Directions: In each of the questions below four sentences are given which are denoted by A, B, C and D By using all the four sentences you have to frame a meaningful para. The correct order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order of the sentences.
- (A) So it needn’t cause any moral outrage that cricket superstar Sachin should ask the government to waive the roadworthiness test for his new Ferrari.
(B) Fearing that the state-of-the-art car is not compatible to Indian road conditions, he has sought to avoid the Indian road test.
(C) Earlier , a hue and cry was raised over his asking for a duty waiver for the same car, gifted to him by auto giant, Fiat.
(D) Excellence must be rewarded, only then will more people be inspired to excel.ABCDDABCBCADCDABCABDOption B - (A) A freedom that is limitless has no meaning— there can be no right without a corresponding duty.
(B) Also, a distinction needs to be made between freedom and licence.
(C) However, we have not evolved a corresponding awareness about the value of restraint and self-control.
(D)We are all acutely conscious of our right to freedom.DCABABCDCABDBACDBCDAOption A - (A) By contrast, our homes are often scenes of strife and rivalry.
(B) So, it would be better for the sake of humanity if pace, harmony and divinity prevails on earth.
(C) It is easier to visualise God in the starry heavens than in our own homes.
(D) The stars, so remote from our humdrum earthly existence, suggest to our minds
infinite stillness, harmony and wisdom.ABCDDCBACDABBCADADCBOption C - (A) Language, it was once said, is a dialect backed by an army.
(B) Despite more than 50 years of state sponsorship, neither Urdu nor Hindi, at least in its official incarnation, has gained the allegiance of the people at large.
(C) Yet, the history of ‘national’ languages in the region tells a very different story.
(D)On the face of it, this is perhaps more true of the Indian subcontinent than any other part of the world.ADCBBDCADCBACDBACABDOption A - A) We should judge and determine if our acts are correct, whether they are appropriate before the Lord who has granted us life.
(B) We should live in a manner that material considerations and personal benefits don’t matter.
(C) Every one of us should find the time for meditation and communion with the Almighty.
(D) If we find we have acted properly, we should fear no one.DCBAABCDCADBACBDDACBOption C - (A) An individual’s decline begins with desire and ends in misery.
(B) Animals take life as it comes, but when man fails to do a certain thing or to possess certain things, he gets angry and slips into mental depression.
(C) To keep the mind happy, we have to learn to be content with minimum wants.
(D)Human beings are the only species in God’s creation who make an issue out of nothing.BACDDCBAABCDDBACACBDOption D - (A) There are times in history when political formations need to look beyond ideological strait-jackets.
(B) Such junctures demand imaginative reading of the present political moment and a break from rehearsed responses.
(C) It now needs to decide whether to be part of a ruling dispensation in New Delhi or not.
(D) Poll 2004 has placed before the Left a challenge that it had once refused to take on.BDCADABCCDABABDCBCDAOption D - (A) Independent statehood is touted as a remedy for such lopsided development.
(B) With state governments according unequal priority to different regions within a state, some parts are inevitably neglected.
(C) The principal argument in favour of smaller states is that of regional imbalance.
(D) But there is little evidence to suggest that the creation of smaller states has actually resolved the issue.CBADDABCBDACDBCAADBCOption A - (A) On the contrary, the new states have been successful in containing socially divisive tendencies by taking on board the interests of hitherto marginalised sections of the
(B) The process needs to be encouraged.
(C) This has led to a more equitable distribution of political power as well as economic resources.
(D) There is no empirical evidence to suggest that creation of new states has led to any increase in social tensions.BACDACBDCDABBCDADACBOption E - (A) That is because all vaccines lose their ability to provide protection against disease over a period of time.
(B) Vaccines have saved millions of lives and vast sums of money have gone into preserving the inoculations at low temperatures.
(C) The loss of potency becomes quicker when they are exposed to high temperatures.
(D) In order to maintain their quality, they must be stored at the appropriate temperature from the time they are manufactured right up to the moment of use.DBCACDABACDBBACDCBDAOption D