Discussion Zone – 7 August 2017

Hello Aspirants
This is a live quiz page. Discuss any of the topics below in the comment section:

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning
  • English
  • Banking Awareness
  • Current Awareness
  • Computer

Share the page with your friends too to take the full advantage. Group study will help you retain things in mind. Happy learning. ?

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1,081 Thoughts to “Discussion Zone – 7 August 2017”

  1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

    swagat nai krongeeeeeeeeeee

  2. $קгค๔єєק$

    hellllooooo…..frnzzzzz gud evngg..:)

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      hahahahhaha pradeep sirrrrrrr gud eveeeeee

      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        hehehhe sirr…gud evnggg…..:)))

  3. Hemant ahuja

    Chalo start kro

  4. GujjU PoOH_N!T

    kaha bhag gyi yeeeeee humko yha bulakeeee

    1. Hemant ahuja

      Aa rahi

    2. cActi~HEALER


  5. cActi~HEALER

    जिस तरह ‘कमनीय’ से ‘कमनीयता’ बनता है, उसी तरह ‘सम्भाव’ से क्या शब्द बनेगा?
    (a) संभावना
    (b) संभावतः
    (c) संभाव्यता
    (d) संभावनवान
    (e) इनमें से कोई नहीं

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. cActi~HEALER

      Ans. (c) संभाव्यता

    3. $קгค๔єєק$


  6. cActi~HEALER

    जिस तरह ‘शिव’ से ‘शैव’ बनता है, उसी तरह ‘जीव’ से क्या शब्द बनेगा? निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से एक को चुनिए?
    (a) जीवन
    (b) जैव
    (c) जैविक
    (d) जीव विज्ञान
    (e) इनमें से कोई नहीं

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      cacti ye sb nai aata
      word correction

      1. cActi~HEALER

        ok bhai
        happy rakshabandhan 😛

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          haa bahen
          happy rakshabandhan

          chal gift deeeeee 😛

          1. cActi~HEALER

            fill in the blanks ??
            ata h ?

          2. cActi~HEALER

            tu de
            chal gift deeeeee 😛

          3. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            hahahha abhakkkkkk

    4. cActi~HEALER

      Ans. (b)जैव

  7. cActi~HEALER

    जिस तरह ‘दुः+ आचार’ से ‘दुराचार’ बनता है, उसी तरह दुः+ स्वप्न’ से क्या शब्द बनेगा? निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में एक को चुनिए?
    (a) दुरस्वप्न
    (b) दुर्स्वप्न
    (c) दुस्स्वप्न
    (d) दुरास्वप्न
    (e) इनमें से कोई नहीं

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        badi ra kha h sirjeeeee…:))

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          samja nai sir kya bole

          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            means hindi akshar h na ra uska matra wala form kha h word mn jo bnana tha..:))

    2. $קгค๔єєק$


  8. cActi~HEALER

    Fill in the blanks ata h kya ?

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


  9. cActi~HEALER

    निर्देश (1-5) : नीचे दिए गए प्रत्येक प्रश्न में एक रिक्त स्थान छूटा हुआ है और उसके नीचे पाँच शब्द सुझाए गए हैं. इनमें से कोई एक उस रिक्त स्थान पर रख देने से वह वाक्य अर्थपूर्ण बन जाता है. सही शब्द ज्ञात कर उसको उत्तर के रूप अंकित कीजिए. दिए गए शब्दों में से सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त का चयन करना है.

    1. Hemant ahuja

      Iski jarrurat nhi sidha de de

  10. cActi~HEALER

    अपनी गलती तुरंत स्वीकार करने वाले व्यक्ति ………… होते हैं.
    (a) गुणग्राहक
    (b) लालित्यपूर्ण
    (c) सद्गूणी
    (d) अतिगुणी
    (e) निर्गुणी

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. cActi~HEALER

      S1. Ans. (c) सद्गूणी

  11. cActi~HEALER

    जिसके पास ………… है, वह किसी भी परिस्थिति का सामना कर सकता है.
    (a) मन
    (b) धान्य
    (c) धनुष
    (d) धुन
    (e) धैर्य

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


      1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. cActi~HEALER

      Ans. (e) धैर्य

  12. cActi~HEALER

    ………… हमें उत्तम अवसर प्रदान करती हैं.
    (a) मनौतियाँ
    (b) असहमतियाँ
    (c) नीरवता
    (d) चुनौतियाँ
    (e) विशेषताएँ

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


      1. $קгค๔єєק$


        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          give us better opportunity 😛

          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            jiii pura krne waala but word ka meaning likha sirr hehehehhe..:))

          2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            mene apka choda hua pakad lia sirrrrrr hahhaha

  13. Hemant ahuja

    Fast cacti

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      2G use kr rhi sayad

      1. Hemant ahuja

        Tera kaun sa hai

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


          1. Hemant ahuja

            Tu kra phir.uska net issue ho raha

  14. cActi~HEALER

    सच्चा ……….. वही है जो कभी निराश नहीं होता.
    (a) पारखी
    (b) साहसी
    (c) दुस्साहसी
    (d) आतंकी
    (e) सारथी

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. cActi~HEALER

      Ans. (b) साहसी

    3. Vijay Yaduvansi


  15. $קгค๔єєק$


  16. cActi~HEALER

    ज्ञान का अंतिम लक्ष्य …………… निर्माण होना चाहिए.
    (a) चरित्र
    (b) भविष्य
    (c) रोजगार
    (d) मंदिर
    (e) ग्रंथ

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


      1. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. cActi~HEALER

      Ans. (a) चरित्र

    4. Vijay Yaduvansi


  17. cActi~HEALER

    निर्देश (6-15) : नीचे दिए गए परिच्छेद में कुछ रिक्त स्थान छोड़ दिए गए हैं तथा उन्हें प्रश्न संख्या से दर्शाया गया है. ये संख्याएं परिच्छेद के नीचे मुद्रित हैं और प्रत्येक के सामने (a), (b), (c), (d) और (e) विकल्प दिए गए हैं. इन पांचों में से कोई एक इस रिक्त स्थान को पूरे परिच्छेद के संदर्भ में उपयुक्त ढंग से पूरा कर देता है. आपको वह विकल्प ज्ञात करना है, और उसका क्रमांक ही उत्तर के रूप दर्शाना है. आपको दिए गए विकल्पों में से सबसे उपयुक्त का चयन करना है.

