Direction (1-5): In each question below a sentence is given with two blanks in each. Each question is followed by four options with two words in each. You have to select that option as your answer which can fill both the blanks of the sentence.
- Who believes in the magic of self-organising, dynamic markets that never make mistakes? The crisis in British conservatism is that it is simultaneously a believer and non-believer. Just as it wants to be both out of Europe but in it, on its own terms, because that means prosperity and influence, so it proclaims undying _____________ to markets while being forced to curb and intervene in them in practice. It turns the party into a political pantomime horse unfit to _____________ – and may ultimately force its break-up as the strains of the lived inconsistencies become intolerable.
treason, managefealty, governtreachery, superviseperfidy, overseeAll are CorrectOption B
- When Theresa May woke up on Friday morning to headlines speaking of her _____________ in Salzburg, it was not an entirely novel experience for a prime minister who has become synonymous with _____________ . She has had many Catastrophic Fridays. And Miserable Mondays, Terrible Tuesdays, Wicked Wednesdays, Torrid Thursdays, Savage Saturdays and Searing Sundays.
mortification, serendipitydegradation, paragonhumiliation, calamityignominy, blissAll are CorrectOption C
- It was some time in the 1990s that the phrase “evidence-based policy” first _____________ on to the UK political landscape. In the Blair years, every report or policy paper seemed to promise a future in which all policy would be firmly “evidence based”; inspired by research rather than ideology or political strategy. The _____________ might remain but when it comes to immigration, an issue that poll after poll shows many in the UK regard as among the most important, there has never been much actual evidence on which policy might be based.
whee, hankeringbingo, inhalationcared, ambitionlumbered, aspirationAll are CorrectOption D
- The piece, dwelling on public disgrace related to recorded sexual _____________ , appears a year after the allegations that gave rise to the #MeToo tide of disclosures and as a principal attraction in an issue whose cover line is “The Fall of Men”. Since the magazine’s newly departed editor, Ian Buruma, expressed disquiet about “a general climate of denunciation” brought about, he suggests, by #MeToo, it seems fair to conclude that the magazine indeed _____________ , under his leadership, to portray the moment when women collectively spoke out about male harassment as yet another misfortune for his long-suffering sex.
misdemeanours, intendedoffences, incidentaldelinquencies, casualassaults, extemporaryAll are CorrectOption A
- Politics before the _____________ was based on the understanding that you couldn’t have it all. The free-market right had won the economic war, ran the _____________ of the time, while the left had won the culture war. Centre-left governments were “intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich”, said Peter Mandelson, “as long as they pay their taxes”. Not only leftish politicians, however, but many on the centre-right were not remotely relaxed about racism, sexism and homophobia. On these issues at least, cultural conservatives, as we so euphemistically call them, had to accept that the world had changed.
clash, neoterismwreck, mintagebump, barbarismcrash, clicheAll are CorrectOption D
- As Anuj was familiar with the road to Neeraj’s house, he lead the way.
led the wayled awayleading wayslead waysNo correction requiredOption A
- Although he was new to the field of painting, Sharad give it a go.
gave goesgives his gogave it a gogiving it goesNo correction requiredOption C
- The performance of the band on New Year’s Eve was out of worlds.
out of the worldlyouting of worldsout from the worldout of the worldNo correction requiredOption D
- Parents are changing with the times and are friendlier and more open to their children’s views.
changed timingschanged to the timechanging timeschange with timeNo correction requiredOption E
- Many people do not like to switch at one brand to another.
switched inswitches atswitch fromswitching onNo correction requiredOption C
Directions(6-10): Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C), (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) ie ‘No correction required’ as the answer.
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