Directions(1-10): In each of the questions below four sentences are given which are denoted by A, B, C and D By using all the four sentences you have to frame a meaningful para. The correct order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order of the sentences.
- (A) A carbon crystal that might eventually be usedto make optical circuits (which use lightbeams instead of electric currents) has beendeveloped by an American electroniccompany.
(B) They then chemically removed the gemstone,leaving the carbon in a form they dub ‘inverseopal’.
(C) The resulting crystal can strongly diffractvisible light, a quality the researchers haveexploited to build an optical switch.
(D)Researchers took a a synthetic version of thegemstone opal and filled the spaces in itslattice with carbon.BCDAABCDADBCCDBADACBOption C - (A) Dobson’s conclusions, they contend, are astretch based on highly circumstantialevidence and at odds with evolutionarybiology.
(B) “We sometimes have to rock the boat,” saidDr Karl W Butzer, a geographer at theUniversity of Texas at Austin.
(C)Paleontologists who specialise inNeanderthal research have raised sharpobjections.
(D)But some anthropologists and othergeographers said that the data seemedimpressive and that the interpretationsshould be taken seriously.ABCDABDCCADBBDCACABDOption C - (A) Call monitoring features are useful in termsof security, but also enable tracking of callvolume and logging of all connections so thatadministrators can optimise the number ofISDN lines ordered.
(B) Call monitoring is also an important elementof any ISDN data communications solution.
(C) Given that ISDN costs are often usage-related, this checking and recording alsoserves to prevent any nasty surprises thatuser might receive with the monthly phonebill.
(D)At the same time, usage logs can providemanagers with the justification required toadd ISDN lines as the need for additionalbandwidth arises.ABDCBACDDABCDACBACDBOption B - (A) And if one has more products one will haveto forecast which market, which city, whichshop and when they will need a particularbrand and a particular size.
(B) The focus of most CPG companies used tobe first to get the manufacturing right.
(C)There are lots of issues around the supplychain management side.
(D)Once they achieve this they go for thedistribution right.CABDCDBACBADADBCBDCAOption E - (A) Moreover, the anti-venom contains a mixtureof foreign proteins and causes allergicreactions in many patients.
(B) Antibodies are then harvested from theanimals’ blood.
(C)Until now, anti-venom for neutralisingsnakebite toxins has been made by injectinghorses or sheep with small quantities ofvenom to produce an immune reaction.
(D)However, a single dose of anti-venom costsaround $ 15 and several may be needed totreat each patient.ABCDDCBABADCCDABCBDAOption E - (A) This result is reported in the October 16thissue of Science.
(B) Antarctica is not shrinking according to areport from the European Space Agency (ESA).
(C)The same investigation provides evidence thatone part of West Antarctica may be rapidlylosing its ice to the ocean.
(D)A team of British, Dutch and Americanscientists, led by Prof Duncan Wingham atthe University College, London, based thefindings on ERS (European Remote Sensing)satellites’ data collected over five years.CABDBDACACDBDBCACDBAOption B - (A) Storage of cadaver organs for transplantremains a perennial problem and isinfluenced by legal, ethical and other issues.
(B) The function of the organs must be protectedbefore and during procurement from thedonor.
(C)Organ transplant for end-stage disease is wellaccepted worldwide.
(D)The supply of organs from heart-beating deaddonors is inadequate to meet the totaldemand.CADBCBADBACDCDABADCBOption A - (A) The remarkable point has been made in thiscontext that language owes its origin to art.
(B) Both art and language involve symbols thathave some kind of “socially shared meaning”.
(C)Dr Ian Tattersall of the American Museum ofNatural History in New York is quoted assaying: “Empathy, intuitive reasoning, andfuture planning are impossible withoutlanguage.”
(D)Art is symbolic representation, and a societythat indulged in art must have had a language.BDCACDABBADCBCADADBCOption E - (A) And for good reason: Experts cannot seem toagree, either.
(B) For example, the biomechanics laboratory atCentinela Hospital Medical Centre inInglewood, Calif., completed a study this yearcomparing the effectiveness and safety ofeight popular abdominal movements.
(C)Even the research is not definitive.
(D)Exercisers are often confused about the bestway to strengthen and tone up the midriff.ACBDDACBBCDADBCADABCOption B - (A) There is significant variability in seedlingsraised through seeds.
(B) Small cardamom, the queen of spices, enjoysa unique position in the spices market.
(C)Clonal multiplication and tissue culturemethod of propagation are advantageous fortrue-to-type and uniform crop.
(D)It is propagated through seeds and rhizomes.ACDBCDBABDCACADBADBCOption C
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