  18. cActi~HEALER

    यह बहुत पुरानी बात है. मैं उत्तर प्रदेश के एटा जिले की तहसील कासगंज के एक हाई स्कूल में सातवीं कक्षा में पढ़ता था. पढ़ता क्या था, छठी पास करने के बाद सातवीं में (6) ही था. जुलाई का महीना था. गरमी की छुट्टियों के बाद (7) खुल गया था. मेरे लिए नयी (8) की किताबें ओ गयी थीं. नयी छपी हुई किताबों की गंध, जो पता नहीं, नये कागज की होती थी या उस पर की गयी (9) में इस्तेमाल हुई स्याही की, या जिल्दसाजी में (10) चीजों की, या बरसात के मौसम में कागज में आयी हल्की-सी (11) की, मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती थी. ज्यों ही मेरे लिए नयी (12) आती, मैं सबसे पहले अपनी हिंदी की पाठ्य-पुस्तक पढ़ डालता. सो एक दिन स्कूल से लौटकर मैं अपनी हिंदी की पाठ्य-पुस्तक (13) रहा था, जिसमें एक पाठ था ‘बड़े भाई साहब’ . पुस्तक में अवश्य ही लिखा रहा होगा कि यह एक (14) है और इसके लेखक हैं प्रेमचंद. लेकिन इस सबसे मुझे क्या! मैं तो ‘बडे़ भाई साहब’ (15) देखकर ही उसे पढ़ने लगा.

    1. cActi~HEALER

      Q6. (a) पढ़ता
      (b) आया
      (c) घुसा
      (d) पढ़ा
      (e) उठा

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. $קгค๔єєק$


      3. Vijay Yaduvansi


      4. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (b) आया

  19. cActi~HEALER

    Q7. (a) रास्ता
    (b) मौसम
    (c) कॉलेज
    (d) स्कूल
    (e) शरीर

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      para k niche hi post kr

      1. Hemant ahuja

        Sahi bola

    4. Vijay Yaduvansi


    5. cActi~HEALER

      Ans. (d) स्कूल

  20. cActi~HEALER

    यह बहुत पुरानी बात है. मैं उत्तर प्रदेश के एटा जिले की तहसील कासगंज के एक हाई स्कूल में सातवीं कक्षा में पढ़ता था. पढ़ता क्या था, छठी पास करने के बाद सातवीं में (6) ही था. जुलाई का महीना था. गरमी की छुट्टियों के बाद (7) खुल गया था. मेरे लिए नयी (8) की किताबें ओ गयी थीं. नयी छपी हुई किताबों की गंध, जो पता नहीं, नये कागज की होती थी या उस पर की गयी (9) में इस्तेमाल हुई स्याही की, या जिल्दसाजी में (10) चीजों की, या बरसात के मौसम में कागज में आयी हल्की-सी (11) की, मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती थी. ज्यों ही मेरे लिए नयी (12) आती, मैं सबसे पहले अपनी हिंदी की पाठ्य-पुस्तक पढ़ डालता. सो एक दिन स्कूल से लौटकर मैं अपनी हिंदी की पाठ्य-पुस्तक (13) रहा था, जिसमें एक पाठ था ‘बड़े भाई साहब’ . पुस्तक में अवश्य ही लिखा रहा होगा कि यह एक (14) है और इसके लेखक हैं प्रेमचंद. लेकिन इस सबसे मुझे क्या! मैं तो ‘बडे़ भाई साहब’ (15) देखकर ही उसे पढ़ने लगा.

    Q8. (a) नवीन
    (b) पढ़ाई
    (c) कक्षा
    (d) छपाई
    (e) पुरानी

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. Vijay Yaduvansi


    4. cActi~HEALER

      Q9. (a) छपाई
      (b) नक्काशी
      (c) सजावट
      (d) कसीदाकारी
      (e) छिड़काई

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. $קгค๔єєק$


        1. $קгค๔єєק$


      3. Vijay Yaduvansi


      4. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (a) छपाई

    5. cActi~HEALER

      Q.8 Ans. (c) कक्षा

    6. cActi~HEALER

      Q10. (a) फंसी
      (b) दबी
      (c) जड़ी
      (d) लगी
      (e) उभरी

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. Vijay Yaduvansi


      3. $קгค๔єєק$


      4. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (d) लगी

    7. cActi~HEALER

      Q11. (a) पीलाई
      (b) सफेदी
      (c) बूंदों
      (d) नीलाई
      (e) सीलन

      1. $קгค๔єєק$


      2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      3. Vijay Yaduvansi


      4. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (e) सीलन

        1. $קгค๔єєק$

          ithaught so..:)

    8. cActi~HEALER

      Q12. (a) कॉपियाँ
      (b) साइकिलें
      (c) किताबें
      (d) पेंसिलें
      (e) पढ़ाइयाँ

      1. Vijay Yaduvansi


      2. $קгค๔єєק$


      3. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      4. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (c) किताबें

    9. cActi~HEALER

      Q13. (a) पढ़
      (b) खोल
      (c) घोट
      (d) रट
      (e) दिखा

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. Vijay Yaduvansi


      3. $קгค๔єєק$


      4. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (a) पढ़

    10. cActi~HEALER

      Q14. (a) कविता
      (b) कहानी
      (c) उपन्यास
      (d) लोककथा
      (e) नसीहत

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. Vijay Yaduvansi


      3. $קгค๔єєק$


      4. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (b) कहानी

    11. cActi~HEALER

      Q15. (a) को
      (b) की तरफ
      (c) को सामने
      (d) को बोल
      (e) शीर्षक

      1. Vijay Yaduvansi


      2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      3. $קгค๔єєק$


      4. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (e) शीर्षक

  21. cActi~HEALER

    भारत की (1) वीरांगनाओं में महारानी अहिल्याबाई का नाम बड़े (2) के साथ लिया जाता है. उनका जन्म महाराष्ट्र के औरंगाबाद के मनकोजी सिंधिया (3) घर हुआ था. बचपन से ही उन्हें धर्म के प्रति रूचि थी. बारह वर्ष की अवस्था में इनका (4) इंदौर के राजा मल्हार राव होल्कर के पुत्र खंडेराव के (5) हुआ. इनके प्रोत्साहन से ही खंडेराव अपने विलासी (6) को छोड़कर राज कार्य में (7) लेने लगे थे. मल्हार राव ने पुत्रवधू को भी राजनीति में प्रशिक्षित किया. विवाह के दस वर्ष बाद एक पुत्र तथा एक पुत्री रत्न की इन्हें (8) हुई.

    थोडे़ समय बाद ही इनके ऊपर कठिनाइयों का (9) टूट पड़ा. एक युद्ध में इनके पति की मृत्यु हो गई और इकलौते पुत्र के निधन-शोक में मल्हार राव भी अधिक जीवित न रह सके. इस (10) काल में अहिल्याबाई ने धैर्य से काम लिया और शासन की बागडोर अपने हाथ में ली.

