Discussion Zone – 09 May 2017

Hello Aspirants
This is a live quiz page. Discuss any of the topics below in the comment section:

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning
  • English
  • Banking Awareness
  • Current Awareness
  • Computer

Share the page with your friends too to take the full advantage. Group study will help you retain things in mind. Happy learning. 🙂

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1,067 Thoughts to “Discussion Zone – 09 May 2017”

  1. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ge all:))

    1. Destiny : ultimate


      1. ? Lovely (star) ???


      2. Riyaelite

        hw r u

    2. Pradeep Narayan

      …:)) gud eve….:))

  2. Pradeep Narayan

    hello every111…gud evng….:)

    1. Destiny : ultimate


      1. Pradeep Narayan

        hiiiii…gud eveng…:)))

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      ge pradeep 🙂

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        hiiiii….gudeveng..lovely star…;)

        1. ? Lovely (star) ???


  3. DEEP..!!

    lets start..!!

  4. Good Evening Everyone 🙂

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???

      ge mam 🙂

    2. Pradeep Narayan

      gud evng mam….hiiiii:)))

    3. Destiny : ultimate

      Gdeve mam :))

    4. COLD BLOOD ;)

      ge mam:)

    5. Myra

      ge mam 🙂

    6. Namita singh

      gud eveng mam:)

  5. Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

    In a bid to add more teeth to its financial operations platform, Bharti Airtel has bought a stake in Seynse Technologies. Seynse Technologies is a fintech company worth Rs 100 crore.
    (i) Seynse Technologies is……..
    (ii) Bharti Airtel has……..
    (iii) Fintech company worth……

    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Only (iii)
    D) Both (i) and (ii)
    E) None

    1. Pradeep Narayan


    2. ...........


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


    4. B) Only (ii)

      From (ii) Bharti Airtel has bought a stake in Seynse Technologies ,a fintech company worth Rs 100 crore, in a bid to add more teeth to its financial operations platform.

  6. Namita singh

    hello every1

    1. Pradeep Narayan


  7. Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

    Bharti Realty is planning to focus on asset-light model of Real Estate Asset Management (REAM) for its future growth instead of buying land parcels on out-right basis. Bharti realty is the real estate development arm of telecom to retail major Bharti Enterprises.
    (i) Bharti Realty…..
    (ii) For its future growth……
    (iii) Planning to focus……

    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Only (iii)
    D) Both (ii) and (iii)
    E) Both (i) and (ii)

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. Pradeep Narayan


    4. Namita singh


    5. Destiny : ultimate


    6. ...........


    7. Vision

      mn ni krne ka

    8. E) Both (i) and (ii)

      From (i): Bharti Realty, the real estate development arm of telecom to retail major Bharti Enterprises, is planning to focus on asset-light model of Real Estate Asset Management (REAM) for its future growth instead of buying land parcels on out-right basis.
      From (ii) : For its future growth Bharti realty, the real estate development arm of telecom to retail major Bharti Enterprises , is planning to focus on asset-light model of Real Estate Asset Management (REAM) instead of buying land parcels on out-right basis .

  8. Pradeep Narayan

    embed link mam…:)))

  9. Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

    The first locally made bioresorbable cardiac scaffold has been approved by India’s drug regulator. It is a tube device clearing blockages in arteries that carry blood to the heart.
    (i) The first locally……
    (ii) India’s drug regulator……
    (iii) A tube device…..

    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Only (iii)
    D) Both (i) and (ii)
    E) All

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Namita singh


    3. Pradeep Narayan


    4. Destiny : ultimate


    5. ? Lovely (star) ???


    6. D) Both (i) and (ii)

      From (i) : The first locally made bioresorbable cardiac scaffold, a tube device clearing blockages in arteries that carry blood to the heart , has been approved by India’s drug regulator.
      From (ii) : India’s drug regulator has approved the first locally made bioresorbable cardiac scaffold, a tube device clearing blockages in arteries that carry blood to the heart.

      1. COLD BLOOD ;)

        A tube device clearing blockages in arteries that carry blood to the heart, is the first locally made biodegradable cardiac scaffold that has been approved by India’s drug regulator.??

  10. Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

    Vivek′s fame and fortune was virtually guaranteed by his exploits. Vivek disappointed the entire world by inexplicably failing to publish his journals.
    (i) Disappointing the entire world…..
    (ii) Failing to publish…..
    (iii) His fame and fortune……
    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Only (iii)
    D) Both (i) and (ii)
    E) None

    1. Namita singh


    2. Pradeep Narayan


    3. ...........


    4. Destiny : ultimate


    5. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. Pradeep Narayan

        hiiiii bro…:)

        1. COLD BLOOD ;)

          hello brother!

          1. M@st@n!

            hiii bhai 🙂

          2. COLD BLOOD ;)

            hello siso:)

    6. ? Lovely (star) ???


    7. C) Only (iii)

      From (iii) : His fame and fortune virtually guaranteed by his exploits, Vivek disappointed the entire world by inexplicably failing to publish his journals.

      1. PHOENIX

        How mam???

      2. Pradeep Narayan

        ??????? not getting

      3. his is used for Vivek

        1. Pradeep Narayan

          but first line is given about his fortune and fame mam..?????

        2. M@st@n!

          but how? start his se kaise hoga?

          1. yes start ho sakta hai his se b
            I m not getting any example sentence right now. I will tell u

      4. ravi

        mam kyu v sentence,,, start his se kaise hoga?

  11. Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

    NALCO saw its stock price more than double over the last one year. This comes as the base metal prices improved.
    (i) As the base metal….
    (ii) Over the last one year……
    (iii) Seeing its stock price……..

    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Only (iii)
    D) Both (ii) and (iii)
    E) Both (i) and (ii)

    1. Pradeep Narayan


    2. ...........


    3. Namita singh


    4. COLD BLOOD ;)


    5. Anshuman Jha


    6. ? Lovely (star) ???


    7. E) Both (i) and (ii)

      From (i) : As the base metal prices improved, NALCO saw its stock price more than double over the last one year.
      From (ii) : Over the last one year NALCO saw its stock price more than double as the base metal prices improved

  12. Five sentences conveying same idea are given. Select the one which expresses the idea in the most concise manner. All of them may be grammatically correct and mean the same

    (a) People who are resilient accept reality the way it comes, they firmly believe that life has a meaning, and it these people who have an uncanny ability to improvise.
    (b) Resilient people accept reality and believe that life is meaningful and have an uncanny ability to improvise.
    (c) Resilient people are those who accept reality, firmly believe that life is meaningful and these people have an uncanny ability to improvise.
    (d) Resilient people besides accept reality firmly believe that life has a meaning and it is they who have an uncanny ability to improvise.
    (e) Resilient people are these who accept in reality that life is meaningful when we firmly believe that uncanny ability must be improvised.

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Pradeep Narayan


    3. Anshuman Jha


      1. Namita singh

        hello bhai

        1. Anshuman Jha

          Hey siso.

    4. Namita singh


    5. ...........


    6. Destiny : ultimate


    7. ? Lovely (star) ???


    8. Sentence B is the most concise and grammatically correct sentence among the given sentences. All other Sentences are wordy and have different, faulty structures. In sentence E, pronoun ‘these’ is incorrect.

      B is more concise than C conveying same meaning. Isn’t it ??

      1. ...........

        yes mam

      2. Anshuman Jha

        Actually, right…

    9. DEEP..!!

      plz share the ans after a while.

