The following vocabulary words are taken from The Hindu Editorials which are important for the upcoming exams. Add some more words to your English vocabulary list. Flippant – not showing a serious or respectful attitude. Synonyms: frivolous, superficial, shallow, glib, irresponsible, insouciant Antonyms: serious, respectful Usage: Economic Affairs Secretary asked Amazon to desist from being flippant about Indian symbols and…
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Editorials English Vocabulary Words Set 13
The following vocabulary words are taken from The Hindu Editorials which are important for the upcoming exams. Add some more words to your English vocabulary list. Eerily – in a strange and frightening manner. Synonyms: bizarrely, preternaturally, spookily, unnervingly Antonyms: naturally, nicely, ordinarily, pleasantly Usage: The robot looks eerily real. Disgruntle – make (someone) angry or dissatisfied. Synonyms: discontented, aggrieved, resentful, displeased, malcontent Antonyms: happiness,…
Read MoreEditorial Vocabulary Words Set 12
The following words are taken from The Hindu Editorial which are important for the upcoming exams. Add some more words to your vocabulary list. Scrutiny – critical observation or examination. Synonyms:Â audit, perusal, surveillance, exploration Antonyms: glance, cursory look Usage: We have around 45 crore bank accounts and if 1% of such accounts are picked up for scrutiny, that itself will…
Read MoreEnglish: Vocabulary Set 11
The following words are taken from The Hindu Editorial which can be important for the upcoming exams. Add some more words to your vocabulary list. Belligerence – aggressive or warlike behavior. Synonyms: aggressiveness, animosity, aggression, antagonism Antonyms: friendly, peaceable Usage:Â The continuous belligerence of North Korea is only one side of the story. Rhetoric –Â the art of effective speaking or writing…
Read MoreEnglish: Vocabulary Set 10
1. Cobble – to mend (shoes, boots, etc.); patch, to put together roughly or clumsily. Synonyms: assemble, complete, construct, create, fabricate, mass-produce, synthesize, accomplish, carve, cast, compose, execute, fashion, forge, form, Antonyms: break, demolish, destroy, divide, ruin, separate, abandon Sentence Usage: BJP attempts to cobble up numbers 2. Nascent – beginning to exist or develop. Synonyms: burgeoning, fledgling, growing, incipient,…
Read MoreEnglish: Vocabulary Set 9
1. Soporific – tending to induce drowsiness or sleep. Synonyms: sleeping pill, sleeping potion, sedative, calmative, tranquillizer, narcotic, opiate. Antonyms: upsetting, awake, exciting, invigorating, stimulating Sentence Usage: The soporific effect of milk (at bedtime) is an age old tested truth. 2. Insatiable – impossible to satisfy. Synonyms: unquenchable, unappeasable, uncontrollable, voracious, prodigious, gluttonous, greedy, hungry Antonyms: fulfilled, full, pleased, satiable,…
Read MoreEnglish: Vocabulary Set 8
1. Allure – to attract or tempt by something flattering or desirable. Synonyms: attraction, charisma, charm, enticement, glamor Antonyms: repulsion Sentence Usage: Allure of monthly returns 2. Wrangling – to argue or dispute, especially in a noisy or angry manner. Synonyms: bicker, disagree, quarrel, quibble, squabble, tangle, altercate Antonyms: agree, concur, give in, make peace Sentence Usage: the order saw…
Read MoreEnglish: Vocabulary Set 7
1. Grapple – to hold or make fast to something Synonyms: confront, contend, cope, deal with, attack, battle, catch, clash, clasp Antonyms: agree, avoid, be immune, cancel, disconnect, dodge, free, give, idle Sentence Usage: TN grapples with Cyclone HVAC 2. Flak – criticism; hostile reaction; abuse Synonyms: abuse, brickbat, censure, condemnation, disapprobation, disapproval Antonyms: approval, commendation, compliment, endorsement, flattery Sentence…
Read MoreEnglish: Vocabulary Set 6
1. Drubbing – a beating; a thrashing, a resounding defeat in a match or contest. Synonyms: beating, thrashing, walloping, thumping, battering, pounding, pummelling, slapping, smacking, punching, bludgeoning, thwacking, cuffing Antonyms:success, triumph, victory, win Sentence Usage: Scotland’s 3-0 drubbing by France. 2. Lethal – sufficient to cause death, very harmful or destructive Synonyms: fatal, deadly, mortal, causing death, death-dealing, life-threatening, murderous,…
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