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. Hemant ahuja


    3. cActi~HEALER

      Q1. (a) भीरू
      (b) स्नेहमयी
      (c) देशभक्त
      (d) स्वार्थी
      (e) पुत्रभक्त

      1. $קгค๔єєק$


      2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      3. cActi~HEALER

        . Ans. (c) देशभक्त

    4. cActi~HEALER

      Q2. (a) स्वार्थ
      (b) आदर
      (c) चाव
      (d) भाव
      (e) स्नेह

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. $קгค๔єєק$


        1. $קгค๔єєק$


      3. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (b) आदर

    5. cActi~HEALER

      Q3. (a) वाले
      (b) में
      (c) द्वारा
      (d) का
      (e) के

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. $קгค๔єєק$


      3. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (e) के

    6. cActi~HEALER

      Q4. (a) विवाह
      (b) दौरा
      (c) विवाद
      (d) निभाव
      (e) सगाई

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. Hemant ahuja


        1. $קгค๔єєק$


      3. $קгค๔єєק$


      4. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (a) विवाह

    7. cActi~HEALER

      Q5. (a) हाथ
      (b) लिए
      (c) द्वारा
      (d) साथ
      (e) से

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. $קгค๔єєק$


      3. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (d) साथ

    8. cActi~HEALER

      Q6. (a) विचार
      (b) आदत
      (c) रंग
      (d) स्वभाव
      (e) खयाल

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. $קгค๔єєק$


        1. $קгค๔єєק$

          b/d mn antar???

          1. Hemant ahuja

            Habit and nature

          2. $קгค๔єєק$

            okkkkk….bro 10kss mn dono ko habit samj rha tha..:)

    9. cActi~HEALER

      Q7. (a) भाव
      (b) मेहनत
      (c) संवाद
      (d) ध्यान
      (e) रूचि

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (e) रूचि

      3. $קгค๔єєק$


    10. cActi~HEALER

      Q8. (a) प्राप्ति
      (b) आशा
      (c) आसानी
      (d) ख्याति
      (e) आस्था

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (a) प्राप्ति

      3. $קгค๔єєק$


    11. cActi~HEALER

      Q9. (a) कष्ट
      (b) पहाड़
      (c) सिलसिला
      (d) समुद्र
      (e) बोझ

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. $קгค๔єєק$


      3. cActi~HEALER

        Ans. (b) पहाड़

    12. cActi~HEALER

      Q10. (a) भक्ति
      (b) अकेले
      (c) विपत्ति
      (d) आपत्ति
      (e) समष्टि

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. cActi~HEALER

        (c) विपत्ति

      3. $קгค๔єєק$


  22. -HOPE-

    gud evening

    1. Hemant ahuja

      ये बाद main first quiz


    Eng quiz today ???

    1. Hemant ahuja

      Abhi nhi

      1. PHOENIX

        Mam told Ki NIH hoga ??

        1. Hemant ahuja

          Ab tak ho jata.mam movie dekhne gye hai srk ki shayad.niche koi bol raha tha

        2. cActi~HEALER


          1. Hemant ahuja

            Tu kehti moviee dekhne gye hai

          2. cActi~HEALER

            bhakk ..

  24. cActi~HEALER

    TATA ..

    1. Hemant ahuja

      Kisne bola

    2. $קгค๔єєק$

      10ksss mam.:)))

    3. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      Thankuuu 🙂

  25. $קгค๔єєק$

    today only 1 question wrong in hindi hehhehe inprovement hai…:)))

    1. cActi~HEALER

      great bro :))

      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        aap ki wajh se mam mee hindi kbi dekta b ni tha books padi h but quiz k bd pta chala ki kaam kia jaa skta h hindi ma..:))

        1. PHOENIX

          Have u chosen Hindi for rrb ??

    2. Hemant ahuja

      Mere sab sahi

      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        sirjeeee mee english medium ka huu naa mere liye bht bdi bt h…:)))))

  26. cActi~HEALER


    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      aesa bullet laye hai modi jiiiiiiiiiii 😛

      1. cActi~HEALER

        hahahi aap konse G se chala rahe yaha 4G kabhi kabhi mar jata :/

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          broadband 😛

  27. Good Evening Everyone 🙂

    1. !SAY MY NAME!

      GE mam 🙂

    2. -HOPE-

      gud evng mam

    3. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      GE mam..

    4. PHOENIX

      GE mam????

    5. $קгค๔єєק$

      hiii mam …gud evng…:))))

    6. cActi~HEALER

      VGE MAM 🙂

  28. Hemant ahuja

    Ab to eng ki tyari rrb ke baad hi karuga

    1. -HOPE-

      lagta h tum pagla gaya kya

      1. Hemant ahuja

        Any prob kya .

        1. -HOPE-

          han avi se nai kiya to ibps me problem he problem hoga

          1. Hemant ahuja

            Yaar eng hi nhi hti bus ek

      2. Hemant ahuja

        Main rrb main hindi krta hu

        1. -HOPE-

          mai v hindi rakhta hu but ibps me

          1. Hemant ahuja

            Wha tukka samjh nhi aata kuch.

  29. ERROR?

    Having worked in (A)/ both public and private sector banks (B)/ Mr Rao is the ideal choice to (C)/ take over as chairman. (D)/ No error (E)

    1. Hemant ahuja


    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    3. $קгค๔єєק$


      1. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. Hemant ahuja


    5. !SAY MY NAME!

      the chairman

    6. -HOPE-

      took hoga kya mam

    7. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        yaaa mujhe b lg rga

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          shi fir

      1. PHOENIX

        Why not ‘the chairman’mam ??

      1. !SAY MY NAME!

        the chairman nahi ho sakta tha mam?

      2. $קгค๔єєק$

        aapne btya tha ki it lga k deko agr agr meaningful hua to to+v1 other wise v3

  30. Private companies which profits (A)/ have grown due to (B)/ the high price of oil (C)/ should offer discounts on cooking gas. (D)/ No error (E)

    1. !SAY MY NAME!


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. Hemant ahuja


    4. PHOENIX

      Aaaa whose

    5. GujjU PoOH_N!T


  31. The government has signed (A)/ a memorandum of understanding with (B)/ the company to set-up (C)/ a plant in the state. (D)/ No error (E)

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. !SAY MY NAME!


    3. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI


        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


  32. Kaun Jiyu Ring


  33. We have taken on (A)/ the responsibility of (B) / arranging the required training (C)/ and supervising the new staff. (D)/No error (E)

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      1. !SAY MY NAME!

        kina late bro aju?

        1. ADK

          Logan herdai. 😀

          1. !SAY MY NAME!