  13. Five sentences conveying same idea are given. Select the one which expresses the idea in the most concise manner. All of them may be grammatically correct and mean the same

    (a) It is one of modern India’s greatest achievements that the caste system has been reversed to a significant extent, in favour of those people who belong to the oppressed classes of the Indian society.
    (b) One of the greatest achievements of modern India is that the caste system has been reversed to a significant extent, favouring those who belong to the oppressed classes of the Indian society.
    (c) One of the greatest achievements of modern India is, the caste system has been reduced significantly in favour of the people belonging to the oppressed classes of the society.
    (d) It is one of modern India’s greatest achievements that the caste system has been reduced significantly, in favour of the oppressed.
    (e) One of the great achievements of modern India is that the caste system has reversals to a significant extent, favouring those who belong to the oppressed classes of the Indian society.

    1. Anshuman Jha


    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


    4. ...........


    5. Pradeep Narayan


    6. Namita singh


    7. (d) It is one of modern India’s greatest achievements that the caste system has been reduced significantly, in favour of the oppressed.

      Sentence D is the most concise and grammatically correct sentence among the given sentences. All other Sentences are wordy.

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        bilkul smj nhi aa rha h mam…:(((((

        1. no no

          the India’s is correct

          1. ammu

            but here no THE mam

          2. Pradeep Narayan

            nhi mam c mn kya wrong h ???? yeh puch rha tha

      2. DEEP..!!

        i was bit confused b/t c n d ,though d seems more precise

    8. COLD BLOOD ;)


  14. Vision

    Uncanny=> विचित्र, अलौकिक

  15. jaga

    mam…yesterday di ka q7 ka ans kuch samjh mai nahi araha.

      1. jaga

        ok thank u ,

  16. Five sentences conveying same idea are given. Select the one which expresses the idea in the most concise manner. All of them may be grammatically correct and mean the same

    (a) In this modern age which is driven by technology, e-mails and SMS have taken away the need to written letters but printers are still having the last laugh.
    (b) In a technology driven age, when e-mails and SMS have taken away the need to write letters, printers are still having the last laugh.
    (c) Modern age is being driven by modern technology and e-mails and SMS have taken away the need to write letters but printers are still having the last laugh.
    (d) In this modern age which is being driven by technology, e-mails and SMS have taken away the need to write letters, but printers are still having the last laugh.
    (e) In an age which is driven by technology, needs of e-mails and SMS are so high that there is no need to write letters.

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. ...........


    5. ? Lovely (star) ???


    6. Namita singh


    7. PHOENIX

      Ans mam??

    8. Sentence B is the most concise and grammatically correct sentence among the given sentences. All other Sentences are wordy. Option E doesn’t mention about printers, hence eliminated.
      ‘In a technology driven age’ this phrase makes the choice correct and easier to find out.

  17. Five sentences conveying same idea are given. Select the one which expresses the idea in the most concise manner. All of them may be grammatically correct and mean the same

    (a) In the Indian context, emigration to foreign countries had been a frequently occurring process even before India was colonized by the British, when it was for the purposes of carrying out trade and the spreading of religion.
    (b) In the Indian context, emigration has been a continuous process since pre-colonial times when it was for the purposes of trade and the propagation of religion.
    (c) In the Indian context emigration to foreign countries has been a continuous process since pre-colonial times when it was for the purposes of trade to popularize religion.
    (d) In the Indian context, emigration to foreign countries has been a frequently occurring process since pre-colonial times when it was for the purposes of trade and the speeding of religion.
    (e) In the Indian context to emigration to foreign countries a frequently occurring process even before India was colonized by the British, for the only purpose of carrying out trade and to spread religion.

    1. Myra

      very confusing mam, better to skip

      1. DEEP..!!

        propagation of religion is right collocation.

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. Anshuman Jha


    4. Namita singh

      mere se ye nhi hota 🙁

      1. Anshuman Jha

        Bass, try karo naa… Kuch v jo sahi lg raha… Bs reply karo. Marks ni laani.

        1. Namita singh

          nhi hota bhai glat ho jata hai

          1. Anshuman Jha

            Tumse jyada mera galat h…
            Assess karo khud ko… Upar continue karo….

          2. Namita singh


          3. Anshuman Jha


    5. Pradeep Narayan


    6. COLD BLOOD ;)


    7. M@nish...

      mere ko sab correct lg rha

      1. yes correct sab ho sakta hai
        but see ki most concise way me kis sentence me kha gya hai
        try to use minimum number of words

    8. Sentence B is the most concise and grammatically correct sentence among the given sentences.

  18. Pradeep Narayan

    mam question mn grammaticaly correct dekna h ya meaning full sentece dekhna h which one?????

  19. We have to tell the most concise sentence
    So first read the smallest sentence, if it coveys the meaning correctly and is grammatically correct. Then read 1-2 more sentences and see that in which sentence all idea is given
    Then that is the answer

    1. Pradeep Narayan

      okkk mam now got it…:)

    2. PHOENIX

      Ty mam…

  20. ammu

    before adverb article” a ” usage ….. is it correct????

  21. Five sentences conveying same idea are given. Select the one which expresses the idea in the most concise manner. All of them may be grammatically correct and mean the same

    (a) Ever since liberalization has come into existence people do not hesitate to show off their wealth publicly.
    (b) From the time liberalization has come into existence the desire to publicly display one’s wealth without any hesitation has become stronger among people.
    (c) Since the advent of liberalization, the hesitation to display one’s wealth publicly has virtually vanished.
    (d) From the time liberalization has come into existence the hesitation to display one’s wealth publicly has virtually vanished among people.
    (e) Liberalization has prevented the display of one’s wealth publicly without hesitation.

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ...........


    3. Destiny : ultimate


    4. Pradeep Narayan


    5. Anshuman Jha


    6. Namita singh


    7. ? Lovely (star) ???


    8. (c) Since the advent of liberalization, the hesitation to display one’s wealth publicly has virtually vanished.

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        c/d mn diffrence mam????

  22. ammu

    before adverb article” a ” usage ….. is it correct???????mam

    1. No, use to nhi hota
      Bht hi kahin rare usage ho b sakta hai
      depends on word and usage

      1. ammu

        kk mam i am confused 🙁

        1. mostly use nhi hota
          bht kahin ho sakta hai, vo smjh a jaega

          1. ammu

            kk thank u mam…

  23. Five sentences conveying same idea are given. Select the one which expresses the idea in the most concise manner. All of them may be grammatically correct and mean the same

    (a) From the earliest times the English had been charmed by the glory of Greek and Latin literature consequently they had overloaded their system of education with classical studies.
    (b) From the earliest times in the history of England the English people had been charmed by the glory of Greek and Latin literature and in consequence they had overloaded their system of education for children by adding a heavy load of classical studies.
    (c) Charmed by the glory of Greek and Latin literature, the English people and overloaded their system of education for children by adding a heavy load of classical studies, for the earliest times in the history of England.
    (d) The English people were so fascinated by the glory of Greek and Latin literature that they overloaded their system of education for children by adding a heavy load of classical studies, from the earliest times in the history of England.
    (e) Charmed by the glory of Greek and Latin literature, the English are overloaded in their system of education as they have added a heavy load of classical studies, from the earliest times in the history of England.

    1. Anshuman Jha


      1. DEEP..!!

        the english people not english

    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. Namita singh


    4. ? Lovely (star) ???


