft Central GST and the Integrated GST laws. This is welcome, and would enable the Centre to introduce the legislation in Parliament. The council expects to finalise the model state GST law by mid-March.
    All state legislatures have to pass the law. All rules of all laws have to be finalised and published. _______________________________ What is sacrosanct is not an arbitrary date for commencement of the tax but a minimum period of three months after publication of GST rules for the actual tax rollout.

    A) A peak rate of GST at 40 per cent, instead of the earlier agreedupon rate of 28 per cent, is a bad idea.

    B) As the Indian economy becomes more formal and organised, more products and services will come under the GST.

    C) Only thereafter can companies start preparing their accounting systems to switch to GST.





      2. repeated ??
        this is from article dated march 6 2017

    2. gomathy priya


    3. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    4. C) Only thereafter can companies start preparing their accounting systems to switch to GST.

  16. Myra

    Thanku mam, bye 🙂

    1. gomathy priya


  17. The average value-added-tax rate / in the OECD rose from 17.7 per cent in 2009 / to 19 per cent in 2015 as many members of / the EU raised rates followed the financial crisis. /

    1. ambika

      following the financial crisis

    2. Divaker


    3. gomathy priya

      dd following

    4. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    5. Destiny : ultimate


    6. d

      followed => following

  18. Ever since the Supreme Court ruled the / Judicial Appointments Commission proposed by the government to have / unfit, there have been strained / relations between the executive and the judiciary.

    1. ambika

      to be unfit

    2. gomathy priya


      1. Destiny : ultimate


    3. Destiny : ultimate


      1. Divaker

        Do not copy me

        1. Destiny : ultimate

          your ans came late :)))

    4. Laughing tym its nitrous oxide


  19. Hemant ahuja?


    1. Ever since the Supreme Court ruled the / Judicial Appointments Commission proposed by the government to have / unfit, there have been strained / relations between the executive and the judiciary.

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Had been

    2. Laughing tym its nitrous oxide


  20. Sunil Bharti Mittal, head of India’s // largest telecom network, has // proposed creating a common pool of // spectrum by all telecom companies. //

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    2. Laughing tym its nitrous oxide


    3. Destiny : ultimate



        sorry aaa

      1. Divaker

        Has been???

    4. gomathy priya



    A) A vital reason is the absence of a body whose stamp of validation is sufficient to elicit public faith in the adequacy of a critical medical device like the coronary stent.

    B) The absence of such a body thwarts the full extent of competition possible in stents and other medical devices.

    C) There are Indian companies that can and do export stents to a country like Germany but is unable to sell their products in India.

    D) The missing piece in the regulation of stent prices is a credible standards-setting and certifying authority for stents and other medical devices.

    E) The controversy over the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority’s fixation of price caps on coronary stents has not died down, not surprisingly.

    1. gomathy priya


      1. Divaker

        Don’t do at least you can try

        1. gomathy priya

          i am doing like exam, i am having doubt in this, so i skipped

          1. ronnie (honey)


      2. yes at least try first two
        or first or last

        1. gomathy priya

          ok mam

        2. gomathy priya

          ok mam. i am having doubt in this, so i skipped

    2. Destiny : ultimate


  22. His main aim is (1)/ to create an (2)/ interest in hockey (3)/ among school children. (4)/ No error (5)

    1. ronnie (honey)


        1. ronnie (honey)


    2. Divaker


    3. Destiny : ultimate


      1. Divaker

        Is children is right ????

        1. ronnie (honey)


        2. gomathy priya

          ya children is plural

        3. Destiny : ultimate


  23. His press secretary Sean Spicer // has dismissed the notion that // the President’s policies has // anything to do with the crime.//

    1. ambika

      have anything

      1. ronnie (honey)

        yes sub verb agreement

      2. ronnie (honey)

        dont u think in previous question an is redundant

        1. ambika

          yaa right while reading the sentence it seems ackward

          1. ronnie (honey)

            yaa it does

    2. ronnie (honey)


    3. gomathy priya


  24. Many athletes have (1)/ taken on yoga (2)/ to develop their concentration (3)/ and reduce stress. (4)/ No error (5)

    1. ambika

      taken up??

    2. Divaker

      Use of on is redundant

    3. ronnie (honey)


    4. gomathy priya


    5. Destiny : ultimate


  25. Amit started a small (1)/ construction business two years ago (2)/ when the country is (3)/ enjoying a construction boom. (4)/ No error (5)

    1. ambika

      country was

    2. ronnie (honey)


    3. gomathy priya

      333 was



    5. Destiny : ultimate


  26. paakhi

    late comers not allowed

    1. ambika

      ofcourse :)) pehle fine do

        1. ambika

          :)) ok ok no fine

    2. ronnie (honey)

      i m always late ..wc

  27. In order to expand, the company (1)/ plans to transform from a (2)/ family based business into (3)/ a professional managed one. (4)/ No error (5)

    1. ambika


    2. ronnie (honey)


    3. gomathy priya


    4. Destiny : ultimate


  28. MiMi

    may i come in?? :((

    1. ambika

      ofcourse not :))

    2. yes :))

      par Ambika ko fine dene k bad 🙂

      1. ambika

        sorry mam 🙂 i was just kidding

        1. hehe

          i know 🙂 i am also

      2. ronnie (honey)

        merko bhi dilwao mam i m very poor

        1. tum to late ho

          to tumhe to dena pdega , milega nhi

          1. ronnie (honey)

            mam me late hi aata hu baad me kr leta hu apka sara sikha ya hua ..kaash aap 9 bje krwate to me time pe aata roz ..

