Directions(1-5): Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C), (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) ie ‘No correction required’ as the answer.
- Each of the loan must be approved by the Branch Manager.
Every loanEach one of the loanAny of the loanAll of the loanNo correction requiredOption A
- The issue was taken before the Municipal Corporation meeting last week.
taking place attaken afterbeing taken intaken up atNo correction requiredOption D
- He has asked for the names of those employees involved in the project.
had askedhaving asked aboutwas asked thatis askingNo correction requiredOption E
- Considerate the traffic, it is better to leave for the airport an hour early.
While consideringConsideration ofConsideringBeing considerate toNo correction requiredOption C
- He is a good leader, knowing that to motivate his employees to achieve.
that known whenwho knows howwhich knows howknowing whatNo correction requiredOption B
- After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be the second sentence?
D-C-A-E-B-F - After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be the fourth sentence?
D-C-A-E-B-F - After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be the first sentence?
D-C-A-E-B-F - After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be the Last sentence?
D-C-A-E-B-F - After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be the Third sentence?
Directions(6-10): In each of the questions below sentences are given which are denoted by A, B, C and D By using all the four sentences you have to frame a meaningful para. The correct order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order of the sentences.
D. Of course you chat with your regulars, but long, unsocial hours mean you don’t always have time to meet friends.
C. When you face an issue at work, it can stew for weeks.
A. That’s why one of the best bits of being in a union and taking action has been supporting each other and talking about the issues we face.
E. It’s brought together workers who weren’t friends before, or were in different cliques.
B. We are now united in wanting to make our workplaces better – and it’s working.
F. Even some of our regulars have said they won’t come in on the day of the strike because they think we deserve a better wage.