    5. MiMi


    6. (a) From the earliest times the English had been charmed by the glory of Greek and Latin literature consequently they had overloaded their system of education with classical studies.

    7. Pradeep Narayan


  24. Pradeep Narayan


    1. Myra

      Five sentences conveying same idea are given. Select the one
      which expresses the idea in the most concise manner. All of them may be
      grammatically correct and mean the same

      (a) From the earliest
      times the English had been charmed by the glory of Greek and Latin
      literature consequently they had overloaded their system of education
      with classical studies.
      (b) From the earliest times in the history of
      England the English people had been charmed by the glory of Greek and
      Latin literature and in consequence they had overloaded their system of
      education for children by adding a heavy load of classical studies.
      Charmed by the glory of Greek and Latin literature, the English people
      and overloaded their system of education for children by adding a heavy
      load of classical studies, for the earliest times in the history of
      (d) The English people were so fascinated by the glory of
      Greek and Latin literature that they overloaded their system of
      education for children by adding a heavy load of classical studies, from
      the earliest times in the history of England.
      (e) Charmed by the
      glory of Greek and Latin literature, the English are overloaded in their
      system of education as they have added a heavy load of classical
      studies, from the earliest times in the history of England.

  25. Five sentences conveying same idea are given. Select the one which expresses the idea in the most concise manner. All of them may be grammatically correct and mean the same

    (a) A temple, a mosque, a church or any religious place of worship, is capable of being attacked by terrorists because it is difficult to have a security system that prevents such attacks in places of worship.
    (b) A temple, mosque or church is capable of being attacked by terrorists because it is difficult to have a security that is prone to terrorist attacks.
    (c) Almost all religious places are vulnerable to terrorist attacks for it is difficult to have a fool proof security system for places of worship.
    (d) Almost all religious places are vulnerable to terrorist attacks because it is difficult to have a security system that is prevents terrorist attacks in places of worship.
    (e) Almost all religion places are vulnerable to terrorist attacks because it is difficult to have a security system that prevents terrorist attacks in places of worship.

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


      1. ? Lovely (star) ???


        1. Pradeep Narayan

          bro fool hai full nhi full proof hta h fool proof nhi…:)))

          1. BILTU

            ok thanks

    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. Namita singh


    4. COLD BLOOD ;)


      1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    5. M@nish...


    6. Pradeep Narayan


    7. Destiny : ultimate


    8. DEEP..!!

      plz provide ans for this que

    9. Sentence C is the most concise and grammatically correct sentence among the given sentences. All other Sentences are wordy.

      for it is is same as because it is

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        fool proof or full fproof?????

        1. PHOENIX

          Full proof

          1. Pradeep Narayan

            but in sentence c fool proof is written…..????

      2. Divaker

        What is error in E I think that one is also correct but it seems wordy

        1. yes wordy hai na to select nhi kiya

          concise btana hai – smaller one

      3. Player

        terrorist attacks for it is difficult……………..because it is difficult …nhi hoga ??

        1. i already said

          for it is is same as because it is

  26. Divaker

    Good evening Ma’am

    1. BILTU

      pranam ji… ge..

      1. Divaker

        Ge Bob de rahe ho na ap

        1. BILTU

          dena aur nicl de rahe hai … bob nai

          1. Divaker

            Good atb give your best

          2. BILTU

            thank u … ap bob de rahe hai kya ?

          3. Divaker

            Nhi sirf SBI po hi de rha hn

          4. BILTU

            kitna attempt kiye pre mein ?

          5. Divaker

            63 only

          6. BILTU

            chaliye .. prepare kijiye mains ke liye

          7. Divaker

            Let’s see upar wale ki marzi se pahle ar us se jayda kuch bhi milta

          8. BILTU

            ye toh alag duniya ka bat bol diye ap … ha ha … atb

          9. Divaker

            Han but there is something Jo exist karta h

          10. BILTU

            hmmm boss

    2. ammu

      good evg quiz starts at sharp 8

      1. Divaker

        Yes ma’am I am late today will read after quiz

  27. First see the shortest sentence that if conveys the full meaning and is grammatically correct or not

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???

      ok mam

    2. ammu

      ok mam trying i am seeing these type of questions for the first time

  28. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council has done well to _____ a Bill that guarantees to fully ________states for five years for any revenue loss during transition to the new tax _____ .

    A) pass, transform, system
    B) introduce, observe, law
    C) clear , compensate , regime
    D) justify, validate , authority

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Anshuman Jha


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


    4. Namita singh


    5. C) clear , compensate , regime

  29. Jasmeen

    Mam last vale ka ans??
    Disqs prblm

    1. for its is same as because it is

  30. Last week, Bengal ______ the 2017 edition of its Global Business Summit where businessmen and politicians ______ and brainstorm about investing in sectors as _____ as healthcare, finance and tourism in the state.

    A) participated, meet , low
    B) inaugurated , gathered , vast
    C) held , meets, cool
    D) hosted , gather , diverse

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. Anshuman Jha


    4. PHOENIX


    5. ? Lovely (star) ???


    6. Namita singh


    7. Pradeep Narayan


    8. D) hosted , gather , diverse

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        gather or gatherd past tense sentence then how gather????

        1. COLD BLOOD ;)

          FIR Brainstormed b toh hota, but nhi tha

          1. Pradeep Narayan

            isly to smj nhi aa rha h…bhai sahbb……concept ki band bj rhi h…..hehhehehehehheheheheheheh…;))))))

          2. COLD BLOOD ;)

            parallelism use hua h gather and brainstorm m bhai…

          3. Pradeep Narayan

            achha…jiiiiii…….thank yuuuu bhai…..:))))

          4. COLD BLOOD ;)


      2. DEEP..!!

        it should be gahered as the sentence is in past

        1. parallelism – gather, Brainstorm

    9. DEEP..!!

      ans plz

      1. COLD BLOOD ;)

        D) hosted , gather , diverse

  31. A consequence of the 8th November announcement by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to replace high denomination currency notes is the _______ interest in figuring out ways in which India can quickly _______ from an economy that predominantly uses cash for retail transactions to one which ______ on cashless methods.

    A) valid , transform, laws
    B) widespread , transition , relies
    C) lack of, validate, backs
    D) overflown , transit, holds

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Destiny : ultimate


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


    4. Anshuman Jha


    5. Namita singh


    6. B) widespread , transition , relies

      1. Divaker

        Ma’am if possible ek pj bhi de do

      2. Jasmeen

        🙁 hmm baad mai samjh aya

      3. PHOENIX

        Mam 2 mein kaise transition fit hoga ???

      4. ammu

        mam in 2 blank nahe fit horaha hai

  32. The sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

    A) Every year I spend an inordinate amount of time selecting Diwali presents for my family.
    B) When Sindhu won the silver medal, she received inordinate praise.
    C) He inordinate the work so that someone else completed it.
    D) It did not surprise anyone when Vivek joined the police academy because even as a child he had an inordinate interest in law enforcement.
    E) All are correct

    1. Destiny : ultimate


        1. Destiny : ultimate


          1. Divaker

            How are you and pre attempts???