    3. Divaker

      Welcome Ma’am

      1. MiMi

        chin chu cha

        1. Divaker

          Mimi how are you and how’s going your study

          1. MiMi

            thoda busy thi kuch din shayad kal se ful concentrate kar payungi padhai pe..what about u??

          2. Divaker

            Good but want to be excellent so it’s your obligation to guide me


      gd evng maam 🙂

    5. ronnie (honey)

      wc mimi dost

    6. paakhi

      u b aa jao 😀
      mere sath

      1. MiMi

        sure dear ;))

  29. With inflation at eleven per cent (1)/ companies need to come up (2)/ with innovative ways to (3)/ get customers to buy its good. (4)/ No error. (5)

    1. gomathy priya

      444 their

    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. ronnie (honey)


  30. ambika

    ok guys see u at 11 pm . be present on time :))

    1. ronnie (honey)

      kya krwate ho aap

      1. ambika

        aj se quants

        1. ronnie (honey)

          ok aa paya to thik wrna subh apka lesson zrur krunga isi jgh na

          1. ronnie (honey)

            ty mam

    2. paakhi

      will try sis

  31. The Indian stock market is (1)/ one of the worse (2)/ performing stock markets (3)/ in the recent times. (4)/ No error. (5)

    1. ronnie (honey)


    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. ambika

      one of the worst

    4. gomathy priya

      worst 222

      1. Divaker

        Is times is correct???

  32. gomathy priya

    ty mam. i am leaving.

    1. ronnie (honey)

      ok bye mam

  33. Thats all for today
    GN 🙂

    10 PM GK QUIZ: Capital and Currency of Country with Name starting with G, H and I. + Conference and Summits in February (A2Z Capsule)

    11 PM Quant QUIZ: Time and Work

    1. ronnie (honey)

      ok mam ..ty


      ty maam …:)) gn

    3. Phoenix

      ty maam …:))

    4. gomathy priya

      ty mam,gud night

    5. ^^^Jaga^^^....

      good night mam

      1. MiMi

        chori chori chupke chupke :)(

    6. Destiny : ultimate

      ty mam 🙂

  34. Suraj

    Good Evening!!!! Will start in 2 minutes!!!!!

  35. Suraj

    Italy – capital currency???

        1. ambika

          :)) vge purvi

  36. Suraj

    53rd SAARC Programming Committee Meeting?????

    1. optimistic

      Nepal ge 🙂

      1. Suraj

        ge Opti 🙂

        1. optimistic

          Vge sis

    2. Suraj

      Kathmandu, Nepal

  37. Suraj

    Germany- capital, currency???

    1. ambika


    2. optimistic

      Berlin euro

    3. purvi


    4. Suraj


  38. Suraj

    2017 Desert Festival – city???

    1. purvi


    2. Hemant ahuja?


    3. Suraj

      Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

    4. optimistic


  39. Suraj

    Haiti – capital Currency???

    1. ambika

      port au prince

    2. purvi

      port prince

      1. ambika

        ceriole to language hai

        1. purvi

          opps galti se mene language yaad kar li

          1. ambika

            :)) koi ni

    3. Suraj



  40. Suraj

    Second Gateway of India Geoeconomic Dialogue????

    1. Hemant ahuja?


    2. Suraj


      Theme: “Where Geopolitics meets Business”

  41. Suraj

    Iceland- capital currency???

    1. Hemant ahuja?


    2. ambika


    3. Suraj



  42. Suraj

    The Indian Panorama Film Festival????

    1. ambika

      port blair A n N

    2. Suraj

      Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar

  43. Suraj

    Ireland- capital currency???

    1. ambika


    2. optimistic

      Dublin euro fossil fuels banned

    3. purvi


    4. Suraj



  44. purvi

    next aaya kya

    1. ambika

      haan refresh kro

  45. Suraj

    BRICS Summit 2017 to be held in?? theme???

    1. Suraj

      Xiamen, China

      Theme : “BRICS: Stronger Partnership for a Brighter Future”

  46. Suraj

    Honduras – capital,currency??

    1. ambika


      1. ambika


    2. optimistic


    3. purvi


    4. Suraj



  47. Suraj

    2nd edition of International Spice Conference????

      1. ambika


    1. purvi


    2. Suraj

      Thiruvanantapuram, Kerala

      Theme 2017: “21st Century Spic Industry-Disrupt or be Disrupted”

    3. optimistic

      Kerala Thiruvananthapuram urban first

  48. Suraj

    Indonesia – capital currency??

