English: Sentence Fillers/Para Completion Set 7

Directions: In each of the following questions a passage is given in which there is a blank. Choose the most logical and appropriate option from the five options given that can be filled in the blank.

  1. The (Fifty-Second Amendment) Act, 1985introduced the Tenth Schedule to the Constitution. The ostensible reason for the introduction of the Tenth Schedule was to curb the so-called “aaya-ram-gaya-ram” practices of Indian legislators. The inspiration for this moniker is said to be Gaya Lal, a Haryana MLA who changed parties thrice in the space of one fortnight in 1967 while retaining his seat as an MLA. Defections thereafter reached such epidemic proportions that…………… distracting from any semblance of good governance.
    A)  to make an impartial adjudication was a partisan one
    B) the latest manifestation of the underlying problem is highlighted.
    C) the stability of some state governments was always in question,
    D) to votes on the budget and confidence/no-confidence motions.
    E) None of these
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      Option C
  2. Spread over 10 acres of green, it is one of the biggest government hospitals in the heart of the city and a city doctor had just managed to convince the powers that be of the need to integrate mental health services within a general hospital setting. He wanted to take the stigma away from seeking care of mental health and drug abuse, both ever increasing in a city coping with conflict and human rights abuse…………………………………..
    A)  the lime-coloured building got a new additional wing in white
    B)  Gateway drugs, in common medical parlance, are substances that supposedly lead the user on to more dangerous drugs.
    C) The percentage of men in the corresponding age group with the same information was just 22.22%
    D) For close to two years, doctors at SMHS have been treating a girl for Tramadol addiction, another painkiller.
    E) None of these
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      Option  A
  3. It was not the nature of the reports that was distressing. It was more the way the regime was reacting to it. It was a kind of repeat of its response to the farmers complaining about the long drought in Tamil Nadu. Watching the protest and its drama, one sensed the regime did not care………………… The peasant as victim was dismissed as a futile clown, a failed trickster.
    A)  Information has not graduated to storytelling Information has not graduated to storytelling
    B) the protest was dismissed as a colourful
    C) The protest retreat into the realm of jokes, of slapstick or concentration camp humour.
    D) I read sadly about farmers’ protests across India
    E) None of these
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      Option B
  4. The Korean crisis has worsened since President Donald Trump took office early this year. North Korea test-fired a number of missiles in defiance of international pressure, while the United States issued repeated warnings. Mr. Trump had put pressure on Beijing to rein Pyongyang in, and even praised it for its efforts. But the pressure does not seem to be working, with North Korea continuing with its nuclear missile programme………………………. He was arrested in Pyongyang in January 2016 while visiting as part of a tour group and later sentenced to 15 years of hard labour for the “hostile act” of trying to steal a propaganda poster. 
    A)  Otto Warmbier, the 22-year-old American student who was imprisoned and later released
    B)  ‌China is not completely on board or it is simply reluctant to use its leverage over North Korea
    C) this may not seem like the ideal time to advocate diplomacy.
    D) this was the backdrop to the release of warmbier
    E) None of these
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      Option D
  5. Building a forward-looking trade agenda: India’s trade posture has been evolving rapidly since 1991 and further accelerated since PM Modi came to office. The government has cast a wide net on liberalisation to increase FDI inflows. Overall, the message is clear: India is open for business. Although……………………………., these issues are ripe for negotiation at the bilateral dialogues such as the Trade Policy Forum and the US-India Strategic and Commercial Dialogue.
    A)  some protectionist measures remain in india
    B)  the countries could establish a high-level Economic Opportunities Group to identify and address barriers to trade
    C) the Trump administration is keen on bilateral treaties instead of multilateral trade deals
    D) defence equipment sales to India could help reduce the US-India trade deficit
    E) None of these
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      Option A
  6. President Trump is meeting Prime Minister Modi more than five months after taking office, after summits with the leaders of not just Asia’s two other major powers, China and Japan, but also diplomatic engagements in West Asia and Europe. India, it is clear, occupies only a peripheral place in the Trump world view, such as it is. …………………………….that followed the joint statement of President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Modi in 2016, have been taken off the table by President Trump’s decision to walk out of the Paris Agreements.
    A)  The US’s clean energy finance commitments have been publicly mocked by the new president.
    B)  climate and clean energy issues, placed upfront in the India-US joint statement
    C) Though Modi and Trump may find common ground on terrorism, there is devil in the detail
    D) India has done well, by any measure, in building its relationship with the US.
    E) None of these
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      Option B
  7. Opposition by major political parties against the Bharatiya Janata Party’s plans to establish its total dominance of the electoral landscape is still quite feeble. …………………………….More importantly, the economy is in distress. There is hardly any job creation for the 12 million people who enter the workforce annually. This would surely be a source of disquiet for the middle classes who form the core support base of Prime Minister Narendra Modi
    A)  Farmer protests have broken out in several States; Dalits are a disenchanted lot and have taken to active protests
    B)  combination of coercive and non-coercive means is being used to silence criticism
    C) but public protests have surfaced to challenge its social and political agenda and the attempt to impose an exclusionary Hindu identity
    D) Even supporters have begun to complain that despite the government loudly trumpeting its achievements
    E) None of these
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      Option C
  8. It is true that violence is no occasional guest in Kashmir. Yet, even by its terrible standards, the lynching of police officer Mohammad Ayub Pandit in Srinagar’s Jama Masjid is a horrific new low. The deputy superintendent of police, who was on security duty at the mosque on the packed special night of Shab-e-Qadr prayers, was stoned and beaten to death, and his clothes torn off his body. He died on the spot. ………………………………
    A)  the targeting of policemen by militants is almost personal
    B)  hundreds of Kashmiris still line up to join the police force
    C) it has been a difficult year for policemen in Jammu & Kashmir
    D) two people have been arrested so far
    E) None of these
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      Option D

  9. This is not for the first time that the political establishment in West Bengal has fallen short of coming to grips with the forces stirring up unrest in the Darjeeling hills where the quick-fix patches it had put in place are peeling off, …………………….The hill-plain divide that transcends geography has been exacerbated by the posturing of the powers that be on both sides; never has there been an attempt at addressing, let alone reconciling, the idiomatic differences underlying the political vocabulary of the two regions
    A)  only to reveal the suppurating sores that had never really healed
    B)  single miscalculation on the part of those in power
    C) as is the case in every venture of political gamesmanship
    D) It would, indeed, be politically naive not to be able to see through Banerjee’s sudden volte face
    E) None of these
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      Option A
  10. It is important to realise that there is a thin line between logic and irrationality and between faith and science. If we believe (and we have the right to continue to believe), in the existence of Ganesh, we are following a faith……………………………. but we are also putting a question mark on our faith in him. Faith does not require the reasoning of science and hence we should always keep the two at a safe distance.
    A)  The use of science to prove faith is not exclusive to one religion
    B)  ‌The government should ensure that scientific discourse is not derailed even at the cost of electoral and political gains
    C) the moment we try and explain him through science, we are not only misusing science
    D) Promoting science over faith is necessary as the presence of a scientific culture helps in the scrutiny of facts
    E) None of these
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      Option C

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5 Thoughts to “English: Sentence Fillers/Para Completion Set 7”

  1. Jeetesh Chandra


  2. Lee64

    Thnks AZ

  3. Sudipta Basak

    Plz explain all question & not provide only ans of all question

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