          2. Destiny : ultimate


          3. Destiny : ultimate


          4. Divaker

            Bs ho gya let’s see result

          5. Destiny : ultimate


          6. Destiny : ultimate

            its good
            prepare for mains 🙂

          7. Divaker

            lets see quiz result btayega ye sab

      1. Divaker

        CCC mein inordinate ka mean kya hai deep bhai

        1. DEEP..!!

          excessive but usage is wrong der

      2. Divaker

        All are correct lag rha h

    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. Namita singh


    4. C) He inordinate the work so that someone else completed it.

      Inordinate – unusually or disproportionately large; excessive

  33. The sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

    A) There was an enormous traffic jam in New Delhi.
    B) Distributed computing makes enormous computational problems affordable to solve.
    C) As we sat on a bench near the elephant’s cage at the zoo, it let out an enormous sneeze which made us jump.
    D) Compiling a book demands an enormous amount of time.
    E) All are correct

    1. Namita singh


    2. ...........


    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


    4. COLD BLOOD ;)


    5. Destiny : ultimate


    6. E) All are correct

      Enormous – very large in size, quantity, or extent

  34. The sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

    A) Continued adversity had soured Vivek’s temper.
    B) Although my teenage years were filled with adversity, they helped me become the strong man I am today.
    C) He was so satisfied with his adversity that he bought a new car for himself.
    D) Mark’s unbreakable resolve helped him overcome adversity when he lost his job.
    E) All are correct

    1. Pradeep Narayan


    2. Jasmeen


    3. COLD BLOOD ;)


    4. M@nish...


    5. Namita singh


    6. Destiny : ultimate


    7. ? Lovely (star) ???


    8. C) He was so satisfied with his adversity that he bought a new car for himself.

      Adversity – a difficult or unpleasant situation

      1. M@st@n!

        toh kya aaayega adversity ker place me?

  35. Namita singh

    thanx mam:)
    bye every1 gud nyt:))

    1. ammu

      good night

    2. Pradeep Narayan

      gud nt..sdd..:))

    3. BILTU

      bye mam :)) gd nyt..

      1. Namita singh

        i am not mam dear

    4. Anshuman Jha

      Good night , siso….

    5. Destiny : ultimate


    6. Divaker

      Good night Ma’am

      1. Namita singh

        aap fir se mam

        1. Divaker

          Ma’am if I called you Ma’am doesn’t mean you are superior to me or any one else this is respect for you
          Ar agr ap Ko her hota h to start calling you Namita now onwards khus

          1. Namita singh

            koi na u jo chahe bol skte bt name bolne frnd wali feeling aati hai or mam and sir bolne se senior wali bs isliye mai bolti or kuch nhi hai

          2. Divaker

            Ok to friend wali feeling aaj se start Namita

  36. rao

    andarki gd nt

    1. ammu

      good night andi

      1. rao

        quiz continuing


    Soya-the proven disease-fighter-appeals to the palate these days.
    (a) Soya beans are now grown in India.
    (b) Soya is rich in protein.
    (c) Supermarkets now carry flavored soya milk, soya chunks etc, that look and taste good.
    (d) Soya is hundred percent vegetarian.
    (e) School authorities are encouraging their students to drink soya milk.

    1. Destiny : ultimate


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)

      bb lgra

      1. ammu

        NEXT QUIZ CA UNDHA ???

        1. Myra

          ledhu anukunta

          1. ammu

            Meeru yesterday conduct chaisaruu ga today laidha

          2. Myra

            nenu daily cheyanu, appudappudu chestanu

          3. ammu

            ohh kk fine

          4. ammu

            u r native place

          5. Divaker

            Kahan pe karvati ho conduct

    3. The story expressed in the question sentence is about Soya. Option C correctly explains further the Soya phenomena.

      1. COLD BLOOD ;)

        mam if it best explains the given sentence then how can it be an odd one out?

        1. Pradeep Narayan

          meee tooo……kuch smj nhi aaya…..:))

          1. COLD BLOOD ;)

            muj lagra tha upar wale m tiger wala kisi bhi cost m nhi aega but vo hi aya..:P

          2. Pradeep Narayan

            whi bhai same doubt……..


    A war against Iraq looks probable.
    (a) Poverty in India will be diminished.
    (b) Meditation is a good antidote for stress.
    (c) The tiger is a protected species.
    (d) It could send oil prices soaring.
    (e) Prices will soar high if there is a war.

    1. Destiny : ultimate


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. Player


    4. DEEP..!!

      confuse…plz elaborate

    5. Divaker

      Ma’am kya karna h smj nhi aaya ye

    6. PHOENIX

      HOw to approach Dese questions mam???

    7. Pradeep Narayan


      1. Divaker

        Cause and effect hai kya bhai

        1. Pradeep Narayan

          neche wale sentence mn to yehi tha but isme statement assumption h hehhehehehehehehe bhai…;))

    8. (c) The tiger is a protected species.

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        but sentence so war se related tha na mam????

      2. Player

        a,b,c…..tino odd lg rhe h
        smjh nhi aya

      3. Destiny : ultimate

        Mam ye kaise hoga?

    9. ? Lovely (star) ???


    10. Player

      a,b,c…..tino odd lg rhe h

      1. ammu

        u hav to choose atmost odd one

    11. AntiVirus

      is m to mujhe sabhi odd he lag raha hai mam

    12. ravi

      mam is question me” C “kyu answer hoga????
      baat to war sa related hai may be iska answer 5 hona chiya

  39. Vision

    Inordinate=> अत्यधिक

    1. Anshuman Jha


  40. That’s all for today

    Good Night 🙂

    1. Myra

      Thanku mam, Gn 🙂

    2. ? Lovely (star) ???

      thank u mam 🙂

    3. ammu

      thank u good nit and sweet dreams mam

    4. Jasmeen

      Thnks for new variety of quiz mam
      I gave many wrong ans:(

    5. DEEP..!!

      thanx gn…explain last one:)

    6. BILTU

      gd nyt maam … ty :))

    7. M@nish...

      thanks mam good night

    8. Pradeep Narayan

      have a swt drmz gud nyt mam….sd…..:))))

    9. COLD BLOOD ;)

      ty mam:)gn!!

    10. M@st@n!

      gn sd tc sw ty maam 🙂

    11. Player

      thanku mam

    12. Destiny : ultimate

      Thanku mam
      Good night:)

    13. MiMi

      thnk u mam :))

  41. ? Lovely (star) ???

    ca quiz kab hora h?

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???


      2. MiMi

        which month?

      3. ammu

        who wil do

        1. Myra

          i’ll do wait

          1. Myra

            start chesanu

  42. Pradeep Narayan

    brain teaser questions the aaj k session mn brade fade ho gya….:))))

  43. Pradeep Narayan

    okkkk..guys and frnzzzzz….gud nyt swt drmzzzzzz……………………….:))

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???

      itani jldi ?