    1. purvi


    2. optimistic

      Jakarta rupiah

    3. Suraj



  49. Suraj

    31st Surajkund International Crafts Mela????

    1. Suraj

      Faridabad, Haryana

  50. Suraj

    Israel -capital, currency???

    1. ambika


    2. purvi


    3. optimistic

      Jerusalem shekel

    4. Suraj



  51. Suraj

    19th Bharat Rang Mahotsav?????

  52. Suraj

    Iran- capital currency??

    1. purvi


    2. Suraj



  53. Suraj

    17th International Seminar on Counter Terrorism???

    1. optimistic


    2. Suraj

      Manesar, Haryana.

  54. Suraj

    Guatemala-capital currency???

    1. purvi

      guatemala city

    2. Suraj

      Guatemala City


  55. optimistic

    Phir milenge chalte hain bye

  56. Suraj

    2nd Hunar Haat????

    1. purvi

      minorty minister

  57. Suraj

    Guinea – capital currency???

    1. Suraj


      Guinean franc

  58. Suraj

    I think no one is interested in quiz today

    1. purvi

      mujhe bhi yesa he lag rha hai
      isliye koi bhi nhi aaya

    2. Vision

      are sir aisa kuch ni
      aapki quiz mai daily pdti
      bus frk etna hai time pe kbhi kbhi aati
      baaki baad me pdti
      but will try to come daily

    3. Vision

      sir need to daily run this quiz

    4. ambika

      are sir hum to roj ratta maarke ate apki quiz main
      aj thodi network problem hai baarish ki vjah se

  59. Suraj

    Will do tomorrow,
    come at 11 PM for quants quiz

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....

      thank u sir

  60. Suraj

    Good Night!!!!! Keep Learning!!!!! Be away from distractions!!!!! Nice meeting you all!!!!!

    Practise Set for upcoming Exams

    Reasoning Puzzles Set 19: http://aspirantszone.com/reasoning-puzzles-set-19/

    Quantitative Aptitude: Time and Work Set 2: http://aspirantszone.com/quantitative-aptitude-time-work-set-2/

    Mixed English Questions Set 31 (New Pattern): http://aspirantszone.com/new-pattern-english-sbi-po-31/

    English: Fill in the Blanks Set 9 (Double Fillers): http://aspirantszone.com/english-fill-blanks-set-9-double-fillers/

    Static GK Quiz for Upcoming Exams Set 25: http://aspirantszone.com/static-gk-quiz-upcoming-exams-set-25/

    Banking Awareness for Upcoming Exams Set 21 (PMSBY): http://aspirantszone.com/banking-awareness-upcoming-exams-set-21-pmsby/

    Current Affairs Quiz: March 9, 2017: http://aspirantszone.com/current-affairs-quiz-march-9-2017/

    1. Vision

      ty admin
      aaj thodi der hui kya quiz ?

      1. Suraj

        no one was present, so stopped

    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....

      suraj sir..?/

  61. ambika

    sab gayab ????????

      1. ambika

        :)) quants quiz

        1. Vision

          11 bje
          sir bole hai

          1. ambika

            haan main hi karwaungi

          2. Vision

            but dear meko maths ni pdni soryy meko ga nd eng pdni hoti
            but u do continue
            bhut logo ko help hogi

          3. ambika

            no problem 🙂

  62. paakhi

    sorry for the late

    1. ambika

      sir ji to naraj ho gya aj

        1. ambika

          koi nhi aya quiz main

          1. paakhi

            busy honge..like i was
            bt it doesn’t means no one interested
            blki roj static yaad ho jata hai quiz se:(

  63. paakhi

    @suraj sir

  64. paakhi

    quant quiz?

    1. ambika

      start krun??

      1. paakhi

        yup krte hai sis

  65. ^^^Jaga^^^....

    good night

    1. ambika

      khan chle ?????????????????

      1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


        1. ambika

          jhoote tum to 3 bje tak padhte ho abhi thode soge

          1. ^^^Jaga^^^....

            kal se padhenge …

      1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


  66. ambika

    A and B can complete a work in 12 and 20 days respectively. After 4 days, they are joined by C who can complete the same work in 24 days, how much work will remain uncompleted after 2 more days?
    A) 49/60
    B) 41/60
    C) 31/60
    D) 23/60
    E) 19/60

    1. ambika

      options wrong hain shayd

        1. ambika

          hmm mera bhi same aa rha hai

        2. Hemant ahuja?

          Explain plz samjh nhi aaya

    2. ambika

      ans : 7 / 60

    3. Inaayat

      Ye LCM method se kiya hai Kise ne toh post soltn

      1. ambika

        total work …………60
        A =5
        B = 3
        C =2.5
        In 4 days by A and B = 32 UNITS
        In next 2 days = 21 units
        remaining = 7/60

