Directions(1-10): In each of the questions below four sentences are given which are denoted by A, B, C and D By using all the four sentences you have to frame a meaningful para. The correct order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order of the sentences.
- (A) Jesus wanted his followers to live like light.
(B) It is not meant to change a situation or a person.
(C) Light is that which when given, enables that which is already present to be recognised.
(D)Light has no content.ADBCDCBAABCDCBADBCDAOption A
- (A) The techniques and theories are many but the aim is one — to lead us to a non-dualistic state of mind where we feel one with our Creator.
(B) Meditation is done to quieten the mind, to control thoughts and to move on a path of higher consciousness.
(C)It generates tolerance, stillness in mind and a general feeling of well-being.
(D)It brings about an intimate feeling of oneness with everyone and with the entire universe.ABDCDABCCADBBCADCBADOption D
- (A) One group of emotions makes us feel restless and uneasy, the other brings about balance and harmony.
(B) We label the two as positive and negative.
(C)All emotions flow from two basic emotions — love and fear.
(D)It also encourages us to accept the happy ones and reject the others.ABCDDCBABCADCABDBCDAOption D
- (A) Also, the police needs to be more cooperative and encourage people to come forward with information.
(B) We must remember that a predominant section of the minority community has nothing to do with nefarious activities, but unforunately keeps quiet out of fear or a false sense of brotherhood.
(C) Bomb blasts can only be controlled by a vigilant public which notices and reports suspicious activities.
(D)The people in the largely minority localities need to be extra-vigilant.ABCDDACBCBDAADBCBADCOption C
- (A) Although the Constitution provides for the removal of a judge through impeachment, it is silent on deviant behaviour not amounting to proven misbehaviour.
(B) It has been left to Parliament to decide on a case-to-case basis.
(C)The issue of disciplining the judges is, of course, a tougher one.
(D)But no laws have been enacted by the Parliament for investigating misconduct of judges.ABCDDCBACDABBCADCABDOption E
- (A) A comparison with China is also irrelevant.
(B) The apprehension of a slowdown is perhaps exaggerated.
(C)It is too early to say what impact the latest judgement will have on economic reforms.
(D)A democracy proceeds at its own pace, through the process of checks and balances.ABCDDCBAACDBCDABCBADOption E
- (A) For the poor, the sick, the hungry, the homeless and the unemployed, peace is release from poverty, is healthcare, is a meal, is a roof, is a job.
(B) It is now generally understood that peace is much more than the absence of war.
(C)What is not as universally acknowledged is how much more, and how the essence of peace beyond war varies critically from person to person.
(D)There is no peace, it is true, without freedom from fear, but there is no peace without freedom from want.BCADABCDCBDADBACADBCOption A
- (A) It is human to find fault with others.
(B) The prejudices thus acquired blunt our power to reason and we become less receptive to new thoughts and ideas.
(C)We get conditioned unconsciously through subtle environmental influence.
(D)We also tend to give our own interpretation to doctrines.DCBACBADBADCADCBBCADOption D
- (A) This is evident from the fact that there are parties which favour disinvestment in the states under their control while opposing it at the Central level.
(B) It is pity, though, that there is an element of dishonesty behind this rupture.
(C)However, the earlier agreements on the reforms process seem to have broken down because of political compulsions.
(D)It would obviously have been easier for the government if a consensus existed among the political parties on the matter of disinvestment.ABCDDCBACDABBCADACBDOption B
- (A) In an ugly throwback to the dark decade of the 1980s, Assam is once more in the grip of an intense anti-immigrant frenzy.
(B) With elements from the extremist outfits actively aiding and abetting the mass violence, the situation on the ground has rapidly spiralled out of control.
(C)Across large parts of the state, armed mobs have taken to the streets, targeting the life and property of the Hindi-speaking community.
(D)While the state government can legitimately accuse the Centre of not sending in enough forces to put down the violence, it has only itself to blame for not heeding the danger signals early enough.DCBAACBDCDABDBCABDACOption B
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