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        dimagg ghum rha h scha tha ca ka quizz kru but ab nhi ho payega becoz bht sare questions kal aur aaj milk glt ho gye h wps book uta k dekna h soo only going…:))))

        1. ? Lovely (star) ???

          ok np i can understand dnt take stress jst watch tv or listen song. overload mat karna. and then start reading 🙂

          1. Pradeep Narayan

            yess thats only…sis..thank yuuu so mch…:))))) here so many nyc frnzzz …:)))

          2. ? Lovely (star) ???

            hmm 🙂

      1. Divaker

        Result kya rha Jhansi ki Rani

    2. ammu

      good night sweet dreams

    3. Destiny : ultimate

      Good night:)

    4. Divaker

      Bhai mail me at dclove.4@gmail.com ifpossible

    5. COLD BLOOD ;)

      gn brother..have a sound sleep:)

      1. Pradeep Narayan

        haaa…bhai aaj k session k bd to english ka kuch krna padega…………isly achhi need zrurui h……:)))hhehehehehehhehehehehe

        1. Divaker

          Pradeep I asked you something CHK below

          1. Pradeep Narayan

            bolye…kya send krna h….bhai..:))

          2. Divaker

            Blank mail kuch bat karni hai hangpe bhi kar skate h if possible t your end

          3. Pradeep Narayan

            okkkk i am senf=ding blank mail..:)))))

    6. M@st@n!

      gn sd tc sw bye 🙂

  44. Divaker

    Aaj national park krva do koi

  45. ? Lovely (star) ???

    if all r ok i want to conduct ca and banking at 7pm upvote if u people r ok with this

    1. Divaker

      Time thoda but idhar udhar kar do ya 7am kr do if possible

      1. Destiny : ultimate

        Nai morning me ni

        1. Divaker

          Kyun ???

      2. ? Lovely (star) ???

        mrg i dnt open. i can conduct in between 7pm to 1am

        1. Divaker

          Ok than 1am is good

    2. Destiny : ultimate

      Yes ok

      1. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. PHOENIX

      Done 🙂

  46. ravi

    Important Summits and Sports Events Venues
    ✔️ SAARC Summits (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) (1985)
    ⚫️ HQ – Kathmandu, (Nepal)
    ⚫️ 1st summit : Dhaka
    ⚫️ Member countries – 8
    ⚫️ Trick – PINA MBBS
    ⚫️ P – Pakistan, I – India, N – Nepal, A –
    Afghanistan, M – Maldives, B – Bhutan, B –
    ⚫️ Secretary-General – Amjad Hussain B. Sial since 01 March 2017
    ⚫️18th SAARC SUMMIT 2014 – Kathmandu, ( Nepal)
    ⚫️19th SAARC SUMMIT 2016 – Islamabad, (Pakistan)
    ⚫️20th SAARC SUMMIT – Not cleared yet
    ✔️ G – 20 SUMMITS ?
    ⚫️ HQ – No where
    ⚫️ Member Countries – 20
    ⚫️ India is the member country of G – 20 ✔️
    ⚫️11th G 20 Meeting 2016 – Hangzhou, (China)
    ⚫️12th G 20 Meeting 2017 – Humburg (Germany)
    ⚫️13th G 20 Meeting 2018 – Argentina
    ✔️ G – 8 SUMMITS ?
    ⚫️HQ – No where
    ⚫️Group of Seven Countries – France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada.
    ⚫️ india is not the member country of G – 8 ❌
    ⚫️ 42nd G8 Summit 2016 – Shima, (Japan)
    ⚫️ 43rd G8 Summit 2017 – Tormina (Italy)
    ⚫️ 44th G8 Summit 2018 – Canada
    ⚫️45th G8 Summit 2019 – France
    ✔️APEC Summits (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) (1989)
    ⚫️HQ – Singapore
    ⚫️Member Countries – 21
    ⚫️India Is Not In Apec Countries ❌
    ⚫️28th APEC Summit 2016 – Peru, (Lima)
    ⚫️29th APEC Summit 2017 – Vietnam, Hanoi
    ✔️NATO Summit (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (1949)
    ⚫️HQ – Brussels (Belguim)
    ⚫️Member Countries – 28
    ⚫️India Is Not In Nato Summit Countries ❌
    ⚫️Secretary General- Jenus Stoltenberg (newly elected from Norway)
    ⚫️NATO 2016 – Warsaw, (Poland)
    ⚫️NATO 2017 – Brussels (Belguim)
    ⚫️NATO 2018 – Istanbul (Turkey )
    ✔️ BRICS Summits ?
    ⚫️ HQ – No where
    ⚫️ Member Countries – 5
    Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
    ⚫️ India is the member of BRICS ✔️
    ⚫️8th BRICS summit – Benaulim, Goa (India)
    ⚫️9th BRICS summit – Xi Jinping ( China )
    ✔️One linear:-
    other Important summits in 2016 :
    1) APEC Summit : Peru ( Lima )
    2) Nuclear security summit : Washington DC,
    3) ASEAN : Laos
    4) Pravasi Bhartiya divas : New Delhi
    5) NATO : Poland,Warsaw
    6) OPEC : Austria,Vienna
    7) ADB : Frankfurt, Germany
    ⚫️ Summer Olympics –
    2016 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
    2020 – Tokyo, Japan.
    ⚫️ Winter Olympics –
    ⚫️ 2014 – Sochi, Russia.
    ⚫️ 2018 – Pyeongchang, South Korea.
    ⚫️ 2022 – Beijing, China.
    Commonwealth Games Good Night
    ⚫️ 2014 – Glasgow, Scotland, (U.K).Good Nigh
    ⚫️ 2018 – Gold Coast, Australia.Good Night
    ⚫️ 2022- Durban, South Africa.
    Asian Games
    ⚫️ 2014 – Incheon, South Korea
    ⚫️ 2018 – Jakarta, Indonesia
    ⚫️ 2022- Hangzhou, China
    ⚫️ 2026 – Japan
    Hockey World Cup
    ⚫️2014 – The Hague, Netherlands (Winner- Australia)
    ⚫️2018 – India.
    FIFA World Cup
    ⚫️2014 – Brazil (Winner- Germany)
    ⚫️2018 – RussiaGood Night
    ⚫️2022 – Qatar.
    ICC Cricket World Cup
    ⚫️2011 – India, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka ( Winner- India)
    ⚫️2015 – Australia and New Zealand (Winner – Australia)
    ⚫️2019 – England
    ⚫️2023 – India.
    ICC World T-20 World CupGood Night
    ⚫️ 2014 Bangladesh (Winner- Sri Lanka)
    ⚫️.2016 – India (Winner – West Indies)
    ⚫️2018 – Australia.
    ICC World Test Championship
    ⚫️2017 (1st edition) – EnglandGood Night
    ⚫️2021 – India.

    1. MiMi

      thnk u ravi :))

    2. ammu

      thank u ravi

    3. Anshuman Jha

      England good night ??

  47. Myra

    e-SOT and e-PRAN card launched for Atal Pension Yojana subscribers, recently. What is the full form of PRAN?