    2. Eng m AweSomE


    3. PHOENIX

      Aaa remove on

    4. !SAY MY NAME!


    5. $קгค๔єєק$


    6. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. Eng m AweSomE

        asa q

      2. %%%

        mam …have taken on the responsibility ….ye “odd” lg rha h…is it right ?

  34. Kaun Jiyu Ring


      1. Kaun Jiyu Ring

        thank u Mam .. 🙂 GE 🙂

          1. Kaun Jiyu Ring

            Edited 🙂

        1. -HOPE-

          sir nai mam

    1. -HOPE-


  35. We have been under (A)/ a lot of pressure to (B)/ open fifty new stores (C)/ by the ending of the year. (D)/ No error (E)

      1. ADK

        end of the ear

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. PHOENIX

      End of the year

    3. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    4. Kaun Jiyu Ring


    5. !SAY MY NAME!


  36. $קгค๔єєק$

    embed link mam..:)???

  37. The council does (A)/not hold itself responsible (B)/for the loss or damage (C)/to any article. (D)/No error. (E)

    1. Eng m AweSomE


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    4. $קгค๔єєק$


    5. Kaun Jiyu Ring


    6. C

      loss of or damage to

      loss of will be used

      1. PHOENIX


  38. !SAY MY NAME!

    koi hai?

    1. -HOPE-

      ye kala chasma khol k dekh

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. !SAY MY NAME!

        ge chashmish

        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


  39. Ancient artifacts are (A)/ a part of global heritage (B)/ and should not be (C)/ sold to the highest bidder. (D)/ No error (E)

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. Adi Nene

        Im using mobile,nt possible to hit f5

    1. Gusto

      Ancient artifacts are (A)/ a part of global heritage (B)/ and should not be (C)/ sold to the highest bidder. (D)/ No error (E)

    2. Ancient artifacts are (A)/ a part of global heritage (B)/ and should not be (C)/ sold to the highest bidder. (D)/ No error (E) .

  40. Ever since he took over (A)/ as the chief minister of the state, (B)/ rate for unemployment (C)/has drastically increased. (D)/ No error (E)

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI


  41. $קгค๔єєק$

    nxt question came???

    1. Ever since he took over (A)/ as the chief minister of the state, (B)/ rate for unemployment (C)/has drastically increased. (D)/ No error (E) .

      1. $קгค๔єєק$


    1. Eng m AweSomE


    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      working gd

    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    4. M@nish...

      no issue mam its running :p

    5. -HOPE-

      yea working but slow

  42. The recently imposed dress code (A)/ in the university has enraged (B)/ the students who will be going (C)/ on strike since tomorrow. (D)/ No error (E)

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. ADK

      since —- starting

    4. $קгค๔єєק$


    5. !SAY MY NAME!


  43. By marketing agriculture (A) / products well, we (B) / can ensure that (C) / farmers make a good profit. (D)/ No error. (E)

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. PHOENIX


    4. GujjU PoOH_N!T


  44. On account of the rising (A) / costs many people are (B) / finding it difficult (C) / to feed their
    families. (D)/ No error. (E)

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


  45. It is unlikely that you will (A) / find a more qualified and experienced (B) / candidate before Mr. Prasad (C) / for the post of President. (D)/ No error. (E)

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. ADK


    4. !SAY MY NAME!


    5. PHOENIX

      Cccc than

  46. Since the US economy experiences (A) / a recession many Asian countries (B) / are likely to have (C) / reduced growth rates this year. (D)/ No error. (E)

    1. !SAY MY NAME!


    2. Gusto

      is experiencing

    3. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    5. PHOENIX

      Aaa has been experiencing

    6. A

      “is experiencing” because recession is still in progress this year

      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        mam..rates here noun or verb???

          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            okkk mam..:)))

      2. Eng m AweSomE


  47. On account of the week (A) / long strike the factory (B) / was forced to close and (C)/ next month’s shipment will delay. (D)/ No error. (E)

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


          1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


          2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. PHOENIX

      Will be delayed

    3. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. Eng m AweSomE


      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      2. %%%

        mam how we identify ….will or would ..be used here

        1. there is noting like uncertainty here

  48. There are many (A) /ways in which (B) /inflation can (C) /be measure. (D)/ No error (D)

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


  49. The resignation of (A)/ one of our directors (B) /have caused the price (C) / of shares to fall. (D)/ No error (E)

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. PHOENIX

      Has caused

    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    4. !SAY MY NAME!


    5. !!??♓??✅??*!!


      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        oooo sirr…kha the kall sb aapko kitnaa miss kr rhe thee..:))) lolzzz

        1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

          Ohhhh sachhhi:)))
          Ge sirr:))

          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            dekh lo sir kl k 11 o clock k comments aap..:)))

          2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    6. C

      have -> has

      resignation has caused

  50. Most of the (A) /newly recruited officers (B) /has no experience (C) /in the banking sector. (D)/
    No error (E)

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. Eng m AweSomE


    4. !SAY MY NAME!


    5. $קгค๔єєק$


  51. He has ruined (A) /his eyesight (B) /by not using (C) /his spectacles regularly. (D)/ No error (E)

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!


      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

        Bhai cgl ho gaya???

        1. Gusto

          nhi yr .. tumhara ?


    Mam pls give some tough questions..

    1. Eng m AweSomE

      preli clear kr lo pehele

      1. PHOENIX

        hoga, zarur hoga…..pre & main prep should go hand in hand.

  53. CHINA is so vast, it quickly becomes the largest market for almost anything it (1)_______ . Such is the case with bottled water. Chinese drink 40 billion litres (70 billion pints) of the stuff each year, up over 13-fold since 1998. That growth has a long way to go if China ever consumes as much per person as Mexico. But finding clean (2)______ is difficult; rivers, lakes and even groundwater in China are often (3)______ . Hence the huge demand for a seemingly inexhaustible source of (4)______ water that is cheap to extract, sells at a premium and can now, thanks to massive (5)_____ in infrastructure, be taken to coastal cities: Tibetan glaciers.

    A) devours
    B) consumes
    C) expends
    D) produce

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        ek din k agyaaatwas mn kha chle gye the sirrjeeee…:hehhee

        1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

          Kya baat h sirrr ek din bhi na kata hamare bina:)))

          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            nhi sirr hm to kisi k bna kaat lee but jo aap se juda hota h wo effrct krta h to agr aap hoge to aap se jude persons b calm rhene naa isly

          2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Hahahaha….aisa h:))))

          3. $קгค๔єєק$

            jiiiii aisa hhh…:))) hahahhaha

          4. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Itne bhi achee na h hmm sirr hehehe;))))

    3. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. B

      Read the next line. Such is the case with bolted water. Chinese drinks…. Means they are consuming.