        1. Hemant ahuja?

          In next 2 days = 21 units
          remaining = 7/I yha se samjh nhi aaya

          1. ambika

            haan 2 din to sab ne kiya na kaam

          2. Hemant ahuja?


          3. ambika

            hmm ( 5+3+2.5 )*2 =21

  67. ambika

    4 men and 5 women can complete a work in 8 days. The same work can be completed by 2 men and 3 women in 14 days. In how many days 1 women will complete the work?
    A) 32 days
    B) 45 days
    C) 38 days
    D) 56 days
    E) 28 days

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


    2. ambika

      4m + 5w = 8d
      So 8 × (4m + 5w) = 8/8 d
      32m + 40w = 1 …… (1)
      Also given:
      2m + 3w = 14d
      So 28m + 42w = 1 ……(2)Now equate (1) and (2)
      32m + 40w = 28m + 42w
      Solve, 2m = 1w
      Put in any of equations above.2w + 5w = 8d
      7 w in 8 days. So 1 w in 7 × 8 = 56 days

  68. ambika

    A, B and C can complete a work in 12, 15 and 25 days respectively. A started the work, C and B joined him after 3 and 6 days respectively. How much work did A complete?
    A) 3/5
    B) 2/3
    C) 1/8
    D) 3/7
    E) None of these

    1. ambika

      Let total work completed in x days. So A worked for all x days. B for (x-6) days and C for (x-3) days. So
      x/12 + (x-6)/15 + (x-3)/25 = 1.
      Solving for x, we get x = 8
      So A completed x/12 = 8/12 = 2/3rd of work.

    2. ^^^Jaga^^^....


  69. ambika

    Find the ratio of efficiencies of 6 men and 8 women together and 9 men and 6 women together.
    A) 34 : 23
    B) 25 : 31
    C) 24 : 29
    D) 29 : 22
    E) None of these

    1. ambika

      solve this one after above ques

      1. ambika

        The ratio of work done by 14 men and 11 women in same time is 8 : 3.
        So 14 men can complete the work in 3y days and 11 women in 8y days
        Now 18 men in X days and 14 in 3y days
        So 18 * X = 14 * 3y
        22 women in X+5 days and 11 in 8y days
        So 22 * (X+5) = 11 * 8y
        Divide both equations to find the value of X, X = 7 days

        1. paakhi

          up bilkul ni smjh aaya

          1. ambika

            :)) achha rehne do baad main karna

  70. ambika

    6 men and 8 women work for 7 days on the same work and the remaining work is completed by 20 boys in 11 days. Find the number of days in which 25 boys can complete the whole work.
    A) 7 days
    B) 6 days
    C) 4 days
    D) 5 days
    E) 3 days

    1. ambika

      6 men and 8 women work for 7 days on the same work and the remaining work is completed by 20 boys in 11 days. Find the number of days in which 25 boys can complete the whole work.
      A) 7 days
      B) 6 days
      C) 4 days
      D) 5 days
      E) 3 days

      1. paakhi

        ni solv hua

        1. ambika

          refresh the page

      2. ambika

        18 m in 7 days, so 6 men in (18*7)/6 = 21 days
        22 w in 12 days, so 8 w in (22*12)/8 = 33 days
        They work for 7 days, so complete (1/21 + 1/33) * 7 = 6/11 work
        So remaining work = 5/11 – to be done by 20 boys in 11 days
        So let 25 men complete whole work in x days
        20 * 11 * 5/11 = 25 * x * 1
        Solve, x = 4 days

          1. ambika

            hmm directions dekho

  71. Hemant ahuja?

    Rearrange the following sentences in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the given questions.
    (A) Then, fulfill that dream, with the help we offer.
    (B) Are you willing to set goals that will move you towards making that dream a reality?
    (C) But, for those who are willing to dream big.
    (D) This book seeks to challenge people who are willing to dream.
    (E) I want to ask you two questions.
    (F) I offer this, not for those who have already achieved or those who think of themselves as hopeless.
    (G) Are you willing to dream of doing great things?

      1. Hemant ahuja?


        1. ambika

          :)) QUES SOLVE KRO

          1. Hemant ahuja?

            Nhi aate

  72. ambika

    sab chle gye :p

  73. Hemant ahuja?

    Rearrange the following sentences in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the given questions.
    (A) They collected plants, counted birds and photographed the terrain and the fauna and made their recommendations.
    (B) In spring of 1963, an alarmed King Hussain invited a group of British scholars, scientists and naturalists.
    (C) He also wanted them to cover the deserts to the east of the mountains.
    (D) He wanted them to conduct an extensive survey of the mountains on the eastern side of the Dead Sea.
    (E) The problem of conservation of forests, and forest birds and nature, in general, was thus set rolling.
    (F) Accordingly, an expedition of internationally, renowned experts in conservation, botany, ornithology etc. went to Jordan.