    (a) Permanent Retaliated Account Number

    (b) Permanent Retirement Account Number

    (c) Provident Retirement Account Number

    (d) Protection Retirement Account Number

    (e) Provident Risk Account Number

      1. Myra

        may 1st week

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


    2. Vision


    3. Myra

      (b) Permanent Retirement Account Number

  48. ravi

    Awards & Honours
    (January – to – May)
    Extremely important, Share with as many people as You can.
    # US-India Business Council (USIBC) —- “Transformative Chief Minister Award” —- N Chandrababu Naidu(CM of Andhra Pradesh)
    # Indian National Science Academy (INSA) medal —-“Young Scientist Award”, 2017—Sanjay Pratihar
    # MTV Movie and TV Awards —- “Genderless Acting Award” —- Emma Watson.
    # Pierre L’enfant International Planning excellence award-2017 —- Bhubaneswar
    # “ Golden Globe Tigers Award “ —- Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd (GNFC)
    # Hong Kong International Film Festival —- Jury Prize for Best Film —- ‘Newton’
    # UNESCO —- Felix Houphouet-Boigny Peace Prize 2017 —- Giuseppina Nicolini, (Mayor of Lampedusa ,Italy) and NGO — SOS Méditerranee (France)
    # Dr. Paduru Gururaja Bhat Award 2017 —- Prof. A.V. Narasimha Murthy, Chairman, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (BVB), Mysuru
    # UN Messenger of Peace —- Malala Yousafzai (Youngest to be so)
    # 2017 Pulitzer Prize for fiction —- Colson Whitehead —- “The Underground Railroad”
    # 64th National Film Awards —-
    Best Feature Film—Kasaav (Marathi)
    Best Non-Feature Film —-Fireflies in the Abyss
    Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment— Sathamanam Bhavathi
    Best Direction— Rajesh (Ventilator)
    Best Actor— Akhay Kumar (Rustom)
    Best Actress—Surabhi Lakshmi (Minnaminungu)
    Best Supporting Actress—Zaira Wasim (Dangal)
    Best Child Artist— Adhish Praveen (Kunju Daivam), Saj (Noor Islam), Manohara (Railway Children)
    Best Children’s Film —- Dhanak (Hindi)
    Best Film on social issue —-Pink
    # 2017 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize —- Dawit Isaak
    # 2017 Abel Prize —- Yves Meyer —- for development of the mathematical theory of wavelets (small waves or ripples).
    # Regeneron Science Talent Search competition (US) —- winner —- Indrani Das
    # 2017 IEEE Spectrum Technology Award —- IIT Madras
    # Saraswati Samman 2016 —- Mahabaleshwar Sail(Konkani writer) —- Novel —- Hawthan
    # 89th Academy Awards ( Oscars) —-
    Best Picture—Moonlight
    Best Actres —-Emma Stone (La La Land)
    Best Actor—Casey Affleck (Manchester By The Sea)
    Best Director —- Damien Chazelle (La La Land). At 32, youngest director to win oscar.
    Best Foreign Language Film —-The Salesman (Iran).
    Best Animated Feature Film —- Zootopia
    Best Animated Short Film —- Piper
    # Vyas Samman 2016 —- Surendra Verma
    # 70th British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) Awards —-
    Best Film —- La La Land
    Best Director —- Damien Chazelle (La La Land)
    Best Actor —- Casey Affleck (Manchester by the Sea)
    Best Actress —- Emma Stone (La La Land)
    # 59th Annual Grammy Awards —-
    Album of the year—25 – Adele
    Record of the year— Hello – Adele
    Song of the year —-Hello – Adele
    Best rap album —- Chance the Rapper – Coloring Book
    Best urban contemporary album —- Beyonce – Lemonade
    Best rock performance —- David Bowie – Blackstar
    Best dance recording —-The Chainsmokers – Don’t Let Me Down
    ** Indian-American tabla player— Sandeep Das —- Grammy Awards —-Best World Music Album with Yo-Yo Ma.
    # Dr B C Roy national award for outstanding service in the field of socio-medical relief for 2016 —- Dr P Raghu Ram (President of Association of Breast Surgeons of India)
    # 62nd Jio Filmfare Awards —-
    Best Actor —- Aamir Khan (Dangal)
    Best Actress —- Alia Bhatt (Udta Punjab)
    Best Film —- Dangal.
    Best Director —- Nitesh Tiwari (Dangal)
    Lifetime Achievement Award— Shatrughan Sinha.
    # FIFA Football Awards —-
    World’s Best Player —- Christiano Ronaldo
    Best FIFA Women’s Player —- Carli Lloydll (US)
    Best FIFA Men’s Coach —- Claudio Ranieri (Italy)
    Best FIFA Women’s Coach —- Silvia Neid (Germany)
    # Bharatiya Jnanpith Navlekhan Award 2016 —- Shraddha(‘Hawa Mein Phadphadati Chitthi‘ ) and Ghyansham Kumar Devansh (‘Akash Mein Deh‘.)
    # Knighthood Award, UK —- Shankar Balasubramanian

    1. Anshuman Jha

      Jyaada hai,,,, but saara useful h. Thanks

  49. Myra

    Veteran actor Vinod Khanna passed away recently. He was an active politician and Member of Parliament from ____________.

    (a) Amritsar, Punjab

    (b) Jalandhar, Punjab

    (c) Gurdaspur, Punjab

    (d) Ludhiyana, Punjab

    (e) None of the given options is true

      1. Vision

        abhi koi u ke name se tha maine socha u ho

        1. DEEP

          Accha 😀

    1. Vision


    2. Myra

      (c) Gurdaspur, Punjab

  50. Myra

    the private sector Bank that has won the prestigious ‘Golden Peacock
    Innovative Product/Service Award 2017’ (in Financial sector Banking).

    (a) ICICI Bank

    (b) HDFC Bank

    (c) DENA Bank

    (d) Axis Bank

    (e) YES Bank

    1. ? Lovely (star) ???


    2. Myra

      (e) YES Bank

  51. Myra

    India successfully carried out a fresh user trial of 3,000-kilometer
    range Agni-III ballistic missile from Abdul Kalam Island off Odisha
    coast. Abdul Kalam Island was previously named as _____________.

    (a) Wheelers Island

    (b) Betad Island

    (c) Vikram Sarabhai Island

    (d) See-saw Island

    (e) Indian Island

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


    3. Myra

      (a) Wheelers Island

  52. Myra

    the India’s first woman International Olympic Committee member who has
    made it to two important commissions of the global sports governing
    body, including the prestigious Olympic channel.

    (a) Arundhati Bhattacharya

    (b) Preeti Zinta

    (c) Nita Ambani

    (d) Juhi Chawla

    (e) Mary Kom

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. MiMi


    3. DEEP

      Bec of Mukesh ambani !

    4. Myra

      (c) Nita Ambani

  53. Myra

    All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has recently become
    India’s first public hospital to start plaque brachytherapy facility for
    the treatment of ____________ tumors.

    (a) Brain

    (b) Stomach

    (c) Intestine

    (d) Eye

    (e) Liver

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. ? Lovely (star) ???


  54. Myra

    per the recent announcement of Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal
    Khattar Ballabgarh town in Faridabad is renamed as ____________.

    (a) Ramgarh

    (b) Balramgarh

    (c) Balrampur

    (d) Ballabpur

    (e) None of the given options is true

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Myra

      (b) Balramgarh

    3. ? Lovely (star) ???


  55. Myra

    android App ‘Solar Calculator’ for the computation of solar energy
    potential has been developed by Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO,
    Ahmedabad. Name the current Chairman of ISRO.

    (a) Nair, G. Madhavan

    (b) AS Kiran Kumar

    (c) K.K. Radhakrishnan

    (d) Shailesh Nayak

    (e) R Subramanyan

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Myra

      (b) AS Kiran Kumar

  56. Myra

    cultural center in Egypt, serving as India’s window to reach out to
    Egyptians, has organized a seminar aimed at maintaining and
    strengthening bilateral relations. What is the capital of Egypt?

    (a) Hawaii

    (b) Pattaya

    (c) Colombo

    (d) Cairo

    (e) Hawana

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)

      DD POUND

  57. Myra

    Name the city that has recently become the first Indian city that has
    won Pierre L’enfant Planning Excellence and Achievement Awards-2017.