  54. Gusto

    1-Would and will are both auxiliary modal verbs.
    2-.Will is used to talk about definite future actions.
    3-.Will is used to talk about:– quick decisions, promises, offers and a likely prediction
    4.-Would is used to talk about:– invitations, requests, asking permission, talking about preferences and making arrangements.
    **Both will and would can be used in conditional statements

    1. %%%

      sir any site where we learn grammar rules ??

  55. CHINA is so vast, it quickly becomes the largest market for almost anything it (1)_______ . Such is the case with bottled water. Chinese drink 40 billion litres (70 billion pints) of the stuff each year, up over 13-fold since 1998. That growth has a long way to go if China ever consumes as much per person as Mexico. But finding clean (2)______ is difficult; rivers, lakes and even groundwater in China are often (3)______ . Hence the huge demand for a seemingly inexhaustible source of (4)______ water that is cheap to extract, sells at a premium and can now, thanks to massive (5)_____ in infrastructure, be taken to coastal cities: Tibetan glaciers.

    A) stock
    B) material
    C) supplies
    D) tools

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. !SAY MY NAME!


    3. C

      for water – stock will not fit, supplies is correct.

    4. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  56. CHINA is so vast, it quickly becomes the largest market for almost anything it (1)_______ . Such is the case with bottled water. Chinese drink 40 billion litres (70 billion pints) of the stuff each year, up over 13-fold since 1998. That growth has a long way to go if China ever consumes as much per person as Mexico. But finding clean (2)______ is difficult; rivers, lakes and even groundwater in China are often (3)______ . Hence the huge demand for a seemingly inexhaustible source of (4)______ water that is cheap to extract, sells at a premium and can now, thanks to massive (5)_____ in infrastructure, be taken to coastal cities: Tibetan glaciers.

    A) foul
    B) heinous
    C) clean
    D) flawed

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. A

      foul- containing or full of noxious matter; polluted.

  57. CHINA is so vast, it quickly becomes the largest market for almost anything it (1)_______ . Such is the case with bottled water. Chinese drink 40 billion litres (70 billion pints) of the stuff each year, up over 13-fold since 1998. That growth has a long way to go if China ever consumes as much per person as Mexico. But finding clean (2)______ is difficult; rivers, lakes and even groundwater in China are often (3)______ . Hence the huge demand for a seemingly inexhaustible source of (4)______ water that is cheap to extract, sells at a premium and can now, thanks to massive (5)_____ in infrastructure, be taken to coastal cities: Tibetan glaciers.

    A) spotless
    B) affected
    C) pristine
    D) original

    1. !SAY MY NAME!


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    3. Eng m AweSomE


    4. $קгค๔єєק$


    5. C

      pristine- clean and fresh as if new

  58. CHINA is so vast, it quickly becomes the largest market for almost anything it (1)_______ . Such is the case with bottled water. Chinese drink 40 billion litres (70 billion pints) of the stuff each year, up over 13-fold since 1998. That growth has a long way to go if China ever consumes as much per person as Mexico. But finding clean (2)______ is difficult; rivers, lakes and even groundwater in China are often (3)______ . Hence the huge demand for a seemingly inexhaustible source of (4)______ water that is cheap to extract, sells at a premium and can now, thanks to massive (5)_____ in infrastructure, be taken to coastal cities: Tibetan glaciers.

    A) speculation
    B) investment
    C) bargain
    D) reserve

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    2. $קгค๔єєק$



    INVESTORS have poured billions of dollars into “fintech” startups, creating hundreds of new firms (6)______ to shake up lending, payments, broking and data, among other financial niches. Insurance, however, has not yet been subject to the same melee. That may be changing.

    Insurance is tricky to break into, for two reasons. The most important is regulation. Health insurance—or its American version, at least—may be the most heavily regulated industry in the world. Before a company can even offer a policy, it must have multiple (7)_____ from state and often city agencies and then negotiate agreements with local hospitals.

    A) preserved
    B) challenged
    C) determined
    D) supreme

      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

        Bhai k9 namskar;))

        1. ADK

          Namaskar brother. :))

    1. Eng m AweSomE


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  60. $קгค๔єєק$

    next question????

  61. Insurance is tricky to break into, for two reasons. The most important is regulation. Health insurance—or its American version, at least—may be the most heavily regulated industry in the world. Before a company can even offer a policy, it must have multiple (7)_____ from state and often city agencies and then negotiate agreements with local hospitals.

    A) approvals
    B) blessing
    C) support
    D) refusal

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. !SAY MY NAME!


    4. A

      as it is heavily regulated hence it required approval.

  62. Running the (8)_______ of these regulations is a costly and time-consuming process. A company that set up shop today could not issue any policies before 2018 at the very earliest, says Mario Schlosser, chief executive of Oscar, a company founded in 2012 to provide health insurance to individuals online. It has attracted attention not least because it has managed to secure all the necessary paperwork.

    A) business
    B) policy
    C) gauntlet
    D) challenge

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. C

      run the gauntlet- to suffer severe tribulation(trouble or suffering.)

  63. The second obstacle is capital. Fintech firms typically receive (9)_____ from venture capitalists to pay for salaries, systems, bright and airy offices and an eternal smorgasbord for employees, but not to support a big balance-sheet. Many tend to (10)_____ their operations to avoid holding risky assets for any length of time, acting more as intermediaries between creditors and borrowers, investors and investments, or the sender of some money and the recipient.

    A) obstruction
    B) backing
    C) mislay
    D) judgement


    A) complex
    B) mitigate
    C) structure
    D) network

      1. Adi Nene

        Chicken biryani

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    4. B) backing

      C) structure- arrange according to a plan

      1. %%%

        backing from venture …..means?

        1. ADK

          financial support

  64. That s all for today

    GN 🙂

    1. Gusto

      Ty mam!!!
      Gn 🙂

    2. !SAY MY NAME!

      thank you good night.

    3. $קгค๔єєק$

      gud nyt mam……..swt drmzzz tc..:))

    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      GN MA’AM
      TY 🙂

    5. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      Thanku shubhu maam;))

    6. %%%

      thanku mam :))

  65. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    1. Jellyfish

      Aaj to mood nahi baki log kya soch the dekho

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


  66. Jellyfish

    Ge frds

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. Jellyfish

        Ge chasmu

    2. $קгค๔єєק$

      jiii gud eve..