    1. Hemant ahuja?


  74. Hemant ahuja?

    Rearrange the following sentences in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the given questions.
    (A) People thoroughly dedicated to social service but not fulfilling eligibility requirements would not be able to contest elections.
    (B) Those who fulfil the stipulated criteria of age and formal education may not necessarily be devoted to social service.
    (C) This system has both advantages and disadvantages.
    (D) Therefore, imposing such eligibility requirements is likely to be counterproductive.
    (E) In certain democratic countries, elections cannot be contested by anybody.
    (F) People would be deprived of the probable benefit accrued from the services of such people.
    (G) There are eligibility requirements of formal education and upper age limit stipulated in their Constitution

    1. Hemant ahuja?


  75. ambika

    A and B can complete a work in 12 and ‘n’ days respectively. They worked for 3 days and found 3/5th of the work as pending. If C who can complete the same work in 24 days also works with them, how much work will remain uncompleted after 4 days?
    A) 8/19
    B) 15/31
    C) 2/9
    D) 3/10
    E) 3/13

    1. Hemant ahuja?

      3/5 work means 60/100.2/5 kr Liya unhonea

        1. rs

          B alone can complete and in 7 days?

          1. ambika

            no no sry :)) 20

          2. rs

            I can have your solution

          3. ambika

            upar diya to hai

          1. ambika


          2. paakhi

            na na..guest 😀

    2. ambika

      3/5th is pending means 2/5th is completed. So
      (1/12 + 1/n) × 3 = 2/5
      Solve, B can complete work in n = 20 days.
      Now: in 4 days all A, B, C completed
      (1/12 + 1/20 + 1/24) × 4 = 7/10 of work
      So pending work = 1 – 7/10 = 3/10 of work.

      1. paakhi

        instructions baad me aaya
        so solve ni hua tha

        1. ambika

          haan refresh ni kiya na tumne :))

  76. Hemant ahuja?

    Gn sabko

  77. ambika

    A can complete a work in 24 days. If he is half as efficient as B, then in how many days they both can complete a job working together?
    A) 8 days
    B) 14 days
    C) 17 days
    D) 5 days
    E) 10 days

    1. ambika

      A is half efficient so takes double days than B. So B can alone complete job in 12 days.
      So together in 24×12/(24+12) = 8 days

  78. ambika

    A and B can do a piece of work in 24 and 30 days respectively. Both started the work and worked for 6 days. Then B leaves the work and C joins and the remaining work is completed by A and C together in 11 days. Find the days in which C alone can do the work
    a) 80
    b) 100
    c) 120
    d) 130
    e) None of these

    1. Hemant ahuja?

      Remaining days 120-54=66.aage nhi aata

      1. ambika

        kya yaaar
        66/11 = 6 units

        1. Hemant ahuja?

          120kaise aaya phir

        2. ambika

          TO 120/1 = 120 DAYS

      2. purvi

        66/11 = 6
        6-5 = 1
        120/1 = 120

  79. ambika

    P and Q can do a piece of work in 10 days and 20 days respectively. Both of them start the work but P leaves the work 5 days before its completion. Find the time in which work is completed
    a) 10
    b) 15
    c) 20
    d) 25
    e) None of these

    1. Hemant ahuja?


  80. ambika

    Ram and shyam can do a piece of work in 5 and 7 days respectively. They start working alternatively starting from shyam, then in how many days the work is completed
    a) 5.(3/7) days
    b) 6.(5/7) days
    c) 7.(5/6) days
    d) 5.(6/7) days
    e) None of these

      1. purvi

        if ram start first then

    1. Hemant ahuja?

      Lcm 35 aaya

      1. ambika


          1. Hemant ahuja?


          2. ambika

            speed bnao

          3. Hemant ahuja?

            Samjh to aaye speed bhut hai meri

    2. ambika

      – d) 5.(6/7) days
      Explanation :
      1/7 + 1/5 = 12/35 this much work is completed in 2 days.
      So 24/35 will be completed in 4 days
      In the next day, 29/35 work get completed in 5 days, so remaining work will be completed by Ram in 6/7 days

    3. Hemant ahuja?

      Four day works 24/35

    4. Inaayat

      LCM method se batao

      1. purvi

        a= 7
        b = 5
        2 day = 12 work
        5 days = 29
        rem= 6
        5 6/7

  81. ambika

    A group of 24 women is supposed to do a work in 40 days. After 20 days 4 more women is employed and the work is completed in 2 days before the scheduled time. How many days it have been delayed if 4 more women were not employed?
    a) 1 day
    b) 2 day
    c) 3 day
    d) 4 day
    e) None of these

    1. ronnie (honey)

      1 d

    2. ambika

      24*20 + 28*18 = total work = 24*T (T is the number of days when 4 more women are not employed)
      we get T = 41, so work will be delayed by 1 day

  82. ambika

    P, Q and R can do a piece of work in 16, 24 and 30 days respectively. They started the work simultaneously but P stops the work after 4 days and Q called off the work 2 days before the completion. In what time the work is finished?
    a) 100/9 days
    b) 100/11 days
    c) 100/7 days
    d) 100/13 days
    e) None of these

    1. ronnie (honey)


    2. ambika

      a) 100/9 days

    1. ambika

      kyaa blaaaaaaaaaaa hai ye :((

        1. ambika

          dekhke hi dar jaye banda to

          1. ambika

            dekhte hain quiz ke baad 🙂

    2. purvi

      quiz over hone ke baad sol karungi

    3. Refer to Coding/Decoding Set 11 for a similar type of question

      1. rs

        Thank u ma’am 🙂

    4. purvi

      for – L23
      visual – T86
      after finding common go through option

      1. ambika

        86 kese aya ?