    (a) Bengaluru

    (b) New Delhi

    (c) Bhubaneswar

    (d) Kolkata

    (e) Chennai

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Myra

      (c) Bhubaneswar

  58. Myra

    the visit of the President of Cyprus to India, both the countries have
    signed four agreements in different fields. Name the president of

    (a) Ioannis Kasoulidis

    (b) Socratis Hasikos

    (c) Costas Kadis

    (d) Ionas Nicolaou

    (e) Nicos Anastasiades

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Myra

      (e) Nicos Anastasiades

  59. Myra

    Jonathan Demme, the Oscar-winning director behind classics like The
    Silence of the Lambs and Philadelphia died recently. He belonged to

    (a) America

    (b) Germany

    (c) France

    (d) Russia

    (e) Sweden

      1. Divaker

        Tukka na Maro ab

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Myra

      (a) America

  60. Myra

    India won six medals in the second leg of the Asian Grand Prix Athletics Meet. The event was held in ___________.

    (a) Beijing, China

    (b) Wuhan, China

    (c) Jiaxing, China

    (d) Chengdu, China

    (e) Shanghai, China

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Myra

      (c) Jiaxing, China

    1. Myra

      India won six medals in the second leg of the Asian Grand Prix Athletics Meet. The event was held in ___________.

      (a) Beijing, China

      (b) Wuhan, China

      (c) Jiaxing, China

      (d) Chengdu, China

      (e) Shanghai, China…

  61. Myra

    won six medals in the second leg of the Asian Grand Prix Athletics
    Meet. In this event single gold medal was bagged by ___________.

    (a) Reema Malik

    (b) Neena Varakil

    (c) Arunima Rao

    (d) Raima Sen Gupta

    (e) Anjum Singh

    1. Myra

      (b) Neena Varakil

      1. Divaker

        Ye kis sports se blong krti h

  62. Myra

    the recent figures released by the Stockholm International Peace
    Research Institute (SIPRI) India stood on which rank in the military

    (a) 4th

    (b) 5th

    (c) 3rd

    (d) 6th

    (e) 7th

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


  63. Myra

    Union Health Minister has launched the Test and Treat policy for
    providing treatment to patients suffering from Human Immunodeficiency
    Virus (HIV). Who is the present Union Health Minister?

    (a) Dr. Harsh Vardhan

    (b) Radha Mohan Singh

    (c) Bandaru Dattatreya

    (d) DV Sadananda Gowda

    (e) Jagat Prakash Nadda

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


    2. Myra

      (e) Jagat Prakash Nadda

    1. MiMi

      kya hua sis?

  64. Myra

    04th May 2017 “Bhilar” will become India’s first ‘book village’ where
    tourists and locals can come and read books, magazines, newspapers
    stacked at 25 premises. “Bhilar” is located in ________________.

    (a) Uttar Pradesh

    (b) Rajasthan

    (c) Karnataka

    (d) Maharashtra

    (e) Gujarat

    1. Myra

      (d) Maharashtra

  65. Myra

    Jim Corbett National Park
    Bandhavgarh National Park
    Periyar National Park

    Kaziranga National Park

    Sunderbans National Park

    Kanha National Park
    Mudumalai National Park

      1. Myra

        write their state names

      2. DEEP..!!

        is it a quiz or something?

    1. DEEP


    2. Player



    3. ammu

      utthrarakand mp keraa assam west bengal mp tn

    4. Divaker

      Uk Mp kerla asm WB mp TN

    5. Myra

      Jim Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand. …
      Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh. …
      Periyar National Park, Kerala.
      Kaziranga National Park, Assam.
      Sunderbans National Park, West Bengal.
      Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh. …
      Mudumalai National Park, Tamil Nadu.

    6. MiMi


  66. Myra

    among the following states has organized the country’s first
    transgender one-day athletic meet in which 132 participants from 12
    districts participated?

    (a) West Bengal

    (b) Assam

    (c) Kerala

    (d) Madhya Pradesh

    (e) Bihar

    1. DEEP..!!


    2. Myra

      (c) Kerala

  67. Myra

    renowned sand artist ________________ has won the jury prize gold medal
    at the 10th Moscow Sand art Championship.

    (a) Rahul Arya

    (b) Sudarsan Pattnaik

    (c) Nitish Bharti

    (d) Harish Rawat

    (e) None of the given options is true

    1. DEEP..!!

      sudarshan from odisha

    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. MiMi


    4. Myra

      (b) Sudarsan Pattnaik

  68. Myra

    Who has become the first Indian to take pole in the F3 European series,
    securing the top spot on the starting grid for Race 1 of the second
    round of the championship in Monza, Italy?

    (a) Jehan Daruvala

    (b) Narain Karthikeyan

    (c) Gul Panag

    (d) Mohan Rama Rao

    (e) None of the given options is true

    1. MiMi


    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


    3. MiMi

      sry aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    4. Myra

      (a) Jehan Daruvala

      1. Divaker

        Gul Panag be bhi to kuch Kiya hai

  69. Divaker

    @myra kuch currency and capital bhi post karo if possible

  70. Myra

    will give how much amount to children of freedom fighters in Bangladesh
    in the next five years under the new ‘Muktijodha scholarship’ scheme?

    (a) Rs 35 crore

    (b) Rs 100 crore

    (c) Rs 05 crore

    (d) Rs 350 crore

    (e) Rs 50 crore

    1. DEEP..!!

      is it a daily quiz session?

    2. Myra

      (a) Rs 35 crore

  71. Myra

    Who is the present president of Bangladesh?

    (a) Mamnoon Hussain

    (b) Mohammad Abdul Hamid

    (c) Mohammad Hamid Ansari

    (d) Sheikh Hasina

    (e) Ashraf Ghani

      1. Vision

        u ke name vaala aa gya………..p

    1. MiMi


    2. Myra

      (b) Mohammad Abdul Hamid

  72. Myra

    Union minister _______________ has been selected by Japan for this
    year’s Spring Imperial Decorations, for his contribution to the
    strengthening of bilateral ties and promotion of friendship between the
    two countries.

    (a) Sushilkumar Shinde

    (b) Pawan Kumar Bansal

    (c) Ashwani Kumar

    (d) P Chidambaram

    (e) Abdul Bari Siddiqui

    1. Myra

      (c) Ashwani Kumar

  73. DEEP..!!

    have to leave guys,enjoy the session,gn all:)

  74. Myra

    What is the currency of Japan?

    (a) Baht

    (b) Yuan

    (c) Renminbi

    (d) Yen

    (e) Rupee

    1. COLD BLOOD ;)


  75. Myra

    National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) is observing ‘Ganga Cleanliness
    Pledge Day’ on 02nd May 2017 at various places in the river’s basin
    states to spread awareness and ensure public participation in the
    programme. Uma Bharti is present Union Water Resources Minister; she is
    present Member of Parliament (MP) from which constituency?

    (a) Vadodara, Gujarat

    (b) Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

    (c) Bhilwara, Rajasthan

    (d) Purnea, Bihar

    (e) Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh

      1. Divaker

        Correct ammu

    1. Myra

      (e) Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh

    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


  76. Myra

    International Labour Day, also known as International Worker’s Day or May Day is observed globally on ____________.

    (a) 2nd May

    (b) 1st May

    (c) 30th April

    (d) 29th April

    (e) 3rd May

    1. Myra

      (b) 1st May

  77. Myra

    Name the driver who recently won the Russian Grand Prix after a tense
    final few laps as he was chased down by Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel.