      1. Jellyfish

        Ge pradeep bro

  67. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    151. The RBI has suggested use of PKI ,which is a set of hardware, and software that
    enables users of internet to securely and privately exchange data and money by using
    a pair of public and private cryptographic passwords, stands for:
    A) Public Key Initiative
    B) Public Key Information
    C) Public Key Interference
    D) Public Key Introduction
    E) Public Key Infrastructure

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      E) Public Key Infrastructure

  68. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    152. Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF), with the sole objective of giving
    low cost fund support to state govts and State Owned Corporations, was instituted in:
    A) SIDBI
    C) State Bank of India
    D) Central Bank of India
    E) None of these

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      B) NABARD

    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  69. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    153. Many a times we read in financial newspapers about a term “loan syndication”.
    What exactly is loan syndication?
    A) In loan syndication, more than one debtors apply for a loan to one creditor
    B) In loan syndication, more than one creditors come together to provide single loan
    C) In loan syndication, more than one creditors come together to provide multiple
    D) Both 2) & 3)
    E) All of the above

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      B) In loan syndication, more than one creditors come together to provide single loan

  70. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    154. Which one of the following methods is currently used in India to issue note?
    A) Fixed Fiduciary System
    B) Maximum Fiduciary System
    C) Proportional Reserve System
    D) Percentage Reserve System
    E) Minimum Reserve System

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      E) Minimum Reserve System

  71. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    155. Indian Banks Association (IBA) has a common networking system for sharing the
    ATM facilities located in Mumbai, which is known as
    A) Indian Clearing House
    B) Cash Network
    C) ATM network
    D) Shared Payment System Network
    E) None of these

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      D) Shared Payment System Network

    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  72. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    156. A short term govt security paper is called
    A) Share
    B) Debenture
    C) Mutual fund
    D) Treasury bill
    E) None of these

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      D) Treasury bill

  73. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  74. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    157. Which of the following statements is true ____
    I) All term deposits are interest bearing deposits.
    II) Term deposits are non-transaction deposits.
    III) Cheques can be issued on short-term deposits.
    A) I and II
    B) I only
    C) II only
    D) Both I and III
    E) None of these

      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

        Aate hi sad..why??

        1. Riya Naz??

          meko kuch ni aata

          1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Bo to hmee bhi nhi aata..

          2. Riya Naz??

            it ll come

          3. !!??♓??✅??*!!


          4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            mujhe bhi ni ata :((

          5. Riya Naz??

            dearuuuu atleast u r trying

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      A) I and II

    3. $קгค๔єєק$


    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


  75. Riya Naz??


    1. Adi Nene

      G.e jieee

      1. Riya Naz??

        jeee 0_0

        1. Adi Nene

          Jiee ante andi ane kada hindi lo

          1. Riya Naz??

            avunu, ento maryadha

          2. Adi Nene

            Ee madya touch lo leruga samayamanam lo vachina gap valla puttukochina gouravam anukondi…☺☺

          3. Riya Naz??

            grandhikam ekkuvynatlundhi, kastha telugu vaadatharaa

          4. Adi Nene

            Nikosame nerchukunna nitho matladakapote yelaa

          5. Riya Naz??

            na mokam ne mokam

          6. Adi Nene

            Naa mohanikem iendi konchem atu etuga allu arjun la untaa

          7. Riya Naz??

            omg allu arjunaaaa ,, kompatheesi duvvada jagannadham needhenaa 😀

          8. Adi Nene

            Uhu,naadi s/o satya murthi

          9. Riya Naz??

            suuper daanikante race gurram analsindhi

          10. Adi Nene

            Evanni kaadule future lo nazria tho mvi tiste a.a aa mvi name cheptale..

          11. Riya Naz??

            hahah adhi laavypoindhi

          12. Adi Nene

            Ayusha valla fat loss oil vaadi sanna padtundile…

          13. Riya Naz??

            antha kastapadi daanne endhuko.. inka chaalaa mandhi unnaruga

          14. Adi Nene

            Nv nenu cheppina s/o satyamurthi title oppukoleduga anduke,a.a tho nazriya act chesina mvi iete opkuntavani alaa

          15. Riya Naz??

            haha,, smart

          16. Adi Nene

            Gn..riya naz..

          17. Adi Nene

            Ee madya discus loki raalede?

          18. Riya Naz??

            house shift ayyamu net undadhugaaa mari

  76. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    158. What is the maximum balance amount that is eligible for earning interest in a
    Normal savings bank account?
    A) ` 2.5 Lakh
    B) ` 3.5 Lakh
    C) ` 2 Lakh
    D) No limit
    E) None of these

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      D) No limit

  77. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    159. Which of the following is not a primary function of a bank?
    A) Facilitating import of goods
    B) Issuing Bank Drafts
    C) Granting Loans
    D) Selling Gold / Silver Coins
    E) None of these

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      A) Facilitating import of goods

    4. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


  78. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    160. Which one of the following is not a salient feature of Debit Card?
    A) No interest earning for banks
    B) Works like a normal withdrawal
    C) 45 days credit is given to the card holder
    D) Can be used at ATM and POS
    E) None of these

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      C) 45 days credit is given to the card holder

    4. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


  79. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    161. Savings bank accounts are opened by ______
    A) Individuals for savings purposes
    B) Limited Companies and Partnerships for Savings purposes
    C) Traders and Manufactures for business purposes
    D) Co-operative banks for savings
    E) None of these

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      A) Individuals for savings purposes

    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  80. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    162. In which one of the following issues can SEBI penalize any company in India I)
    Violation of Banking Regulation Act. II) Violation of Foreign Portfolio of Investment
    guidelines. III) For violation of Negotiable Instrument Act.
    A) Only II
    B) Only I
    C) Both I and II
    D) Both II and III
    E) None of these

    1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      D) Both II and III

  81. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

    Az itni der me khula ??

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


        1. $קгค๔єєק$


          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            meee finee…aap kaisi??

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

        Very slow ??

        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

          your net 😛

          1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

            Jio ?

          2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            hahahah jio mr gya 😀

          3. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

            Sach me ?

    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      Finally khul gaya;))

      1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

        9 baje aai ??

        1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

          Omg itni derrr..mai to mobile ko dustbin m fake deta;):p

          1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

            Fir kaha se laungi naya ??

          2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Baad m utha lete:pp

    4. Eng m AweSomE


  82. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    163. Resident foreign currency account can open only for-
    A) Public Sector Banks

    B) Scheduled Commercial Banks
    C) Private Sector Banks
    D) Regional Rural Banks
    E) None of these

    1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


        1. $קгค๔єєק$


        2. Riya Naz??

          yup its nazriya

          1. AB

            gd mrng ………cgl hogeya apki?

          2. Riya Naz??

            ni 22nd .. apko?

          3. Riya Naz??

            wowww atb

    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    3. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      B) Scheduled Commercial Banks

  83. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    164. The full form of SPNS is-
    A) Sharing process network system

    B) Shared payment network system
    C) Shared procedural network system
    D) Shortest possible networking system
    E) None of these

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!