        1. purvi

          vo common hai 1 and 2 statement me

          1. ambika

            haan but coding kaise ki hai

          2. purvi

            isme coding possible nhi hogi qki koi bhi hint nhi di huyi hai
            to bas jo diya hai usko let karo or possibility me ans do

          3. ambika

            ohh 🙂 thankuu dear

          4. purvi

            welcome sweety

  83. ambika

    If P can do 1/3 of the work in 5 days and Q can do 1/4 of the work in 6 days, then how much money will Q get if they were paid a total of 390 rupee?
    a) 120
    b) 150
    c) 170
    d) 190
    e) None of these

    1. ronnie (honey)


    2. ambika

      b) 150
      Explanation :
      sol = P can alone complete the whole work in 15 days and Q can complete the same work alone in 24 days. So ratio of work done by them 1/15: 1/24 i.e. 8: 5
      Q get = (5/13)*390 = 150

  84. ambika

    A piece of work has to be completed in 50 days, a number of men are employed but it is found that only half of the work is done in 30 days, then an additional 20 men were joined to complete the work on time. How many men initially put to work?
    a) 30
    b) 35
    c) 40
    d) 45
    e) None of these

    1. ambika

      – c) 40
      Explanation :
      suppose Initially X men get employed. Half work is done in 30 days it means full work will be done by X men in 60 days. Now,
      Work done = 1/2 = [20*(x + 20)]/60X
      X = 40

    2. ronnie (honey)


  85. ambika

    A does half as much work as B in one third of the time taken by B. If together they take 20 days to finish the work then what will be the share of A if 1000 rupees is given for the whole work?
    a) 400
    b) 500
    c) 600
    d) 700
    e) None of these

    1. Hemant ahuja?

      B Ka 600

      1. ambika

        no opposite

    2. ambika

      c) 600
      Explanation :
      Let B take x days to complete the work, then A will take = x/3 + x/3 = 2x/3 days (as half work is completed in one third of the time)
      3/2x + 1/x = 1/20
      X = 50. So A will complete the work in 100/3 days and B will complete the work in 50 days.
      Ratio of work done by A and B – 3/100: 1/50 = 3:2
      So A share = 3/5*1000 = 600

    3. ronnie (honey)

      b-600//a-3 b-2 so 600 400

  86. ambika

    P can do a piece of work in 20 days. Q is 25 percent more efficient than P. In how many days half the work is completed when both are working simultaneously?
    a) 41/9
    b) 40/9
    c) 39/9
    d) 43/9
    e) None of these

    1. ronnie (honey)


    2. Hemant ahuja?

      More means q Ka less hga

      1. ambika

        no more hoga

      2. ambika

        time less hogaa

      3. Gusto

        Q is 25 percent more efficient than P
        if P = 100
        then Q= 125

        1. Hemant ahuja?

          Kbhi efficient low hta kabhi jyada kya chakkar hai

          1. Gusto

            efficiency low/high to qn par depend karta hai … low ya high koi fix data nhi hai .. kuch bhi ho sakta hai

          2. Hemant ahuja?

            Q 16 hga

          3. Hemant ahuja?

            Jiski efficiency jyada wo kuma hta hai

          4. Gusto

            jiski efficiency jyada hai wo .. bahot tez work karega … ab tez work karega to wo less day me hi work complete kar lega

    3. ronnie (honey)

      p-4 ,q-5 w–20*4..1/2 w-10*4 so 40/9

    4. Hemant ahuja?


    5. Hemant ahuja?

      Q 15 hua

    6. ambika

      – b) 40/9
      Explanation :
      Q is 25 percent more efficient so he will complete the work in 16 days
      (1/20 + 1/16)*t = 1/2

      1. Gusto

        ab bas karo 😛

        1. ambika

          haan ho gya 🙂

          1. ambika

            goooood !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  87. ronnie (honey)

    gn ambi tc all friends gn

    1. ambika

      gn thanku for participating :))

      1. ronnie (honey)

        wc mam..

      1. ronnie (honey)

        gn dost

      1. ronnie (honey)

        gn purvi mam

        1. purvi

          ronnie me mam nhi hu
          so call me purvi

          1. ronnie (honey)

            ok purvi frnd ho aap now ok

  88. ambika

    thanku guys :))

    1. paakhi

      thnku ambika

    2. Gusto

      thank u mam !!!

  89. ambika

    kal ka topic?????? same kren fir 2 days for 1 topic

    1. purvi

      same he karte hain

    2. Gusto

      as u wish mam

  90. ambika

    ok tomorrow again same topic difficult ques :))

    1. ^^^Jaga^^^....


