Mixed English Questions Set 6

Directions (1-5): Following sentences contain 4 bold words each. Find spelling error or grammatical error if any, else mark (E) as your answer. Prosecutors expressed strong dissapointment and said they believe the court’s decision was caused by a difference in legal views on the nature of the allegations against the accused culprit. A) Prosecutors B) dissapointment C) views D) allegations…

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English: Fill in the Blanks Set 6

Last year SBI and IBPS exams introduced English New Pattern Questions. With this RBI also introduced English New Pattern Questions. The type of following questions were asked in RBI Assistant Main Exam held on January 24, 2017. In each of the following questions three statements are given with a missing word in each. You have to fill the blanks of first…

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English: Cloze Test Set 16

Directions: Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: CHINESE authorities have (1)_____ of experience stage-managing nationalistic displays and then suddenly shutting them down. But the latest dispute with Japan—and the ensuing protests in China—has raised tensions to their highest level in years. Japan’s agreement to buy some rocky islands, claimed by both countries, from their private Japanese owner prompted sometimes…

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English: Vocabulary Set 10


1. Cobble – to mend (shoes, boots, etc.); patch, to put together roughly or clumsily. Synonyms: assemble, complete, construct, create, fabricate, mass-produce, synthesize, accomplish, carve, cast, compose, execute, fashion, forge, form, Antonyms: break, demolish, destroy, divide, ruin, separate, abandon Sentence Usage: BJP attempts to cobble up numbers 2. Nascent – beginning to exist or develop. Synonyms: burgeoning, fledgling, growing, incipient,…

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English: Cloze Test Set 15

Directions (1-5): Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:   FOR weeks now, pundits and politicians have been talking excitedly about the coming Shanghai Free Trade Zone (SFTZ). Li Keqiang, China’s prime minister, has personally championed this initiative, which he has indicated will kickstart his new government’s broader plans to liberalise China’s economy. Li Ka-shing, a Hong Kong tycoon who…

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English: Vocabulary Set 9


1. Soporific – tending to induce drowsiness or sleep. Synonyms: sleeping pill, sleeping potion, sedative, calmative, tranquillizer, narcotic, opiate. Antonyms: upsetting, awake, exciting, invigorating, stimulating Sentence Usage: The soporific effect of milk (at bedtime) is an age old tested truth. 2. Insatiable – impossible to satisfy. Synonyms: unquenchable, unappeasable, uncontrollable, voracious, prodigious, gluttonous, greedy, hungry Antonyms: fulfilled, full, pleased, satiable,…

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Mixed English Questions Set 5

Directions (1-5): Fill in the blanks in the passage using appropriate words. The government is (1)_____considering imposing a £1,000-a-year levy on every European Union skilled worker recruited by British employers after Brexit, the immigration minister has (2)______. Home Office minister Robert Goodwill told peers that the “immigration skills levy” could be (3)______ for EU migrants and would “be helpful to…

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