      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

        Bbb h

    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      B) Shared payment network system

  84. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

    Sab mera mazak banate ? ?

    1. Jellyfish

      Mail nahi

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      noi noi pagal jio ka :*

    3. $קгค๔єєק$

      ooo achha…:)

    4. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      Kha bhi lenge koi na dont worry:p

    5. Eng m AweSomE


  85. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    165. Which of the following is the safest form of crossing-
    A) Double crossing

    B) Special crossing
    C) Account payee crossing
    D) General crossing
    E) None of these

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      C) Account payee crossing

      1. Adi Nene

        Can u provide individual def for each option

        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

          yes after quiz

    4. RV@DON

      Special crossing

    5. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


  86. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    166. Which of the following is true about co-operative banks?
    A) They have profit as their main motive
    B) They are established under the cooperative societies act
    C) All are scheduled bank
    D) All of the above
    E) None of these

    1. RV@DON

      ) They are established under the cooperative societies act

    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    3. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


    4. $קгค๔єєק$


    5. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      B) They are established under the cooperative societies act

  87. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

    What is account payee crossing?

    1. RV@DON

      will be paid in account only….

      1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

        Tq ☺

  88. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    167. M1 , M2 , M3, and M4 is used to measure _____ ?
    A) Balance of payment
    B) Unemployment
    C) Money supply
    D) Industrial production
    E) None of these

    1. RV@DON

      ) Money supply

    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


    4. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    5. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      C) Money supply

  89. Maahi!!

    Bye chashmish… Ninni coming 🙁

    1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

      Good night ?

    2. RV@DON

      itni jaldi

      1. Maahi!!

        Hmmm tired

    3. Adi Nene

      Ninni means

    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      ok gn

    5. $קгค๔єєק$

      by sir…:)

      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

        Chasmish ko bol only:(

        1. $קгค๔єєק$

          sir bolu unko??? hehhehe

          1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Kon miss kiya meko :??

          2. $קгค๔єєק$

            10 bje k bd jitne aaye the sb nee..

  90. Jellyfish

    Kitne hai aur?

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


  91. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    168. Small loans provided by the Banks to very poor families without any collateral
    security is popularly known as ____?
    A) Micro finance
    B) Project finance
    C) Macro finance
    D) Personal finance
    E) None of these

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    3. RV@DON

      A) Micro finance

    4. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


    5. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      A) Micro finance

  92. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    169. Which of the following in not the part of the scheduled banking structure in
    A) Private sector bank
    B) Public sector banks
    C) Money lenders
    D) RRB
    E) None of these

    1. RV@DON

      C) Money lenders

    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      C) Money lenders

  93. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    170. Which of the following is not part of priority sector?
    A) Residence loan
    B) Animal husbandry
    C) RRB
    D) Private sector bank
    E) None of these

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      A) Residence loan

    3. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


  94. RV@DON

    Microfinance and macrofinance are often confused. Microfinance is an individual-focused, community-based approach to provide financial services to poor individuals who lack access to the mainstream finances. Microfinance services include microcredit, microsavings, and microinsurance. Microfinance aims to make individuals self-sufficient by offering timely funding, helping them learn skills, and establishing a stable means of livelihood. (See related: An Introduction to Microfinance.) Macrofinance deals with the overall economy at the larger regional or national level. It involves drafting policies, initiating programs like subsidies, or funding and operating multi-year development plans with an aim to generate employment. Macrofinance aims for overall economic development more broadly.

  95. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    171. Contribution of Central Government, State Government and Sponsored Bank in
    paid up capital of Regional Rural Banks is in the ratio of ______ ?
    A) 55 : 30 : 15
    B) 50 : 20 : 30
    C) 50 : 15 : 35
    D) 55 : 15 : 30
    E) None of these

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      C) 50 : 15 : 35

  96. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    172. The Economic survey is compiled by the ____
    A) Central Board of Direct Taxes
    B) Ministry of Home Affairs
    C) Ministry of Rural Development
    D) Ministry of Finance
    E) None of these

    1. RV@DON

      D) Ministry of Finance

    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      D) Ministry of Finance

  97. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    173. Which of the following is generally referred to as a ‘Broader’ measures of money
    A) M0
    B) M4
    C) M1
    D) M3
    E) None of these

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      D) M3

    2. $קгค๔єєק$


  98. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    174. Budget is an instrument of –
    A) Commercial policy of the government
    B) Fiscal policy of the Government
    C) Monetary policy of the government
    D) Money-saving policy of the government
    E) None of these

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    3. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      B) Fiscal policy of the Government

  99. RV@DON

    M0 and M1, also called narrow money, normally include coins and notes in circulation and other money equivalents that are easily convertible into cash. M2 includes M1 plus short-term time deposits in banks and 24-hour money market funds. M3 includes M2 plus longer-term time deposits and money market funds with more than 24-hour maturity. The exact definitions of the three measures depend on the country. M4 includes M3 plus other deposits. The term broad money is used to describe M2, M3 or M4, depending on the local practice.

  100. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    175. CRR refers to the share of _____ that rural banks have to maintain with RBI of
    their net demand and time liabilities?
    A) Liquid cash
    B) Gold
    C) Forex reserves
    D) Illiquid cash
    E) None of these

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      A) Liquid cash

    2. RV@DON

      A) Liquid cash

    3. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    4. $קгค๔єєק$


    5. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


  101. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

      Tq ☺ ☺

    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    3. $קгค๔єєק$

      10kss..have a nyc day gud nyt sd tc..:)

    4. RV@DON

      Many thanks…..

    5. Adi Nene

      Def for dfrnt crossings

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        ok sir

          1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            TYPES OF CHEQUES-

            1) BEARER CHEQUE- Bearer cheque are the cheques which withdrawn to the cheque’s owner.These types of cheques normally used for cash transaction.

            2) ORDER CHEQUE-
            Order cheque are the cheques which is withdrawn for the payee(the cheque withdrawn for whose person).Before withdrawn to that payee,banks cross check the identity of the payee.

            3) CROSSED CHEQUE-
            On that type of cheques two parallel line made on the upper part of the cheques,then that cheques formed to crossed cheques.This type of cheques payment does not formed in cash while the payment of that type pf cheques transferred to the payee account and the normal person’s account who recommend by the holder on the cheque..

            When two parallel lines along with a crossed made on the cheque and the word ‘ACCOUNT PAYEE’ written between these lines,then that types of cheques are called account payee cheque.The payment of the account payee cheque taken place on the person,firm or company on which name the cheque issue.