      1. ambika

        time n work

        1. ^^^Jaga^^^....

          chk inbox hn

  91. paakhi

    8 minutes ago
    A does half as much work as B in one third of the time taken by B. If together they take 20 days to finish the work then what will be the share of A if 1000 rupees is given for the whole work?
    a) 400
    b) 500
    c) 600
    d) 700
    e) None of these

    smjh ni aaya

    1. purvi

      1/2 a = 1/3b
      a:b = 2:3
      effi = 3:2
      3 = 600

    2. Gusto

      B= 1/3 …. A= 1/2
      A :B = 1/2 : 1/3 = 3 :2
      A share = 3/5*1000 = 600

          1. paakhi

            ek or b bta do

  92. Hemant ahuja?

    Kya aaya tha pta nhi mind main jo last din sbi fill kr diya. Paise waste ??

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Hamara zindagi barbadd ho gya

        1. ambika

          keep calm and prepare for bank examm 🙂

      2. Hemant ahuja?

        Ab to kuch bhi nhi aata pta nhi kya ho gya

  93. Sumit

    sryy …logan dekhne geye tha…kal se attend krunga

    1. Hemant ahuja?

      Hum to bus lapi par hi dekh sakte hai

      1. Sumit

        mast movie h…paisa ushol

    2. Gusto

      ye movie hd me download karne ka link do

      1. Sumit

        itna jaldi nhi milega hd m

        1. Gusto

          maine torrent se donload kiya tha 1.5 gb ka but print bekar tha

          1. Sumit

            haa wait fr few days

    3. purvi

      movie ka bolke chidao mat

      1. ambika

        logan kya koi movie hai???

        1. purvi

          tumto mujhse bhi badi wali nikli

          1. ambika

            :)) are yaar ab tv vgera dekhte nhi na

          2. purvi

            bahi me bol rhi hu ki me movie nhi dekhti
            but tum to bilkul bhi interest nhi leti

          3. ambika

            haan ab to boht time ho gya sanyas liye huye 🙂

          4. purvi

            phir time pass kese karti ho

          5. ambika

            bus jhadoo pocha kar lete hain :pp time pass ko lol

          6. purvi

            new movie hai
            kangna , shahid ki

          7. ambika

            wo rangoon nhi thi ???

          8. purvi

            phir shayad bahi hogi
            ya ye kisi or movie ki baat kar rha hoga
            qki me bhi tv nhi dekhti so jada knowledge me nhi hai

        2. STAR NEWS


      1. Sumit

        mimi aayi thi kya?

        1. ambika

          hehe 2 id hain u ki ?????

        2. ambika

          kbhi tum vandana ko dhonndhte ho kbhi mimi koi deen imaan hai???

          1. Sumit

            hehehe…aree haa vandana..wo kaisi h?

          2. ambika

            :|| kapil sharma ka bhoot chda hai kya sab se flirt

          3. Sumit

            tumse kabhi kiye maine bolo..:P

          4. ambika

            are haan thankuu :))

  94. paakhi

    A piece of work has to be completed in 50 days, a number of men are employed but it is found that only half of the work is done in 30 days, then an additional 20 men were joined to complete the work on time. How many men initially put to work?
    a) 30
    b) 35
    c) 40
    d) 45

    1. Hemant ahuja?

      Ques main kya bol rha ye hi samjh nhi aata

    2. paakhi

      isme agar half work na hota kuch fraction hota then?

      1. Gusto

        half wrk nho hota to ans fraction me na aye uske liye kuch aur data diya hota

    3. Gusto

      let total men = X
      dekho ye log starting me 30 din hi kaam karte hai
      X*30*1/2 = (X+20)*20*1/2
      X= 40

    4. purvi

      x *30*2 = 20*2 (x+20)
      x = 40

  95. paakhi

    ye bank wale hame clrk PO bnana chahte hai ya construction thekedar. ??
    time n work

    1. Hemant ahuja?

      Bhikari banana chate hai

      1. paakhi

        tum jyada dukhi lg re ho aaj ..kya hua?

        1. Hemant ahuja?

          Main dukhi hi Hu jyada.

          1. paakhi

            oh..then hv rest..kl se fresh mind se start krna preparation

  96. paakhi

    gud nt allzz

  97. ambika

    ok frnds good night :)))))))

    1. STAR NEWS

      good night :)))))))

      1. ambika

        gn dearuuuuu :))

  98. Gusto

    quiz se related kisi ko doubt hai to qn puch lo

    1. Hemant ahuja?

      Static kara

      1. Gusto

        sirf do hi bache hai .. sab chale gye

        1. Hemant ahuja?

          Sab hai silent rehte hai jyadatar. Ambika to yha puri raat hti hai

          1. ambika

            :)) u r right

        2. Hemant ahuja?

          Agar dil nhi hai rehne de phir

          1. Gusto

            ruko to fir 20-25 qn kar hi lete hai

          2. Hemant ahuja?

            Science na krwana bus

      1. ambika

        exclamation ka keeda kidhr se aya ???

        1. Gusto

          bas aise hi aa gya 😀

          1. Gusto

            tumko bhi iski adat ho rhi hai 😀

  99. Gusto

    At which of the following tennis tournaments is the Musketeers’ Trophy awarded to the winner of Singles title?