    (a) Lewis Hamilton

    (b) Narayan Kartikey

    (c) Michael Schumacher

    (d) Valtteri Bottas

    (e) Roberto Bonomi

      1. Divaker

        Champion ho yr tum sab aata h tumhe

        1. MiMi

          kash yea baat sahi hota :((((((

          1. Divaker

            shi hai but tumhe pta nhi hai

          2. MiMi

            Chup karo liar

          3. Divaker

            ha ha ha ha M telling you truth
            dclove.4@gmail.com add me on hang if possible at your end

          4. MiMi

            ur id name denielle hai kya?

          5. Divaker

            Nhi DIvaker hi hai

          6. Divaker

            maine send kiya chk kro

          7. Divaker

            bluff to maro mat

    1. AntiVirus


    2. Myra

      (d) Valtteri Bottas

  78. Myra

    Aymanam ward in which of the following district has become India’s first digitalised panchayat ward?

    (a) Kerala

    (b) Tamil Nadu

    (c) Karnataka

    (d) Odisha

    (e) Jharkhand

    1. DEEP


    2. Myra

      (a) Kerala

  79. Myra

    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has appointed
    Syrian refugee and Olympic athlete ____________ as a Goodwill

    (a) Yousuf Malaila

    (b) Zarna Saify

    (c) Korni Groz

    (d) Mouflo Prosdin

    (e) Yusra Mardini

    1. AntiVirus


    2. Myra

      (e) Yusra Mardini

  80. Myra

    Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA) aimed to
    protect the interests of homebuyers across the country and bring
    transparency has come into force from _______________.

    (a) 30th April

    (b) 1st April

    (c) 1st May

    (d) 1st March

    (e) 2nd May

    1. Myra

      (c) 1st May

    2. COLD BLOOD ;)


  81. Myra

    Name the software giant that has recently announced the new “Solve for
    India” initiative, especially for tier-2 cities with an aim to support
    entrepreneurs and developers of the country.

    (a) Microsoft

    (b) Google

    (c) Infosys

    (d) TCS

    (e) WIPRO

    1. AntiVirus


    2. Myra

      (b) Google

  82. Myra

    Name the player who has recently won a record-extending 10th Barcelona Open title by defeating Dominic Thiem of Austria.

    (a) Roger Federer

    (b) Andy Murray

    (c) Novak Djokovic

    (d) Rafael Nadal

    (e) Stan Wawrinka

    1. AntiVirus


    2. ammu

      ??? i forgot

    3. Myra

      (d) Rafael Nadal

  83. Myra

    top cueist Pankaj Advani has recently lost to China’s Lv Haotian in the
    summit clash of Asian Snooker Championship. The championship was held
    in __________.

    (a) Doha, Qatar

    (b) Beijing, China

    (c) Chennai, India

    (d) Shanghai, China

    (e) Ottawa, Canada

  84. Myra

    top cueist Pankaj Advani has recently lost to China’s Lv Haotian in the
    summit clash of Asian Snooker Championship. The championship was held
    in __________.

    (a) Doha, Qatar

    (b) Beijing, China

    (c) Chennai, India

    (d) Shanghai, China

    (e) Ottawa, Canada…

    1. Myra

      (a) Doha, Qatar

  85. Myra

    Name the state that has recently got its first automatic weather
    station at Dongargaon in Vidarbha region that would help farmers to plan
    and manage the sowing process better.

    (a) Tamil Nadu

    (b) Karnataka

    (c) Kerala

    (d) Odisha

    (e) Maharashtra

    1. Myra

      (e) Maharashtra

  86. Myra

    daughter of legendary Sitar Maestro (late) Ustad Vilayat Ali Khan,
    Begum Yaman K. Khan has passed away recently. She was famous

    (a) Classical Dancer

    (b) Classical Singer

    (c) Sufi Singer

    (d) Sitar Player

    (e) Violin Player

    1. Myra

      (c) Sufi Singer

  87. Myra

    Name the cricketer who received Garfield Sobers Trophy, recently.

    1. Myra

      Ravichandran Ashwin

  88. Myra

    Name the
    person who has been appointed as the head of the Rome-based World Food
    Programme (WFP) by the Secretary-General of United Nations.

    1. DEEP

      David Beasley

    2. Myra

      David Beasley

  89. Myra

    the squash player who recently scripted history by becoming the first
    Indian to clinch the Asian Squash title held in Chennai.

    (a) Dipika Pallikal Karthik

    (b) Saurav Ghoshal

    (c) Abdul Bari

    (d) Joshna Chinappa

    (e) Anuroop Dayal

    1. Myra

      (d) Joshna Chinappa

  90. Myra

    and Turkey has recently signed an agreement to strengthen co-operation
    in combating terrorism. What is the Capital of Turkey?

    (a) Cairo

    (b) Ankara

    (c) Monaco

    (d) Pattaya

    (e) Berlin

    1. Sincere Baccha


    2. Myra

      (b) Ankara

  91. Myra

    the Chief Minister of one of the Indian state who has been selected for
    the ‘Transformative Chief Minister Award 2017’ in recognition for his
    role in advancing the US-India partnership at the state level.

    (a) Nitish Kumar

    (b) Pinarayi Vijayan

    (c) Chandrababu Naidu

    (d) Siddaramaiah

    (e) Naveen Patnaik

          1. ammu

            ap loo place andi

          2. Myra

            tarvata chepta

    1. Myra

      (c) Chandrababu Naidu

  92. Myra

    Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has recently announced new
    office-bearers for the year 2017-18. Who has been appointed as the new
    President of CII?

    (a) Shobana Kamineni

    (b) D. Naushad Forbes

    (c) Abdulla Ansari

    (d) Humani Dutta

    (e) Usha Gupta

    1. Myra

      (a) Shobana Kamineni

  93. AntiVirus

    english quiz k bad ga ka quiz daily hota hai kya

  94. Myra

    Parekh’s autobiography “Asha Parekh: The Hit Girl” was released
    recently in New Delhi. ‘The Hit Girl’ has been penned down by

    (a) Javed Akhtar

    (b) Kamaal Rashid

    (c) Salaman Rushdi

    (d) Khalid Mohamed

    (e) Manoj Darsheel

    1. Myra

      (d) Khalid Mohamed

  95. Myra

    Name the city that has recently become the first city in the world to get its own Microsoft font.

    (a) Geneva

    (b) Dubai

    (c) New Delhi

    (d) Cairo

    (e) Paris

  96. Myra

    government has recently launched two schemes “One IP- Two Dispensaries”
    and “Aadhaar based Online Claim Submission” on the occasion of
    International Labour Day. Who is the present Minister of State (I/C) for
    Labour and Employment?

    (a) D. V. Sadananda Gowda

    (b) Gopinath Munde

    (c) Bandaru Dattatreya

    (d) Maneka Gandhi

    (e) Anant Geete

    1. Myra

      (c) Bandaru Dattatreya

  97. Myra

    Human Resource Development Minister PrakashJavadekar launched a
    nationwide campaign to encourage Universities to display portraits of
    Param Veer Chakra-decorated soldiers. What is the name of this campaign?

    (a) Vidyathi-VeertaAbhiyan

    (b) Vidya-Shakti Abhiyan

    (c) Vidya-VeeranganaAbhiyan

    (d) Vidya-VeertaAbhiyan

    (e) Shakti-VeertaAbhiyan

    1. Myra

      (d) Vidya-VeertaAbhiyan

  98. optimistic

    Work from home state bank of India