            When two parallel lines along with a crossed made on the cheque and the word ‘COMPANY’ written between these lines,then that types of cheques are called company crossed cheques.Then type of withdrawn does not taken in cash while the person on which the cheque issue,transferred on its account.Normally crossed cheque and company crossed cheque are same.

            6) STALE CHEQUE-
            If any cheque issue by a holder does not get withdrawn from the bank till three months,then that type of cheques are called stale cheque.

            7) POST DATED CHEQUE-
            If any cheque issue by a holder to the payee for the upcoming withdrawn date,then that type of cheques are called post dated cheque.

            8) ANTI DATED CHEQUE
            If any cheque issue for the upcoming withdrawn date but it withdraw before the date printed on the cheque,then that type of cheques are called anti dated cheques.

    6. AB

      ty ty anjali 😛

    7. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      Tq Anju:))

  102. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


    1. Eng m AweSomE


      1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????


  103. %%%

    maths quiz ??

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


      1. %%%

        nhi hoti ab ??

        1. $קгค๔єєק$

          hogi but kuch days bt thoda technical issue ki wjh se abi suspended h..:)

          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            jiii shukriya aapka..:)

  104. Eng m AweSomE

    SLR=gold cash gov security

    1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

      Vahi to bola tha ??

      1. Eng m AweSomE

        sirf gold bola

        1. S.Niharikabhai ??????????

          Option padh k bola

          1. Eng m AweSomE


  105. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    When two parallel lines along with a crossed made on the cheque and the word ‘ACCOUNT PAYEE’ written between these lines,then that types of cheques are called account payee cheque.The payment of the account payee cheque taken place on the person,firm or company on which name the cheque issue.

    1. RV@DON

      If possible weekend me revise karwa diya karo na pure week…..

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        okay :))

  106. Jellyfish

    Hindi quiz start hua??

    1. $קгค๔єєק$

      kab ka khtm ho chuka..:)

    2. Eng m AweSomE

      bengali hoga ab se

    3. $קгค๔єєק$

      today it was for 1/2 an hour at 7.30 pm

      1. Jellyfish

        7 pm daily?

        1. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      7pm daily

  107. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    1) BEARER CHEQUE- Bearer cheque are the cheques which withdrawn to the cheque’s owner.These types of cheques normally used for cash transaction.

    Order cheque are the cheques which is withdrawn for the payee(the cheque withdrawn for whose person).Before withdrawn to that payee,banks cross check the identity of the payee.

    On that type of cheques two parallel line made on the upper part of the cheques,then that cheques formed to crossed cheques.This type of cheques payment does not formed in cash while the payment of that type pf cheques transferred to the payee account and the normal person’s account who recommend by the holder on the cheque.

    When two parallel lines along with a crossed made on the cheque and the word ‘ACCOUNT PAYEE’ written between these lines,then that types of cheques are called account payee cheque.The payment of the account payee cheque taken place on the person,firm or company on which name the cheque issue.

    When two parallel lines along with a crossed made on the cheque and the word ‘COMPANY’ written between these lines,then that types of cheques are called company crossed cheques.Then type of withdrawn does not taken in cash while the person on which the cheque issue,transferred on its account.Normally crossed cheque and company crossed cheque are same.

    If any cheque issue by a holder does not get withdrawn from the bank till three months,then that type of cheques are called stale cheque.

    If any cheque issue by a holder to the payee for the upcoming withdrawn date,then that type of cheques are called post dated cheque.

    If any cheque issue for the upcoming withdrawn date but it withdraw before the date printed on the cheque,then that type of cheques are called anti dated cheques.

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        hehe mam noi adi

        1. Adi Nene

          I dnt know hindi

  108. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Ab kya hoga???

    1. $קгค๔єєק$

      dangal dangal …:)

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


        1. $קгค๔єєק$


      2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

        Aree wow jii;))

        1. $קгค๔єєק$


      3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

        Or sir kaise rhe itne dino tk hamre bina??

        1. $קгค๔єєק$

          mein always pehle jaise tha wase hi hu haa aapka langotiya yaar aapko ydd kr rha thaa hlolzzzz..:)

          1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Haha sachii…kahan h abhi :))

          2. $קгค๔єєק$

            shaam ko tha kal wale page mn shyd ga ki quiz tk aa jye

          3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Paras na??

          4. $קгค๔єєק$

            nhi..__/__ yh h aapka langotiya yaar

          5. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Haha ye kon h??

          6. $קгค๔єєק$

            aapka langotiya yr h aapko ni pta lolzzzzzzz

          7. $קгค๔єєק$

            noi sirrr aapki clozz and dual frnd h aapki…:)))

          8. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Areeyyy kya khe rhe ho yrrrr….kuch samjh hi na a rha:((

          9. $קгค๔єєק$

            mee yh kh rha ki wo aapki jigri dost h…lko bali..:)

          10. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Hang pr aao

  109. GujjU PoOH_N!T

    cacti ki GA quiz kb hoti?

    1. $קгค๔єєק$

      11 bje sirjeee

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

        itni rat ko kon krta quizzzz

        1. $קгค๔єєק$

          jiii sirrrr

          1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            rrb de rhe?

          2. $קгค๔єєק$

            bhr dia h sirjeee dena h…:)))

          3. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            haha ok sirjeee

  110. Hemant ahuja

    Aaj cacti ki gk quiz nhi hgi.uska msg aaya frends

    1. $קгค๔єєק$

      okkk bhaiiii…:)))

  111. Hemant ahuja

    Pradeep tere ko hang pr ping kiya check kr

    1. $קгค๔єєק$

      okkk dekhta hu avi

      1. Hemant ahuja

        Id to de pehle

        1. $קгค๔єєק$


          1. Hemant ahuja

            Dekh ab

          2. $קгค๔єєק$


  112. Hemant ahuja

    Hindi quiz tomoorro by 7 pm by cacti

    1. $קгค๔єєק$

      okkk jiiii sharp at 7 pm..:))

    1. $קгค๔єєק$

      aaj no quizzz broo….:)

        1. $קгค๔єєק$


      1. RaMpAgE

        ty bro :))

      2. RaMpAgE

        but kiun bhai??

        1. $קгค๔єєק$

          ni pta bro…ek frnd ka msg niche h usme likha h ki ga ki quizz ni hogi aaj…:))

          1. RaMpAgE

            ok bhai GN :))

          2. $קгค๔єєק$

            gud nyt bhai tk care swt drmzzzzz…:))

        2. $קгค๔єєק$

          Aaj cacti ki gk quiz nhi hgi.uska msg aaya frends

          1. RaMpAgE

            ok bro 🙂

  113. _/_

    aaj kya kya hua tha yhan pe
    maths eng hui thi?

  114. cActi~HEALER


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