    Australian Open
    US Open
    French Open

    1. Hemant ahuja?

      Ye Wali Kaun si hai gk

    2. Hemant ahuja?

      Mujhe ye baat bilkul pasand nhi aayi. Ha thuu

      1. ambika

        bus kro ye bakwas dailogue

        1. Hemant ahuja?

          Chup kr dumper. Jyada chidha na kr

      2. Gusto

        bhai tum hi bole science ko chorkar aur koi bhi topic chalega

    1. ambika

      ab kya hua ?????

  100. Hemant ahuja?

    Garibo ko sare tang krte hai??

    1. ambika

      hehehe tbhi tum sabko tang karter ho

    2. Gusto

      topic change ho gya

  101. Gusto

    What is the age from which certain category of sports persons winning gold medals at international levels are entitled to receive pension?


      1. Gusto

        sorry typo — 30

  102. Gusto

    How many Indian Prime Ministers have died while in office?


      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Exit poll ache the

        1. ambika

          hehehe epic

    1. Gusto

      Answer (c). Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri and Smt. Indira Gandhi

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Shastri ji to Tashkent mare the

          1. Hemant ahuja?

            Shastri ji Uzbekistan

  103. Gusto

    Who of the following was the acting Prime Minister of India twice on the death of Jawaharlal Nehru and Lal Bahadur Shastri?

    Purshottam Das Tandon
    Gulzari Lal Nanda
    Morarjee Desai

  104. Gusto

    Who of the following was the first Prime Minister to visit Siachen?

    Dr. Manmohan Singh
    Rajiv Gandhi
    Atal Bihari Vajpayee
    Lal Bahadur Shastri

  105. Gusto

    Which schedule to the Constitution of India carries the form of oath or affirmation for the Prime Minister of India?


    1. Eng M AwesomE

      yeh tohh ssc ka lg raha h

      1. Gusto

        haan ssc gs hai

        1. Eng M AwesomE


    1. Gusto

      Which schedule to the Constitution of India carries the form of oath or affirmation for the Prime Minister of India?


      1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ


        1. STAR NEWS

          new 😛

          1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ


      2. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ


  106. Gusto

    Which of the following is the official residence of the Prime Minister of India?

    No. 1 Safdarjung Road
    No. 10 Janpath
    No. 1 Akbar Road
    No. 7 Race Course Road

    1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ


      1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ

        ab to kalyan marg hai na

        1. Eng M AwesomE

          CA kara do

          1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ

            haan wo bhi krenge na but abhi pre ke according prep karna hai

          2. Eng M AwesomE

            naicl fill kr rahi ho kya?

          3. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ

            no yaar punjab ki vacancies kam hain 19 i think

          4. Eng M AwesomE

            mere yaha 13…:(

          5. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ

            hehee kyun paisa waste kroge rehn do

          6. Eng M AwesomE

            haaa wohi….exam nhi reheta toh padhai bhi nhi hota thik se

          7. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ

            haan to sbi to fill kiye ho na??

          8. Eng M AwesomE


          9. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ

            to fir uski prep kro na wo akela 4 ke brabar hai

      2. Hemant ahuja?

        Ab to dp dekh ke aur mood kharab ho gya

        1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ


          1. Hemant ahuja?

            Khuzli wali

    2. Hemant ahuja?

      Name change

    3. STAR NEWS

      No. 7 Race Course Road

      LoK kalyan Margggggggggggggg

  107. Gusto

    Which Indian Prime Minister was the first to be awarded the Bharat Ratna posthumously?

    Lal Bahadur Shastri
    Indira Gandhi
    Rajiv Gandhi
    Morarjee Gandhi

    1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ


    2. Hemant ahuja?

      Great shastri ji

  108. Gusto

    Birth anniversary of which Prime Minister is observed as Sadbhawna Diwas?

    Lal Bahadur Shastri
    Indira Gandhi
    Rajiv Gandhi
    PV Narasimha Rao
    Show Answer

    1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ


  109. Gusto

    The ‘Dronacharya Award’ is associated with

    Eminent Surgeons
    Famous Artists
    Sport Coaches
    Expert Engineers

    1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ


    2. Eng M AwesomE

      ddd k liye kya diya jata h?

      1. Hemant ahuja?

        Kabuter dete hai

        1. Eng M AwesomE

          m hu expt engg…:D

          1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ

            :)) achha jiiiiiii fir bhi flirt karte ho disqus pe

          2. Eng M AwesomE

            har cheez m expt hu..:P

          3. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ

            lol :pp

      2. Gusto

        d ke liye nhi pta .. aaj tak iske liye sune hi nhi 😛

      1. STAR NEWS

        for teacher

  110. Gusto

    The Pulitzer Prize is associated with which one of the following ?

    Environmental protection
    Olympic Games
    Civil Aviation

    1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ


  111. Gusto

    To encourage increase in the quality, quantity and availibility of food in the world, the World Food Prize was founded by

    Prof. M.S. Swaminathan
    Prof. Norman Borlaug

    1. ᗩᙢᙖᓰḰᗩ


    2. Hemant ahuja?