Coding Decoding New Pattern Questions Answers for SBI PO, IBPS PO/Clerk, IBPS RRB, UIIC, NIACL, NICL, RBI, and other competitive exams. Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: In a certain code, ‘superstring park avail prelim’ is written as        ‘#22T   %8Q    $10B   @12Q’, ‘cereal…
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Reasoning: Coding/Decoding Questions for RRB Prelims Set 26
Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO, IBPS PO, NIACL, NICL, BoB PGCBF, Dena Bank PO, RBI Grade B, and other competitive exams. Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions. ‘to make search down’ is written as ‘es vst re pt’ ‘normal in city make’ is written as ‘ch dsr mo vst’ ‘normal to head on’ is…
Read MoreReasoning: Coding/Decoding Questions Set 25
Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO, IBPS PO, NIACL, NICL, BoB PGCBF, Dena Bank PO, RBI Grade B, and other competitive exams. Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: In a certain code language ‘heading and footer style’ is written as ‘gh sif wms st’ ‘footer of document writable’ is written as ‘qui qwe ak gh‘…
Read MoreReasoning: Coding/Decoding Questions Set 24
Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO, IBPS PO, NIACL, NICL, BoB PGCBF, Dena Bank PO, RBI Grade B, and other competitive exams. Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: In a certain code, ′Team Made Best Solve′ is written as     ′P17  C21  K28  N22′ ′Solve Keep Test Team′ is written as   …
Read MoreReasoning: Coding/Decoding Questions Set 23
Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO, IBPS PO, NIACL, NICL, BoB PGCBF, Dena Bank PO, RBI Grade B, and other competitive exams. Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: In a certain code, ′Oject Indefinite Interbank Login′ is written as          ′I@11   E%14    E$17…
Read MoreReasoning: Coding/Decoding Questions Set 22
Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO, IBPS PO, NIACL, NICL, BoB PGCBF, Dena Bank PO, RBI Grade B, and other competitive exams. Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: In a certain code, ′Produce Land Shares Total′ is written as     ′H1%   O4$    K5@    G3#′ ′World…
Read MoreReasoning: Coding/Decoding Questions Set 21
Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO, IBPS PO, NIACL, NICL, BoB PGCBF, Dena Bank PO, RBI Grade B, and other competitive exams. Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: In a certain code, ′Right Previous Courage Money′ is written as   ′P@28    R#16    M©16   C%24′ ′Practice Target Justify Mocks′ is…
Read MoreReasoning: Coding/Decoding Questions Set 20
Coding Decoding Questions SBI PO Main IBPS PO, NIACL, NICL, BoB PGCBF, Dena Bank PO, RBI Grade B, etc. Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: In a certain code, ′Field Panel joint Guide′ is written as    ′K28@   U10%   Q18#    T18©′ ′Since Valid Worst Ideal′ is written as  …
Read MoreReasoning: Coding/Decoding Questions Set 19
Coding Decoding Questions NIACL Main, SBI PO Mains, NICL, BoB PGCBF, Dena Bank PO, RBI Grade B, IBPS PO, etc. Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: In a certain code, ′Search box to find′ is written as        ′K21    S22    P15     …
Read MoreReasoning: Coding/Decoding Questions Set 18 (New Pattern)
Coding Decoding SBI PO Mains Questions and other exams – NIACL. NICL, BoB, IBPS PO, etc. Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions: In a certain code, ‘mixed chamber incidence vacuum’ is written as    ’88$B   12@C    36#E   52%A’, ‘jammer corporate frozen weird’ is written as   …
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