Hello Aspirants
State Bank of India (SBI) is going to conduct examination for its recruitment for the post of Probationary Officers (SBI PO 2018) for a total of 2000 vacancies.
Click here to know the details of the Examination
The examination will be held in three phases i.e. Preliminary Examination, Main Examination and Group Exercise & Interview. The Preliminary Exam is scheduled on 1st, 7th & 8th of July 2018. Details of the exam are as under:
Practice the questions so as to familiarize yourself with the pattern of questions to be asked in the exam.
Directions (1-6):
Aviral, Banya , Caya , Daryl , Elli , Frooti and Gaurav are seven friends living on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order.The lower most floor is numbered one,above one is 2 and so on.The height of them are 53, 50 , 66 , 68 , 55 , 58 and 63.Each on of them likes different WWF superstars i.e. Boogieman , AJ styles , Undertaker, Kane , Stone cold, Hulkhogan and TripleH(not necessarily in same order). Friends who are living in odd numbered floors have their height in even number and friends who are living in even numbered floors have their height in odd number.There are three friends living between Frooti and the one who likes Stone cold. Frooti occupies one of the floors above numbered 5. Only one friend lives between the one who has maximum height and the one who likes AJStyles. There are four friends living between the one who likes AjStyles and the one who likes TripleH. The one who has the maximum height lives on one of the floors above numbered 3 but not on top floor. The height of friends who live on floor numbered 4 and 3 are exactly divisible by 11. The difference between the height of friends who live on ground floor and second floor is three.The difference between the height of the friends who live on top floor and 6th floor is five. There are two friends living between the one who likes Stone cold and Elli.As many friends live between Banya and Daryl are same as between Caya and Gaurav.Neither Banya nor Gaurav like Stone cold and TripleH. Two friends live between who likes Hulkhogan and the one who likes Kane. Only one friend lives between who likes Hulkhogan and the one who likes Boogieman. Aviral lives immediately below Elli.
- Who among the following lives on 3rd floor?
GauravCayaFrootiElliAviralOption B
- Which among the following statements is/are true according to the given information?
More than 3 friends live between Daryl and ElliMore than 3 friends live between the one who likes Boogieman and GOnly 2 friends live between Frooti and ElliOnly 3 friends live between Frooti and BanyaAll are falseOption B
- Who’s height is maximum?
CayaBanyaAviralDarylNone of theseOption C
- How many friends live between the one who likes Kane and Elli?
12345Option D
- Aviral likes which WWF superstar?
UndertakerTripleHKaneBoogiemanNone of theseOption A
- Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group.Which one does not belong to the group?
KaneStonecoldUndertakerHulkhoganAJstylesOption D
If 2 is subtracted from each even digit in the number 876543 and 1 is added to each odd digit then which of the following digits is repeated in the new number so obtained?2,33,44,66,8None of theseOption C
684624 - How many 3’s are there in following sequence which are immediately followed by 5 but not immediately preceded by 8? 8 9 5 5 2 3 5 4 8 4 5 1 1 5 7 5 8 5 3 8 1 6 3 7 8
12345Option A
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In each questions below are given two or more statements.You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts.Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements using all statements together.
a) No S is T.
b) No T is H.
c) No H is P.
a) Some S are P
b) Some T being P is a possibility.a followsb followsEither a or b followsBoth a and b followsNeither a nor b followsOption B
a) All dragon are toys.
b) All toys are smart.
c) No smart is a lion.
a) No toy is a lion.
b) Some dragon being lion is a possibiity.a followsb followsEither a or b followsBoth a and b followsNeither a nor b followsOption A
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