Directions: Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3), (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (5) ie ‘No correction required’ as the answer. The inexperienced trainee accidental turned off the lights during presentation. Has accidentally turn off By accident turn…
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English: Phrase Replacement/Sentence Corrections — Set 67
Directions: Which of the WORD A, B, C, and D given below DEFINES the phrase printed in Capital letters in the sentence. If all defines the phrase then mark E as the answer. We’re completely SNOWED UNDER at work because it’s the end of the tax year. squash overwhelmed overstretch snarl All are Correct Option B Have too much work.…
Read MoreEnglish: Phrase Replacement/Sentence Corrections — Set 65
Directions: Which of the WORD A, B, C, and D given below DEFINES the phrase printed in Capital letters in the sentence. If all defines the phrase then mark E as the answer. The rules don’t ALLOW OF any exceptions. constrain preclude permit proscribe All are Correct Option C I have no idea, but I’ll ASK AROUND at work…
Read MoreEnglish: Phrase Replacement/Sentence Corrections — Set 63
Directions: Which of the WORD A, B, C, and D given below DEFINES the phrase printed in bold in the sentence. If all defines the phrase then mark E as the answer. Have you run down those phone numbers I asked for last week? consume deprecate tag examine All are Correct Option B run down = trace I need…
Read MoreEnglish: Phrase Replacement/Sentence Corrections — Set 62
Directions: Which of the WORD A, B, C, and D given below DEFINES the phrase printed in bold in the sentence. If all defines the phrase then mark E as the answer. I take after my father. Who do you take after? dispute clash resemble conflict All are Correct Option C take after = resemble a parent or relative …
Read MoreEnglish: Phrase Replacement/Sentence Corrections — Set 60
Directions: Which of the WORD A, B, C, and D given below DEFINES the phrase printed in bold in the sentence. If all defines the phrase then mark E as the answer. He just yammered on and on about how horrible the waiter was. silence refrain coerce gossip All are Correct Option D yammered on about = to talk in…
Read MoreEnglish: Phrase Replacement/Sentence Corrections — Set 58
Directions: Which of the WORD A, B, C, and D given below DEFINES the phrase printed in bold in the sentence. If all defines the phrase then mark E as the answer. They held out against enemy attack. beseech endure dissent constrain All are Correct Option B hold out against = resist; not give in Do you have your…
Read MoreEnglish: Phrase Replacement/Sentence Corrections — Set 56
Directions: Which of the WORD A, B, C, and D given below DEFINES the phrase printed in bold in the sentence. If all defines the phrase then mark E as the answer. Jane broke in on the conversation and told us to get back to work. mend accelerate hinder endure All are correct Option C break in on = interrupt…
Read MoreEnglish: Phrase Replacement/Sentence Corrections — Set 54
Directions: Which of the WORD A, B, C, and D given below DEFINES the phrase printed in bold in the sentence. If all defines the phrase then mark E as the answer. I think I need to take my car to the mechanic because it’s acting up again. censorious gallivant behave boss All are correct Option C acting up =…
Read MoreEnglish: Phrase Replacement/Sentence Corrections — Set 52
Directions: Which of the WORD A, B, C, and D given below DEFINES the phrase printed in bold in the sentence. If all defines the phrase then mark E as the answer. The waiter added up the bill and the total sum was $10′. imbalance erode amount to expunge All are correct Option C Add up = an equaled amount.…
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